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AIMS: Surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation is now feasible in selective cases. The aim of this study was to assess the electrophysiological properties of patients undergoing atrial compartment operation for chronic atrial fibrillation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Electrophysiological studies were performed in 20 mitral valve patients with atrial fibrillation who had been maintained in sinus rhythm for more than 1 year after atrial compartment operation. Intra-cardiac recording and programmed electrical stimulation were performed in various atrial compartments. The parameters studied included sinus node function, atrial conduction and refractoriness, atrioventricular conduction function and inducible arrhythmias if any. Intra-cardiac recordings showed that the rhythm was of sinus origin in all cases, with the earliest atrial activity located in the high right atrium. The mean sinus cycle length was 750 +/- 110 ms, AH time 106 +/- 29 ms, and HV time 53 +/- 7 ms. The sinus node function was normal in 18 patients (90%), and only two patients had prolonged sinus node recovery and sino-atrial conduction. The right atrial appendage compartment was driven by the sinus node in all patients. However, the conduction time from the high right atrium to the right atrial appendage compartment was markedly prolonged in 12 of 15 patients (80%) undergoing the three-compartment operation in which an incision was placed between the high right atrium and right atrial appendage compartments. On the other hand, the electrical activities in the left atrial compartment were much more varied. In 13 of 20 patients (65%), the left atrial compartment was driven by the sinus node; 11 of the 13 patients had a normal or mildly prolonged conduction time (ranged 75 to 146 ms), whereas two patients had a marked delay in conduction (200 ms and 266 ms, respectively). In the remaining seven patients, the left atrial compartments were dissociated from the rest of the heart; five of them had a quiescent left atrium, one a fluttering left atrial rhythm, and one a slow left atrial rhythm. The effective refractory period was longer in the left atrial compartment (242 +/- 47 ms) as compared to that of the high right atrium (224 +/- 26 ms, P < 0.01) and right atrial appendage compartments (219 +/- 25 ms, P < 0.01). Programmed electrical stimulation could not induce atrial fibrillation in any patient, whereas two patients had inducible atrial flutter and three repetitive atrial responses. CONCLUSIONS: (1) Atrial compartment operation does not impair sinus node function in most cases. (2) Elimination of atrial fibrillation while maintaining the electrical connection between different atrial compartments is feasible.  相似文献   

The effect of physical training on the circadian pattern of heart rate variability (recorded over 24 h in relation to both time and frequency) was assessed in 12 chronic heart failure patients randomized, in a cross-over design, to 8 weeks training or detraining, and compared with 12 age-matched normals. Training improved heart rate variability indices: all R-R interval 5 min standard deviations increased by 17.6%, the root mean square of the differences of successive R-R intervals by 34.9%, the percentage difference between adjacent normal R-R intervals > 50 ms by 112.5%, total power by 58.3%, high frequency by 128.5% and low frequency by 65.0%. Compared with controls, circadian variations in autonomic parameters were maintained in chronic heart failure. Training-induced changes were observed at different time intervals throughout the day: the highest values were at 0100 h-0700 h (detraining: low frequency 361 +/- 83 ms2, high frequency 126 +/- 47 ms2; training: low frequency 535 +/- 202 ms2, high frequency 227 +/- 115 ms2, P < 0.01) and the lowest at 1300 h-1900 h (detraining: low frequency 91 +/- 23 ms2, high frequency 39 +/- 14 ms2; training: low frequency 154 +/- 42 ms2, high frequency 133 +/- 67 ms2, P < 0.05). In chronic heart failure, training maintains and improves circadian variations in heart rate variability measures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We investigated 1) the feasibility, safety and efficacy of multisite right atrial pacing for prevention of atrial fibrillation (AF); and 2) the ability of atrial pacing in single- and dual-site modes to increase arrhythmia-free intervals in patients with drug-refractory AF. BACKGROUND: We recently developed and applied a novel technique of dual-site right atrial pacing in an unselected group of consecutive patients with AF requiring demand pacing. A prospective crossover study design was used to evaluate single- and dual-site right atrial pacing modes. METHODS: The frequency of AF during the 3 months before pacemaker implantation was analyzed. Consecutive consenting patients underwent insertion of two atrial leads and one ventricular lead with a DDDR pulse generator. Patients were placed in a dual-site pacing mode for the first 3 months and subsequently mode switched to single site pacing for 3 months. Mode switching was repeated at 6-month intervals thereafter. RESULTS: Atrial pacing resulted in a marked decline in AF recurrences (p < 0.001). During dual-site pacing with an optimal drug regimen, there was no AF recurrence in any patient compared with five recurrences in 12 patients during single-site pacing (p = 0.03). The mean (+/-SD) arrhythmia-free interval before pacing (14 +/- 14 days) was prolonged with dual- (89 +/- 7 days, p < 0.0001) and single-site pacing (76 +/- 27 days, p < 0.0001). Symptomatic AF episodes showed a declining trend during dual- and single-site pacing compared with those during the preimplantation period (p = 0.10). Mean antiarrhythmic drug use for all classes declined from 4 +/- 1.9 drugs before implantation to 1.5 +/- 0.5 (p < 0.01) drugs after implantation. Twelve (80%) of 15 patients remained in atrial paced rhythm at 13 +/- 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that multisite right atrial pacing is feasible, effective and safe for long-term application. Atrial pacing significantly prolongs arrhythmia-free intervals in patients with drug-refractory paroxysmal AF. Dual-site right atrial pacing may offer additional benefits and should be considered either as the primary mode or in patients unresponsive to single-site pacing.  相似文献   

