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T. P. Tolmachev V. P. Pilyugin A. I. Ancharov E. G. Chernyshov A. M. Patselov 《The Physics of Metals and Metallography》2016,117(2):135-142
The mechanical alloying of Au–Co mixtures, which are systems with high positive mixing enthalpy, is studied following high-pressure torsion deformation at room and cryogenic temperatures. X-ray diffractometry in synchrotron radiation and scanning microscopy are used to investigate the sequence of structural changes in the course of deforming the mixtures up to the end state of the fcc substitutional solid solution based on gold. The mechanical properties of the alloys are measured both during mixture processing and after mechanical alloying. Microfractographic studies are performed. Factors that facilitate the solubility of Co in Au, namely, increased processing pressure, cobalt concentration in a charge mixture, true strain, and temperature decreased to cryogenic level have been identified. 相似文献
The plastic behaviour of two recently developed Al–Cu–Li alloys with different Cu/Li ratios, AA2198 and AA2196, was studied as a function of precipitation state by tensile tests, strain hardening rate analysis, Bauschinger tests, slip line imaging and atomic scale characterization of precipitate shearing by advanced electron microscopy. For early ageing times where δ′ and/or solute clusters are present, plasticity occurs heterogeneously, the strain hardening rate is high, and the Bauschinger effect is moderate. When T1 precipitates are present, plasticity becomes more homogeneous, and the strain hardening rate shows a slower decrease compared with other aluminium alloys containing shearable precipitates. In addition, these ageing conditions show a high reversibility of plastic strain, and it is observed that precipitates are sheared only by single steps. The possibility of a specific shearing mechanism of the T1 phase is discussed in light of these results. 相似文献
The differences in the microstructure and elevated temperature tensile properties of gravity die cast, squeeze cast, and semi-solid thixoformed Al–Si–Cu–Mn–Fe alloys after thermal exposure at 300 °C were discussed. The results demonstrate that the elevated temperature tensile properties of semi-solid thixoformed alloys were significantly higher than those of gravity die cast and squeeze cast alloys, especially after thermal exposure for 100 h. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of semi-solid thixoformed alloys after thermal exposure at 300 °C for 0.5, 10 and 100 h were 181, 122 and 110 MPa, respectively. The UTS values of semi-solid thixoformed alloys were higher than those of heat resistant aluminum alloys used in commercial applications. The enhanced elevated temperature tensile properties of semi-solid thixoformed experimental alloys after thermal exposure can be attributed to the combined reinforcement of precipitation strengthening and grain boundary strengthening due to thermally stable intermetallic phases as well as suitable grain size. 相似文献
Split Hopkinson pressure bar test system was used to investigate the plastic deformation behavior and dynamic response character of a-type Ti–5Al–2.5Sn ELI and near a-type Ti–8Al–1Mo–1V titanium alloy when subjected to dynamic loading. In the present work, stress–strain curves at strain rate from 1.5 9 103to 5.0 9 103s-1were analyzed, and optical microscope(OM) was used to reveal adiabatic shearing behavior of recovered samples. Results show that both the two alloys manifest significant strain hardening effects. Critical damage strain rate of the two alloys is about 4.3 9 103s-1, under which the impact absorbs energy of Ti–5Al–2.5Sn ELI and Ti–8Al–1Mo–1V are 560 and 470 MJ m-3, respectively. Both of them fracture along the maximum shearing strength orientation, an angle of 45° to the compression axis. No adiabatic shear band(ASB) is found in Ti–5Al–2.5Sn ELI alloy, whereas several ASBs with different widths exist without regular direction in Ti–8Al–1Mo–1V alloy. 相似文献
Microstructure of TiAl alloy prepared by intense plastic deformation and subsequent reaction sintering 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
1 INTRODUCTIONTiAlalloysaresuitableforhigh temperatureap plicationsinaircraftgasturbineenginesandothertransportationvehicle ,owing 相似文献
TiAl alloy was prepared by intense plastic deformation and subsequent reaction sintering.The effect of plasetic deformation on the microstructure of sintered TiAl alloy was investigated using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS),optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The results show that the intense plastic deformation of reacting Ti and Al phases caued by high energy ball milling refines the as-sintered microstructure.The longer the milling time,the finer the grain size of γ and lamellar(α2 γ)phases.The finer grain size improves the properties of the TiAl alloy.It is also found that th volume fraction of lamellar(α2 γ)phases increases first,then decreases with increasing milling time.Based on the experimental results theoretical discussion was presented. 相似文献
L. Piotrowski B. Augustyniak M. Chmielewski F.J.G. Landgraf M.J. Sablik 《NDT & E International》2009,42(2):92-96
The paper presents the results of a complementary study including magnetic hysteresis loops B(H), magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) and magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signals measurements for plastically deformed Fe–2%Si samples. The investigated samples had been plastically deformed with plastic strain level (εp) up to 8%. The properties of B(H) loops are quantified using the coercivity HC and maximum differential permeability μrmax as parameters. The MBN and MAE voltage signals were analysed by means of rms-like voltage (Ub and Ua, respectively) envelopes, plotted as a function of applied field strength. Integrals of the Ub and Ua voltages over half of a period of magnetization were then calculated. It has been found that HC and integrals of Ub increase, while μrmax decreases monotonically with increasing εp. The MAE (Ua) peak voltage at first decreases, then peaks at εp≈1.5% and finally decreases again. The integral of the Ua voltage at first increases for low εp and then decreases for εp>1.5%. All those various dependence types suggest the possibility of detection of various stages of microstructure change. The above-mentioned results are discussed qualitatively in the paper. Some modelling of the discussed dependency is also presented. 相似文献
