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A study on the prediction of heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of refrigerant mixtures is reported. Heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops of prospective mixtures to replace R12 and R22 are predicted on the same cooling capacity basis assuming evaporation in horizontal tubes. Results indicate that nucleate boiling is suppressed at qualities greater than 20% for all mixtures, and evaporation becomes the main heat transfer mechanism. For the same capacity, some mixtures containing R32 and R152a show 8–10% increase in heat transfer coefficients. Some mixtures with large volatility difference exhibit as much as 55% reduction compared to R12 and R22, caused by mass transfer resistance and property degradation due to mixing (32%) and reduced mass flow rates (23%). Other mixtures with moderate volatility difference exhibit 20–30% degradation due mainly to reduced mass flow rates. The overall impact of heat transfer degradation, however, is insignificant if major heat transfer resistance exists in the heat transfer fluid side (air system). If the resistance in the heat transfer fluid side is of the same order of magnitude as that on the refrigerant side (water system), considerable reduction in overall heat transfer coefficient of up to 20% is expected. A study of the effect of uncertainties in transport properties on heat transfer shows that transport properties of liquid affect heat transfer more than other properties. Uncertainty of 10% in transport properties causes a change of less than 6% in heat transfer prediction.  相似文献   

A plate-type evaporator, working with natural refrigerant circulation, has been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Motivated by the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances, HCFC22 was compared to HFC134a and two zeotropic refrigerant mixtures. The effect of different separator liquid levels, i.e. refrigerant flows, and its influence on heat transfer was also studied. The investigated plate-type evaporator consists of thirteen vertical flow channels and its size is 3.0 m × 0.5 m. The heat source for the evaporator is a falling water film on the outside of the plate. Experimental studies have been carried out using a test facility that enabled detailed measurements of heat transfer and pressure drop. Experiments were compared to results from a calculation method that simultaneously calculates heat transfer and pressure drop in a variable number of steps along the evaporator. The calculation method is based on a pressure drop correlation proposed by the VDI-Wärmeatlas and a heat transfer correlation for vertical tubes proposed by Steiner and Taborek. For different evaporator duties, heat transfer was over predicted by 12% for pure fluids by 15% for mixtures. Calculated pressure drops were well within ±5% of the measured values. Changes in heat transfer due to different flows were closely predicted by the proposed calculation method.  相似文献   

A number of correlation equations describing the performance characteristics of round tube and plate fin have been published in the open literature. However, many of these correlations are restricted to flat finned heat exchangers and a limited number of geometrical configurations. In this study, 28 heat exchanger samples were tested in an open circuit thermal wind tunnel over a velocity range of 1 to 20 m/s for a number of geometries. The geometrical variations include the number of tube rows, fin thickness and the spacing between fins, rows and tubes. Both flat and corrugated fins were tested and the results were correlated in terms of j and f factors as a function of Reynolds number and the geometrical parameters of the heat exchangers. An important feature of this correlation is the novel way in which the geometric parameters are expressed in the correlation. Ratios of these parameters are derived from consideration of the physics of the flow and heat transfer in the heat exchangers. This results in a more accurate and physically meaningful correlation which can be applied to a broader range of geometries. The correlation was validated against test data in the literature for round tube and plate fin with good agreement. It was found that the fin type affects the heat transfer and friction factor, and that the number of tube rows has a negligible effect on the friction factor. The number of tube rows effect was found to be influenced by the fin and tube geometries as well as the Reynolds number.Un certain nombre d'équations pour des caractéristiques du rendement des échangeurs de chaleur à tubes ronds plaques à ailettes ont été publiés dans le littérature. Cependant, dans bien des cas, ces corrélations se limitent aux échangeurs à ailette plate dans un nombre limité de configurations géométriques. Dans cette étude, 28 échangeurs de chaleur ont été testés utilisant une soufflerie à circuit ouvert avec une vitesse d'air de 1 à 20 m/s pour plusieurs formes géométriques. Les variations géométriques portaient sur le nombre de rangées de tubes, l'épaisseur des ailettes et la distance séparant des ailettes, des rangées et des tubes. Les ailettes plates et ondulées ont été testées et les corrélations en termes de facteurs j et f en fonction du nombre de Reynolds et les paramètres géométriques des échangeurs de chaleur. Un aspect important de cette corrélation est le façon originale d'exprimer des paramètres géométriques. Les rapports de ces paramètres sont obtenus à partir des flux et transferts de chaleur dans des échangeurs de chaleur. Ce procedé permet d'obtenir une corrélation plus précise et utilé qui s'applique à une gamme de formes géomátriques plus large. La corrélation a été validée en fonction des données concernant des échangeurs à tube et à plaque à ailettes dans la littérature: les données expérimentales et théoriques concordent bien. On a montré que le type d'ailette exerce une influence sur le transfert de chaleur et le facteur de frottement. Cependant, le nombre de rangées de tubes a un effet negligeable sur le coéfficient de frottement. On a démontré que l'effet nombre de rangées de tube est influencé par les géométries des ailettes et des tubes ainsi que par le nombre de Reynolds.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the condensation of pure and mixed refrigerants of R22 and R114 inside a spirally grooved horizontal copper tube has been carried out. A double-tube counterflow condenser in the pressure range 3–21 bar and at a mass flow-rate 26–70 kg h−1 was used. The axial distributions of refrigerant, tube wall and cooling water temperatures, wall heat flux density and vapour quality are shown graphically. The variation of tube wall temperature around the circumference of the tube is also shown. The local Nusselt number depends on the molar fraction, whereas the average Nusselt number can be correlated by an equation which is modified from a previously established equation for pure refrigerants inside a horizontal smooth tube. The frictional pressure drop evaluated is correlated well by the Lockhart-Martinelli parameters and is independent of the concentration of the mixture.  相似文献   

