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A hard real‐time kernel is presented for distributed computer control systems (DCCS), highlighting a number of novel features, such as integrated scheduling of hard and soft real‐time tasks as well as tasks and resources; high‐performance time management supporting safe DCCS operation in a hard real‐time environment; synchronization and communication featuring event notification via vector semaphores and transparent communication through implicit (content‐oriented) message addressing. Conventional queues have been substituted by Boolean vectors and vector processing techniques throughout the kernel, resulting in efficient and highly deterministic behaviour, which is characterized by very low overhead and constant execution time of kernel operations, independent of the number of tasks involved. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The trend of digital convergence makes multitasking common in many digital electronic products. Some applications in those systems have inherent real‐time properties, while many others have few or no timeliness requirements. Therefore the embedded Linux kernels, which are widely used in those devices, provide real‐time features in many forms. However, providing real‐time scheduling usually induces throughput degradation in heavy multitasking due to the increased context switches. Usually the throughput degradation becomes a critical problem, since the performance of the embedded processors is generally limited for cost, design and energy efficiency reasons. This paper proposes schemes to lessen the throughput degradation, which is from real‐time scheduling, by suppressing unnecessary context switches and applying real‐time scheduling mechanisms only when it is necessary. Also the suggested schemes enable the complete priority inheritance protocol to prevent the well‐known priority inversion problem. We evaluated the effectiveness of our approach with open‐source benchmarks. By using the suggested schemes, the throughput is improved while the scheduling latency is kept same or better in comparison with the existing approaches. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rise of the ‘cheaper, faster, better’ mission paradigm increasingly challenges the industrial development of satellite systems. The novel paradigm will have a profound impact on the production of the real‐time software embedded on board new‐generation systems. This paper contends that a large proportion of the ensuing demands can be satisfied by an iterative and incremental development model revolving around two evolutionary enhancements to the present engineering approach, namely (1) static real‐time analysis as a key ingredient of the software verification process, and (2) an architectural paradigm centred on fixed priority preemptive scheduling. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A significant number of real‐time control applications include computational activities where the results have to be delivered at precise instants, rather than within a deadline. The performance of such systems significantly degrades if outputs are generated before or after the desired target time. This work presents a general methodology that can be used to design and analyze target‐sensitive applications in which the timing parameters of the computational activities are tightly coupled with the physical characteristics of the system to be controlled. For the sake of clarity, the proposed methodology is illustrated through a sample case study used to show how to derive and verify real‐time constraints from the mission requirements. Software implementation issues necessary to map the computational activities into tasks running on a real‐time kernel are also discussed to identify the kernel mechanisms necessary to enforce timing constraints and analyze the feasibility of the application. A set of experiments are finally presented with the purpose of validating the proposed methodology. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the verification and assignment into the execution environment of Reconfigurable Control Applications following the Component‐based International Industrial Standard IEC61499. According to this Standard, a Function Block (FB) is an event‐triggered component and an application is an FB network that has to meet temporal properties according to user requirements. If a reconfiguration scenario is applied at run‐time, then the FB network implementing the application is totally changed or modified. To cover all possible cases, we classify such scenarios into three classes and we define an agent‐based architecture designed with nested state machines to automatically handle all possible reconfigurations. To verify and assign Function Blocks corresponding to each reconfiguration scenario into the execution environment, we define an approach based on the exploration of reachability graphs to verify temporal properties. This approach constructs feasible Operating System tasks encoding the FB network that corresponds to each scenario. Therefore, the application is considered as sets of Operating System (OS) tasks where each set is to load in memory when the corresponding reconfiguration scenario is applied by the agent. We developed the tool XAssign supporting these contributions that we apply on the FESTO production system available in our research laboratory. