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A direction finding algorithm for diversely polarized arrays that is based on polynomial rooting is presented. Using polynomial rooting instead of search reduces significantly the computational requirements of the algorithm and enhances resolution. The basic method is limited to linear uniformly spaced arrays. However, using an interpolation technique, the algorithm is extended to a larger class of arrays. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed. Computer simulations are used to demonstrate the performance of the new technique and to verify the performance analysis  相似文献   

受共形载体变曲率结构的影响,各天线单元指向不尽相同,使得共形天线阵列呈现极化多样性。因此,共形天线阵列的建模过程中需考虑不同阵元的极化响应特性。基于柱面共形天线阵列的快拍数据模型,利用非圆信号的特性对阵列输出进行扩展,基于秩亏理论和子空间原理实现信号波达方向(DOA)估计,所提方法估计精度高,不需要参数配对。存在相干信源时,提出对扩展后的虚拟阵列进行划分,对划分出的子阵进行虚拟的空间平滑,实现解相干的预处理操作。仿真结果表明该方法能有效应用于柱面共形阵列非圆信号DOA估计,并提高了空间分辨率。   相似文献   

Direction finding with an array of antennas having diverse polarizations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The advantages of using diversely polarized antennas to determine bearings of multiple cochannel narrow-band signals are shown. Three bearing estimation algorithms-maximum likelihood (ML), adapted angular response (AAR), and Music (multiple signal classification)-are extended to handle antenna arrays with diverse polarizations; the maximum entropy method does not readily extend. The proposed algorithms are applicable to arbitrary antenna locations and directional characteristics and arbitrary noise correlations between the antenna outputs. The algorithms are compared on the basis of multiple signal resolution and bearing accuracy in the presence of noise. The Music algorithm exhibits superior performance at moderate to low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).  相似文献   

A novel data-supported optimization technique for maximum likelihood (ML) direction-of-arrival estimation is proposed. The essence of our approach is to optimize the likelihood function at certaindata-supported points obtained by a resampled root-MUSIC procedure. These points are shown to comprise a small but representative subset of all possible searching points and contain enough information for solving the ML problem.This work was supported in part by grants from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology (MEST) of Ontario, Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO), and by the Senior Individual Grant Program of the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.  相似文献   

A time-domain equivalent of the coherent signal-subspace transformations (CST) is established for wideband direction finding in a possible multipath environment using general arrays. Time-domain equivalents of focusing are derived based on the least squared error approach for general transformations, and the Taylor series expansion approach for closed-form transformations. The preprocessor is realized by a multichannel digital finite impulse response filter. For diagonal transformations, the problem reduces to implementing different delays at each sensor, which in turn leads to computational simplicity. Various tapped delay line filters for realizing an arbitrary delay are proposed and compared. Simulation results reveal that low-order filter structures in the time domain achieve similar performance to the frequency domain approach, even at detection and resolution thresholds  相似文献   

An eigenstructure-based calibration method is presented for an array with unknown sensor gains and phases. The approach requires only one calibration source and a very roughly measured direction of the source. The method can be applied to arrays of arbitrary geometry, and suitable for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) applications. Computer simulations are presented to assess the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Direction finding using noise covariance modeling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We consider the problem of direction finding in the presence of colored noise whose covariance matrix is unknown. We show that the ambient noise covariance matrix can be modeled by a sum of Hermitian matrices known up to a multiplicative scalar. Using this model, we estimate jointly the directions of arrival of the signals and the noise model parameters. We show that under certain conditions, it is possible to obtain unbiased and efficient estimates of the signal direction. The Cramer-Rao bound is used as the principal analysis tool. Computer simulations using the maximum likelihood estimator provide a validation of the analytical results  相似文献   

