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Challenges in the Traceability of Seafood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing global trade of foods and animal feeds have to be channelled in right directions to guarantee product safety, transparency and the protection of consumer health. According to this fact the European Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 lays down the common principle for implementing traceability systems in product supply chains. However, seafood is a highly perishable food item which is increasingly global traded so that a lot of particular conditions and difficulties more have to be taken into account compared to other food products. This review discusses the relevant regulations for traceability in seafood and gives a survey about the most important analysis techniques for characterizing seafood. Received: September 17, 2007  相似文献   

Verifying the accuracy and rigor of data exchanged within and between businesses for the purposes of traceability rests on the existence of effective and efficient interoperable information systems that meet users’ needs. Interoperability, particularly given the complexities intrinsic to the seafood industry, requires that the systems used by businesses operating along the supply chain share a common technology architecture that is robust, resilient, and evolves as industry needs change. Technology architectures are developed through engaging industry stakeholders in understanding why an architecture is required, the benefits provided to the industry and individual businesses and supply chains, and how the architecture will translate into practical results. This article begins by reiterating the benefits that the global seafood industry can capture by implementing interoperable chain‐length traceability and the reason for basing the architecture on a peer‐to‐peer networked database concept versus more traditional centralized or linear approaches. A summary of capabilities that already exist within the seafood industry that the proposed architecture uses is discussed; and a strategy for implementing the architecture is presented. The 6‐step strategy is presented in the form of a critical path.  相似文献   

In the last decade, a range of drivers within the seafood sector have incentivized the application of traceability to issues beyond food safety and inventory management. Some of the issues motivating the expanded use of traceability within the global seafood sector include: increased media attention on the legal and social risks within some seafood supply chains, governmental traceability requirements, private‐sector sustainability commitments, and others. This article begins with an overview of these topics in the seafood industry, and why many nongovernment organizations (NGOs), companies, and government actors have turned to traceability as a tool to address them. We discuss how traceability connects to key requirements of environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Later, we review the range of traceability services, tools, software solutions, and the due diligence measures that are currently being leveraged within the seafood sector. The paper concludes with a discussion of several NGO‐ and industry‐led traceability initiatives that are examples of seafood traceability improvements.  相似文献   

Interoperability is a critical component of full‐chain digital traceability, but is almost nonexistent in the seafood industry. Using both quantitative and qualitative methodology, this study explores the barriers impeding progress toward large‐scale interoperability among digital traceability systems in the seafood sector from the perspectives of seafood companies, technology vendors, and supply chains as a whole. We highlight lessons from recent research and field work focused on implementing traceability across full supply chains and make some recommendations for next steps in terms of overcoming challenges and scaling current efforts.  相似文献   

The Interoperable Seafood Traceability Technology Architecture Issues Brief reflects the growing need to establish a global, secure, interoperable support system for seafood traceability. Establishing effective traceability systems relies on the development of a cohesive and consistent approach to the delivery of information technology capabilities and functions. The ability of business to utilize traceability for commercial gain is heavily influenced by the supply chain in which they operate. The Issues Brief describes factors associated with enterprise‐level traceability systems that will impact the design of technology architecture suited to enabling whole chain interoperable traceability. The Brief details why a technology architecture is required, what it means for industry in terms of benefits and opportunities, and how the architecture will translate into practical results. The current situation of many heterogeneous proprietary systems prevents global interoperable traceability from occurring. Utilizing primary research and lessons learned from other industries, the Brief details how the present situation can be addressed. This will enable computerized information systems to communicate syntactically by sharing standardized packages of data. The subsequent stage, semantic interoperability, is achieved by establishing a common language (ontology). The report concludes with a series of recommendations that industry can act upon to design a technology architecture suited to enabling effective global interoperable traceability.  相似文献   

Increasing globalization of our food supply combined with recent outbreaks of foodborne disease has heightened concerns over food safety issues around the globe. In response to these growing concerns, both by government and consumers, many nations are looking at food traceability as a means to restore confidence in the food supply and limit damages incurred by the sale and distribution of unsafe products. Traceability, which allows for the tracking of food products through all steps of production, distribution, and sales, can provide information on the nature, origin, and quality of a product; allowing consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions while providing the mechanisms for quick and thorough product recall procedures. Implementing traceablity systems will require improved vertical intergration between entities and the development of standars for the collection and dissemination of traceability data. Fortunately, rapid advances in information technology have made it possible to implement traceability systems within the food industry. This review will explore the current trends toward tracebility in the U.S. seafood industry. Current legislation, both here and abroad, and its effects on the seafood industry will be explored, and the design of a traceability system will be discussed.  相似文献   

