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软件测试的自动化越来越受到软件开发企业的重视,而基于J2EE应用程序实现测试自动化却存在一定困难。在介绍了自动化测试的重要性的基础上,提出了原有的测试框架应用于J2EE程序出现的问题,讨论了使用Cactus实现J2EE程序单元测试自动化的方法及实例。在基于J2EE企业应用程序的测试中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

M K Dutt 《Microscopica acta》1981,84(3):245-248
This communication presents a method for the preparation of Schiff reagent in which N hydrochloric acid has been replaced by a low concentration of propionic acid. The result of using such a Schiff reagent indicates that the dye-reagent thus prepared is extrafast in action on acid-hydrolysed mammalian tissue sections. The intensity of nuclear colouration is also increased considerably, since the pH of the dye-reagent is 6.0. It is, therefore advocated that this newly developed Schiff reagent be used at 5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of monolayer crystals of paraffin have been recorded with a spot-scan mode of imaging which uses a small 50 nm diameter moving beam. In comparison with normal stationary beam images using 5 μm illuminating beams, the spot-scan micrographs show a higher and more consistent contrast from the 3.8–4.2 Å hydrocarbon chain spacings. On average the improvement in contrast is twofold, but this still leaves scope for further improvement: the best spot-scan images still do not quite reach the level of contrast calculated theoretically from electron diffraction. We believe that the cause of the low contrast in paraffin images must be specimen motion caused by radiation damage rather than a charging effect, for two reasons. First, it does not occur in control images of vermiculite, a non-beam-sensitive mineral, when treated identically. Secondly, although charging might still be a problem with paraffin, when images are taken with the objective aperture in the column, a procedure which is normally expected to reduce charging, no improvement in contrast is found. Thus we think that the use of the small beam minimizes the effect of specimen motion on image contrast by minimizing the specimen area exposed at each instant and therefore the resultant image blurring. Further improvements with even smaller illumination beam diameters might be expected.  相似文献   

M K Dutt 《Microscopica acta》1980,83(5):381-387
The investigation reports on the use of safranine-SO2 and phenosafranine-SO2, prepared with N HCl or oxalic acid plus potassium metabisulphite, for staining rat liver sections following Feulgen procedure. It has been found that optimum staining of DNA-aldehyde molecules is possible with safranine-SO2 and phenosafranine-SO2, prepared with N HCl and potassium metabisulphite, upto a duration of one week after the preparation of the dye-reagents. Thereafter, staining intensity of the nuclei produced by the dye-reagents is gradually diminished. Staining of acid-hydrolysed sections is also possible with aqueous solutions of these dyes. Moreover, DNA-phosphate groups can also be stained with aqueous solutions of these dyes after selective extraction of RNA with cold phosphoric acid. The in situ absorption spectra of nuclei, stained for DNA-aldehyde molecules with safranine-SO2, phenosafranine-SO2 and aqueous solutions of these dyes, have been presented in this paper. Also presented herein are absorption data of nuclei stained with these dyes after selective extraction of RNA. It has been found that absorption-peaks of nuclei stained differently are different from one another. The implications of these findings have been discussed.  相似文献   

M K Dutt 《Microscopica acta》1979,81(5):367-371
The paper reports on the preparation of a dye-SO2 reagent employing a Schiff-type dye, toluidine blue O. The method is to replace 5 ml of N HCl per 100 ml of the dye solution by citric acid. The usual potassium metabisulphite is then added. The pH of this new modified dye-SO2 reagent is 2.5 as against 1.6 for the hydrochloric acid-toluidine blue O-SO2. The shelf-life of this newly developed dye-SO2 reagent is four weeks with appreciable reduction of staining intensity after this period as compared with that of a freshly prepared dye-reagent with N HCl. A possible interpretation for the observed phenomenon has been suggested.  相似文献   

M K Dutt 《Microscopica acta》1979,81(3):195-200
The paper reports on the use of a quinoline dye, pinacyanol, towards staining of acid hydrolysed DNA. The dye as an aqueous solution can be used after treatment of mammalian tissue sections in concentrated phosphoric acid at 5 degrees C for 20 min followed by hydrolysis in 6N HCl at room temperature for 15 min, for staining DNA-aldehyde molecules. It has also been observed that staining of DNA-phosphate groups is also possible in sections treated with cold concentrated phosphoric acid after selective extraction of RNA. Both in situ absorption characteristics of stained nuclei as well as in vitro absorption data of an aqueous solution of the dye have been presented. It has been suggested that staining DNA-aldehydes with pinacyanol, without any primary amino group in its molecules is due to a modified Feulgen reaction.  相似文献   

This paper suggests an automated approach for fault detection and classification in roller bearings, which is based on pattern recognition and principal components analysis of the measured vibration signals. The signals recorded are pre-processed applying a wavelet transform in order to extract the appropriate high frequency (detailed) area needed for ball bearing fault detection. This is followed by a pattern recognition (PR) procedure used to recognise between signals coming from healthy bearings and those generated from different bearing faults. Four categories of signals are considered, namely no fault signals (from a healthy bearing), inner race fault, outer race fault and rolling element fault signals. The PR procedure uses the first six principal components extracted from the signals after a proper principal component analysis (PCA). In this work a modified PCA is suggested, which is much more appropriate for categorical data. The combination of the modified PCA and the PR method ensures that the fault is automatically detected and classified to one of the considered fault categories. The method suggested does not require the knowledge/determination of the specific fault frequencies and/or any expert analysis: once the signal filtering is done and the PC's are found the PR method automatically gives the answer if there is a fault present and its type.  相似文献   

