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Multiple conflicting objectives in many decision making problems can be well described by multiple objective linear programming (MOLP) models. This paper deals with the vague and imprecise information in a multiple objective problem by fuzzy numbers to represent parameters of an MOLP model. This so-called fuzzy MOLP (or FMOLP) model will reflect some uncertainty in the problem solution process since most decision makers often have imprecise goals for their decision objectives. This study proposes an approximate algorithm based on a fuzzy goal optimization under the satisfactory degree α to handle both fuzzy and imprecise issues. The concept of a general fuzzy number is used in the proposed algorithm for an FMOLP problem with fuzzy parameters. As a result, this algorithm will allow decision makers to provide fuzzy goals in any form of membership functions.  相似文献   

模糊机会约束规划是一类重要的模糊规划,它广泛地存在于许多领域中,微粒群算法已实现了对其的有效求解,但求解速度仍不能满足大规模模糊机会约束规划问题的求解,为了寻找更为高效的求解模糊机会约束规划的算法,通过采用模糊模拟产生样本训练BP网络以逼近模糊函数,然后应用微粒群算法并以逼近模糊函数的神经网络作为适应值估计及检验解的可行性,从而提出了一种求解模糊机会约束规划的混合智能算法。最后通过仿真结果说明了算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

一个基于插值的解非线性双层规划的遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非线性双层规划问题是一类递阶优化问题,相关的算法往往需要对每一个上层变量值求一个下层优化问题才能得到一个可行点,这使得算法的计算量很大.目前文献中的算法通常都是基于对每个确定的上层变量,下层最优解唯一的条件,这就意味着每个下层变量的分量都可以看成是上层变量的函数.基于这个思想,同时为了避免频繁计算下层优化问题,文中提出了一种新的方法.这种方法与已有方法的主要不同之处在于,它不需频繁求解下层规划,而是用插值函数近似下层最优解函数.其主要思想如下:首先,取一些上层变量值作为插值节点,计算它们对应的下层问题的最优解,这些最优解的第i个分量作为第i个插值函数的函数值,利用这些节点和函数值计算插值函数;其次,将插值函数代入上层问题,得到一个近似原问题的单层规划;最后用一个新的遗传算法求解该单层规划.由于插值节点和相应的插值函数在进化过程中自适应修正和更新,这样可使得该单层规划问题的最优解逐步逼近原问题的最优解,并且可减少计算量.对25个测试问题的仿真结果表明,该文所提出的算法能以较少的计算量找到这些问题的最好解.  相似文献   

Automation and Remote Control - We propose a dead-end control algorithm for the exact solution of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. The efficiency of the algorithm is demonstrated by...  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for solving nonlinear programming (NLP) problems. It is an extension of Guo's algorithm [1] which possesses enhanced capabilities for solving NLP problems. These capabilities include: a) extending the variable subspace, b) adding a search process over subspaces and normalized constraints, c) using an adaptive penalty function, and d) adding the ability to deal with integer NLP problems, 0-1 NLP problems, and mixed-integer NLP problems which have equality constraints. These four enhancements increase the capabilities of the algorithm to solve nonlinear programming problems in a more robust and universal way. This paper will present results of numerical experiments which show that the new algorithm is not only more robust and universal than its competitors, but also its performance level is higher than any others in the literature.  相似文献   

谢波  余永权 《计算机工程》2011,37(13):150-152
针对进化规划算法收敛速度慢、容易早熟收敛等问题,提出一种基于探测变异的进化规划算法。该算法通过降维得到多个探测变异量,对个体进行探测变异,使个体始终向适应度好的方向进化,并利用自适应高斯变异标准差伸缩搜索空间,使个体跳出局部最优解。通过3个经典算例对其性能进行测试,实验结果证明该算法收敛速度快,求解质量高,可以解决早熟收敛等问题。  相似文献   

