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简述了FIR内插滤波的两种高效结构,说明两种内插滤波器的优缺点.针对图像放大中出现的混叠现象,采用相同的参数和参考图像,在视频缩放模块中运用两种不同类型的内插滤波器进行效果对比,得到预期的效果.  相似文献   

基于双线性内插算法,设计改进了一种以FPGA为硬件平台的多路视频信号的图像缩放装置.把与期望位置相邻的两行像素缓存在RAM中,先对垂直方向进行插值运算,再对水平方向进行插值运算.利用FPGA并行处理的优势实现多路视频信号的实时缩放.  相似文献   

数据采集的精度及对数据采集的抗混叠滤波,在电路设计中是很重要的考虑因素.为了更好的实现数据采集中精度的要求,系统、全面地从ADC的驱动电路、抗混叠滤波器、后续采样/保持电路以及不同采样频率下的情况等讨论了抗混叠滤波器的设计,提出高精度数据采集中抗混叠滤波设计中应考虑的若干重要问题,指出了目前混叠滤波器设计中的不足之处,为高精度数据采集系统的设计提供了十分有益的参考.  相似文献   

基于去频谱混叠Contourlet变换的层内局部相关性图像降噪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于去频谱混叠Contourlet变换的层内局部相关性图像降噪新方法.含噪图像经抗混Contourlet多尺度变换,得到一个低频逼近子图和一系列不同尺度、不同方向的高频细节子图,充分利用变换域同层同方向子带内信号系数相关性强、噪声系数无相关性的特点,采用强局部化零均值高斯分布模型对高频细节子图进行降噪处理.实验结果表明,该方法计算效率高,能克服Contourlet变换中的频谱混叠,避免了重构图像出现"划痕"现象.无论是PSNR指标,还是在视觉效果上,该方法的去噪性能均好于Contourlet去噪、Contourlet域HMT去噪和基于抗混叠Contourlet变换的硬阈值去噪,在有效去噪的同时,具有很好的图像边缘和细节保护能力.  相似文献   

波形离散采样所产生的混叠问题是超声检测中所要关注的重要问题之一,容易被人忽视,处理不好可能会得到完全错误的结果.针对超声波信号处理中的混叠现象,进行了抗混叠硬件设计.超声回波信号采用射频变压器转换为差分信号,通过设计的窄带接口进行抗混滤波处理,最终输入到AD9233实现过采样.仿真实验结果表明该设计可有效改善信号频带的混叠现象.  相似文献   

乳腺X射线成像是乳腺疾病早期检测的有效手段.然而典型的乳腺X射线图像往往对比度低,噪声污染严重,本文提出一种新颖的基于抗混叠轮廓波变换的乳腺图像降噪及增强方案.首先分析了原始轮廓波变换的频谱混叠问题,设计出一种能稀疏表示图像边界及纹理信息,同时能抑制混叠影响的抗混叠轮廓波变换;在此基础上,分别采用高斯分布与广义拉普拉斯分布来刻划噪声相关及信号相关的变换系数,实现阈值萎缩降噪;接着对处理后的系数进行非线性增强,达到增强乳腺图像中细节信息的效果.实验结果表明,本文方法能有效提高乳腺图像的质量,在计算机辅助乳腺诊断方面有较高应用价值.  相似文献   

针对设备监测与故障诊断系统中便携式数据采集系统的设计要求,采用单片8阶椭圆低通滤波器MAX293设计了向AD端集成的内置抗混叠滤波器。提出了独特的自适应抗混叠滤波方案,阐述了其在数据采集过程中的实现原理,设计了相应的硬件实现电路,并给出了滤波过程中非线性相移误差的软件校正方法。  相似文献   

PCM(脉冲编码调制)是一种编码方式,它可以将语音信号转换成数字信号。我们知道在音频系统中经常会出现信号混叠,基于这个原因,本文介绍了一种在PCM语音编解码系统所使用的抗混叠滤波。它是一个有源的、低通三阶巴特沃兹滤波器。  相似文献   

PCM语音编解码系统中抗混叠滤波器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PCM(脉冲编码调制)是一种编码方式,它可以将语音信号转换成数字信号。我们知道在音频系统中经常会出现信号混叠,基于这个原因,本文介绍了一种在PCM语音编解码系统所使用的抗混叠滤波。它是一个有源的、低通三阶巴特沃兹滤波器。  相似文献   