Separation of cochannel GSM signals using an adaptive array   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) is a digital cellular radio network that employs time division multiple access (TDMA). In such a cellular system, frequencies are reused in different regions for spectral efficiency, and thus, the transmissions in a given cell can interfere with those in distant cells. This cochannel interference can be a major impairment to the signal of interest. In this paper, we describe a beamformer and equalizer system that is capable of separating and demodulating several cochannel GSM signals. The signal model includes intersymbol interference (ISI) induced by the Gaussian transmit filter, and the channel model incorporates multipath propagation and additive white Gaussian noise. The GSM synchronization sequences are used to compute the beamformer weights and achieve frame synchronization simultaneously. Decision-feedback equalization is employed to compensate for the transmit filter ISI and to demodulate the data  相似文献   

Multifunction wide-band array design   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
High-performance active arrays operating over C, X, and Ku-band have been demonstrated using newly developed designs of wide-band radiating elements and wide-band monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). The advanced shared aperture program (ASAP) explored the development of wide-band multifunction arrays capable of simultaneous and time interleaved radar, electronic warfare, and communications functions. Two iterations of radiating element and transmit/receive (T/R) module design were completed during this program. The radiating aperture design approach, overall array concepts, and current design technology and performance are summarized  相似文献   

On focusing matrices for wide-band array processing   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A general class of transformation matrices for coherent signal-subspace processing is presented. These signal-subspace transformation (SST) matrices are shown to generate a sufficient statistic for maximum-likelihood bearing estimation. Two general forms for calculating SST matrices are presented, and the rotational signal-subspace (RSS) focusing matrices proposed by H. Hung and M. Kaveh (1988) are shown to be a special case of the SST matrices. An efficient procedure for computing a subset of the SST matrices, utilizing Householder transformations, is presented. The procedure reduces the computational load by a factor of 10, compared with that for the RSS matrices. The application of MUSIC to the coherently combined covariance matrix is also discussed, and Monte Carlo simulations comparing the performance of Householder SST matrices and RSS matrices are performed  相似文献   

In array signal processing, 2-D spatial-spectrum estimation is required to determine DOA of multiple signals. The circular array of sensors is found to possess several nice properties for DOA estimation of wide-band sources. C. U. Padmini, et al.(1994) had suggested that the frequency-direction ambiguity in azimuth estimation of wide-baud signals received by a uniform linear array (ULA) can be avoided by using a circular array, even without the use of any delay elements. In 2-D spatial-spectrum estimation for wide-band signals, the authors find that it is impossible to avoid the ambiguity in source frequency-elevation angle pairs using a circular array. In this paper, interpolated circular arrays are used to perform 2-D spatial-spectrum estimation for wide-band sources. In the estimation, a large aperture circular array (Υ>λmin/2) is found to possess superior resolution capability and robustness.  相似文献   

We present a preprocessing technique that in conjunction with spatial smoothing circumvents the difficulty of direction-of-arrival estimation of coherent signals in the case of uniform circular arrays. Special consideration is given to problems arising in practice, such as mutual coupling and array geometry imperfections. Simulation results illustrating the performance of this scheme in conjunction with the MUSIC method are included  相似文献   

A wide-band square-waveguide array polarizer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A stepped-septum polarizer has been designed that is capable of at least 26 dB of isolation over a 20 percent frequency band. The three-port device may be used to excite high purity left or right circular, as well as tilted linear polarizations in a phased array of square waveguides.  相似文献   

Optical down-sampling of wide-band microwave signals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phase-encoded optical sampling allows radio-frequency and microwave signals to be directly down-converted and digitized with high linearity and greater than 60-dB (10-effective-bit) signal-to-noise ratio. Wide-band electrical signals can be processed using relatively low optical sampling rates provided that the instantaneous signal bandwidth is less than the Nyquist sampling bandwidth. We demonstrate the capabilities of this technique by using a 60-MS/s system to down-sample two different FM chirp signals: 1) a baseband (0-250 MHz) linear-chirp waveform and 2) a nonlinear-chirp waveform having a 10-GHz center frequency and a frequency excursion of 1 GHz. We characterize the frequency response of the technique and quantify the analog bandwidth limitation due to the optical pulse width. The 3-dB bandwidth imposed by a 30-ps sampling pulse is shown to be 10.4 GHz. We also investigate the impact of the pulse width on the linearity of the phase-encoded optical sampling technique when it is used to sample high-frequency signals.  相似文献   