Existing interval constraint logic programming languages, such as BNR Prolog, work under the framework of interval narrowing and are deficient in solving systems of linear constraints over real numbers, which constitute an important class of problems in engineering and other applications. In this paper, we suggest to separate linear equality constraint solving from inequality and non-linear constraint solving. The implementation of an efficient interval linear constraint solver, which is based on the preconditioned interval Gauss-Seidel method, is proposed. We show how the solver can be adapted to incremental execution and incorporated into a constraint logic programming language already equipped with a non-linear solver based on interval narrowing. The two solvers share common interval variables, interact and cooperate in a round-robin fashion during computation, resulting in an efficient interval constraint arithmetic language CIAL. The CIAL prototypes, based on CLP(R), are constructed and compared favorably against several major interval constraint logic programming languages.  相似文献   

提出一种基于实数编码处理约束优化问题的线性算法,并对其复杂度和收敛性进行分析.该算法将约束优化问题的高维搜索空间通过线性变换映射到二维空间,在二维空间中探索原优化问题的解,从数学分析的角度给出一种线性适应度函数.算法中融入一种基于密度函数的交叉算子和变异算法,采用基于分级聚类的平均联接方式以维持Pareto最优解集个体数目.3组典型优化问题的测试表明,该算法是可行和有效的,解集分布的均匀性与多样性均较理想.  相似文献   

提出一种改进的直觉模糊遗传算法用于求解带有多维约束的非线性规划问题。以遗传算法在迭代寻优中的个体适应度大小构造相应可行解的隶属度和非隶属度函数,将非线性规划问题直觉模糊化转化为直觉模糊非线性规划问题,通过建立直觉模糊推理系统,自适应地调节遗传算法的交叉率和变异率;并采用一种改进的选择策略,将个体按适应度值大小排序、等量分组,对适应度低的个体组随机选择复制,保留不可行解中可能隐含的有利寻优信息,增强种群个体的多样性和竞争性。仿真实验结果表明,该算法求解非线性规划问题时是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

对典型的NP难度问题--著名的长方体Packing问题,通过观察体会人类几千年来在砌石头下围棋等活动中形成的经验和智慧,受到谚语"金角银边草肚皮"的启发,并将它发展提高到"价值最高钻石穴",提出了一种最大穴度的占角动作优先处理的拟人算法.计算了Loh和Nee提出的15个代表性的算例,算法在合理的时间内得出了高空间利用率的布局,其精度达到了国际先进的纪录.  相似文献   

We present a learning-oriented interactive reference direction algorithm for solving multi-objective convex nonlinear integer programming problems. At each iteration the decision-maker (DM) sets his/her preferences as aspiration levels of the objective functions. The modified aspiration point and the solution found at the previous iteration define the reference direction. Based on the reference direction, we formulate a mixed-integer scalarizing problem with specific properties. By solving this problem approximately, we find one or more integer solutions located close to the efficient surface. At some iteration (usually at the last iteration), the DM may want to solve the scalarizing problem to obtain an exact (weak) efficient solution. Based on the proposed algorithm, we have developed a research-decision support system that includes one exact and one heuristic algorithm. Using this system, we illustrate the proposed algorithm with an example, and report some computational results.  相似文献   

Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) have been widely investigated over the last decade. Recently researchers have extended SMT to the optimization problem over linear arithmetic constraints. To the best of our knowledge, Symba and OPT-MathSAT are two most efficient solvers available for this problem. The key algorithms used by Symba and OPT-MathSAT consist of the loop of two procedures: 1) critical finding for detecting a critical point, which is very likely to be globally optimal, and 2) global checking for confirming the critical point is really globally optimal. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on the Simplex method widely used in operation research. Our fundamental idea is to find several critical points by constructing and solving a series of linear problems with the Simplex method. Our approach replaces the algorithms of critical finding in Symba and OPT-MathSAT, and reduces the runtime of critical finding and decreases the number of executions of global checking. The correctness of our approach is proved. The experiment evaluates our implementation against Symba and OPT-MathSAT on a critical class of problems in real-time systems. Our approach outperforms Symba on 99.6% of benchmarks and is superior to OPT-MathSAT in large-scale cases where the number of tasks is more than 24. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach has great potential and competitiveness for the optimization problem.  相似文献   