Control of the house dust mite allergen has received considerable attention owing to its importance in some allergic diseases. One aspect of dust mites and their allergen-carrying faecal particles that has not been reported on, which may have allergen control applications, is the electrostatic charge they carry in the natural environment. To promote tribo-electric charging, household dust containing dust mite allergen and live house dust mites are separately agitated while in contact with either polypropylene, nylon or earthed metal. The charged dust and mites are subsequently subjected to electrostatic separation and collection. Results for concentrations of the house dust mite allergen, Der p1, indicate that, when subjected to nylon, Der p1 carrier particles appear to be predominantly positively charged. Similarly, when subjected to polypropylene, Der p1 carrier particles also appear to be positively charged. Reduction of excess free charge by agitation against earthed metal does not appear to affect the observed charging characteristics, indicating that the positive charge may be bound or inherent in the Der p1 carrier particles. In contrast, house dust mites exposed to nylon appear to be generally charging negative, whereas mites exposed to polypropylene appear to be charging positive. The observed electrostatic characteristics of the mites and Der p1 carrying particles will be useful in the future development of electrostatic allergen control methods.  相似文献   

Despite their widespread use in atrial fibrillation, the effects of beta-adrenoceptor blockers on atrial and atrioventricular (AV) nodal refractoriness, and atrial fibrillatory rate during atrial fibrillation have been incompletely characterised. In particular, it is unknown whether additional sodium channel (class I) blocking effects play a role. Effects of bisoprolol (no class I effect) and metoprolol (mild class I effect) were therefore compared in 12 open-chest pigs. Atrial and AV-nodal effective refractory periods were determined at pacing cycle length 500 ms and 300 ms. Atrial fibrillation was then induced by premature stimulation and topical application of metacholine, and atrial fibrillatory intervals and ventricular intervals were recorded. After resumption of sinus rhythm, bisoprolol 0.1 mg/kg or metoprolol 0.3 mg/kg was administered, and measurements were repeated. Also, effects on plasma catecholamines and signal-averaged QRS duration were determined. Both bisoprolol and metoprolol prolonged atrial and AV-nodal effective refractory periods at both pacing cycle lengths, however, no differences were noted between the two drugs. No significant effects were observed on atrial and ventricular intervals during atrial fibrillation. Plasma catecholamines were low and unaffected by either drug, as was the QRS duration. It is concluded that the mild class I effect of metoprolol does not play a role in atrial fibrillation. Also, the results confirm the clinical notion that beta-blockers exert insignificant effects during atrial fibrillation in the setting of low sympathetic tone.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation is associated with a resting heart rate in excess of age-matched subjects in sinus rhythm, and there is an additional steep rise in rate during exertion. This article reviews the factors responsible for this tachycardia, the pharmacologic agents commonly used for heart rate control, and the effects of atrial antiarrhythmic agents on the heart rate during paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

