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马珺  马林  俞凯  郑敏 《电视技术》2015,39(1):68-71,75
大规模阵列天线技术可用于解决下一代无线通信的频谱有效性和功率有效性问题,对大规模阵列天线成形性能进行了仿真,得出了天线数目增加对均匀线阵方向图成形的影响,并通过计算比较了不同规模天线阵列的波瓣宽度,并仿真分析了不同规模均匀圆阵的方向图,最后研究了信道估计准确度对大规模天线阵列方向图成形性能的影响,仿真得出了信道估计矩阵存在误差时阵列天线方向图的变化。  相似文献   

仿真了基于均匀线阵和圆阵的波束赋形技术,波束赋形使用线性约束最小方差准则,仿真结果表明,波束赋形能使天线主波束对准期望用户,低增益旁瓣或零陷对准干扰信号,达到有效利用有用信号抑制干扰信号的目的。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In recent years, the demand for spectrum continues to increase with the advent of various wireless communication applications. However, it is a limited resource...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - A micro strip patch antenna (MPA) is fabricated to increase the bandwidth. The communication systems want antennas with high directivity, high signal strength and...  相似文献   

设计了一款适用于移动手持终端的低剖面波束成形天线阵列。该天线阵列由八个结构相同的倒F天线组成,可以工作在GSM1900(1880~1920 MHz)、LTE2300(2300~2400 MHz)和LTE2500(2540~2620 MHz)三个频段。通过功率传输效率最大化理论,可以优化出该阵列在所需方向上的最佳激励。通过馈电电路板给8个天线单元提供优化的激励,可以将天线波束偏转到所需方向,并且保证天线在该方向上获得最大可能增益。天线阵列工作在2.45 GHz时,在x、y、z方向上的增益分别为7.80、6.03和7.20 dBi;相应地,在1.9 GHz时分别为6.67、5.27和6.05 dBi。  相似文献   

刘明  是湘全 《激光与红外》2009,39(2):194-196
相控阵天线是雷达技术的重要发展方向之一。随着雷达信号带宽和阵列单元数目的增加,光学实延时技术的采用已成为一种趋势。介绍了一种基于受激光子回波的阵列天线实延时自适应波束合成的光学结构,从理论上详细分析了其工作原理,说明了波束合成的工作过程。  相似文献   

Conventional space diversity reception at typical elevated base locations requites separation of 30λ for broadside incidence and even more for in-line incidence and is therefore difficult to implement. A polarization diversity system for mobile radio is proposed. This is a two-branch receiver diversity system with the advantage that the base station antennas can be spaced as closely as desired. An experimental program has been carried out to obtain the statistical properties of vertically and horizontally polarized electromagnetic waves in a suburban environment at 836 MHz. It was observed that signals of both polarizations were Rayleigh plus log normal, where one is uncorrelated and other is correlated irrespective of base or mobile antenna spacings. The local means of the two signals were highly correlated and were with ± 3 dB for almost 90 percent of the time. Variation of base transmitter heights appeared to have little effect on the ratio of the local means of the two signals. The analysis and experiment demonstrated the feasibility of providing two diversity branches at UHF by polarization diversity.  相似文献   

本文设计了一种基于软件无线电的天线阵方向图测量实验。在1.5GHz频段下,手动搭建了一个以单极天线为单元的4元天线阵,并使用两台软件无线电设备USRP 2920分别连接单极天线和天线阵列以作为发射机和接收机。实验将发射机围绕接收机作圆周运动,记录发射天线所在方位角与接收信号的幅值强弱,在极坐标系内即可绘制出天线阵列在水平面内的实测方向图。本实验的测试结果与计算结果基本一致。  相似文献   

