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Abstract. The innovations algorithm can be used to obtain parameter estimates for periodically stationary time series models. In this paper, we compute the asymptotic distribution for these estimates in the case, where the innovations have a finite fourth moment. These asymptotic results are useful to determine which model parameters are significant. In the process, we also develop asymptotics for the Yule–Walker estimates.  相似文献   

In this study we consider the estimators of the parameters of a stable ARMA(p, q) process. The autoregressive parameters are estimated by the instrumental variable technique while the moving average parameters are estimated using a derived autoregressive process. The estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal and their rate of convergence to normality is derived.  相似文献   

We propose outlier a robust and distribution‐free test for the explosive AR(1) model with intercept based on simplicial depth. In this model, simplicial depth reduces to counting the cases where three residuals have alternating signs. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is given by a specific Gaussian process. Conditions for the consistency are given, and the power of the test at finite samples is compared with alternative tests. The new test outperforms these tests in the case of skewed errors and outliers. Finally, we apply the method to crack growth data and compare the results with an OLS approach.  相似文献   

Test procedures for assessing whether two stationary and independent time series with unequal lengths have the same spectral density (or same auto‐covariance function) are investigated. A new test statistic is proposed based on the wavelet transform. It relies on empirical wavelet coefficients of the logarithm of two spectral densities' ratio. Under the null hypothesis that two spectral densities are the same, the asymptotic normal distribution of the empirical wavelet coeffcients is derived. Furthermore, these empirical wavelet coefficients are asymptotically uncorrelated. A test statistic is proposed based on these results. The performance of the new test statistic is compared to several recent test statistics, with respect to their exact levels and powers. Simulation studies show that our proposed test is very comparable to the current test statistics in most cases. The main advantage of our proposed test statistic is that it is constructed very simply and is easy to implement.  相似文献   

Abstract. In recent years, methods to estimate the memory parameter using wavelet analysis have gained popularity in many areas of science. Despite its widespread use, a rigorous semi‐parametric asymptotic theory, comparable with the one developed for Fourier methods, is still lacking. In this article, we adapt to the wavelet setting, the classical semi‐parametric framework introduced by Robinson and his co‐authors for estimating the memory parameter of a (possibly) non‐stationary process. Our results apply to a class of wavelets with bounded supports, which include but are not limited to Daubechies wavelets. We derive an explicit expression of the spectral density of the wavelet coefficients and show that it can be approximated, at large scales, by the spectral density of the continuous‐time wavelet coefficients of fractional Brownian motion. We derive an explicit bound for the difference between the spectral densities. As an application, we obtain minimax upper bounds for the log‐scale regression estimator of the memory parameter for a Gaussian process and we derive an explicit expression of its asymptotic variance.  相似文献   

Abstract. We prove uniform convergence results for the integrated periodogram of a weakly dependent time series, namely a strong law of large numbers and a central limit theorem. These results are applied to Whittle's parametric estimation. Under general weak‐dependence assumptions, the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of Whittle's estimate are established for a large class of models. For instance, the causal θ‐weak dependence property allows a new and unified proof of those results for autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (ARCH)(∞) and bilinear processes. Non‐causal η‐weak dependence yields the same limit theorems for two‐sided linear (with dependent inputs) or Volterra processes.  相似文献   

For moving average processes where the coefficients are non‐negative and the innovations are positive random variables with a regularly varying tail at infinity, we provide estimates for the coefficients based on the ratio of two sample values chosen with respect to an extreme value criteria. We then apply this result to obtain estimates for the parameters of non‐negative ARMA models. Weak convergence results for the joint distribution of our estimates are established and a simulation study is provided to examine the small sample size behaviour of these estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract. Fractional Brownian motion is a mean‐zero self‐similar Gaussian process with stationary increments. Its covariance depends on two parameters, the self‐similar parameter H and the variance C. Suppose that one wants to estimate optimally these parameters by using n equally spaced observations. How should these observations be distributed? We show that the spacing of the observations does not affect the estimation of H (this is due to the self‐similarity of the process), but the spacing does affect the estimation of the variance C. For example, if the observations are equally spaced on [0, n] (unit‐spacing), the rate of convergence of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the variance C is . However, if the observations are equally spaced on [0, 1] (1/n‐spacing), or on [0, n2] (n‐spacing), the rate is slower, . We also determine the optimal choice of the spacing Δ when it is constant, independent of the sample size n. While the rate of convergence of the MLE of C is in this case, irrespective of the value of Δ, the value of the optimal spacing depends on H. It is 1 (unit‐spacing) if H = 1/2 but is very large if H is close to 1.  相似文献   

In this article, limit theory is established for a general class of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models given by ?t = σtηt and σt = f (σt?1, σt?2,…, σt?p, ?t?1, ?t?2,…, ?t?q), when {?t} is a process with just barely infinite variance, that is, {?t} is a process with infinite variance but in the domain of normal attraction. In particular, we show that under some regular conditions, converges weakly to a Gaussian process. Applications of the asymptotic results to statistical inference, such as unit root test and sample autocorrelation, are also investigated. The obtained result fills in a gap between the classical infinite variance and finite variance in the literature. Further, when applying our limiting result to Dickey–Fuller (DF) test in a unit root model with integrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (IGARCH) errors, it just confirms the simulation result of Kourogenis and Pittis (2008) that the DF statistics with IGARCH errors converges in law to the standard DF distribution.  相似文献   

A kernel distribution estimator (KDE) is proposed for multi‐step‐ahead prediction error distribution of autoregressive time series, based on prediction residuals. Under general assumptions, the KDE is proved to be oracally efficient as the infeasible KDE and the empirical cumulative distribution function (cdf) based on unobserved prediction errors. Quantile estimator is obtained from the oracally efficient KDE, and prediction interval for multi‐step‐ahead future observation is constructed using the estimated quantiles and shown to achieve asymptotically the nominal confidence levels. Simulation examples corroborate the asymptotic theory.  相似文献   

We studied the limiting spectral distribution of large‐dimensional sample covariance matrices of a stationary and invertible VARMA(p,q) model. Relationship of the power spectral density and limiting spectral distribution of large population dimensional covariance matrices of ARMA(p,q) is established. The equation about Stieltjes transform of large‐dimensional sample covariance matrices is also derived. As applications, the classical M‐P law, VAR(1) and VMA(1) can be regarded as special examples.  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods for parameter estimation in the presence of long‐range dependence and heavy tails are scarce. Fractional autoregressive integrated moving average (FARIMA) time series for positive values of the fractional differencing exponent d can be used to model long‐range dependence in the case of heavy‐tailed distributions. In this paper, we focus on the estimation of the Hurst parameter H = d + 1/α for long‐range dependent FARIMA time series with symmetric α‐stable (1 < α < 2) innovations. We establish the consistency and the asymptotic normality of two types of wavelet estimators of the parameter H. We do so by exploiting the fact that the integrated series is asymptotically self‐similar with parameter H. When the parameter α is known, we also obtain consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for the fractional differencing exponent d = H ? 1/α. Our results hold for a larger class of causal linear processes with stable symmetric innovations. As the wavelet‐based estimation method used here is semi‐parametric, it allows for a more robust treatment of long‐range dependent data than parametric methods.  相似文献   

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