A study on the prediction of heat transfer coefficient (HTC) and pressure drop of refrigerant mixtures is reported. HTCs and pressure drops of prospective mixtures to replace R12 and R22 are predicted on the same cooling capacity basis. Results indicate that nucleate boiling is suppressed at qualities greater than 20.0% for all mixtures and evaporation becomes the main heat transfer mechanism. For the same capacity, some mixtures containing R32 and R152a show 8.0–10.0% increase in HTCs. Some mixtures with large volatility difference exhibit as much as 55.0% reduction compared with R12 and R22, caused by mass transfer resistance and property degradation due to mixing (32.0%) and reduced mass flow rates (23.0%). Other mixtures with moderate volatility difference exhibit 20.0–30.0% degradation due mainly to reduced mass flow rates. The overall impact of heat transfer degradation, however, is insignificant if major heat transfer resistance exists in the heat transfer fluid side (air system). If the resistance in the heat transfer fluid side is of the same order of magnitude as that on the refrigerant side (water system), considerable reduction in overall HTC of up to 20% is expected. A study of the effect of uncertainties in transport properties on heat transfer shows that transport properties of liquid affect heat transfer more than other properties. Uncertainty of 10.0% in transport properties causes a change of less than 6% in heat transfer prediction.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental tests on HFC-134a condensation inside a small brazed plate heat exchanger: the effects of refrigerant mass flux, saturation temperature and vapour super-heating are investigated.A transition point between gravity controlled and forced convection condensation has been found for a refrigerant mass flux around 20 kg/m2 s. For refrigerant mass flux lower than 20 kg/m2 s, the saturated vapour heat transfer coefficients are not dependent on mass flux and are well predicted by the Nusselt [Nusselt, W., 1916. Die oberflachenkondensation des wasserdampfes. Z. Ver. Dt. Ing. 60, 541–546, 569–575] analysis for vertical surface. For refrigerant mass flux higher than 20 kg/m2 s, the saturated vapour heat transfer coefficients depend on mass flux and are well predicted by the Akers et al. [Akers, W.W., Deans, H.A., Crosser, O.K., 1959. Condensing heat transfer within horizontal tubes. Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser. 55, 171–176] equation. In the forced convection condensation region, the heat transfer coefficients show a 30% increase for a doubling of the refrigerant mass flux. The condensation heat transfer coefficients of super-heated vapour are 8–10% higher than those of saturated vapour and are well predicted by the Webb [Webb, R.L., 1998. Convective condensation of superheated vapour. ASME J. Heat Transfer 120, 418–421] model. The heat transfer coefficients show weak sensitivity to saturation temperature. The frictional pressure drop shows a linear dependence on the kinetic energy per unit volume of the refrigerant flow and therefore a quadratic dependence on the refrigerant mass flux.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic generalizations based on reduced pressure proposed in the 1960s are reviewed and updated to reflect the current state of the art. The application of the method is illustrated by analytical and numerical examples and an assessment made of its value in heat exchanger design practice with special emphasis on two-phase forced convection refrigeration cycle applications. It is shown that this thermodynamic approach provides the heat exchanger designer, and to some extent the system engineer with an additional tool which is simple, effective and above all more reliable, particularly in evaporator and condenser design practice, than current conventional semi-empirical correlations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the experimental heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop measured during refrigerant R134a vaporisation inside a small brazed plate heat exchanger (BPHE): the effects of heat flux, refrigerant mass flux, saturation temperature and outlet conditions are investigated. The BPHE tested consists of 10 plates, 72 mm in width and 310 mm in length, which present a macro-scale herringbone corrugation with an inclination angle of 65° and corrugation amplitude of 2 mm.The experimental results are reported in terms of refrigerant side heat transfer coefficients and frictional pressure drop. The heat transfer coefficients show great sensitivity both to heat flux and outlet conditions and weak sensitivity to saturation temperature. The frictional pressure drop shows a linear dependence on the kinetic energy per unit volume of the refrigerant flow.The experimental heat transfer coefficients are also compared with two well-known correlations for nucleate pool boiling and a correlation for frictional pressure drop is proposed.  相似文献   

