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In modelling seasonal time series data, periodically (non‐)stationary processes have become quite popular over the last years and it is well known that these models may be represented as higher‐dimensional stationary models. In this article, it is shown that the spectral density matrix of this higher‐dimensional process exhibits a certain structure if and only if the observed process is covariance stationary. By exploiting this relationship, a new L2‐type test statistic is proposed for testing whether a multivariate periodically stationary linear process is even covariance stationary. Moreover, it is shown that this test may also be used to test for periodic stationarity. The asymptotic normal distribution of the test statistic under the null is derived and the test is shown to have an omnibus property. The article concludes with a simulation study, where the small sample performance of the test procedure is improved by using a suitable bootstrap scheme.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new procedure for testing the fit of multivariate time series model is proposed. The method evaluates in a certain way the closeness of the sample spectral density matrix of the observed process to the spectral density matrix of the parametric model postulated under the null and uses for this purpose nonparametric estimation techniques. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is established and an alternative, bootstrap‐based method is developed in order to estimate more accurately this distribution under the null hypothesis. Goodness‐of‐fit diagnostics useful in understanding the test results and identifying sources of model inadequacy are introduced. The applicability of the testing procedure and its capability to detect lacks of fit is demonstrated by means of some real data examples.  相似文献   

Many empirical findings show that volatility in financial time series exhibits high persistence. Some researchers argue that such persistency is due to volatility shifts in the market, while others believe that this is a natural fluctuation explained by stationary long‐range dependence models. These two approaches confuse many practitioners, and forecasts for future volatility are dramatically different depending on which models to use. In this article, therefore, we consider a statistical testing procedure to distinguish volatility shifts in generalized AR conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model against long‐range dependence. Our testing procedure is based on the residual‐based cumulative sum test, which is designed to correct the size distortion observed for GARCH models. We examine the validity of our method by providing asymptotic distributions of test statistic. Also, Monte Carlo simulations study shows that our proposed method achieves a good size while providing a reasonable power against long‐range dependence. It is also observed that our test is robust to the misspecified GARCH models.  相似文献   

We propose a simple testing procedure to test for a change point in the mean of a possibly long‐range dependent time series. Under the null hypothesis, the series is stationary with long‐range dependence and our test statistic converges to a non‐degenerate distribution, whereas under the alternative, the series has a change point in the mean and the test statistic diverges to infinity. We demonstrate the good size and power properties of our test via simulations and illustrate its usefulness by analysing two real data sets.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a robust to outliers Wilcoxon change‐point testing procedure, for distinguishing between short‐range dependent time series with a change in mean at unknown time and stationary long‐range dependent time series. We establish the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis for L1 near epoch dependent processes and show its consistency under the alternative. The Wilcoxon‐type testing procedure similarly as the CUSUM‐type testing procedure (of Berkes I., Horváth L., Kokoszka P. and Shao Q. 2006. Ann.Statist. 34:1140–1165), requires estimation of the location of a possible change‐point, and then using pre‐ and post‐break subsamples to discriminate between short and long‐range dependence. A simulation study examines the empirical size and power of the Wilcoxon‐type testing procedure in standard cases and with disturbances by outliers. It shows that in standard cases the Wilcoxon‐type testing procedure behaves equally well as the CUSUM‐type testing procedure but outperforms it in presence of outliers. We also apply both testing procedure to hydrologic data.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a new approach to wavelet threshold estimation of spectral densities of stationary time series. Our proposal addresses the problem of heteroscedasticity and non‐normality of the (tapered) periodogram. We estimate thresholds for the empirical wavelet coefficients of the periodogram as appropriate linear combinations of the periodogram values similar to empirical scaling coefficients. Our solution introduces ‘asymptotically noise‐free reconstruction thresholds’ which parallels classical wavelet theory for nonparametric regression with independently and identically distributed Gaussian errors. Our simulations show promising results that clearly improve on existing approaches. In addition, we derive theoretical results on the near‐optimal rate of convergence of the minimax mean‐square risk for a class of spectral densities, including those of low regularity.  相似文献   

We consider a zero mean discrete time series, and define its discrete Fourier transform (DFT) at the canonical frequencies. It can be shown that the DFT is asymptotically uncorrelated at the canonical frequencies if and only if the time series is second‐order stationary. Exploiting this important property, we construct a Portmanteau type test statistic for testing stationarity of the time series. It is shown that under the null of stationarity, the test statistic has approximately a chi‐square distribution. To examine the power of the test statistic, the asymptotic distribution under the locally stationary alternative is established. It is shown to be a generalized non‐central chi‐square, where the non‐centrality parameter measures the deviation from stationarity. The test is illustrated with simulations, where is it shown to have good power.  相似文献   