给出了一种宽带不等间距相控阵天线的设计方法,利用该方法实现4.5个倍频内对方向图栅瓣的抑制和±30°波束扫描.文中首先从理论上分析了不等间距阵列的宽带特性,然后对以微带Vivaldi天线为辐射单元的16单元不等间距阵进行了仿真设计,最后对不等间距阵列天线进行了加工实测,实测结果与仿真结果一致,验证了设计方法的正确性.  相似文献   

在阵元数确定的情况下,稀疏阵列能增大阵列孔径,提高测向精度,但也带来测向模糊。针对这个问题,提出了一种稀疏互质L型阵列及其二维测向算法。利用四阶累积量的阵列扩展特性,并结合L型阵列中阵元间距的互质关系,在稀疏阵列结构下实现无模糊二维测向。与二维虚拟旋转不变算法相比,所提算法允许参考阵元间距大于信号半波长,从而提高了测向精度,同时利用逐步解模糊,保证较大的系统容差。计算机仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis based two dimensional direction finding algorithm for coherent signals using a uniformly linear array of vector hydrophones. By forming a PARAFAC model using spatial signature of vector hydrophone array, the new algorithm requires neither spatial smoothing nor vector-field smoothing to decorrelate the signal coherency. We also establish that the azimuth-elevation angles of K coherent signals can be uniquely determined by PARAFAC analysis, as long as the number of hydrophones \(L \ge 2K - 1\). In addition, because the vector hydrophone array manifold contains no phase information, this new algorithm can offer high azimuth-elevation estimation accuracy by setting vector hydrophones to space much farther apart than a half-wavelength. Simulation results are finally presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Direction finding in the presence of an intermittent interference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of estimating the direction of arrival (DOA) of a source in the presence of an intermittent jammer, i.e., a jammer that corrupts the signal of interest from time to time. This situation is encountered in slow frequency-hopped spread spectrum systems with partial time or partial band jamming. It has deleterious effects on the receiver performance, at least when a single antenna is used. We consider using an array of sensors to mitigate the effects of such an interference. The influence of the latter on the signal and jammer DOA estimates is studied. A general setup is introduced, and two different models are derived, depending on whether the jammer's presence indicators are considered deterministic or random. In both cases, the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs) are derived, and a numerical study of the CRB provides insights into the influence of the jammer's parameters. Additionally, it is shown that conventional methods such as ESPRIT can provide fairly accurate DOA estimates for this type of interference  相似文献   

One of the main goals of time–frequency (TF) signal representations in non-stationary array processing is to equip multi-antenna receivers with the ability to separate sources in the TF domain prior to direction finding. This permits high-resolution direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of individual sources and of more sources than sensors. In this paper, we use linear decomposition of sensor data based on matching pursuit (MP). The leading atoms of the MP, which capture most of the source TF signatures, can be different for different sources and, as such, provide the desired source discrimination. The MP coefficients with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and corresponding to the leading decomposition atoms are used to develop the MP-MUSIC DOA estimation for non-stationary source signals. We demonstrate the source discriminatory capability of the proposed technique using linear FM, nonlinear FM, and other non-stationary signals. Further, we compare MP-MUSIC performance with conventional MUSIC and the time–frequency MUSIC, which incorporates bilinear transforms.  相似文献   

Madurasinghe  D. 《Electronics letters》1991,27(15):1326-1327
In a coherent environment the problem of direction finding using arbitrary antenna array geometries always seems to be a multivariate optimisation problem. An estimator derived using suboptimal eigen techniques and optimised using the method of alternating projection (AP) is shown to be superior to the maximum likelihood method.<>  相似文献   

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