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金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料制备及其界面表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用真空液相烧结法,在Q235钢表面制备三元硼化物基金属陶瓷覆层材料。利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射及能谱对其界面结构进行分析与表征。结果表明,在1 280℃温度下烧结,覆层材料具有良好的界面结构,其硬质覆层由三元硼化物硬质相和铁基黏结相组成,硬质相和黏结相分散均匀,覆层硬度(HRA)可达87;三元硼化物硬质覆层与钢基体间形成了良好的冶金结合,在界面处存在元素的扩散。  相似文献   

本文介绍了在钢基体材料上利用氧乙炔火焰喷焊WC-Ti、喷涂WC-Co金属陶瓷,并经真空炉熔。对涂层的孔隙率、硬度、结构强度、磨损性能和机理进行了系统的试验研究。  相似文献   

介绍了金属陶瓷复合粉体的制备方法,并对采用该复合粉体制备的新型陶瓷材料的性能进行了初步研究。研究表明陶瓷粉体的活化是获得金属陶瓷复合粉体的关键环节。利用该粉体制备的Al2O3 Ti Co材料具有较高的断裂韧性和抗磨损性能。  相似文献   

金属陶瓷复合粉体的制备及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了金属陶瓷复合粉体的制备方法,并对采用该复合粉体制备的新型陶瓷材料的性能进行了初步研究。研究表明陶瓷粉体的活化是获得金属陶瓷复合粉体的关键环节。利用该粉体制备的Al2O3-Ti-Co材料具有较高的断裂韧性和抗磨损性能。  相似文献   

以FeB,Mo,Fe等粉末为主要原材料,加入有机溶剂,制备出成型料浆,用料浆法在钢基体表面成型覆层坯体,采用真空液相烧结技术,制备了Mo2FeB2金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料,并对其性能进行了检测。结果表明,覆层主要由Mo2FeB2硬质相和α—Fe黏结相构成,Mo2FeB2金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料在界面存在一个从高硬度到低硬度的渐变过渡区。磨损试验表明,Mo2FeBe金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料具有比YG8硬质合金更好的耐磨性。腐蚀试验表明,Mo2FeB2金属陶瓷-钢覆层材料具有比2Crl3钢更好的耐腐蚀性。  相似文献   

碳化铬金属陶瓷熔覆层的组织及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自蔓延高温合成(SHS)熔铸技术将碳化铬的高温熔体辅展在平面样品的钢表面上,从而形成厚度为几毫米的熔覆层,为克服碳化铬与底材的润湿问题,采用与Fe有良好互溶性的Cr作为润湿功能层,在此基础上,使Cr-c合金层中的碳作阶梯改变,从而获得了梯度熔覆层结构,采用氮气加压和预热工艺等措施,控制反应燃烧温度,改善熔体流动性,增大熔渣分离速度,有利于提高熔覆层表面平滑程度,以950℃盐水循环激冷实验评价熔  相似文献   

考虑整块材料的收缩对残余应力的影响,建立了计算金属陶瓷复合材料平均残余应力的力学模型,推导了平均残余应力公式,该式对材料的设计和制备有重要的意义.研究表明,平均残余应力与温度差呈线性关系;与硬质相的体积含量、组份材料的弹性模量、线[膨]胀系数以及泊松比密切相关;随硬质相体积含量的增加而增大;金属粘结相“堆积”区域平均残余应力较大.  相似文献   

金属陶瓷复合材料的残余应力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑整块材料的收缩对残余应力的影响,建立了计算金属陶瓷复合材料平均残余应力的力学模型,推导了平均残余应力公式,该式对材料的设计和制备有重要的意义.研究表明,平均残余应力与温度差呈线性关系;与硬质相的体积含量、组份材料的弹性模量、线[膨]胀系数以及泊松比密切相关;随硬质相体积含量的增加而增大;金属粘结相"堆积"区域平均残余应力较大.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION NiFe2O4cermets,whichareexpectedtobe usedastheinertanodesforaluminumelectrolysis, havelowcorrosionandoxidation,goodelectricalconductivityandhighthermalshockresistance[15]. Nickelferritespinelformsacorrosion resistant networkthatcontainstheelectricallyconductivecopper basedmetallicphase.Especially,Gregget al[6]foundacermetofNiFe2O4 18%NiO 17%Cu (massfraction),whichshowedfavorablecorrosion andconductivitypropertiesasinertanodesinsmalllaboratorycells.However,itwasalsoshowedth…  相似文献   

