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Many executive coaches today find themselves working with leaders from a variety of cultural backgrounds, as well as coaching leaders who work with culturally diverse teams. It is therefore increasingly important that coaches understand the role of culture in their work. This article begins with an overview of several ways that culture plays a role in coaching, including an exploration of how assumptions about culture can positively or negatively impact a coach's approach and their ultimate success with a given individual. A second section provides three general principles for coaching across cultures, emphasizing the importance of using cross-cultural knowledge as a way to customize coaching to each person. The third section focuses on five essential conditions for learning--insight, motivating, capabilities, real-world practice, and accountability--and how cultural differences can influence various steps in the coaching process. A variety of examples for each condition highlight specific tools and techniques that coaches can use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study of two hundred cases of tuberculosis over a span of two years was carried out at the pediatric department of a hospital in Islamabad. The diagnosis was based upon history, clinical examination, chest and other relevant radiography, Mantoux test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and where necessary cerebrospinal, pleural and ascitic fluid examinations and lymph gland histopathology were done. An equal number of male and female children upto 12 years of age were enrolled. The children usually presented with fever, cough, weight loss or failure to thrive and pallor. The most commonly affected age group was between 2-5 years and pulmonary tuberculosis was the most frequent diagnosis followed by tuberculous adenitis.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the expression of major xenobiotic-metabolising cytochrome P450 proteins, and of other enzyme systems, in hepatic and extrahepatic tissues of rabbits rendered atherosclerotic by the dietary administration of 1% cholesterol diets for 8 weeks. Individual cytochrome P450 proteins were monitored using diagnostic substrates and immunologically in Western blot analysis. The activity of all hepatic isoforms studied was depressed in the atherosclerotic animals; when, however, apoprotein levels were determined immunologically, no major differences were evident between the control and the atherosclerotic rabbits. In vitro studies indicated that neither cholesterol nor palm oil inhibited cytochrome P450 activity. The effects of cholesterol treatment leading to atherosclerosis on kidney, heart and lung cytochrome P450 activities were isoform- and tissue-specific; no change was evident in the heart activities, but in the lung and kidney cytochrome P450 activities were clearly modulated by the treatment with cholesterol. Apoprotein levels did not always parallel the changes in activities. Western blot analysis of aortic cytochromes P450 revealed that administration of cholesterol-rich diets enhanced CYP2B and CYP3A apoprotein levels. Cholesterol feeding to rabbits gave rise to a marked decrease in hepatic glutathione S-transferase activity but did not influence glutathione reductase or total glutathione levels. The same treatment had no effect on catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. It is concluded that treatment of rabbits with cholesterol-rich diets leading to atherosclerosis gives rise to profound changes in the expression of cytochrome P450 proteins in the liver and other tissues; possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Presents a scale to measure cross-cultural awareness and understanding in the Canadian context. Rational-empirical scale construction methodologies were used to produce the measure. 55 undergraduates and 10 geologists were used to evaluate items in the scale: The 24 best items were selected as a tentative Cross-Cultural Sensitivity Scale (CCSS). Parallel forms (12-item scales) were developed and tested using 71 undergraduate students. Data demonstrate that the CCSS, both the 24-item and the shorter forms, show reasonable levels of content validity and impressive internal consistency. Further work on this scale is indicated. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Epidemiological research has demonstrated that schizophrenic disorders disorders occur in all countries and in all cultures with a relatively comparable frequency and with the same symptomatics. Furthermore, it was also demonstrated that the incidence of this disorder has not increased in the past 180 years. The clinical epidemiological findings have activated various research approaches: The protective effect of estrogen appears to explain the later occurrence of schizophrenic disorders and their more favourable course in women. Other areas of applied epidemiology (comorbidity research, ecological and social epidemiology) and their effects on suicide prevention are also discussed. Thanks to improved knowledge of prevalence and incidence, of distribution and the various social and ecological factors in schizophrenic disorders epidemiological research has been able to demonstrate that it has acquired increasing significance for basic research.  相似文献   

In most patients of myocardial infarction, beta-blockers are used for secondary prophylaxis and a treadmill test is required for risk stratification. To study the effect of oral beta-blockers on interpretation of treadmill test, 54 consecutive patients were subjected to treadmill test four to six weeks after myocardial infarction. Fourteen patients with strongly positive treadmill test were referred for coronary angiography. Treadmill test was repeated in 37 patients 72 hours after withdrawal of beta-blockers. The peak exercise heart rate was significantly different while off and on beta-blockers (148 +/- 13 bpm vs 124 +/- 14 bpm, respectively; p < 0.01). The test was negative on both the occasions in 17 patients. On stopping beta-blockers, the negative test became mildly positive in five and strongly positive in six patients. The mildly positive test became strongly positive in four patients and remained almost unchanged in five. In 10 patients there was conversion of negative or mildly positive treadmill test into strongly positive result after withdrawal of beta-blockers. Thus the risk stratification changed significantly in 27 percent patients. It is suggested that beta-blockers can and should be withdrawn in post-MI patients before doing treadmill test.  相似文献   