Two tests are proposed in this paper for comparing spectra of two univariate time series. One is a Pearson‐like statistic based only on periodograms of the compared time series and applicable for testing the equality of two time‐invariant spectra of two independent or dependent time series, with an asymptotic chi‐squared distribution under the null hypothesis. The other is based on the maximum of the Pearson‐like statistics. Not only does this test, again, depend only on periodograms but also approximately equals the maximum of a chi‐squared distribution of the same degrees of freedom under the null. It can be used to test the equality of spectra of two locally stationary time series regardless of whether they are dependent or independent. Multiple simulation examples show that both statistics achieve good performance. The proposed approach is illustrated by an application to longitudinal vibration data from a container ship.  相似文献   

In this article, new tests for non‐parametric hypotheses in stationary processes are proposed. Our approach is based on an estimate of the L2‐distance between the spectral density matrix and its best approximation under the null hypothesis. We explain the main idea in the problem of testing for a constant spectral density matrix and in the problem of comparing the spectral densities of several correlated stationary time series. The method is based on direct estimation of integrals of the spectral density matrix and does not require the specification of smoothing parameters. We show that the limit distribution of the proposed test statistic is normal and investigate the finite sample properties of the resulting tests by means of a small simulation study.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since the seminal paper by Dickey and Fuller in 1979, unit‐root tests have conditioned the standard approaches to analysing time series with strong serial dependence in mean behaviour, the focus being placed on the detection of eventual unit roots in an autoregressive model fitted to the series. In this paper, we propose a completely different method to test for the type of long‐wave patterns observed not only in unit‐root time series but also in series following more complex data‐generating mechanisms. To this end, our testing device analyses the unit‐root persistence exhibited by the data while imposing very few constraints on the generating mechanism. We call our device the range unit‐root (RUR) test since it is constructed from the running ranges of the series from which we derive its limit distribution. These nonparametric statistics endow the test with a number of desirable properties, the invariance to monotonic transformations of the series and the robustness to the presence of important parameter shifts. Moreover, the RUR test outperforms the power of standard unit‐root tests on near‐unit‐root stationary time series; it is invariant with respect to the innovations distribution and asymptotically immune to noise. An extension of the RUR test, called the forward–backward range unit‐root (FB‐RUR) improves the check in the presence of additive outliers. Finally, we illustrate the performances of both range tests and their discrepancies with the Dickey–Fuller unit‐root test on exchange rate series.  相似文献   

Coherence is one common metric for cross‐dependence in multichannel signals. However, standard coherence does not sufficiently model many biological signals with complex dependence structures such as cross‐oscillatory interactions between a low‐frequency component in one signal and a high‐frequency component in another. The notion of cross‐dependence between low‐ and high‐frequency components, as defined in classical harmonizable processes, is still inadequate because it assumes time invariance and thus cannot capture cross‐frequency interactions that evolve over time. We construct a novel framework for modeling and estimating these dependencies under the replicated time series setting. Under this framework, we establish the novel concept of evolutionary dual‐frequency coherence and develop time‐localized estimators based on dual‐frequency local periodograms. The proposed nonparametric estimation procedure does not suffer from model misspecification. It uses the localized fast Fourier transform and hence is able to handle massive data. When applied to electroencephalogram data recorded in a motor intention experiment, the proposed method uncovers new and interesting cross‐oscillatory interactions that have been overlooked by the standard approaches.  相似文献   

For autoregressive count data time series, a goodness‐of‐fit test based on the empirical joint probability generating function is considered. The underlying process is contained in a general class of Markovian models satisfying a drift condition. Asymptotic theory for the test statistic is provided, including a functional central limit theorem for the non‐parametric estimation of the stationary distribution and a parametric bootstrap method. Connections between the new approach and existing tests for count data time series based on moment estimators appear in limiting scenarios. Finally, the test is applied to a real data set.  相似文献   

Test procedures for assessing whether two stationary and independent time series with unequal lengths have the same spectral density (or same auto‐covariance function) are investigated. A new test statistic is proposed based on the wavelet transform. It relies on empirical wavelet coefficients of the logarithm of two spectral densities' ratio. Under the null hypothesis that two spectral densities are the same, the asymptotic normal distribution of the empirical wavelet coeffcients is derived. Furthermore, these empirical wavelet coefficients are asymptotically uncorrelated. A test statistic is proposed based on these results. The performance of the new test statistic is compared to several recent test statistics, with respect to their exact levels and powers. Simulation studies show that our proposed test is very comparable to the current test statistics in most cases. The main advantage of our proposed test statistic is that it is constructed very simply and is easy to implement.  相似文献   

