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测量不确定度是在当代国际贸易和技术交流活动中,各国用于表征测量结果的质量优劣的一种先进方法,章简要描述了测量不确定度的评定与分析方法,并举例说明其应用分析过程。 相似文献
基于GPS的测量不确定度评定方法分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文阐述了新一代GPS不确定度理论的形成、发展,以及在实现几何产品规范设计与计量认证统一中的重要作用;基于测量不确定度贡献因素的分析,着重研究了测量不确定度的评定方法、模型及应用技术,为实现测量不确定度评定管理的规范统一奠定必要的技术基础。 相似文献
燃油加油机的检定测量一般是运用容积比较法计算,之后对计算出的容积值给予温度补偿,从而得到燃油加油机的准确容积值。为了确保测量结果的可靠性,最大程度的增强测量效率,我们根据燃油加油机测量标准规定,采取磁致伸缩液位以及热电阻传感器对加油机容积以及温度进行检定,并对过去的测量装置进行了一系列优化,最终取得了预定效果,但这一检定方式其燃油加油机测量不确定度如何,是否符合加油机测量相关技术标准,笔者在本文中对这些问题进行了探讨。 相似文献
实验室认可准则文件要求:检测实验室应有能力对测量结果进行测量不确定度分析,并规定了测量不确定度应用的四种条件。本文以检测实验室对测量结果进行合格评定的角度,举例介绍了测量不确定度的应用,以加深检测人员对测量不确定度应用的理解和认识,确保在重要过程、关键项目进行合格评定时,测量数据的有效性以及结论的公正性,降低检测风险。 相似文献
介绍了金属夏比冲击试验测量结果不确定度的评定,对影响冲击试验结果的测量不确定度做了详细分析,对各分量进行了计算、合成并作出评定。 相似文献
The single sinker densimeter with magnetic suspension coupling is one of the state of the art methods for the accurate measurement of fluid densities. The uncertainties of experimental pressure, density and temperature data, measured with a single sinker densimeter, were thoroughly evaluated following the uncertainty propagation law. The main uncertainty sources of each magnitude were determined. Based on this statistical study, several modifications were performed to reduce the uncertainty associated to each magnitude. Firstly two new PTR-25 probes were added. Secondly a new pressure transducer for the low pressure range was added. Finally the sinker of the densimeter was replaced by a bigger one to improve the balance reading. After these modifications the uncertainty of each magnitude was evaluated and validated with a Monte Carlo simulation. Results yielded a significant reduction of 44% in temperature uncertainty, more than 92% on pressure below 2 MPa, and more than 22% on density. 相似文献
Given the common assumption that measurement plays an important role in the foundation of science, the paper analyzes the possibility that Measurement Science, and therefore measurement itself, can be properly founded. The realist and the representational positions are analyzed at this regards: the conclusion, that such positions unavoidably lead to paradoxical situations, opens the discussion for a new epistemology of measurement, whose characteristics and interpretation are sketched here but are still largely matter of investigation. 相似文献
测量误差与测量不确定度的比较应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章详细介绍了测量误差和测量不确定度的基本概念以及两者之间的关系,阐述了采用测量不确定度评定测量结果的质量的必然性,旨在正确地了解掌握其实质、以便在工作中能正确地应用测量不确定度的评定与表示。 相似文献
本文介绍在万能工具显微镜上用光学灵敏杠杆测量圆柱环规内径的方法,并对该测量方法的不确定度进行评定。 相似文献
10~(-6)量级精密离心机输出加速度测量模型及不确定度评定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了给高精度惯性仪表校准试验提供高精准的加速度输入值,研究了精密离心机输出加速度的建模、测量及不确定度评定方法。建立了适用于10-6量级高精度精密离心机的加速度测量模型及不确定度传递模型。基于本课题组提出的高精度测量方法,完成了10-6量级精密离心机的静动态半径、静动态俯仰失准角等重要分量的高精度测量。分析、归纳了测量不确定度源,分别基于建立的加速度测量不确定度传递模型和蒙特卡洛方法完成了该精密离心机输出加速度的测量不确定度评定。最后,讨论和总结了高精度精密离心机输出加速度建模和精度评定的相关问题。结果表明:该精密离心机对1g~100g输出加速度的相对标准不确定度均小于3×10-6,其精度与目前国际上公开的最高精度离心机处于同一数量级;建立的测量模型及测量不确定度评定方法可以为相关精度等级的精密离心机研制和评价提供参考。 相似文献
Jinkun Lee Inyoung Yang Sooseok Yang Jae Su Kwak 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2007,21(4):664-671
The altitude engine test is carried out to measure the performance of the engine of flight vehicle at the high altitude environment
prior to the flight test. During the test, The measured pressures and temperatures at various positions, air flow rate, fuel
flow rate, thrust of the engine are measured. These measured values are used to calculate the representative performance values
such as the net thrust and the specific fuel consumption. Hence each of the measured parameter has effects on the total uncertainly
of the performance values. In this paper, the combined standard uncertainties of the net thrust and the specific fuel consumption
were estimated from the uncertainties of the various measured values. Also, by estimating the repeatability and the reproducibility,
the confidence levels of the altitude engine test were validated by the analysis of variation on the repeated test data by
different tester groups. 相似文献