Currently available surgical procedures to control chronic atrial fibrillation associated with mitral valvar disease are not always successful. The size of the left atrium is a major factor in the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation. Here we describe a case of ablation of atrial fibrillation with left atrial reduction and pulmonary vein isolation in a patient with mitral valve disease.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The development of susceptibility to atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common consequence of many forms of cardiovascular disease, especially heart failure. In this study we used a sheep model of pacing-induced stable early heart failure to describe, quantify, and relate the level of susceptibility to AF to changes in structural and electrophysiologic parameters. METHODS AND RESULTS: Epicardial electrodes were implanted on the atria and right ventricles of nine sheep. The AF threshold, atrial vulnerability period, atrial effective refractory period (ERP), and interatrial conduction time were examined during control and over a 6-week period of ventricular pacing at 190 beats/min. Left atrial (LA) area and left ventricular (LV) fractional shortening were monitored using echocardiography. There were significant increases in LA susceptibility to AF (P < 0.0003), LA area (P < 0.0002), and LA ERP400 (P < 0.0002). Rate of increase in LA area was related positively to AF susceptibility (P = 0.02) and inversely to LA ERP400 (P = 0.002). LV fractional shortening decreased to approximately 50% of control value (P < 0.00001). No changes were observed in right atrial electrophysiology. CONCLUSION: In this study, susceptibility (the ability of an extrastimulus to induce AF) was rigorously measured within a predetermined format. Significant relationships were found to exist between susceptibility, certain of the observed changes in atrial electrophysiology and structure.  相似文献   

LA Moyé  D Abernethy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,335(17):1318; author reply 1319-1318; author reply 1320

Electrically non-excitable but mechanosensitive right-atrial fibroblasts are thought to be involved in the chronotropic response of the heart to stretch. After myocardial infarction, altered chronotropic response may be due to the remodeling process which also involves the right atrium. Remodeling is associated with the development of hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes and proliferation of fibroblasts. Electrical properties of atrial mechanosensitive fibroblasts from chronic infarcted hearts and their possible role for altered chronotropic response has not, to our knowledge, been studied until now. Thus, resting membrane potential as well as mechanically induced potential of fibroblasts, action potential (AP) of cardiomyocytes, spontaneous frequency and mechanical activity of preparations from the sinus node region were studied 10 weeks after myocardial infarction induced by ligation of the left coronary artery in rats. The prolongation of AP repolarization (increases in APD50 and APD90) correlated closely to the infarct size (IS) and the degree of hypertrophy, respectively. Along with increasing IS, membrane potentials of fibroblasts were shifted to more negative values, with a peak of frequency distribution at -15 mV (control and very small IS), at -35 mV (intermediate IS), and -55 mV (large IS), and spontaneous electrical activity was decreased. Membrane resistance of fibroblasts also correlated to IS and was eight-fold greater at large IS than in control. We hypothesize that, in the infarcted heart, increased membrane potential and membrane resistance of fibroblasts may alter electrical activity of neighbouring myocytes in the sinus-venosus region via intercellular electrical coupling.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of oral propafenone in converting recent-onset atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm has been established by controlled trials. However, it is not clear whether the effectiveness of propafenone is affected by the presence or absence of underlying heart disease. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the safety and effectiveness of oral propafenone and the role of underlying heart disease. DESIGN: Randomized, single-blind, controlled study. SETTING: 3 teaching hospitals. PATIENTS: 240 hospitalized patients with recent-onset atrial fibrillation. INTERVENTION: Propafenone (one 500-mg oral dose) or placebo. MEASUREMENTS: Conversion rates at 3 and 8 hours. RESULTS: Propafenone was more effective than placebo for converting atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm at 3 hours: Fifty-four of 119 patients (45%) receiving propafenone and 22 of 121 patients (18%) receiving placebo had conversion (P < 0.001). It was also more effective at 8 hours: Ninety-one of 119 patients (76%) receiving propafenone and 45 of 121 patients (37%) receiving placebo had conversion (P < 0.001). Subgroup analysis showed that among patients without heart disease, 78% of those receiving propafenone and 56% of those receiving placebo converted to sinus rhythm within 8 hours (P = 0.02). In those with hypertension, the rate was 70% for those receiving propafenone and 27% for those receiving placebo (P < 0.001); in patients with structural heart disease, the rate was 81% for those receiving propafenone and 17% for those receiving placebo (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Oral loading of propafenone was more effective than placebo for conversion to sinus rhythm within 8 hours and had a favorable safety profile. The rate of spontaneous conversion to sinus rhythm was higher in patients without structural heart disease; this finding has important implications for the assessment of drug effectiveness in recent-onset atrial fibrillation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This prospective study examined types, frequency and time dependency of the electrophysiologic manifestation of the sinus node dysfunction after the Cox-maze III procedure--the