抗混叠塔型变换的构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冯鹏  魏彪  潘英俊  米德伶 《电子学报》2009,37(11):2510-2514
 针对Contourlet变换存在的频谱混叠,提出了一种抗混叠塔型变换,即Non-aliasing Pyramidal Transform-NA-D变换.NAP变换由抗混叠塔式滤波器组(Non-aliasing Filter Banks:NPFB)和方向滤波器组(Directional Filter Banks:DFB)组成,NPFB首先将图像分解为多个不同分辨率的细节子带和一个低频子带,DFB再将各细节子带分解为方向子带.通过设计满足Nyquist采样定理的滤波器,NA-D变换有效地抑制了Contourlet变换的频谱混叠,基函数不仅具有"多分辨率"、"多方向"、"局域性"等特性,满足各向异性尺度关系,而且空频域正则形和局域性均明显优于Contourlet变换.硬阈值去噪实验的结果表明,NAP变换能够更为稀疏的表示图像,并在去噪性能上较Contourlet变换有较大提高.  相似文献   

将Farrow结构引入定标器插值算法模块,使四点分段抛物线插值器面积降到直接卷积实现方法的30%以下;结合Farrow结构的特点,提出了一种简单的插值位置系数产生方法;同时,还提出一种新型的存储器存取方式,可使缩放器垂直方向行存储单元总面积降低12.5%左右。该定标器已经在FPGA上通过验证,并作为IP嵌入到视频格式转换芯片中。  相似文献   

On the comparison of interpolation methods   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A study of different cubic interpolation kernels in the frequency domain is presented that reveals novel aspects of both cubic spline and cubic convolution interpolation. The kernel used in cubic convolution is of finite support and depends on a parameter to be chosen at will. At the Nyquist frequency, the spectrum attains a value that is independent of this parameter. Exactly the same value is found at the Nyquist frequency in the cubic spline interpolation. If a strictly positive interpolation kernel is of importance in applications, cubic convolution with the parameter value zero is recommended.  相似文献   

数字电视中信号内插方法的分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
分析了数字电视信号处理中应用到的各种行、场内插的方法,从算法、处理效果和硬件实现规模等方面描述了各自的优缺点,并给出了相应的图表。  相似文献   

陆亮  楼剑  虞露  董洁 《电路与系统学报》2005,10(6):59-62,68
小波变换中高低分辨率子带之间的相似性使得利用小波变换进行图像插值的方法成为可能.根据数字图像信号的特点,分析了小波变化后各个子带信号的特点,提出了基于整数小波变换的Wiener插值算法.用Wiener自适应滤波器训练得到插值滤波系数,同时结合既符合图像性质又能减小运算量的整数双正交小波基对图像插值.结果得到较高的信噪比和较好的主观视觉效果.平均峰值信噪比比传统的双线性插值法提升了2.4dB.  相似文献   

Survey: interpolation methods in medical image processing   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Image interpolation techniques often are required in medical imaging for image generation (e.g., discrete back projection for inverse Radon transform) and processing such as compression or resampling. Since the ideal interpolation function spatially is unlimited, several interpolation kernels of finite size have been introduced. This paper compares 1) truncated and windowed sinc; 2) nearest neighbor; 3) linear; 4) quadratic; 5) cubic B-spline; 6) cubic; g) Lagrange; and 7) Gaussian interpolation and approximation techniques with kernel sizes from 1 x 1 up to 8 x 8. The comparison is done by: 1) spatial and Fourier analyses; 2) computational complexity as well as runtime evaluations; and 3) qualitative and quantitative interpolation error determinations for particular interpolation tasks which were taken from common situations in medical image processing. For local and Fourier analyses, a standardized notation is introduced and fundamental properties of interpolators are derived. Successful methods should be direct current (DC)-constant and interpolators rather than DC-inconstant or approximators. Each method's parameters are tuned with respect to those properties. This results in three novel kernels, which are introduced in this paper and proven to be within the best choices for medical image interpolation: the 6 x 6 Blackman-Harris windowed sinc interpolator, and the C2-continuous cubic kernels with N = 6 and N = 8 supporting points. For quantitative error evaluations, a set of 50 direct digital X rays was used. They have been selected arbitrarily from clinical routine. In general, large kernel sizes were found to be superior to small interpolation masks. Except for truncated sinc interpolators, all kernels with N = 6 or larger sizes perform significantly better than N = 2 or N = 3 point methods (p < 0.005). However, the differences within the group of large-sized kernels were not significant. Summarizing the results, the cubic 6 x 6 interpolator with continuous second derivatives, as defined in (24), can be recommended for most common interpolation tasks. It appears to be the fastest six-point kernel to implement computationally. It provides eminent local and Fourier properties, is easy to implement, and has only small errors. The same characteristics apply to B-spline interpolation, but the 6 x 6 cubic avoids the intrinsic border effects produced by the B-spline technique. However, the goal of this study was not to determine an overall best method, but to present a comprehensive catalogue of methods in a uniform terminology, to define general properties and requirements of local techniques, and to enable the reader to select that method which is optimal for his specific application in medical imaging.  相似文献   

对纸浆纤维长度的不同测量方法进行了简单的介绍,并指出了其不足之处。提出纸浆纤维长度的测量应该向更快速,更精确的的方向发展,并能够应用于造纸生产线的时时检测。  相似文献   

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