Non-azeotropic refrigerant mixtures (NARMs) are investigated for a two-temperature level heat exchange process found in a domestic refrigerator-freezer. Ideal (constant air temperature) heat exchange processes are assumed. The results allow the effects of intercooling between the evaporator refrigerant stream and the condenser outlet stream to be examined in a systematic manner. For the conditions studied, an idealized NARM system will have a limiting coefficient of performance (COP) that is less than that of the best performing pure refrigerant component. However, for non-ideal heat exchange processes (gliding air temperature), the NARM-based system can have a higher limiting COP than a system running on either pure NARM component. Intercooling significantly affects the COP of NARM-based systems; however, depending on the location of ‘pinch points’ in the heat exchangers, only one intercooling heat exchanger may be needed to obtain a NARM's maximum refrigerator COP. The results are presented for mixtures of R22–R142b, R22–R123 and R32–R142b.  相似文献   

In this study full-scale experiments with two different conventional cooling-coils aimed for display cabinets were performed. Heat transfer and pressure drop on the liquid side for three different single phase secondary refrigerants were studied and compared to predictions by existing correlations. Predominantly, the laminar flow regime was studied. The results show that when predicting the heat transfer performance on the liquid side of a cooling-coil the Gnielinski correlation for thermally developing flow and uniform wall temperature boundary conditions (T) leads to good agreement for 0.0014 < x* < 0.017 if 50 < Re < 1700, assuming a new entrance length is formed after each U-bend. In addition, these entrance lengths must also be accounted for, when predicting the pressure drop on the liquid side of the cooling-coil. The uncertainty of measurement can be a problem in this type of investigations and this has been taken into consideration when analysing the results.  相似文献   

This work discusses about the pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of a plain fin, a strip fin and combinations thereof in the fin-and-tube heat exchanger. Experimental apparatus and test algorithm using scale-up model fin geometry are discussed. The present work uses the electric heaters inside of the tube as the heating source to simulate the hot water loop in the wind tunnel test. The test results of the plain and strip fins are compared with the existing correlation and experimental data. It was found that a hybrid fin, plain fin at front row and strip fin at rear row, was more effective to enhance the heat transfer than that of the whole strip fin at the same fan power.


Dans l’article, on traite des caractéristiques de la chute de pression et du transfert de chaleur d’une ailette lisse, d’une ailette gaufrée et de combinaisons de ces deux types d’ailettes dans un échangeur de chaleur à tubes ailetés. Le dispositif expérimental et l’algorithme utilisant une géométrie des ailettes échelonnées sont présentés. On utilise des équipements de chauffage électriques à l’intérieur du tube, comme source de chaleur, pour simuler la boucle d’eau chaude dans le tunnel expérimental. Les résultats expérimentaux concernant les ailettes lisses et les ailettes gaufrées sont comparés avec la corrélation existante et les données expérimentales. On a observé que des ailettes hybrides, c’est-à-dire lisses à la rangée frontale et gaufrées à la rangée arrière, étaient plus efficaces pour intensifier le transfert de chaleur que des ailettes entièrement gaufrées, à la même puissance du ventilateur.  相似文献   