The problem of finding dense structures in a given graph is quite basic in informatics including data mining and data engineering. Clique is a popular model to represent dense structures, and widely used because of its simplicity and ease in handling. Pseudo cliques are natural extension of cliques which are subgraphs obtained by removing small number of edges from cliques. We here define a pseudo clique by a subgraph such that the ratio of the number of its edges compared to that of the clique with the same number of vertices is no less than a given threshold value. In this paper, we address the problem of enumerating all pseudo cliques for a given graph and a threshold value. We first show that it seems to be difficult to obtain polynomial time algorithms using straightforward divide and conquer approaches. Then, we propose a polynomial time, polynomial delay in precise, algorithm based on reverse search. The time complexity for each pseudo clique is O(Δlog |V|+min {Δ 2,|V|+|E|}). Computational experiments show the efficiency of our algorithm for both randomly generated graphs and practical graphs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an efficient Petrov-Galerkin method for the generalized airfoil equation. In general, the Petrov-Galerkin method for this equation leads to a linear system with a dense coefficient matrix. When the order of the coefficient matrix is large, the complexity for solving the corresponding linear system is huge. For this purpose, we propose a matrix truncation strategy to compress the dense coefficient matrix into a sparse matrix. Subsequently, we use a numerical integration method to generate the fully discrete truncated linear system. At last we solve the corresponding linear system by the multilevel augmentation method. An optimal order of the approximate solution is preserved. The computational complexity for generating the fully discrete truncated linear system and solving it is estimated to be linear up to a logarithm. The spectral condition number of the truncated matrix is proved to be bounded. Numerical examples complete the paper. Supported by the Doctoral Foundation of Shandong Finance Institute.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于梯度投影矩阵下的求解线性约束下规划问题的神经网络模型,并导出了线性约束下规划问题的稳定解法,该网络模型既适合于求解线性约束下线性或非二次规划问题,又适合于求解线性或非线性方程组,与其它规划问题的神经网络相比,更具有一般性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于梯度投影矩阵下的求解线性约束下规划问题的神经网络。针对解的稳定性问题,导出了该网络相关参数之间的关系。由文中定义可知,该网络不但适合于求解线性约束下线性或非二次规划问题,而且也用于求解线性或非线性方程组问题,比其它规划问题的神经网络方法更具有一般性。  相似文献   

不等式约束的非线性规划混合遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对带不等式约束的非线性规划问题,提出了一个混合遗传算法。该算法分为全局探测和局部开采两个阶段,全局探测阶段是通过在有潜力的小生境内嵌入单纯形搜索,快速确定有前景的区域;而局部开采阶段则是在最有前景的区域进行单纯形搜索。该算法增强了局部搜索能力并同时保持种群的多样性,有效地解决了遗传算法的过早收敛和局部搜索能力弱的问题。典型非线性规划算例验证了混合算法的效率、精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

模糊调整在求解模糊规则中的应用*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种求解模线性规划的非精确算法,它模拟人的调节过程,将模糊控制思想嵌入到遗传算法的变异与交叉算子中求解出一个模糊糊优解集,取代了以往利用单纯形注解模糊糊线性规划问题的一个最优解。  相似文献   

Proving that a propositional formula is contradictory or unsatisfiable is a fundamental task in automated reasoning. This task is coNP-complete. Efficient algorithms are therefore needed when formulae are hard to solve. Random sat formulae provide a test-bed for algorithms because experiments that have become widely popular show clearly that these formulae are consistently difficult for any known algorithm. Moreover, the experiments show a critical value of the ratio of the number of clauses to the number of variables around which the formulae are the hardest on average. This critical value also corresponds to a ‘phase transition’ from solvability to unsolvability. The question of whether the formulae located around or above this critical value can efficiently be proved unsatisfiable on average (or even for a.e. formula) remains up to now one of the most challenging questions bearing on the design of new and more efficient algorithms. New insights into this question could indirectly benefit the solving of formulae coming from real-world problems, through a better understanding of some of the causes of problem hardness. In this paper we present a solving heuristic that we have developed, devoted essentially to proving the unsatisfiability of random sat formulae and inspired by recent work in statistical physics. Results of experiments with this heuristic and its evaluation in two recent sat competitions have shown a substantial jump in the efficiency of solving hard, unsatisfiable random sat formulae.  相似文献   

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