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电力营销计量改造系统是指利用远程数据自动抄表技术,对电费电价进行及时通知。欠费自动断电控制,同时还可以及时掌握用户的用电情况,给予对预欠费报警等。  相似文献   

在通信服务过程中,要防范与通信用户的服务协议或条款被认定为格式条款的风险。当发现通信用户出现异常巨额电信费用时,应当依法依规迅速通知该用户,并采取相应措施。在通信用户发生欠费时,应当及时发送欠费催收通知,并确认欠费通知是否送达,同时要留存好通知的具体内容及催收过程的证明。  相似文献   

近年来,物业服务合同纠纷日益增多,其中以诉讨物业公共服务费最为常见.纠纷的及时合理解决,无论对业主还是物业服务企业都很重要,对于物业服务中存在的主要问题,我们需要法律的保障,需要制度的支持,更需要物业服务公司与业主的诚信履约.基于此,我们在张家港市澳洋·雅美阁花园对欠费业主进行普查,寻求确切的欠费缘由,本文就相关问题,浅要谈谈解决之道.  相似文献   

本文描述了供水行业欠费的严峻现状,分析了产生水费欠费的原因,提出了水费欠费追收的原则和流程,探讨减少水费欠费的若干对策。  相似文献   

欠费追讨是长期困扰供水企业的一个棘手问题,如何提高收费率是供水企业极为关注的一项重要工作。本文针对欠费产生原因进行分析,并对不同的原因提出应对措施供同行借鉴。  相似文献   

2020年,在北京市委市政府及相关委办局的大力支持和帮助下,北京市自来水集团在做好疫情防控措施的前提下,多管齐下,多方借力,攻坚克难,持续开展了由集团主要领导牵头的欠费催缴专项工作,共计追回存量欠费3.21亿元,使存量欠费由17.71亿元降至14.50亿元. 在欠费催缴过程中,针对因驻京部队改制、家属区社会化等原因形成的历史遗留欠费问题,北京市委市政府有关领导主动"牵线搭桥",畅通了与军委后勤保障部军事设施建设局的沟通渠道,在多方共同努力下,达成了欠费收缴协议;市水务局积极协调市排水集团,推进污水处理费历史欠费问题的解决.随着以上两项工作的落地,集团可再收回综合水费约8000万元.  相似文献   

目前市场上销售的火灾自动报警控制系统,生产厂家不同,相互之间信息不能共享,难以联成网络,不能自动与城市消防接警指挥中心及时通讯,造成报警不及时。而本文通过对火灾自动报警控制器网络接口模块和数据中心网络接口模块的设计,利用现有的PSTN网和Internet网,将火灾自动报警控制系统的故障信息和火灾信息向消防接警指挥中心传递,实现城市火灾自动报警控制系统的远程诊断、火灾的实时监控和远程控制。  相似文献   

拖欠物业服务费的现象在目前小区物业管理中并不鲜见,除极少数业主存在恶意欠费外,绝大多数欠费业主“事出有因”。但是无论什么原因,采用拖欠物业费的极端方式表达不满都是不可取的,既得不到法律的支持,也无助于问题的解决。  相似文献   

张杰 《城市开发》2012,(13):70-71
<正>拖欠物业服务费的现象在目前小区物业管理中并不鲜见,除极少数业主存在恶意欠费外,绝大多数欠费业主"事出有因"。但是无论什么原因,采用拖欠物业费的极端方式表达不满都是不可取的,既得不到法律的支持,也无助于问题的解决。解决物业欠费纠纷,需要业主与物业服务公司双方的相互理解。作为业主一方,要理解享受服务就应该支付相应费用,通过学习相关法律法规正确认识物业管理的内容与范围;物业服务公司也要不断改进自身工作,努力提高服务品质,严格履行合同义务,争取业主的理解支持。  相似文献   

大学生欠费是西藏高校普遍存在的问题,近年来国家、学校施行"奖、贷、补、助、勤、减、免"等多种渠道来解决家庭经济困难学生的求学困难问题,但仍有一大批的学生,由于诚信缺失、家庭经济困难,以及学校学费收缴管理的薄弱等多种因素,西藏各高校的学费欠费问题已日趋严重,甚至在一定程度上影响和制约了高等教育的正常发展。本文就高校学费欠费的现状、原因、对策作一些分析探讨。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evidence on electricity reform and relates it to the current situation of the South East Europe (SEE) electricity market. We begin by discussing the main elements of the European Union (EU) electricity reform model. Then we go on to discuss emerging good practice in the regulation of national electricity markets in the EU. This is important because it reflects the key role placed on independent regulation of the electricity sector in the EU reform model. Next, we evaluate the empirical evidence on the success of the EU reform model in particular and the success of electricity reforms more generally. This leads on to a discussion of the particular context of SEE electricity reform and what specific issues this raises. We conclude with a discussion of the importance of more general institutional context of SEE electricity reform. The paper suggests that it will be a substantial, but worthwhile, challenge to create a workable supra-national electricity market in the region.  相似文献   

