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Typically, flow volumes are visualized by defining their boundary as iso‐surface of a level set function. Grid‐based level sets offer a good global representation but suffer from numerical diffusion of surface detail, whereas particle‐based methods preserve details more accurately but introduce the problem of unequal global representation. The particle level set (PLS) method combines the advantages of both approaches by interchanging the information between the grid and the particles. Our work demonstrates that the PLS technique can be adapted to volumetric dye advection via streak volumes, and to the visualization by time surfaces and path volumes. We achieve this with a modified and extended PLS, including a model for dye injection. A new algorithmic interpretation of PLS is introduced to exploit the efficiency of the GPU, leading to interactive visualization. Finally, we demonstrate the high quality and usefulness of PLS flow visualization by providing quantitative results on volume preservation and by discussing typical applications of 3D flow visualization.  相似文献   

Realistic terrain models are required in many applications, especially in computer games. Commonly, procedural models are applied to generate the corresponding models and let users experience a wide variety of new environments. Existing algorithms generate landscapes immediately with view‐dependent resolution and without preprocessing. Unfortunately, landscapes generated by such algorithms lack river networks and therefore appear unnatural. Algorithms that integrate realistic river networks are computationally expensive and cannot be used to generate a locally adaptive high resolution landscape during a fly‐through. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm to generate realistic river networks. Our procedural algorithm creates complete planets and landscapes with realistic river networks within seconds. It starts with a coarse base geometry of a planet without further preprocessing and user intervention. By exploiting current graphics hardware, the proposed algorithm is able to generate adaptively refined landscape geometry during fly‐throughs.  相似文献   

Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

For surgical planning, the exploration of 3D visualizations and 2D slice views is essential. However, the generation of visualizations which support the specific treatment decisions is very tedious. Therefore, the reuse of once designed visualizations for similar cases can strongly accelerate the process of surgical planning. We present a new technique that enables the easy reuse of both medical visualization types: 3D scenes and 2D slice views. We introduce the keystates as a concept to describe the state of a visualization in a general manner. They can be easily applied to new datasets to create similar visualizations. Keystates can be shared between surgeons of one specialization to reproduce and document the planning process for collaborative work. Furthermore, animations can support the surgeon on individual exploration and are also useful in collaborative environments, where complex issues must be presented in a short time. Therefore, we provide a framework, where animations can be visually designed by surgeons during their exploration process without any programming or authoring skills. We discuss several transitions between different visualizations and present an application from clinical routine.  相似文献   

The aim of the rapid world modeling project is to implement a system to visualize the topography of the entire world on consumer‐level hardware. This presents a significant problem in terms of both storage requirements and rendering speed. This paper presents the ‘Tiled Quad Tree’, a technique and format for the storage of digital terrain models, to work as part of an integrated system for the visualization of global terrain data. We show how this format efficiently stores and compresses elevation data, in a way that allows the data to be read very rapidly from hard disk or similar storage medium, to facilitate real‐time rendering. The results of compressing several distinct data sets are presented.  相似文献   

The evolution of strain and development of material anisotropy in models of the Earth’s mantle flow convey important information about how to interpret the geometric relationship between observation of seismic anisotropy and the actual mantle flow field. By combining feature extraction techniques such as path line integration and tensor accumulation, we compute time‐varying strain vector fields that build the foundation for a number of feature extraction and visualization techniques. The proposed field segmentation, clustering, histograms and multi‐volume visualization techniques facilitate an intuitive understanding of three‐dimensional strain in such flow fields, overcoming limitations of previous methods such as 2‐D line plots and slicing. We present applications of our approach to an artificial time varying flow data set and a real world example of stationary flow in a subduction zone and discuss the challenges of processing these geophysical data sets as well as the insights gained.  相似文献   

Smoke animations are hard to art‐direct because simple changes in parameters such as simulation resolution often lead to unpredictable changes in the final result. Previous work has addressed this problem with a guiding approach which couples low‐resolution simulations – that exhibit the desired flow and behaviour – to the final, high‐resolution simulation. This is done in such a way that the desired low frequency features are to some extent preserved in the high‐resolution simulation. However, the steady (i.e. constant) guiding used often leads to a lack of sufficiently high detail, and employing time‐dependent guiding is expensive because the matrix of the resulting set of equations needs to be recomputed at every iteration. We propose an improved mathematical model for Eulerian‐based simulations which is better suited for dynamic, time‐dependent guiding of smoke animations through a novel variational coupling of the low‐ and high‐resolution simulations. Our model results in a matrix that does not require re‐computation when the guiding changes over time, and hence we can employ time‐dependent guiding more efficiently both in terms of storage and computational requirements. We demonstrate that time‐dependent guiding allows for more high frequency detail to develop without losing correspondence to the low resolution simulation. Furthermore, we explore various artistic effects made possible by time‐dependent guiding.  相似文献   