四元数信号模型保持了阵元各分量之间固有的正交特性,因而针对极化敏感阵列信号处理基于四元数的方法具有比常规基于复数的长矢量方法更优的性能。将最大信号干扰噪声比准则应用于波束形成求得四元数最优权向量,进而完成了极化敏感阵列的滤波。与长矢量方法相比在具有相同的滤波性能情况下,四元数方法减少了一半的数据存储单元,降低了除法计算复杂度,从而提高了算法的处理速度。同时四元数的四维超复数正交结构提高了阵列对指向误差的稳健特性,计算机仿真结果验证了文中方法的有效性。  相似文献   

锥面共形阵列天线盲极化DOA估计算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
齐子森  郭英  姬伟峰  王布宏 《电子学报》2009,37(9):1919-1925
 由于共形载体曲率的影响,共形阵列天线中各阵元单元方向图具有不同的指向,使得共形阵列天线具有了多极化特性(Polarization Diversity),为了描述共形阵列天线的多极化特性,通常在共形阵列天线的快拍数据模型中引入阵列入射信号的极化参数,因此共形阵列天线的DOA(Direction-Of-Arrival)估计需要与阵列入射信号极化参数联合估计.本文提出了一种盲极化DOA估计算法,通过在锥面共形阵列天线中设置三对特殊子阵,利用ESPRIT(Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques)算法,将入射信号极化参数与二维角参数去耦合,在入射信号极化参数未知条件下实现了高分辨DOA估计,并对估计性能进行了理论分析与推导,给出了参数估计的CRB(Cramer-Rao Bound),通过Monte Carlo仿真实验验证了DOA估计算法的有效性.  相似文献   

将基于GA(遗传算法)的波束成形算法应用于二维圆形天线阵,研究了算法在解决抑制多个窄角度强干扰问题时的性能;同时提出了一种改进的二进制编码方法,该方法引入了若干参数用以方便地控制解的精度和搜索空间。仿真结果表明,算法可以使得天线阵在主波束对准有用信号的同时,有效地抑制多个强干扰。文中建立的模型适用于卫星通信抗空间恶意干扰问题。  相似文献   

唐恬  姜军  张平 《无线电工程》2006,36(3):23-25
针对DS-CDMA的上行链路多用户检测,提出了一种基于天线阵列的盲自适应波束形成算法。针对强干扰采用线性约束最小方差准则(LCMV),利用正交分解将LCMV简化为非约束的最小化优化问题,采用共轭梯度(CG)算法求得最优解。对期望用户信号波形的使用保证了用户符号信息的最优恢复。仿真结果表明,该算法相对传统算法可以获得更高的信号干扰比(SINR)。该算法不需要天线阵列单元数大于用户数,因此具有更好的实用性。  相似文献   

均匀圆阵中的波束合成技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵地 《无线电工程》2012,42(9):32-33,37
针对均匀圆阵天线的阵列布局,建立了天线阵列对信号的接收模型,提出了一种实用的直接加权波束合成技术。在分析了系统误差来源并修正了系统误差校准模型的基础上,给出了详细的波束合成理论推导。结合实际系统给出了工程上的具体实现,并运用正交校准技术对由设备通路引起的系统误差进行校准。对该算法进行计算机仿真验证其可行性,并与实际效果图进行比较,指出算法的优点和不足。所给出的理论和方法都通过了工程检验,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

Transmit antenna selection (TAS) is most popular technique in underlay cognitive radio (CR) networks as they increase the capacity of secondary users with less hardware requirements. In this paper, a new scenario of CR ad-hoc network topology is proposed in which apart from primary users, there are multiple number of secondary users which are assumed to be distributed as homogeneous spatial Poisson point process (PPP) and are trying to use the primary spectrum in underlay mode. These multiple secondary transmitters generate the aggregate interference and can degrade the performance of secondary receiver. Here this aggregate interference is estimated and its impact on performance of secondary receiver under unconstrained mode of operation is presented. Further, to enhance the performance of secondary receivers in this scenario, single TAS technique based on maximizing the received signal to interference noise ratio by using optimum combining (OC) method is proposed. Furthermore, in this work the design of end to end Simulink based environment for secondary trans–receiver system with advancements in channel design and estimation is proposed. The bit error rate (BER) analysis is presented and verified for image data for single TAS-OC technique for unconstrained mode in underlay CR network in Rician fading channel. The BER performance is also presented for different number of secondary interference sources which are located at fixed distance in one case and they are assumed to be distributed as PPP in another case.  相似文献   

