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由于具备较高的热导率,铜/金刚石复合材料已成为应用于电子封装领域的新一代热管理材料。采用放电等离子烧结工艺(SPS)成功制备含不同金刚石体积分数的Cu/金刚石复合材料,研究复合材料的相对密度、微观结构均匀性和热导率(TC)随金刚石体积分数(50%、60%和70%)和烧结温度的变化规律。结果表明:随着金刚石体积分数的降低,复合材料的相对密度、微观结构均匀性和热导率均升高;随着烧结温度的提高,复合材料的相对密度和热导率不断提高。复合材料的热导率受到金刚石体积分数、微观结构均匀性和复合材料相对密度的综合影响。  相似文献   

采用真空微蒸发-扩散镀技术,在金刚石表面镀覆不同厚度的钨层,并结合真空熔渗法制备金刚石铜复合材料。通过X射线衍射分析镀覆层相结构,采用扫描电镜观察镀覆层表面微观形貌和复合材料中金刚石与铜界面结合形貌,分析金刚石表面镀钨层组织、结构及厚度对金刚石/铜复合材料热导率的影响。结果表明:金刚石表面镀覆钨能改善与基体的润湿性;随着镀覆层均匀性和厚度增加,复合材料热导率先增加后减小;完整均匀的镀覆层可以获得较高界面热导。  相似文献   

以纯铝粉末和金刚石为基体材料,采用真空热压固相烧结方式制备出热导率为677 W/(m·K)的高导热金刚石/铝复合材料.利用激光导热仪、热膨胀仪对金刚石/铝复合材料性能进行表征,并通过对制备温度、保温时间及金刚石基本颗粒尺寸的调控来优化制备工艺.研究发现:随制备温度升高,金刚石/铝复合材料的密度及致密度均有所提高,其热导...  相似文献   

采用高温高压法制备金刚石/铜复合材料。研究金刚石体积分数、烧结压力、保温时间、烧结温度、金刚石表面金属化对金刚石/铜复合材料热导率及热膨胀系数的影响。实验表明:金刚石体积分数70%,烧结压力2 GPa,烧结时间300 s,烧结温度1200℃时,金刚石/铜复合材料热导率达426 W/(m·K)。   相似文献   

以Cu、SiC粉末为原料,用放电等离子法制备SiC/Cu复合材料;利用X射线衍射仪分析不同球磨时间的混合粉末物相;用扫描电镜观察粉末的形貌,并进行粒度分析.研究了不同压力下SiC/Cu复合材料的致密度和显微硬度,研究了SiC含量对该复合材料硬度、密度和摩擦磨损性能的影响,并讨论了其磨损机制.结果表明:在50 MPa的烧结压力下,该复合材料的致密度和硬度最优异,SiC含量为10%时,该复合材料的摩擦磨损性能最好,其磨损机制主要是黏着磨损和磨料磨损.  相似文献   

金刚石/铜复合材料热导率研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用高温高压法制备出金刚石/铜复合材料,并对复合材料的显微组织及性能进行了研究.结果表明,采用高温高压法制备的金刚石/铜复合材料,组织致密;复合材料的热导率随金刚石含量的增加而下降,这主要是由于界面热阻对复合材料热导率的影响.  相似文献   

为研制更高热导率的产品,采用粉末冶金法将金刚石与高纯度铜粉热压在一起,制备新型金刚石/铜复合材料。通过正交分析法,研究了金刚石/铜复合材料热导率的影响因素。结果表明:用粉末冶金法制备的金刚石/铜复合材料,其热导率最高为245.89 W/(m·K)。对金刚石/铜复合材料热导率影响最大的因素是金刚石与铜粉的体积比,并且随着体积比的增大,金刚石/铜复合材料热导率逐渐下降。金刚石/铜复合材料的致密度以及界面结合程度是影响金刚石/铜复合材料热导率大小的重要因素,致密度高、界面结合好的复合材料热导率高,反之则低。   相似文献   

通过在金刚石表面镀钛来改善金刚石和铝基体之间的弱界面结合,并用气压浸渗法制备体积分数为60%的镀钛金刚石/铝复合材料。研究镀钛后金刚石颗粒的物相组成、不同镀层厚度和不同颗粒尺寸下复合材料的热导率;用H-J和DEM模型预测复合材料的热导率,并将预测结果与实验值进行对比。结果表明,镀钛后金刚石颗粒的物相由金刚石、碳化钛和钛三相组成;随着镀层厚度的增加,界面传热系数减小,复合材料的热导率减小;颗粒的尺寸越小,这种变化趋势越明显;相对于H-J模型,DEM模型更能准确地预测镀钛金刚石增强的复合材料的热导率;通过计算得出镀钛金刚石/铝复合材料的临界镀层厚度为1.5μm,当超过此临界镀层厚度时,镀层反而不利于复合材料热导率的提高。  相似文献   