The rescaled fourth‐order cumulant of the unobserved innovations of linear time series is an important parameter in statistical inference. This article deals with the problem of estimating this parameter. An existing nonparametric estimator is first discussed, and its asymptotic properties are derived. It is shown how the autocorrelation structure of the underlying process affects the behaviour of the estimator. Based on our findings and on an important invariance property of the parameter of interest with respect to linear filtering, a pre‐whitening‐based nonparametric estimator of the same parameter is proposed. The estimator is obtained using the filtered time series only; that is, an inversion of the pre‐whitening procedure is not required. The asymptotic properties of the new estimator are investigated, and its superiority is established for large classes of stochastic processes. It is shown that for the particular estimation problem considered, pre‐whitening can reduce the variance and the bias of the estimator. The finite sample performance of both estimators is investigated by means of simulations. The new estimator allows for a simple modification of the multiplicative frequency domain bootstrap, which extends its considerable range of validity. Furthermore, the problem of testing hypotheses about the rescaled fourth‐order cumulant of the unobserved innovations is also considered. In this context, a simple test for Gaussianity is proposed. Some real‐life data applications are presented.  相似文献   

Time‐varying volatility and linear trends are common features of several macroeconomic time series. Recent articles have proposed panel unit root tests (PURTs) that are pivotal in the presence of volatility shifts, excluding linear trends, however. This article proposes a new PURT that works well for data that is both heteroskedastic and trending. Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic has a limiting Gaussian distribution. We derive the local asymptotic power to underpin the consistency of the test statistic. Simulation results reveal that the test performs well in small samples. As an empirical illustration, we examine the stationarity of energy use per capita in OECD economies. While the series are in general difference stationary, they could also be considered as trend stationary for specific time spans.  相似文献   

We provide new approximations for the likelihood of a time series under the locally stationary Gaussian process model. The likelihood approximations are valid even in cases when the evolutionary spectrum is not smooth in the rescaled time domain. We describe a broad class of models for the evolutionary spectrum for which the approximations can be computed particularly efficiently. In developing the approximations, we extend to the locally stationary case the idea that the discrete Fourier transform is a decorrelating transformation for stationary time series. The approximations are applied to fit non‐stationary time‐series models to high‐frequency temperature data. For these data, we fit evolutionary spectra that are piecewise constant in time and use a genetic algorithm to search for the best partition of the time interval.  相似文献   

Stationary processes are a natural choice as statistical models for time series data, owing to their good estimating properties. In practice, however, alternative models are often proposed that sacrifice stationarity in favour of the greater modelling flexibility required by many real‐life applications. We present a family of time‐homogeneous Markov processes with nonparametric stationary densities, which retain the desirable statistical properties for inference, while achieving substantial modelling flexibility, matching those achievable with certain non‐stationary models. A latent extension of the model enables exact inference through a trans‐dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Numerical illustrations are presented.  相似文献   

We propose a testing procedure based on the Wilcoxon two‐sample test statistic in order to test for change‐points in the mean of long‐range dependent data. We show that the corresponding self‐normalized test statistic converges in distribution to a non‐degenerate limit under the hypothesis that no change occurred and that it diverges to infinity under the alternative of a change‐point with constant height. Furthermore, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the self‐normalized Wilcoxon test statistic under local alternatives, that is, under the assumption that the height of the level shift decreases as the sample size increases. Regarding the finite sample performance, simulation results confirm that the self‐normalized Wilcoxon test yields a consistent discrimination between hypothesis and alternative and that its empirical size is already close to the significance level for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

We consider the structural change in a class of discrete valued time series, which the conditional distribution belongs to the one‐parameter exponential family. We propose a change point test based on the maximum likelihood estimator of the model's parameter. Under the null hypothesis (of no change), the test statistic converges to a well‐known distribution, allowing the calculation of the critical value of the test. The test statistic diverges to infinity under the alternative, meaning that the test has asymptotic power one. Some simulation results and real data applications are reported to show the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

Abstract. We develop a simple test for testing equality of variances for paired stationary Gaussian time series. The test statistic is a modified z statistic. It is based on the periodograms of the two series and consistent estimation of the difference between the two spectral densities. Simulations illustrate the validity of the asymptotic results for finite samples. An application to EEG data is discussed.  相似文献   

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