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海洋抗肿瘤药物研究开发中的主要问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
海洋有机体富含活性天然产物和许多重要化合物,因此人们逐渐认识到从海洋生态系统挖掘抗肿瘤药物的重要性。人们从海洋有机体中分离到大量的新的具有抗肿瘤活性的化合物,这些化合物对多种类型的肿瘤具有毒性作用。但由于海洋材料的特殊性,在抗肿瘤药物的研制过程中也存在许多亟待解决的问题。当一种具有抗肿瘤活性的化合物被鉴定后,需要经过许多过程才能进入临床,本文将对这一过程中遇到的问题加以阐述。  相似文献   

A survey has been made of some of the physical, chemical and biological interactions that influence the persistence and availability of herbicides applied to the soil. The most important physical interaction between herbicides and soil is considered to be sorption of the pesticide to the soil surface. This influences not only the rate of leaching of the herbicide through the soil and its movement in the vapour phase, but also the rate of chemical and microbial decomposition. An attempt has been made to construct a model for the persistence of some hydrolytically sensitive herbicides to enable their persistence in soils to be deduced from hydrolysis rate-constants and adsorption data. The formulation used and the method of application of the herbicide to the soil can also have an important influence on its persistence.  相似文献   

In a territory being 3.500 km2, the cadmium deposits from the atmosphere were determined at 63 sites in 52 towns and communities. These determinations yielded a mean value ranging from 0.13 to 0.15 mg/m2 . 30 d. On the contrary, the mean value (-x) was 0.33 mg/m2. 30 d in the region of heavy-metal-emitting industries. The mean cadmium content in the aerosol was between 0.003 and 0.004 microgram m-3 and, respectively, 0.016 microgram m-3 in case of cadmium emission. It was calculated that the mean proportion of cadmium in the sedimentary dust was between 13 and 16 p.p.m. The cadmium burden, as estimated as cadmium sediment, correlated with the extent of the developmental area. The authors recommend for the present the following maximum permissible values: 0.05 microgram m-3 in the aerosol, and 0.15 mg/m2. 30 d. The cadmium content in the sedimentary dust may be considered to be a permanent burden applied via the food chain, whereas the content in the aerosol is of less importance to the total uptake in man. The calculation of the daily pulmonary uptake yielded a value of 0.075 microgram, from which an absorption of 0.038 microgram is estimated.  相似文献   

2006年11月7日,中国名牌战略推进委员会公告《中国名牌产品"十一·五"重点培育指导目录》,将印刷机械列为中国名牌产品"十一·五"计划2008年创建中国名牌的重点培育目标,这是国家对印刷机械行业近年来的飞速发展以及印机产品在技术水平、产品质量和国际竞争力等方面不断提高给予的充分肯定.  相似文献   

采用无毒和耐久性的纳米生态型多功能整理剂对亚麻针织物进行防污整理.通过单因素实验以及正交试验得出亚麻针织物防污整理的最佳工艺条件:生态型多功能整理剂质量浓度60 g/L,催化剂质量浓度6 g/L,氨基有机硅柔软剂质量浓度3 g/L,焙烘温度160℃,焙烘时间4 min.整理后的亚麻针织物的防污性能优良,且对织物强力、透气性无明显影响.  相似文献   

Summary The flavour of drinks, creams and liquid‐like food consumed without chewing is an important quality factor for consumers and manufacturers alike, so reliable predictive models of flavour release from liquids in the mouth are highly desirable. In this paper we show how the breath‐by‐breath concentration of aroma in the headspace after swallowing an aliquot of liquid can be modelled using basic principles of interfacial mass transfer. This mechanistic model is used to fit the experimental data for dilute aqueous solutions of five aroma compounds consumed by trained panellists. It is shown that many aroma compounds give detectable concentrations in the exhaled breath several minutes after swallowing and after ten or more exhalations. The influence of liquid composition on this aroma persistence effect is discussed.  相似文献   

Surface biofouling induced by the undesired nonspecific adsorption of foulants (e.g., coexisting proteins and cells) in food matrices is a major issue of sensors for food analysis, hindering their reliability and accuracy of sensing. This issue can be addressed by developing antifouling strategies to prevent or alleviate nonspecific binding. Chemical antifouling strategies involve the use of chemical modifiers (i.e., antifouling materials) to strongly hydrate the surface and reduce surface biofouling. Through appropriate immobilization approaches, antifouling materials can be tethered onto sensors to form antifouling surfaces with well-ordered structures, balanced surface charges, and appropriate surface density and thickness. A rational antifouling surface can reduce the matrix effect, simplify sample pretreatment, and improve analytical performance. This review summarizes recent developments in chemical antifouling strategies in sensing. Surface antifouling mechanisms and common antifouling materials are described, and factors that may influence the antifouling effects of antifouling surfaces and approaches incorporating antifouling materials onto sensing surfaces are highlighted. Moreover, the specific applications of antifouling sensors in food analysis are introduced. Finally, we provide an outlook on future developments in antifouling sensors for food analysis.  相似文献   