该文提出一种基于阵列天线和协方差矩阵的频谱感知算法,该算法能够在噪声不确定性的条件下进行盲频谱感知。该算法在协方差矩阵的基础上,构建新的检测统计量,推导判决门限,对检测统计量与判决门限进行比较进而做出最终判决;在主用户信号到达方向与认知用户接收天线法线方向不一致的情况下,为使认知用户能完全接收主用户信号,利用了阵列天线技术。仿真结果表明,与Zeng等人(2009)提出的绝对值协方差矩阵频谱感知算法(Covariance Absolute Value Spectrum Sensing, CAVSS)相比,该算法判决门限的计算方法更加准确;在相同条件下,该算法的检测概率高于CAVSS。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the numerical simulation of a multibeam active phased array antenna for a High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS). The simulation takes into account the random errors caused by the nonidentity of the array elements and the inaccuracy of the antenna calibration. The results of our statistical simulation show that the strict requirements on the sidelobe envelope for HAPSs can be met when the amplitude and phase distribution errors are minor, a condition which may be achieved by using digital beamforming.  相似文献   


In this paper, an UWB micro-strip antenna design has been proposed which is suitable for future cognitive radio applications. The geometry of proposed antenna is composed of two semi-circles with their interior modified in order to achieve higher impedance bandwidth. The semi-etched ground provides further bandwidth enhancement. The proposed antenna is fabricated on an inexpensive dielectric substrate FR-4 with relative permittivity of 4.4 and thickness of 1.6 mm. The overall dimensions of UWB antenna are 60?×?60?×?1.6 mm and have a bandwidth of 5.7 GHz. The designed antenna covers the most commonly used wireless communication bands such as DCS-1800, ISM bands, GPS, Wi-MAX, WLAN, 3G, 4G, etc. The design process and the variations in antenna’s performance due to different parameters has been discussed. The design and simulation of the antenna are carried out in the Ansys Electronic Desktop HFSS. The measured results are in good agreement with simulated results and design theory which shows that the proposed antenna is good candidate for the UWB applications.


介绍了矩阵求逆(SMI)的阵列天线自适应数字波束(DBF)形成的一种旁瓣抑制的方法。由于信号协方差矩阵估计误差的存在,自适应方法形成的波束会产生畸变,随着杂波小特征值发散程度的增加,有时形成的自适应波束会出现较高的旁瓣。文中重点分析了波束发生畸变的原因并提出了旁瓣抑制的一种改进方法,算法有效地对协方差矩阵估计进行了修正。仿真结果表明存在干扰的情况下,当迭代次数和迭代增益大小选择适当时,该方法能有效地降低自适应旁瓣高度,而且不会对干扰零深产生明显影响,增强了空时波束形成算法的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

齐子森  郭英  王布宏  王永良 《电子学报》2012,40(12):2562-2566
 针对共形天线阵列流形的特点,提出了共形阵列天线信源方位与极化状态的联合估计算法.算法的方位估计不需要信源极化状态的任何信息,估计精度高、分辨力强,在完成信源方位估计的同时,还可以精确的估计出信源的极化状态,不需要参数配对,实现了共形阵列天线信源方位与极化状态的联合估计.算法仅需要二维参数搜索,计算量比已有的联合估计算法小,且适用于任意共形载体,具有广泛的应用范围.对算法参数估计的理论性能进行了分析推导,给出了参数估计的CRB(Cramer-Rao Bound),并通过Monte-Carlo仿真实验验证了理论分析的正确性与算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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