The traceability practices and systems of 48 separate seafood businesses were assessed as part of an evaluation of 9 global seafood value chains (from catch to point of sale to the consumer). The purpose was to gain insights and provide knowledge about the impact of traceability on improving seafood industry business performance, including reducing waste, and enhancing consumer trust. In addition, the project developed and delivered a tool that can be used by stakeholders that are seeking to better understand the return on investment of implementation of traceability practices and solutions. Using structured and semistructured interviews of over 80 individuals, the research revealed that traceability is more highly valued by businesses, regardless of their size, if they engage more often in highly collaborative activities with their suppliers and customers. A survey in 5 nations about consumer perceptions with regards to seafood and the key factors influencing their purchasing decisions delivered insights into the discrete choices that consumers make when buying seafood products. The consumer survey data were incorporated into a “Discrete Choice Simulator” that others can use to compare and contrast the preferences of consumers in these countries and better understand what factors regarding traceability impact on their buying decisions. The research concluded with several recommendations for businesses, governments, and nongovernment organizations.  相似文献   

自从八十年代HACCP体系在美国形成之后,HACCP体系经过不断发展和完善,已越来越得到世界各国的认可。通过对HACCP原理等认证过程的描述,使我们对HACCP在水产方面的管理有更进一步的认识。美国对国内外生产厂家都进行严格的HACCP检查认证。这就要求中国等发展中国家的企业进行必要的投资,引入HACCP安全保障体系,以期进入国际市场。  相似文献   

HACCP在禽肉、水产品加工中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> HACCP作为一种新型的食品安全预防控制体系,已在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用,并被验证为至今为止最为有效的食品安全控制方法。纵观HACCP的发展历程,由于禽肉和水产品的风险较高在美国率先立法,强制在这些行业贯彻HACCP体系。 HACCP的新颖与先进之处在于它不是以往以检验为目的的传统型控制方法,而是以预防性为出发点,通过对食品链全过程危害的分析、识别和控制,达到最终有效控制食品安全的目的。  相似文献   

叶子 《中国食品》2007,(14):24-25
煎三文鱼配藏红花汁杜岳/制作原料:三文鱼150克,土豆沙拉200克,藏红花1克,淡奶油100克,盐5克,胡椒粉5克,白兰地5克,香料1克,红葡萄酒1杯。制法:将三文鱼改刀切成三角形用香料腌制,腌半个小时后用煎锅煎制七成熟,藏红花汁加淡奶油煮开,加盐、胡椒粉备用,将土豆沙拉垫底,将煎好的三文鱼放在边上淋白兰地浇藏红花汁配红酒即可。煎烤挪威鲱鱼徐建琪/制作主料:挪威鲱鱼。辅料:北极贝,南瓜,土豆,黑蘑菇,芦笋,香叶,蛋皮,羊肚菌,紫皮洋葱,黄绿西葫芦,薄荷叶。调料:雪利酒,红酒,莳萝,蟹壳,奶油,虾壳,番茄酱,百里香,欧芹,柠檬汁。制法:1、用白醋、芥末…  相似文献   

在北京鼓楼烟袋斜街大石碑胡同11号,有一家由三个澳洲海归"吃货"创办的海鲜餐馆——威海味海鲜小馆。提起这家海鲜小馆,在美食遍布的京城颇有名气。俗话说"酒香不怕巷子深",只要看看全国各地的食客在这家小馆微博@威海味海鲜——仨澳洲吃货的私房菜的评论和留言就可以知道,这家小馆的人气之旺、口碑之好,超乎想象。来自威海的网友@Oliver秀这样评价:美女老乡来试菜!龙虾粥鲜甜软糯,青斑烧豆腐让人好吃的停不下口,作为威海人虾酱  相似文献   

如东海鲜菜肴具有独特的魅力。其魅力的成因,除了天然因素外,还有后天的再造和加工因素。如东海鲜菜肴味型丰富,品种繁多,烹制方法多样,制作过程讲究。归根到底,如东海鲜菜肴魅力的渊源,在于如东人所创造的浓郁厚重的海鲜文化。  相似文献   