technique of choice for the management of medically refractory atrial fibrillation-in patients with organic heart disease, chronic fixed atrial fibrillation and no preoperatively overt dysfunction of the sinus node. BACKGROUND: The original maze procedure was modified twice in order to reduce the high incidence of the sinus node inability to generate an appropriate sinus tachycardia in response to maximal exercise, and occasional left atrial dysfunction. Despite these modifications, postoperative disturbance of sinus node function can be frequently observed. METHODS: In 15 adult patients, standard electrocardiogram, 24-h Holter monitoring, power spectral analysis of heart variability, exercise testing, Valsalva maneuver and rapid positional changes were performed 3, 6 and 12 months after the Cox-maze III procedure and mitral valve surgery or closure of atrial septal defect. RESULTS: Electrocardiographic manifestations of sinus node dysfunction were identified in 12 patients at 3 months, in 6 patients at 6 months, and in 0 patients at 12 months after surgery. The heart rate response to exercise during the first 6 months was reduced in the maze group and became fully normal at 12 months. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability showed very low power values at 1 month with inhibited cardiac autonomic activity and no response on sympathetic stress. A potential of recovery of cardiac autonomic activity was documented 12 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: The manifestations of sinus node dysfunction following the Cox-maze III procedure were time dependent and their frequency and intensity progressively decreased and disappeared within 12 months after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Leptin is the product of ob gene shown to regulate body fat in mice. It is produced by human adipose tissue as well, but its physiological functions in man are not known. We explored if there is a relationship in obese humans with serum leptin and energy and fuel metabolism. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study including 45 obese (10 men, 35 women; age and body mass index: 42 +/- 7 y and 35.1 +/- 3.6 kg/m2, respectively). MEASUREMENTS: Food intake by a four-day-food record, blood samples for serum leptin concentrations and resting energy expenditure by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: Leptin concentrations showed an inverse association (adjusted for fat mass, age and sex) with resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient and carbohydrate oxidation rate (r = -0.324, P < 0.05; r = -0.420, P < 0.01; r = 0.478, P = < 0.01, respectively), and interestingly, also with dietary fat intake (unadjusted r = -0.30, P < 0.05). Especially, leptin concentrations were elevated in those with low resting energy expenditure and respiratory quotient (below the median). CONCLUSION: Serum leptin concentrations in obese subjects showed an inverse association with resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient and carbohydrate oxidation rate. The physiological significance of these associations is unclear at the moment but could indicate that obese subjects show resistance to the actions of leptin also outside the brain in terms of regulating metabolic rate and fuel metabolism.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Fast-intermediate form AV nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT) sometimes may mimic atrial tachycardia or atrial flutter and render the diagnosis difficult when the tachycardia rate is fast and AV block occurs during tachycardia. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 45-year-old woman with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia was referred to this institution. Initially, the tachycardia was thought to be an atrial tachycardia because of: (1) a short cycle length of the tachycardia with 2:1 and Wenckebach AV block; (2) a difference in the atrial activation sequence during tachycardia and during ventricular pacing; and (3) failure of burst ventricular pacing to affect the atrial rate and the atrial activation sequence during tachycardia. An accurate diagnosis of fast-intermediate form AVNRT was subsequently made based on the finding that the tachycardia was induced following delivery of a third ventricular extrastimulus, which showed a sequence of V-A-H and a change on atrial activation sequence of the induced beat. Successful radiofrequency ablation was achieved only after accurate diagnosis of the tachycardia was made. CONCLUSION: Fast-intermediate form AVNRT sometimes may masquerade as atrial tachycardia. Accurate diagnosis is mandatory for successful ablation therapy.  相似文献   

In April 1993, a 51-year-old woman had a fever, and an infiltrative shadow was seen in the left upper lobe on a chest X-ray film. Repeated sputum cultures were positive for Mycobacterium avium complex. She underwent antituberculosis therapy consisting of pyrazinamide, ofloxacin, and streptomycin. Her symptom disappeared and the abnormal shadow resolved. In January 1994, she was admitted to the hospital because of bloody sputum and abnormal chest X-ray findings consisting of a left hilar mass and atelectasis of the left upper lobe. Bronchoscopy revealed multiple polypoid lesions without necrosis in the left upper-lobe bronchus. Histological examination showed that the tumor consisted of an aggregation of lymphocytes and plasma cells, and was positive for Ziehl-Neelsen stain. The acid-fast bacillus was identified as Mycobacterium avium by the DNA probe method. Anti-tuberculosis treatment was given: rifampicin, isoniazid, sparfloxacin, and clarithromycin. Three months later, the atelectasis and the polypoid mass in the left upper-lobe bronchus had disappeared. We believe that the polypoid lesions in the left upper-lobe bronchus were due to infection by Mycobacterium avium. The patient was HIV-negative and immunocompetent. Such endobronchial lesions caused by Mycobacterium avium are rare in HIV-negative hosts.  相似文献   

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