采用SPS放电等离子烧结法制备石墨烯-铝合金复合材料,研究石墨烯含量分别为0、0.1wt%、0.2wt%、0.3wt%、0.5wt%、1wt%、2wt%、3wt%和5wt%时,复合材料的显微硬度、摩擦系数和磨损率.结果 表明,SPS放电等离子烧结法制备的复合材料组织较为致密,石墨烯分散均匀.随着石墨烯质量分数的增加,复...  相似文献   

以天然鳞片石墨粉和纯铜粉为原料,通过真空热压烧结制备高导热石墨/铜复合材料,研究了石墨在复合材料中的排列以及石墨含量对该复合材料热导率和热膨胀系数的影响.结果表明:该复合材料中石墨层片状结构定向排列,x-y向与z向性能有明显各向异性.在烧结温度为900℃,热压压力为80 MPa时,该复合材料热膨胀系数随石墨含量的增加而减小;当石墨含量质量分数在40%以内时,铜与石墨结合紧密,该复合材料致密度达98%以上,x-y向热导率变化不大,z向热导率逐渐减小;当石墨质量分数为40%时,该复合材料x-y向热导率最大,达378W/(m·K).  相似文献   

Microstructure, phase transformation and mechanical properties of NiMnGa particles/Cu composites prepared by spark plasma sintering method were investigated by SEM, EDS, XRD, susceptibility measurements and mechanical tests. The NiMnGa particles were found to react with Cu matrix and the composites exhibited a similar crystal structure to the Cu matrix. The martensitic transformation and Curie transition of the composites were weakened due to the composition change of NiMnGa particles caused by reactions. With increasing NiMnGa particles content, the martensitic transformation and Curie transition of the composites were enhanced to some extent. However, the martensitic transformation temperature and Curie transition temperature were decreased by ~50 K as compared to those of the original NiMnGa particles. The compressive strength of the composites increased with the increase of NiMnGa particles content, whereas the compressive strain was decreased gradually.  相似文献   

AIN/Al composites are a potentially new kind of thermal management material for electronic packaging and heat sink applications.The spark plasma sintering(SPS)technique was used for the first time to prepare the AIN/Al composites,and attention was focused on the effects of sintering parameters on the relative density,microstructure and,in particular,thermal conductivity behavior of the composites.The results showed that the relative density and thermal conductivity of the composites increased with increasing sintering temperature and pressure.The composites sintered at 1550℃ for 5 min under 70 Mpa showed the maximum relative density and thermal conductivity,corresponding to 99% and 97.5 W·m-1·K-1,respectively.However,the thermal conductivity of present AIN/Al composites is still far below the theoretical value.Possible reasons for this deviation were discussed.  相似文献   

AlN/Al composites are a potentially new kind of thermal management material for electronic packaging and heat sink applications.The spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique was used for the first time to prepare the AlN/Al composites,and attention was focused on the effects of sintering parameters on the relative density,microstructure and,in particular,thermal conductivity behavior of the composites.The results showed that the relative density and thermal conductivity of the composites increased with increasing sintering temperature and pressure.The composites sintered at 1550 ℃ for 5 min under 70 MPa showed the maximum relative density and thermal conductivity,corresponding to 99% and 97.5 W m-1 K-1,respectively.However,the thermal conductivity of present AlN/Al composites is still far below the theoretical value.Possible reasons for this deviation were discussed.  相似文献   

本文采用放电等离子烧结→热轧制方法制备了颗粒含量为1~7%的钨颗粒增强铝基复合材料,研究钨颗粒含量对复合材料的微观组织、机械性能和导电性能的影响。研究结果表明:钨颗粒均匀的分布在基体铝合金当中,W/Al界面之间达到了冶金结合,在界面处存在元素扩散和WAl12金属间化合物的生成。在复合材料中,随着钨颗粒含量的增加,复合材料的致密度和韧性降低而拉伸强度呈现先升高后降低的趋势。其中,1和3 vol.% W/Al复合材料的拉伸强度和断裂韧性分别为192.85 MPa (16.84%) 和315.18 MPa (11.93%)。此外,W/Al复合材料具有良好的电导率,W颗粒的含量对复合材料的影响较小。  相似文献   