The understanding of the molecular genetics of inherited neuromuscular disorders has unfolded rapidly in recent years. Identification of the genetic defects involved has enhanced diagnosis, prognosis, carrier detection, and prenatal diagnosis and has provided a basis for rational treatment strategies. This review provides an update on the most common neuromuscular disorders that present in childhood, eg, spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophies, and myotonic disorders, and includes information on molecular genetics, pathogenesis, natural history, and experimental therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Movement disorders as a complication of acute hemiplegia of childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluate three cases of acute hemiplegia in childhood complicated by tremor and/or choreoathetosis. Each patient experienced the abrupt onset of hemiplegia thought to be localized to an insult involving the middle cerebral distribution without associated seizure, trauma, loss of consciousness or demonstrable cardiac, hematological or neoplastic causes. All three patients recovered most, if not all, strength on the affected side, but each was left with a disorder of movement involving the previously hemiplegic upper extremity. These disorders included resting and intention tremors, as well as choreoathetosis. Anticholinergic drugs failed in treating two patients, but biofeedback techniques were quite successful in one of the two patients so treated.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the neuroendocrine disorders of childhood. The commonly associated neuroradiologic abnormalities of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis are covered in detail.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study explored psychosocial and "environmental" correlates of childhood anxiety disorders. The study examined relationships among parental psychiatric symptomatology, perceived family environment, temperament, and self-competence in children with a DSM-III-R anxiety disorder. METHOD: A community sample of third through sixth graders was screened initially for symptoms of test anxiety. Those with high and low scores were administered the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Children. Three groups (childhood anxiety disorder, test-anxious only, and normal controls) were identified and compared on the psychosocial variables. RESULTS: Children with an anxiety disorder had greater impairment on the indices of perceived self-competence and temperamental flexibility than controls, with the test-anxious children showing intermediate, yet significant, levels of disturbance. There was a trend for children with an anxiety disorder to describe their families as less promoting of independence than the other groups. Finally, measures of parental psychiatric symptomatology revealed more obsessive-compulsive symptoms for the fathers of both the anxiety disorder and test-anxious children compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Results are consistent with previous findings suggesting the familial transmission of anxiety disorders and recent speculations regarding a relationship between behavioral inhibition, environmental control, and anxiety. Further research may isolate psychosocial and family environmental factors as instrumental treatment targets in the management of childhood anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

The present study explored the differences between completers and terminators (including both refusers and dropouts) of an individual cognitive-behavioral treatment for childhood anxiety. Participants were 190 children with anxiety disorders and their parents: 146 completed treatment and 44 terminated. Terminators were more likely to live in a single-parent household, be ethnic minorities, and self-report less anxious symptomatology. Follow-up interviews indicated that identifiable child factors were influential in terminators' decisions to discontinue treatment. Among terminators, differences between refusers and dropouts were also investigated.  相似文献   

The link between occupation and musculoskeletal disorders has been focused on in numerous research projects, ranging from those simply observing the different pathological findings reported among workers performing particular tasks, down to the latest studies actually quantifying the 'exposure' of workers to physical and psychosocial stimuli. For some disorders and certain tissues, it has been reported that specific types of work-related exposure are associated with the development of musculoskeletal pathologies, and that the relative risks for certain types of occupational exposure can be extremely high. This has been proven in relation to tendinitis of the shoulder and hand-wrist, carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as several localized aspecific musculoskeletal symptoms, such as pain. For other pathologies, the studies reported contradictory results. This is the case for lateral epicondylitis and cervical radiculopathy.  相似文献   

Defined 2 basic classifications of desensitization procedures based on historical methods of treating children's fears—passive association and active participation. The desensitization literature involving clients under age 16 is critically reviewed in terms of these categories. Desensitization is defined as the pairing of either graduated imagined or graduated external stimuli with either relaxation or other responses competitive with anxiety. Desensitization procedures on a vicarious level are also discussed. Clear evidence for the effectiveness of any variant of desensitization with children is limited, since most studies are considered to have offered little improvement over the case study level of investigation. It is speculated that the 2 types of desensitization are not distinct ways of overcoming fear but may be construed as 2 processes on one continuum of gradual exposure to aversive stimuli. Several hypotheses concerning the choice of desensitization methods are discussed. (66 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the occurrence of elevated personality disorder (PD) dimensional scores in a community sample of young adults as a function of the occurrence of Axis I disorders through age 18 years. METHOD: 299 individuals who had been interviewed regarding Axis I disorders twice while in adolescence (first when 14 through 18 years of age) were carefully assessed regarding Axis I and II psychopathology at age 24. RESULTS: The prevalence of PD diagnoses was relatively low (3.8% in participants with a history of Axis I versus 1.7% in participants with no Axis I history). The occurrence of all four Axis I diagnostic categories (major depression, anxiety disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, substance use disorders) in childhood and adolescence was associated with elevated PD dimensional scores. The likelihood of elevated PD dimensional scores increased as a function of the number of Axis I disorders. Elevated PD scores were significantly associated with a negative course of major depression. CONCLUSIONS: Although the rates of PDs were low, the findings suggest a substantial degree of association between early-onset Axis I disorders and Axis II psychopathology in young adulthood. More research is needed to develop assessment and treatment recommendations addressing the early manifestations of PDs.  相似文献   

Clinicians today face difficulties in appropriately assisting children with mood disorders, whose parents may challenge diagnostic and treatment decisions based on potentially faulty information obtained from unregulated sources (e.g., the Internet, commercial books, other media). In light of this problem, as well as the U.S. Surgeon General's recent call for increases in evidence-based diagnosis and treatment of childhood disorders, it is important that psychologists educate themselves and their clients about evidence-based practices. Evidence-based assessment and psychosocial and psychopharmacological treatment procedures for childhood unipolar and bipolar mood disorders are reviewed, and specific practice recommendations are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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