俞力彦 《山西建筑》2009,35(10):182-183
根据实践经验结合施工现场临时用电安全技术规范的规定,就建筑施工现场临时用电的问题进行了探讨,提出了建筑施工现场临时用电的注意事项,以确保施工现场临时用电安全可靠和使用方便。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between wholesale electricity price behaviour and the integration of new renewable energy sources in the electricity system in Portugal. The research analyses two different samples, namely: the significant deployment of wind power versus the abrupt increase in the installed capacity of solar photovoltaic. Daily data from 2011 until 2019 and, a SARMAX/EGARCH approach has been conducted to assess the merit-order effect. The main results suggest that electricity production from wind power is decreasing the price of electricity but increasing its volatility. In addition, there is evidence for the leverage effect in electricity price.  相似文献   

王真 《福建建筑》1999,(1):53-56
根据福州供电区的历史负荷数据、分类电量结构数据及增长率情况,及福州市的《关于福州市国民经济和社会‘九五’计划和2010年远景纲要》的精神,仔细分析了福州供电区的各类负荷增长情况,以此为依据,对福州市中心城2010年用电负荷进行了预测分析。  相似文献   

庞宇林 《山西建筑》2009,35(15):364-365
结合近年来水电站综合自动化技术的迅速发展,以图解和文字的形式针对中小型及微型水电站的自动化系统配置方案分别进行了具有较强实用性的详细说明,从而推广自动化系统在水电站工程中的应用。  相似文献   

As a new member state of the EU, Slovenia has been required to adopt EU legislation in full. The Slovenian electricity market has been partially opened since 2001. From 1 July 2007, when households became eligible customers, the electricity market opened fully. The electricity reforms carried out so far comprise of market liberalization, unbundling of activities, allowing regulated TPA, formation of an organized power market, adoption of incentive-based price cap regulation and the establishment of an independent regulatory body. The challenge that remains to be addressed is how to enhance competition in an electricity market that has a net importer position with limited cross-border capacity. Envisaged investments in generating and cross-border capacities will partially close the gap between domestic generation and consumption. Furthermore, since Slovenia has one of the largest levels of state ownership in the electricity sector among EU member states, privatization of electricity companies is envisaged in the near future.  相似文献   

介绍了奥运场馆配电系统依据的标准、指南.根据场馆用电负荷的重要性及需求,采用了负荷分组相互独立、多电源相互独立并分别向分组负荷供电、临电并网切换的多电源配电系统,将奥运会期间断电的负面影响降到最小.合理地计划、选择及配置系统设施,以满足奥运会期间及奥运会结束后的需求.  相似文献   

This paper, attempts to comprehend and analyze the determinant socio-economic background of illegal electricity consumption by estimating an energy theft equation through applying different econometric techniques. For the estimation, provincial electricity theft and socio-economic data for the period of 2002–2010 are employed. In Turkey, electricity theft leads to loss of substantial amount of dollars annually. This is a primary and thorough study in literature that aims to help prevent electricity theft in Turkey by determining the underlying socio-economic drives. Income, social capital, rural population rate, temperature index, Southeastern Anatolian Region dummy, and agricultural production rate were identified as significant determinants of electricity theft. Certain policy advice is also provided based on the findings.  相似文献   

我国电力建设高速发展业已结束供电紧张局面。全国电力由紧缺到盈余的拐点将在2006年后出现,应用电采暖对消纳冬春季电网富裕电量,节省油气资源,减少城市污染均有积极意义。直接电热的电采暖器不节能,智控型电采暖则是通过技术组合,发挥良好散热、控制优势,使之达到按需供暖的应用模式,充分挖掘行为节能空间。智控型电采暖结构简单、便于行为节能、无运行管理的特点降低了供暖成本,减少了供暖的工作量,避免了集中供暖的浪费。  相似文献   

We estimated the effect of shade trees on the summertime electricity use of 460 single-family homes in Sacramento, California. Results show that trees on the west and south sides of a house reduce summertime electricity use, whereas trees on the north side of a house increase summertime electricity use. The current level of tree cover on the west and south sides of houses in our sample reduced summertime electricity use by 185 kWh (5.2%), whereas north-side trees increased electricity use by 55 kWh (1.5%). Results also show that a London plane tree, planted on the west side of a house, can reduce carbon emissions from summertime electricity use by an average of 31% over 100 years.  相似文献   

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