Condensing heat transfer for R114/R12 mixtures on horizontal finned tubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two titanium tubes with external fins were tested in the horizontal orientation to determine heat transfer performance with R114, R12, and selected non-azeotropic mixtures of the two condensing on the outside surface. For the single-component situation, data were in excellent agreement with predictions from a modified Katz-Keller method, and little performance distinction was found between the tubes or between the pure refrigerants. All mixtures depressed performance below single-component levels, with even low second-component concentrations causing substantial degradation (up to 55% performance reduction for 5% R12). Gas chromatograph composition analyses of vapour from the condenser shell showed elevated concentrations of the more volatile component (R12), evidence that an added transport resistance contributed to the observed mixture performance reductions. If previously suggested benefits of mixtures in heat pump applications are to be realized, the associated condensers should be in a configuration so as to mitigate these performance penalties.  相似文献   

This paper discusses prediction methods which are able to provide the dynamic viscosity, μ, of liquids along the saturation line. The best empirical or semi-empirical correlations existing in the literature are critically presented and checked to outline the usefulness of the new prediction method presented in this paper. Fifty substances (organic compounds, inorganic compounds and pure elements) are examined to show the reliability of the new simple equation which contains three factors (A, B and C) related to the molecular structure and the most important physical properties. The general scheme of prediction is then applied to the particular case of refrigerant fluids belonging to the methane and ethane families and to their binary mixtures. The accuracy of the proposed prediction method is checked using the most recent and reliable experimental dynamic viscosity data available in literature, and the mean and the maximum deviations between predicted and experimental μ values are shown to be less than 3 and 8%, respectively.  相似文献   

The introduction of chlorine-free refrigerants to the market requires experimental investigations of their behaviour in heat pumps and refrigerators. One particular area of interest is the effect of the new oils on the heat transfer in evaporators and condensers. Oil can either increase or decrease the heat transfer coefficient. This paper presents the results from an experimental investigation of the effect of three different ester-based oils on the heat transfer of HFC134a in a horizontal evaporator. The tests were carried out at heat fluxes between 2 and 8 kW m−2 (corresponding to mass fluxes between approximately 40 and 170 kg s−1 m−2). The evaporation temperature was varied from−10 to +10°C. The global oil concentration ranged from 0 to 4.5 mass percentage based on the total liquid flow. The heat transfer coefficient decreased in most of the cases. The results indicate that the decrease seems to depend on the viscosity of the oil. The decrease can fairly well be estimated with the correlation for pure refrigerants by Shah if the viscosity of the mixture is used in the calculations. The data for the oil-contaminated refrigerant also agree well with data for pure refrigerants in a plot of αtplo* versus the inverse Martinelli-Lockhart parameter when αlo* is calculated with a modified Dittus-Boelter correlation and the mixture viscosity is used in the calculations. The heat transfer is found to increase when introducing oil in the special cases where the flow rate is low and the viscosity is low (oil A, 2 and 4 kW m−2 oil B, 6kW m−2 at +10°C). This is most likely due to surface tension effects. It has been suggested that the increased surface tension leads to a better tube wetting and thus an increased heat transfer.  相似文献   

The interaction parameter, k12, is determined from the experimental equilibrium data obtained by other authors. Vapour-liquid equilibria for binary mixtures of halocarbon refrigerants are predicted using the Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state. The mixtures considered are: R14-R23, R23-R12, R13-R12, R13-R11, R13B1-R22, R13B1-R152a, R22-RC318, R12-RC318, R12-R11.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of an evaporator based on one-dimensional partial differential equations representing mass conservation, and tube wall energy has been formulated. These equations are then restructured and linked to a program data base of all major refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures. The result is a simulation model of an evaporator that is general and flexible. The model is tested over a wide range of operating conditions and a simple controller is implemented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model for controller and systems design.