Flow visualization is recognized as an essential tool for many scientific research fields and different visualization approaches are proposed. Several studies are also conducted to evaluate their effectiveness but these studies rarely examine the performance from the perspective of visual perception. In this paper, we aim at exploring how users’ visual perception is influenced by different 2D flow visualization methods. An eye tracker is used to analyze users’ visual behaviors when they perform the free viewing, advection prediction, flow feature detection, and flow feature identification tasks on the flow field images generated by different visualizations methods. We evaluate the illustration capability of five representative visualization algorithms. Our results show that the eye‐tracking‐based evaluation provides more insights to quantitatively analyze the effectiveness of these visualization methods.  相似文献   

Traversing voxels along a three dimensional (3D) line is one of the most fundamental algorithms for voxel‐based applications. This paper presents a new 6‐connectivity integer algorithm for this task. The proposed algorithm accepts voxels having different sizes in x, y and z directions. To explain the idea of the proposed approach, a 2D algorithm is firstly considered and then extended in 3D. This algorithm is a multi‐step as up to three voxels may be added in one iteration. It accepts both integer and floating‐point input. The new algorithm was compared to other popular voxel traversing algorithms. Counting the number of arithmetic operations showed that the proposed algorithm requires the least amount of operations per traversed voxel. A comparison of spent CPU time using either integer or floating‐point arithmetic confirms that the proposed algorithm is the most efficient. This algorithm is simple, and in compact form which also makes it attractive for hardware implementation.  相似文献   

We present a robust, unbiased technique for intelligent light‐path construction in path‐tracing algorithms. Inspired by existing path‐guiding algorithms, our method learns an approximate representation of the scene's spatio‐directional radiance field in an unbiased and iterative manner. To that end, we propose an adaptive spatio‐directional hybrid data structure, referred to as SD‐tree, for storing and sampling incident radiance. The SD‐tree consists of an upper part—a binary tree that partitions the 3D spatial domain of the light field—and a lower part—a quadtree that partitions the 2D directional domain. We further present a principled way to automatically budget training and rendering computations to minimize the variance of the final image. Our method does not require tuning hyperparameters, although we allow limiting the memory footprint of the SD‐tree. The aforementioned properties, its ease of implementation, and its stable performance make our method compatible with production environments. We demonstrate the merits of our method on scenes with difficult visibility, detailed geometry, and complex specular‐glossy light transport, achieving better performance than previous state‐of‐the‐art algorithms.  相似文献   

Historically, rendering system development has been mainly focused on improving the numerical accuracy of the rendering algorithms and their runtime efficiency. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the correctness not of the algorithms themselves, but of their implementation. Specifically, we show that by combining static type checking and generic programming, rendering system and shader development can take advantage of compile‐time checking to perform dimensional analysis, i.e. to enforce the correctness of physical dimensions and units in light transport, and geometric space analysis, i.e. to ensure that geometric computations respect the spaces in which points, vectors and normals were defined. We demonstrate our methods by implementing a CPU path tracer and a GPU renderer which previews direct illumination. While we build on prior work to develop our implementations, the main contribution of our work is to show that dimensional analysis and geometric space checking can be successfully integrated into the development of rendering systems and shaders.  相似文献   

We present a design technique for colors with the purpose of lowering the energy consumption of the display device. Our approach is based on a screen space variant energy model. The result of our design is a set of distinguishable iso-lightness colors guided by perceptual principles. We present two variations of our approach. One is based on a set of discrete user-named (categorical) colors, which are analyzed according to their energy consumption. The second is based on the constrained continuous optimization of color energy in the perceptually uniform CIELAB color space. We quantitatively compare our two approaches with a traditional choice of colors, demonstrating that we typically save approximately 40 percent of the energy. The color sets are applied to examples from the 2D visualization of nominal data and volume rendering of 3D scalar fields.  相似文献   

We present an approach for extracting extremal feature lines of scalar indicators on surface meshes, based on discrete Morse Theory. By computing initial Morse‐Smale complexes of the scalar indicators of the mesh, we obtain a candidate set of extremal feature lines of the surface. A hierarchy of Morse‐Smale complexes is computed by prioritizing feature lines according to a novel criterion and applying a cancellation procedure that allows us to select the most significant lines. Given the scalar indicators on the vertices of the mesh, the presented feature line extraction scheme is interpolation free and needs no derivative estimates. The technique is insensitive to noise and depends only on one parameter: the feature significance. We use the technique to extract surface features yielding impressive, non photorealistic images.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel efficient technique for automatically transforming a generic renderable 3D scene into a simple graph representation named ExploreMaps, where nodes are nicely placed point of views, called probes, and arcs are smooth paths between neighboring probes. Each probe is associated with a panoramic image enriched with preferred viewing orientations, and each path with a panoramic video. Our GPU‐accelerated unattended construction pipeline distributes probes so as to guarantee coverage of the scene while accounting for perceptual criteria before finding smooth, good looking paths between neighboring probes. Images and videos are precomputed at construction time with off‐line photorealistic rendering engines, providing a convincing 3D visualization beyond the limits of current real‐time graphics techniques. At run‐time, the graph is exploited both for creating automatic scene indexes and movie previews of complex scenes and for supporting interactive exploration through a low‐DOF assisted navigation interface and the visual indexing of the scene provided by the selected viewpoints. Due to negligible CPU overhead and very limited use of GPU functionality, real‐time performance is achieved on emerging web‐based environments based on WebGL even on low‐powered mobile devices.  相似文献   