The effect of the composition and cooling rate of the melt on the microhardness, phase composition, and fine-structure parameters of as-cast and splat-quenched (SQ) high-entropy (HE) Al–Cu–Fe–Ni–Si alloys was studied. The quenching was performed by conventional splat-cooling technique. The cooling rate was estimated to be ~106 K/s. Components of the studied HE alloys were selected taking into account both criteria for designing and estimating their phase composition, which are available in the literature and based on the calculations of the entropy and enthalpy of mixing, and the difference between atomic radii of components as well. According to X-ray diffraction data, the majority of studied Al–Cu–Fe–Ni–Si compositions are two-phase HE alloys, the structure of which consists of disordered solid solutions with bcc and fcc structures. At the same time, the Al0.5CuFeNi alloy is single-phase in terms of X-ray diffraction and has an fcc structure. The studied alloys in the as-cast state have a dendritic structure, whereas, after splat quenching, the uniform small-grained structure is formed. It was found that, as the volume fraction of bcc solid solution in the studied HE alloys increases, the microhardness increases; the as-cast HE Al–Cu–Fe–Ni–Si alloys are characterized by higher microhardness compared to that of splat-quenched alloys. This is likely due to the more equilibrium multiphase state of as-cast alloys. 相似文献
《Acta Materialia》2002,50(8):2137-2149
Amorphous ZrO2–Al2O3 powders undergo densification at low temperatures (<650°C) and moderate uniaxial pressures (~750 MPa). It is established that large pressure dependent densification and little time dependent densification occur. Viscous sintering is not the dominant densification mechanism. Study of the particle size effect in densification of amorphous ZrO2–40% Al2O3, and comparison with hot pressing of borosilicate glass powder at 500 and 550°C and cold compaction of silver powder, clearly indicate the possibility of compaction of amorphous ZrO2–Al2O3 by plastic deformation. Good agreement was seen between a model for the compaction of ductile metal powders and the observed hot pressing behaviour. 相似文献
Corrosion behavior of two nanocrystalline bulk Ag–50Cu alloys and one coarse-grained counterpart prepared by liquid-phase reduction(LPR), mechanical alloying(MA) and powder metallurgy(PM) methods,respectively, were investigated in Na Cl solutions. They were finished by means of PARM273 A and M5210 electrochemical apparatus through potentiodynamic polarization method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) technique. The results show that corrosion rates of three Ag–50Cu alloys increase with the increment of Na Cl solution concentrations. Corrosion rates of LPRAg–50Cu alloy are a little higher than those of PMAg–50Cu alloy,but evidently lower than those of MAAg–50Cu alloy. The difference in corrosion rates is attributed to the large reduction in the grain size and homogeneous microstructure of nanocrystalline alloys. Passive current densities decrease and afterward increase for PMAg–50Cu alloy,decrease for MAAg–50Cu alloy, and increase for LPRAg–50Cu alloy with the increment of Na Cl solution concentrations. After the grain sizes are refined, passive current densities become lower. 相似文献
Iron aluminides produced by the electroslag refining technique, having the compositions: (1) Fe–16Al–1C, (2) Fe–10Al–1C, and (3) Fe–8Al–1C were used to investigate the effect of Al on the oxidation behaviour of the Fe–1C–Al system at 700 to 1000 °C. Prior to oxidation studies, phase and microstructure of alloys were analysed. The carbide phase, Fe3AlC0.69, was found to be distributed in the Fe3Al matrix in alloy 1 and α (Fe–Al) matrix in alloys 2 and 3. The low Al content alloys displayed inversion in the oxidation kinetics below 800 °C, while, high Al content alloy displayed inversion phenomena at 1000 °C. The mechanism involving inversion in oxidation kinetics was found to be different in the two cases. In the former, it was attributed to the preferential oxidation of Al, while in the latter, to the phase transformation within the Al2O3. Carbides in the alloy having low Al content showed instability during oxidation. 相似文献
In order to establish a succession law of every phase in sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets marked as 38/38H/38SH/38 UH, four alloys of Nd33-xDyxAl0.7Nb0.6Cu0.1B1.05 Fe bal.(at%) were investigated after smelting processing, sintering processing, high-temperature tempering processing, and highand low-temperature tempering processing. It is found that the four phases: the Nd2Fe14B matrix phase, Nd-rich phase,B-rich phase, and defect phase can be inherited by means of the subsequent processing. These phases might have the special constitution and appearance in the different states.Magnetic properties also have succession law. In every processing except smelting one, the values of remanence and maximum energy product hardly alter, but the value of coercive force increases gradually. 相似文献
ABSTRACTAn approach was developed to calculate the crack susceptibility under various levels of pressure, and the corresponding numerical method was presented. The binary Al–Si alloy system was selected for study because the effect of high pressure on its phase diagram has been reported. The results showed a higher pressure can lead to a higher crack susceptibility and shift the most crack susceptible composition to higher solute contents. It was found a higher pressure can increase the effect of back diffusion on the solidification path and hence the crack susceptibility. This study provides a new understanding of the effect of pressure on solidification cracking susceptibility and can be a relevant starting point for studying solidification cracking under high pressures. 相似文献