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present an approach to accomplish verification in the early design phases of a system, which allows us to make the system verification easier, specifically for those systems with timing restrictions. For this purpose we use RT‐UML sequence diagrams in the design phase and we translate these diagrams into timed automata for performing the verification by using model checking techniques. Specifically, we use the Object Management Group's UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance, and Time and from the specifications written using this profile we obtain the corresponding timed automata. The ‘RT‐UML Profile’ is used in conjunction with a very well‐known tool to perform validation and verification of the timing needs, namely, the UPPAAL tool, which is used to simulate and analyze the behaviour of real‐time dynamic systems described by timed automata. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐touch driven user interfaces are becoming increasingly prevalent because of their intuitiveness and because of the reduction in the associated hardware costs. In recognition of this trend, multi‐touch software frameworks (MSFs) have begun to emerge. These frameworks abstract the low level issues of multi‐touch software development and deployment. MSFs therefore enable software developers who are unfamiliar with the complexities of multi‐touch software development to implement and deploy multi‐touch applications more easily. However, some multi‐touch applications have real‐time system requirements, and at present, no MSFs provide support for the development and deployment of such real‐time multi‐touch applications. The implication of this is that software developers are unable to take advantage of MSFs and, therefore, are forced to handle the complexities of multi‐touch and real‐time systems development and deployment for themselves in an ad hoc manner. The primary consequence of this is that the multi‐touch and/or real‐time aspects of the application may not function correctly. In this paper, guidelines are presented for applying real‐time system concepts to support the development and deployment of real‐time multi‐touch applications using MSFs. This serves to increase the probability that the application will meet its timing requirements while also reducing the complexity of the development and deployment process associated with multi‐touch applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

OSGi was designed with embedded systems in mind, its current support is insufficient for coping with one main characteristic of many embedded systems: real‐time performance. This article analyzes different key issues in providing OSGi with real‐time Java performance covering motivational issues, and different integration ways and challenges stemming from the integration. It also contributes a general framework for introducing real‐time performance in OSGi, which is called the real‐time for OSGi framework. The framework uses real‐time Java virtual machines and the real‐time specification for Java. The adoption of this framework allows cyber‐physical systems to experience real‐time Java performance in their applications. The framework introduces several integration levels for OSGi and real‐time specification for Java, and specific real‐time OSGi services. An empirical implementation was carried out using standard software, which was extended with the new defined services. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the number of distributed application domains with temporal requirements has significantly augmented, arising the necessity of exploring new concepts and paradigms that allow, on the one hand, the development of dynamic and flexible distributed applications and, on the other hand, the reusability of code. Service‐oriented paradigms have been successfully applied to distributed environments, increasing their flexibility and allowing the reusability of their components. Besides, distributed real‐time Java technologies have shown to be a good candidate to deploy real‐time distributed applications. This paper presents a model for service‐oriented applications on a time‐triggered distributed real‐time Java environment, focusing on the definition of the temporal model of an application and its schedulability, applying and evaluating this model in real‐time service‐oriented composition algorithms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design criteria and implementation details of a dynamic storage allocator for real‐time systems. The main requirements that have to be considered when designing a new allocator are concerned with temporal and spatial constraints. The proposed algorithm, called TLSF (two‐level segregated fit), has an asymptotic constant cost, O(1), maintaining a fast response time (less than 200 processor instructions on a x86 processor) and a low level of memory usage (low fragmentation). TLSF uses two levels of segregated lists to arrange free memory blocks and an incomplete search policy. This policy is implemented with word‐size bitmaps and logical processor instructions. Therefore, TLSF can be categorized as a good‐fit allocator. The incomplete search policy is shown also to be a good policy in terms of fragmentation. The fragmentation caused by TLSF is slightly smaller (better) than that caused by best fit (which is one of the best allocators regarding memory fragmentation). In order to evaluate the proposed allocator, three analyses are presented in this paper. The first one is based on worst‐case scenarios. The second one provides a detailed consideration of the execution cost of the internal operations of the allocator and its fragmentation. The third analysis is a comparison with other well‐known allocators from the temporal (number of cycles