Fish products contain various nutritionally beneficial components, namely, ω3-polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3-PUFA), minerals, and vitamins. Particularly, tocopherols (α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherol) can be provided by seafood and aquaculture products. Hence, this review shows the various aspects of tocopherols in seafood and aquaculture products. For tocopherol determination in these products, HPLC methods coupled with diode array detection in the UV area of the spectrum or fluorescence detection have been shown as sensitive and accurate. These newest methods have helped in understanding tocopherols fate upon ingestion by seafood organisms. Tocopherols pass through the intestinal mucosa mainly by the same passive diffusion mechanism as fats. After absorption, the transport mechanism is thought to consist of two loops. The first loop is dietary, including chylomicrons and fatty acids bound to carrier protein, transporting lipids mainly to the liver. The other is the transport from the liver to tissues and storage sites. Moreover, tocopherol levels in fish organisms correlate with diet levels, being adjusted in fish body depending on diet concentration. For farmed fish species, insufficient levels of tocopherols in the diet can lead to poor growth performance or to nutritional disease. The tocopherol quantity needed as a feed supplement depends on various factors, such as the vitamer mixture, the lipid level and source, the method of diet preparation, and the feed storage conditions. Other ingredients in diet may be of great importance, it has been proposed that α-tocopherol may behave as a prooxidant synergist at higher concentrations when prooxidants such as transition metals are present. However, the antioxidant action of tocopherols outweighs this prooxidant effect, provided that adequate conditions are used. In fact, muscle-based foods containing higher levels of tocopherol show, for instance, higher lipid stability. Besides, tocopherols are important not only from the nutritional point of view but also from the physiological one, since they are involved in many metabolic processes in the human organism. Moreover, synergistic interactions with selenium and ascorbic acid have been reported. It deserves attention that there is evidence tocopherols taken with food can prevent heart disease, while no such evidence was found for α-tocopherol as supplement. From this perspective, eating fish is advisable, since, for instance, a 100 g serving of salmon may provide nearly 14% of recommended dietary allowance.  相似文献   

海鲜产品食用前要进行一定的处理,常用的烹调方法有白灼、红烧、滑炒、烩、清蒸、煎、铁板、生炝、炸等,相同的海鲜亦可采用不同的制作方法.如东海鲜原料资源丰富,选料注重鲜活,烹调技法注重突出原料本味,成品菜肴以鲜为核心,因而以味道鲜美著称.  相似文献   

A general overview, focusing on new trends in the different techniques used in restructured seafood product processing has been described in this work. Heat-induced gelation has been more widely studied in scientific literature than cold gelation technology. This latter technology includes the use of hydrocolloids (alginates and glucomannan) or enzymes (microbial transglutaminase) for making both raw and cooked restructured products. In restructuration processes, fortification processing with some functional ingredients is studied, giving as a result extra value to the products as well as increasing the variety of new seafood products. The process of alleviating heavy metals and organic pollutants from the raw material used has also been reviewed in the present paper.  相似文献   

The aim of this project is to determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in several seafood matrices, i.e., fish, and mussel, by the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry (GCXGC-MS). The procedure involves a simple extraction of PAHs, a filtration and concentration step followed by GCXGC-MS analysis. PAHs were determined in fish tissue samples by GCXGC-MS and by a standard high-pressure liquid chromatography fluorescence detector method. A Bland–Altman analysis of the two methods was performed. It indicated equivalence between the two methods. Analysis of mussel tissue (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-SRM 2974a) was performed. The results were in line with the official results of NIST.  相似文献   

海鲜酱制备工艺技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用罗非鱼下脚料自溶及南美白对虾虾头酶解制取水解液,并以这两种水解液为主要原料,研制营养丰富的海鲜酱.其配方为:水解液 50%、白糖5%、食盐 15%、味精0.5%、淀粉4%、黄原胶0.25%、白酒2%、I G:0.25%、酱油6%、姜汁甘草汁6%.该加工工艺简单易行,为水产品加工下脚料的综合利用提供了新思路.  相似文献   

Seafood products such as fish, crabs, shrimp and the aqueous solution from oysters, were analyzed for volatiles content by direct gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Compounds were detected and identified which appear to be associated with freshness quality of the products. The data obtained suggests that the changing composition attending storage of seafood products can be effectively and rapidly analyzed by objective instrumental means.  相似文献   

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