Skinning is a simple yet popular deformation technique combining compact storage with efficient hardware accelerated rendering. While skinned meshes (such as virtual characters) are traditionally created by artists, previous work proposes algorithms to construct skinning automatically from a given vertex animation. However, these methods typically perform well only for a certain class of input sequences and often require long pre‐processing times. We present an algorithm based on iterative coordinate descent optimization which handles arbitrary animations and produces more accurate approximations than previous techniques, while using only standard linear skinning without any modifications or extensions. To overcome the computational complexity associated with the iterative optimization, we work in a suitable linear subspace (obtained by quick approximate dimensionality reduction) and take advantage of the typically very sparse vertex weights. As a result, our method requires about one or two orders of magnitude less pre‐processing time than previous methods.  相似文献   

The paper describes a technique to generate high‐quality light field representations from volumetric data. We show how light field galleries can be created to give unexperienced audiences access to interactive high‐quality volume renditions. The proposed light field representation is lightweight with respect to storage and bandwidth capacity and is thus ideal as exchange format for visualization results, especially for web galleries. The approach expands an existing sphere‐hemisphere parameterization for the light field with per‐pixel depth. High‐quality paraboloid maps from volumetric data are generated using GPU‐based ray‐casting or slicing approaches. Different layers, such as isosurfaces, but not restricted to, can be generated independently and composited in real time. This allows the user to interactively explore the model and to change visibility parameters at run‐time.  相似文献   

We describe a simulation‐time random sampling of a large‐scale particle simulation, the RoadRunner Universe MC3 cosmological simulation, for interactive post‐analysis and visualization. Simulation data generation rates will continue to be far greater than storage bandwidth rates by many orders of magnitude. This implies that only a very small fraction of data generated by a simulation can ever be stored and subsequently post‐analyzed. The limiting factors in this situation are similar to the problem in many population surveys: there aren't enough human resources to query a large population. To cope with the lack of resources, statistical sampling techniques are used to create a representative data set of a large population. Following this analogy, we propose to store a simulation‐time random sampling of the particle data for post‐analysis, with level‐of‐detail organization, to cope with the bottlenecks. A sample is stored directly from the simulation in a level‐of‐detail format for post‐visualization and analysis, which amortizes the cost of post‐processing and reduces workflow time. Additionally by sampling during the simulation, we are able to analyze the entire particle population to record full population statistics and quantify sample error.  相似文献   

We propose various simulation strategies to generate single‐frame fire effects for images, as opposed to multi‐frame fire effects for animations. To accelerate 3D simulation and to provide a user with early hints on the final effect, we propose a 2D‐guided 3D simulation approach, which runs a faster 2D simulation first, and then guides 3D simulation using the 2D simulation result. To achieve this, we explore various boundary conditions and develop a constrained projection method. Since only the final frame will be used while intermediate frames are abandoned, earlier intermediate frames can take larger time steps and have large noise applied, quickly generating turbulent flow structures. As the final frame approaches, we increase the flow quality by reducing the time step and not adding any noise. This adaptive time stepping allows us to use more computational resource near or at the final frame. We also develop divergence and buoyancy modification methods to guide flames along arbitrary, even physically implausible, directions. Our simulation methods can effectively and efficiently generate a variety of fire effects useful for image decoration.  相似文献   

In this paper we present several techniques to interactively explore representations of 2D vector fields. Through a set of simple hand postures used on large, touch‐sensitive displays, our approach allows individuals to custom‐design glyphs (arrows, lines, etc.) that best reveal patterns of the underlying dataset. Interactive exploration of vector fields is facilitated through freedom of glyph placement, glyph density control, and animation. The custom glyphs can be applied individually to probe specific areas of the data but can also be applied in groups to explore larger regions of a vector field. Re‐positionable sources from which glyphs—animated according to the local vector field—continue to emerge are used to examine the vector field dynamically. The combination of these techniques results in an engaging visualization with which the user can rapidly explore and analyze varying types of 2D vector fields, using a virtually infinite number of custom‐designed glyphs.  相似文献   

Dynamic Sampling and Rendering of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Algebraic Point Set Surfaces (APSS) define a smooth surface from a set of points using local moving least‐squares (MLS) fitting of algebraic spheres. In this paper we first revisit the spherical fitting problem and provide a new, more generic solution that includes intuitive parameters for curvature control of the fitted spheres. As a second contribution we present a novel real‐time rendering system of such surfaces using a dynamic up‐sampling strategy combined with a conventional splatting algorithm for high quality rendering. Our approach also includes a new view dependent geometric error tailored to efficient and adaptive up‐sampling of the surface. One of the key features of our system is its high degree of flexibility that enables us to achieve high performance even for highly dynamic data or complex models by exploiting temporal coherence at the primitive level. We also address the issue of efficient spatial search data structures with respect to construction, access and GPU friendliness. Finally, we present an efficient parallel GPU implementation of the algorithms and search structures.  相似文献   

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