On a établi un modèle mathématique d'un évaporateur basé sur des équations aux dérivés partielles unidimensionnelles qui représentent la conservation de masse et l'énergie de la paroi du tube. Ces équations ont été restructurées ensuite, puis reliées à une base de données sur les principaux frigorigènes purs et en mélanges. De cette manière, on obtient un modèle d'évaporateur d'application générale et souple. Ce modèle a été éprouvé dans des conditions de fonctionnement très variées et on a employé un système de régulation simple pour montrer l'efficacité du modèle pour la conception et la régulation des systèmes.  相似文献   

Horizontal smooth and microfinned copper tubes with an approximate diameter of 9 mm were successively flattened in order to determine changes in flow field characteristics as a round tube is altered into a flattened tube profile. Refrigerants R134a and R410A were investigated over a mass flux range from 75 to 400 kg m−2 s−1 and a quality range from approximately 10–80%. For a given refrigerant mass flow rate, the results show that a significant reduction in refrigerant charge is possible. Pressure drop results show increases of pressure drop at a given mass flux and quality as a tube profile is flattened. Heat transfer results indicate enhancement of the condensation heat transfer coefficient as a tube is flattened. Flattened tubes with an 18° helix angle displayed the highest heat transfer coefficients. Smooth tubes and axial microfin tubes displayed similar levels of heat transfer enhancement. Heat transfer enhancement is dependent on the mass flux, quality and tube profile.  相似文献   

Convective boiling heat transfer coefficients of pure refrigerants (R22, R32, R134A, R290, and R600a) and refrigerant mixtures (R32/R134a, R290/R600a, and R32/R125) are measured experimentally and compared with Gungor and Winterton correlation. The test section is made of a seamless stainless steel tube with an inner diameter of 7.7 mm and is uniformly heated by applying electric current directly to the tube. The exit temperature of the test section was kept at 12°C ± 0.5°C for all refrigerants in this study. Heat fluxes are varied from 10 to 30 kW m−2 and mass fluxes are set to the discrete values in the range of 424–742 kg m−2 s−1 for R22, R32, R134a, R32/R134a, and R32/R125; 265–583 kg m−2 s−1 for R290, R600a, and R290/R600a. Heat transfer coefficients depend strongly on heat flux at a low quality region and become independent as quality increases. The Gungor and Winterton correlation for pure substances and the Thome-Shakil modification of this correlation for refrigerant mixtures overpredicts the heat transfer coefficients measured in this study.  相似文献   

Experimental heat transfer coefficients are reported for HFC-134a and CFC-12 during in-tube single-phase flow, evaporation and condensation. These heat transfer coefficients were measured in a horizontal, smooth tube with an inner diameter of 8.0 mm and a length of 3.67 m. The refrigerant in the test-tube was heated or cooled by using water flowing through an annulus surrounding the tube. Evaporation tests were performed for a refrigerant temperature range of 5–15°C with inlet and exit qualities of 10 and 90%, respectively. For condensation tests, the refrigerant temperature ranged from 30 to 50°C, with et and exit qualities of 90 and 10%, respectively. The mass flux was varied from 125 to 400 kg m−2 s−1 for all tests. For similar mass fluxes, the evaporation and condensation heat transfer coefficients for HFC-134a were significantly higher than those of CFC-12. Specifically, HFC-134a showed a 35–45% increase over CFC-12 for evaporation and a 25–35% increase over CFC-12 for condensation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the issues and new results for in-tube condensation of ammonia in horizontal round tubes. A new empirical correlation is presented based on measured NH3 in-tube condensation heat transfer and pressure drop by Komandiwirya et al. [Komandiwirya, H.B., Hrnjak, P.S., Newell, T.A., 2005. An experimental investigation of pressure drop and heat transfer in an in-tube condensation system of ammonia with and without miscible oil in smooth and enhanced tubes. ACRC CR-54, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] in an 8.1 mm aluminum tube at a saturation temperature of 35 °C, and for a mass flux range of 20–270 kg m−2 s−1. Most correlations overpredict these measured NH3 heat transfer coefficients, up to 300%. The reasons are attributed to difference in thermophysical properties of ammonia compared to other refrigerants used in generation and validation of the correlations. Based on the conventional correlations, thermophysical properties of ammonia, and measured heat transfer coefficients, a new correlation was developed which can predict most of the measured values within ±20%. Measured NH3 pressure drop is shown and discussed. Two separated flow models are shown to predict the pressure drop relatively well at pressure drop higher than 1 kPa m−1, while a homogeneous model yields acceptable values at pressure drop less than 1 kPa m−1. The pressure drop mechanism and prediction accuracy are explained though the use of flow patterns.  相似文献   

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