An orthogonal experiment scheme was designed to investigate the effects of the Cu content, compaction pressure, and sintering temperature on the microstructures and mechanical and thermal properties of (30–50)wt.%Cu/ Invar bi-metal matrix composites fabricated via spark plasma sintering (SPS). The results indicated that as the Cu content increased from 30 to 50 wt.%, a continuous Cu network gradually appeared, and the density, thermal conductivity (TC) and coefficient of thermal expansion of the composites noticeably increased, but the tensile strength decreased. The increase in the sintering temperature promoted the Cu/Invar interface diffusion, leading to a reduction in the TC but an enhancement in the tensile strength of the composites. The compaction pressure comprehensively affected the thermal properties of the composites. The 50wt.%Cu/Invar composite sintered at 700 °C and 60 MPa had the highest TC (90.7 W/(m·K)), which was significantly higher than the TCs obtained for most of the previously reported Cu/Invar composites.  相似文献   

采用专利挤压铸造方法制备了3种Mo体积分数分别为55%、60%和67%的Mo/Cu复合材料,并对其微观组织和导热性能进行了研究.结果表明:Mo颗粒分布均匀,Mo/Cu界面干净,不存在任何界面反应物和非晶层;复合材料组织均匀、致密,且致密度高达99%以上;复合材料的热导率为220~270 W/(m·K),并随着Mo含量的增加而降低.混合定律(ROM)较好地预测了55%Mo/Cu复合材料的热导率,而采用Maxwell模型和H-M模型的计算值与60%和67%Mo/Cu复合材料的热导率测试值一致.  相似文献   

Spark plasma sintering (SPS) was used to fabricate Al/diamond composites. The influence of diamond particle size on the microstructure and thermal conductivity (TC) of composites was investigated by combining experimental results with model prediction. The results show that both composites with 40 μm particles and 70 μm particles exhibit high density and good TC, and the composite with 70 μm particles indicates an excellent TC of 325 W·m−1·K−1. Their TCs lay between the theoretical estimated bounds. In contrast, the composite with 100 μm particles demonstrates low density as well as poor TC due to its high porosity and weak interfacial bonding. Its TC is even considerably less than the lower bound of the predicted value. Using larger diamond particles can further enhance thermal conductive performance only based on the premise that highly dense composites of strong interfacial bonding can be obtained.  相似文献   

使用热扩散法在金刚石表面镀钨,并采用不同工艺参数制备镀钨金刚石/铜复合材料,观察不同样品的微观形貌,并使用激光闪射法测量样品的热导率,探索制备高热导率金刚石/铜复合材料的最佳工艺参数。研究结果表明,在金刚石表面镀钨可以改善界面结合,当镀覆时间为60 min时,镀层完整、均匀、平整,样品的热导率达到486 W/(m·K)。镀层的完整性和均匀性比镀层厚度更为重要。进一步对镀钨金刚石进行退火处理后,镀层与金刚石之间的冶金结合增强,制备得到的复合材料的热导率提高到559 W/(m·K)。  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline WC-Co composite powder and coated tungsten diamond by using vacuum vapor deposition were consolidated by the spark plasma sintering (SPS) process to prepare diamond-enhanced WC-Co cemented carbide composite materials. The interface microstructures between coated tungsten diamond and WC-Co cemented carbide matrix were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). The results showed that there is a transitional layer between the diamond and the matrix, in which the carbon content is 62.97wt.%, and the content of cobalt in the transitional zone is 6.19wt.%; the content of cobalt in the WC-Co cemented carbide matrix is 6.07wt.%, in which the carbon content is 15.95wt.%, and the content of cobalt on the surface of diamond is 7.30wt.%, in which the carbon content is 80.38wt.%. The transitional zone prevents the carbon atom of the diamond from spreading to the matrix, in which the carbon content does coincide with the theoretical value of the raw nanocomposite powders, and the carbon content forms a graded distribution among the matrix, transitional zone, and the surface of diamond; after the 1280℃ SPS consolidated process the diamond still maintains a very good crystal shape, the coated tungsten on the surface of the diamond improves thermal stability of the diamond and increases the bonding strength of the interface between the diamond and the matrix.  相似文献   

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