4.25Cu-0.75Ni/NiFe2O4 cermets were prepared by doping NiFe2O4 ceramic matrix with the mixed powders of Cu and Ni or Cu-Ni alloy powder as the electrical conducting metallic elements. The effects of technological parameters, such as the adding modes of metallic elements, the ball milling time, the sintering time and the sintering temperature, on the relative density and resistivity of the cermets were studied. The results show that the resistivity of 4.25Cu-0.75Ni/NiFe2O4 cermets decreases with increasing temperature, and has a turning point at 590 °C, which is similar to that of NiFe2O4 ceramic. The sintering temperature and adding modes of metallic elements have a great influence on the properties of 4.25Cu-0.75Ni/NiFe2O4 cermets. When the sintering temperature increases from 1200 °C to 1300 °C, the relative density increases from 89.86% to 95.33%, and the resistivity at 960 °C decreases from 0.11 Ω · cm to 0.03 Ω · cm, respectively. When the metallic elements are added with the mixed powders of Cu and Ni, the cermets of finely and uniformly dispersed metallic phase, high density and electric conductivity are obtained. The relative density and resistivity at 960 °C are 90.23% and 0.04 Ω · cm respectively for the cermet samples sintered at 1200 °C for 2 h, which are both better than those of the cermets prepared under the same technique conditions but with the metallic elements added as 85Cu-15Ni alloy powders. Foundation item: Project (G1999064903) supported by the National Key Fundamental Research and Development Program of China; project(2001AA335013) supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China; project (50204014) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

In order to investigate the mechanism of combustion synthesis of TiC-Ti cermet, a mixture of Ti and C was used for a combustion front quenching test, and the microstructural evolution in the quenched sample was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). Also, a temperature-time profile of the combustion reaction was measured. Based on the experimental results, a reaction-dissolution-precipitation mechanism of the combustion synthesis of TiC-Ti was proposed.  相似文献   

纳米复合金属陶瓷材料不仅具有较好的综合机械性能,如高强度、高硬度、耐高温、耐磨损,而且具有较好的化学稳定性、抗氧化性能和耐腐蚀性能,在模具制造方面具有广阔前景.本文综述了纳米复合金属陶瓷材料的研究现状及存在问题,并指出了今后研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The availability using oxygen-rich powders to prepare ultrafine Ti(C,N)-based cermets was investigated. The deoxidation process, denitrification phenomenon and the effect of deoxidation on microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered samples were discussed, respectively. The results show that oxygen in the samples prepared even with high oxygen contained in starting powders can be almost completely cleaned away through suitable sintering process. The ultrafine oxygen-rich powders have a significant effect on microstructure, which promotes the formation of white core phase. A ultrafine Ti(C,N)-based cermet with mean particle size of 0.30 μm, uniform microstructure and excellent mechanical properties is successfully prepared. It is also found that there exists severe denitrification phenomenon in the preparation process of ultrafine Ti(C,N)-based cermet. Foundation item: Project(50323008) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

高硼铸钢衬板的组织和性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对高锰钢衬板初始硬度低,在中、小型球磨机的工况条件下不能充分发挥加工硬化效应的情况,研制了高硼铸钢衬板。该衬板是在低碳钢中加入硼合金元素的同时添加少量其他合金元素,可以获得一定数量的高硬度Fe2B化合物,基体是强韧性好的板条马氏体,综合力学性能与耐磨性良好,硬度大于58 HRC,冲击韧性大于12 J/cm2,适用于小能量多冲击的凿削磨损型工况条件。用于替代高锰钢制造球磨机衬板,寿命比高锰钢提高2倍以上,且价格相当,经济效益好。  相似文献   

文章根据ANSYS数值仿真技术优化出的较合理的刀具,对刀具在不同切削用量的条件下,进行切削实验,分别采用刀具使用寿命、切削力实验标准,基于优化技术对金属切削过程的切削用量优化.  相似文献   

Spark Plasma Sintering Preperties of Ultrafine Ti ( C, N)-based Cermet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultrafine Ti( C, N)-based cermet was sintered by SPS from 1050℃ to 1450℃ and its sintering properties, such as porosity, mechanical properties and phase transformation , were investigated by optical microscopy ( OM ), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), and differential scanning calorimeter (OSC). It is found that the spark plasma sintering properties of Ti ( C, N )-based cermet differ from those of conventional vacuum sintering. The liquid phase appearance is at least lower by 150℃ than that in vacuum sintering. The porosity decreases sharply belove 1200℃ and reaches minimum at 1200℃ , and afterwards it almost keeps invariable and no longer increases. SPS remarkably accelerates the phase transformation of Ti ( C, N )-based cermet and it has a powerful ability to remorse oxides in Ti( C, N)-based cermets. Above 1350℃, denitrification occurred. Fresh graphite phase formed above 1 430℃ . Both the porosity and graphite are responsible for the poor TRS.  相似文献   

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