and processor instructions) and spatial (fragmentation) points of view. In order to compare them, a task model has been presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Service‐based approach has been successfully applied to distributed environments, modelling them as pieces of functionality that exchange information by means of messages in order to achieve a common goal. The advantages of this approach can be also be applied to distributed real‐time systems, increasing their flexibility and allowing the creation of new brand applications from existing services in the system. If this is an online process, then time‐bounded composition algorithms are needed to not jeopardize the performance of the whole system. Different composition algorithms are studied and proposed, two of them optimal and another two based on heuristics. This paper presents an analytical solution that selects, depending on the structure of the application and on the load of the whole system, the most suitable composition algorithm to be executed in order to obtain a composed application in bounded time. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Today, more and more distributed computer applications are being modeled and constructed using real‐time principles and concepts. In 1989, the Object Management Group (OMG) formed a Real‐Time Special Interest Group (RT SIG) with the goal of extending the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) standard to include real‐time specifications. This group's most recent efforts have focused on the requirements of dynamic distributed real‐time systems. One open problem in this area is resource access synchronization for tasks employing dynamic priority scheduling. This paper presents two resource synchronization protocols that the authors have developed which meet the requirements of dynamic distributed real‐time systems as specified by Dynamic Scheduling Real‐Time CORBA (DSRT CORBA). The proposed protocols can be applied to both Earliest Deadline First (EDF) and Least Laxity First (LLF) dynamic scheduling algorithms, allow distributed nested critical sections, and avoid unnecessary runtime overhead. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocols, we analyzed each protocol's schedulability. Since the schedulability of the system is affected by numerous system configuration parameters, we have designed simulation experiments to isolate and illustrate the impact of each individual system parameter. Simulation experiments show the proposed protocols have better performance than one would realize by applying a schema that utilizes dynamic priority ceiling update. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In embedded systems, the typical host/target development scheme normally requires a tracing mechanism to be available in the target system in order to collect run‐time information of the application. This information is then used in the host system to debug, monitor, fine tune, etc., the application. Related to this, POSIX has recently incorporated the definition of standard tracing services into the complete POSIX 1003.1‐2001 standard. It is obvious that standard interfaces present several advantages for applications, specially regarding portability. However, the observed trend in real‐time operating systems (RTOSs) of progressively incorporating the POSIX interfaces have not reached the POSIX tracing services. As far as we know, this tracing interface has not been incorporated yet into any commercial RTOS, probably because it is quite recent and its tracing model is too complex and demanding for small, embedded real‐time systems. After carefully analyzing and then implementing and using the POSIX Trace standard in both RT‐Linux and MarteOS, this paper presents the redefinition of the POSIX tracing standard from the perspective of small real‐time systems and, in particular, systems conforming to the POSIX Minimal Realtime System Profile (MRSP). The new tracing model is called Lightweight POSIX tracing. The model has been carefully designed to maintain all the syntax, and almost all the semantics, of the original standard, but it allows for the definition of useful subsets of the original standard that can be implemented very efficiently. The experimental results show that a minimal tracing system which is appropriate for MRSP systems exhibits a significantly smaller memory footprint and lower overhead, compared to the implementation of the complete standard. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Egan  D. Kutz  D. Mikulin  R. Melhem  D. Moss 《Software》1999,29(4):379-395
Even though real‐time systems have the stringent constraint of completing tasks before their deadlines, many existing real‐time operating systems do not implement fault tolerance capabilities. In this paper we summarize fault tolerant real‐time scheduling policy for dynamic tasks with ready times and deadlines. Our focus in this paper is the implementation, which includes fault‐tolerant scheduling, re‐scheduling, and recovery mechanisms in the FT‐RT‐Mach operating system, a fault‐tolerant version of RT‐Mach. A real‐time train control application is then implemented using the FT‐RT‐Mach operating system. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We revisit the problem of real‐time verification with dense‐time dynamics using timeout and calendar‐based models and simplify this to a finite state verification problem. We introduce a specification formalism for these models and capture their behaviour in terms of semantics of timed transition systems. We discuss a technique, which reduces the problem of verification of qualitative temporal properties on infinite state space of a large fragment of these timeout and calender‐based transition systems into that on clock‐less finite state models through a two‐step process comprising of digitization and finitary reduction. This technique enables us to verify safety invariants for real‐time systems using finite state model checking avoiding the complexity of infinite state (bounded) model checking and scale up models without applying techniques from induction‐based proof methodology. In the same manner, we verify timeliness properties. Moreover, we can verify liveness for real‐time systems, which are not possible by using induction with infinite state model checkers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reducing power consumption has been an essential requirement for Cloud resource providers not only to decrease operating costs, but also to improve the system reliability. As Cloud computing becomes emergent for the Anything as a Service (XaaS) paradigm, modern real‐time services also become available through Cloud computing. In this work, we investigate power‐aware provisioning of virtual machines for real‐time services. Our approach is (i) to model a real‐time service as a real‐time virtual machine request; and (ii) to provision virtual machines in Cloud data centers using dynamic voltage frequency scaling schemes. We propose several schemes to reduce power consumption by hard real‐time services and power‐aware profitable provisioning of soft real‐time services. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nowadays, deep neural networks (DNNs) for image processing are becoming more complex; thus, reducing computational cost is increasingly important. This study highlights the construction of a DNN for real‐time image processing, training various image processing operators efficiently through multitask learning. For real‐time image processing, the proposed algorithm takes a joint upsampling approach through bilateral guided upsampling. For multitask learning, the overall network is based on an encoder‐decoder architecture, which consists of encoding, processing, and decoding components, in which the encoding and decoding components are shared by all the image processing operators. In the processing component, a semantic guidance map, which contains processing information for each image processing operator, is estimated using simple linear shifts of the shared deep features. Through these components, the proposed algorithm requires an increase of only 5% in the number of parameters to add another image processing operator and achieves faster and higher performance than that of deep‐learning‐based joint upsampling methods in local image processing as well as global image processing.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the reachable set estimation problem for discrete‐time linear systems with multiple constant delays and bounded peak inputs. The objective is to check whether there exists a bounded set that contains all the system states under zero initial conditions. First, delay‐dependent conditions for the solvability of the addressed problem are derived by employing a novel Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional. The obtained conditions are expressed in terms of matrix inequalities, which are linear when only one scalar variable is fixed. On the basis of these conditions, an ellipsoid containing the reachable set of the considered system is obtained. An approach for determining the smallest ellipsoid is also provided. Second, the approach and results developed in the first stage are generalized to the case of systems with polytopic parameter uncertainties, and delay‐dependent conditions are given in the form of relaxed matrix inequalities. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the stability analysis and control synthesis of finite‐time boundedness problems for linear parameter‐varying (LPV) systems subject to parameter‐varying time delays and external disturbances. First, the concepts of uniform finite‐time stability and uniform finite‐time boundedness are introduced to LPV systems. Then, sufficient conditions, which guarantee LPV systems with parameter‐varying time delays finite‐time bounded, are presented by using parameter‐dependent Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals and free‐weight matrix technologies. Moreover, on the basis of the results on the uniform finite‐time boundedness, the parameter‐dependent state feedback controllers are designed to finite‐time stabilize LPV systems. Both analysis and synthesis conditions are delay‐dependent, and they are formulated in terms of linear matrix inequalities by using efficient interior‐point algorithms. Finally, results obtained in simulation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of finite‐time stability (FTS) and finite‐time contractive stability (FTCS) for switched nonlinear time‐delay systems (SNTDSs). By virtues of the Lyapunov‐Razumikhin method, Lyapunov functionals approach, and the comparison principle technique, we obtain some improved Razumikhin‐type theorems that verify FTS and FTCS property for SNTDSs. Moreover, our results allow the estimate of the upper bound of the derivatives for Lyapunov functions to be mode dependent functions which can be positive and negative. Meanwhile, the proposed results also improve the related existing results on the same topic by removing some restrictive conditions. Finally, two examples are presented to verify the effectiveness of our methods.  相似文献   

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