研究了松紧带的防污快干整理工艺和性能.用含氟整理剂AB对松紧带进行防污快干整理,根据整理前后松紧带的防污快干性、拉伸性能等因素的变化确定整理剂质量浓度、预烘温度和时间、焙烘温度和时间.结果显示,防污快干整理的最优工艺条件为:整理剂AB质量浓度40 g/L,烘干温度及时间100℃×3 min,焙烘温度及时间160℃×1.5 min,整理后松紧带的防污快干性能显著提高,拉伸性能变化甚微.  相似文献   

制备了一种新的复配型抗菌剂(三氯新、尼泊金丁酯和2-氨基苯并噻唑/对甲酰基苯氧乙酸锌配合物(Zn(SD)2))乳液,并分别以喷洒和浸泡的方式对鞋里革和设计成型的PU发泡材料进行抗菌处理,以含少量该复配型抗菌剂的白乳胶将二者粘接起来,制备出能用于糖尿病患者特殊功能鞋的抗菌鞋垫,同时系统考察了水洗和汗液浸泡对其抗菌性能的影响.结果表明,以20 g/L的复配型抗菌剂乳液处理后的鞋里革、PU发泡材料以及由它们制备的鞋垫对细菌、酵母菌和霉菌都具有良好的抑制效果,但抑菌效果都随着水洗和汗液浸泡次数的增加而逐渐减弱,其中,水洗对鞋垫抗菌性能的影响要比汗液浸泡作用强得多.尽管如此,水洗20次或用汗液浸泡6次后,鞋垫仍然表现出较好的抑菌效果,对所有供试菌种的抑制率都在97%以上.  相似文献   

通过对热敏纸保存性能评价方法的探讨,科学客观地表征热敏纸保存性能。  相似文献   

生物传感器作为一种简便、灵敏、低成本的分析手段,为食品安全快速检测提供了有效的保障。但是,在检测复杂样品过程中往往存在基质的干扰,导致生物传感器的检测灵敏度和结果科学性受到了影响。近年来,采用聚乙二醇、两性离子、多肽等抗污染材料改性生物传感器的研究受到越来越多的关注。本文综述了生物传感器的抗污染机理、抗污染材料的合成与应用以及抗污染材料对传感表面改性的方法和评价手段,分析了近年来抗污染材料在检测领域应用的优势和局限,并对抗污染传感器检测食品等复杂样品的发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

Recent studies have evidenced volatile biomarkers in ruminant tissues that distinguish between exclusive pasture and exclusive concentrate diets. As ruminants usually alternate these diets, we set out to monitor the persistence of volatile tracers of pasture diet in perirenal fat and caudal subcutaneous fat in lambs (= 28) fed on pasture and then fattened at increasing levels with concentrate: Four groups of lambs (= 7) were stall-finished to achieve a final weight gain of 0, 4, 8, and 12 kg, respectively. Thirty nine pasture diet tracers including terpenes, 2,3-octanedione and toluene were found that distinguish between the four different diets in both tissues. According to their clearance rates monitored in the adipose tissues of lambs fattened with different amounts of concentrate, different types of persistence were evidenced. Most of the compounds exhibited a “short” persistence, e.g. 2,3-octanedione and terpenes, while some displayed a “medium” or “long” persistence. Finally, performing discriminant analysis on ratios of tracers from the two adipose tissues enabled the correct differentiation of the four different diets.  相似文献   

核酸适配体是一种具有严格特异性和高度亲和力的寡核苷酸分子,它具有制备简单、靶目标范围广、易于修饰和无免疫原性等优点,在食品安全、临床诊断、药物研发、分子检测等多个领域里方兴未艾。海洋是地球上最大的水域环境,存在众多的海洋生物及其活性物质,是人类重要的食品和药物来源。鉴于海洋微生物和海洋生物毒素对海洋环境和食品安全的重要影响,本文主要从核酸适配体角度出发,综述核酸适配体在海洋微生物和海洋生物毒素方面的应用研究进展,为相关海洋资源的开发利用以及食品安全的控制提供参考。  相似文献   

织物用柔软剂研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张治国  尹红  陈志荣 《纺织学报》2005,26(5):128-131
介绍了织物用柔软剂的发展历程、分类和主要品种,分析了柔软剂的作用机理及柔软剂的分子结构与应用性能之间的关系。随着复配技术和其它新技术的发展,可制出性能更优、功能更全的柔软剂,为我国织物用柔软剂的应用、复配与研制提供参考。  相似文献   

通过二浸二轧技术对新型水性聚氨酯阻燃防污整理剂(DPUF)整理棉织物的工艺进行单因素实验优化.用扫描电镜(S E M)观察棉织物及棉织物燃烧后的炭层,并测试整理棉织物的阻燃性、防污性、白度、透气性、硬挺度及断裂强力.结果表明优化整理工艺为:DPUF用量25%、焙烘温度160℃、焙烘时间120 s;整理棉织物的极限氧指数...  相似文献   

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