针对加氢装置中两台反应器主体材料的焊接性能,通过焊接实验。介绍了此类钢的焊接工艺。  相似文献   

以塔式起重机应力检测的作业流程为研究对象,运用流程程序分析、联合作业分析和"5W1H"技术对该作业流程进行分析,找出其存在的问题。再根据ECRS原则,分析与评判改进该作业流程的各种可能途径,提出新的作业流程。通过有关指标比较和实际应用效果验证,新的作业流程与原作业流程相比,其作业时间大幅缩短,差错可能性降低,检测效率明显提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient fuzzy model-based leak detection algorithm is designed for a pilot heat exchanger. A dynamic fuzzy model of the physical plant is first derived from input–output measurements using a fuzzy clustering technique. This model is run in parallel to the process for symptom generation. The leak detection mechanism has been tested and validated on the real co-current heat exchanger, and has proven to be efficient in detecting leaks of different magnitudes in the water circulation pipe.  相似文献   

用以往方法穿绕的滑轮组,在起吊应用中常存在一些问题。环式穿绳法的滑轮组,可防止在起吊作业中动滑轮组翻和钢丝绳扭绞。文中介绍这种滑轮组的具体穿绳方法及应用效果。  相似文献   

以自行研发的小规格五轴联动加工中心为例,分析了双轴转台的各项误差。简单介绍了Renishaw回转轴测量系统的构成、工作原理,并详细说明了利用该系统检测A轴与C轴分度误差的方法。利用该方法在我公司的五轴联动加工中心样机上对双轴转台进行分度误差检测,实践证明该方法具有检测精度高、检测重复性好、检测效率高等优点。  相似文献   

针对二维工作台测量镜本身的面形误差以及装调等因素引起面形变化对二维工作台定位精度的影响,提出了一种用于纳米精度二维工作台测量镜面形误差的在线检测方法。利用两路激光干涉仪检测面形微分数据的基本原理,分析了零点误差和积分累计误差对测量镜面形误差检测的影响并提出了改进方法。利用三路激光干涉仪组成两组不等跨度的检测机构,得到两组工作台测量镜面形的原始数据,通过这两组数据之间的关系修正跨度间的面形细节误差,得到了精确的测量镜面形误差量。对此方法进行了理论推导、仿真计算和实验验证,并将结果与Zygo干涉仪测量得到的离线检测结果进行了对比,结果显示其差异在±10nm之间,且趋势有较好的一致性。得到的结果验证了提出的方法可正确测量和真实地还原测量镜的面形误差。  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on the performance of a H2S sensor based on polyaniline-CdS nanocomposites fabricated by a simple spin coating technique. The nanocomposites showed the sensitivity to H2S gas at room temperature (300 K). The resistance of polyaniline-CdS nanocomposites showed a considerable change when exposed to various concentrations of H2S. Maximum response up to 48% was achieved for 100 ppm H2S for PANi-CdS sensor. Depending on the concentration of H2S, the response time was in the range of 41 and 71 s, whereas the recovery time was in the range of 345-518 s.  相似文献   

Pinealectomy in young chickens consistently results in scoliosis, which has many characteristics similar to those seen in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains a mystery and it is not yet entirely clear whether some unidentified aspect of the extensive surgery is the major factor rather than the removal of the pineal gland. Four different types of pinealectomy surgery were performed on young chickens as well as deliberate damage to the cerebral cortex which simulated the extreme of any accidental damage that might occur during surgery. Scoliosis was assessed from weekly radiographs. No differences in incidence of scoliosis, degree of severity, or pattern of curve development were observed for any of the experimental groups when compared with controls. In all groups approximately 55% of the chickens developed scoliosis that progressed rapidly. Different pinealectomy procedures and deliberate damage to the cerebral cortex produce scoliosis in young chickens with the same incidence and characteristics. This suggests strongly that the mechanism behind the phenomenon is due to the removal of the pineal gland and not some artifact of the extensive surgery. The pinealectomy model in young chickens is proving to be a good model for studying AIS in humans. An understanding of the mechanism underlying this phenomenon has the potential to provide further insights into the etiology of AIS and can lead to the development of novel treatment methods.  相似文献   

通过对机械零件二维几何特征计算机视觉检测技术的研究,搭建了视觉检测硬件系统.并从机械零件的二维几何特征入手,将改进后的Canny算子、Hough变换和中点画圆算法等理论应用到系统的研究开发中,以MATLAB作为开发平台,开发出视觉检测软件系统,从而实现被加工机械零件的实时在线检测.最后,通过实验验证该系统的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

A method for local measurement of air leakage rate is presented that can be used to accurately and quickly assess leakage rates across a surface, such as around a valve or hatch in a pressurized gas tank or a window in a building. The method uses a small local enclosure with constant volume placed about a region on the structure under investigation (e.g., a window), which is depressurized and injected with a small concentration of carbon dioxide as a tracer gas. The time variation of the pressure and carbon dioxide concentration inside the enclosure are monitored and used to quantify the leakage flow rate as a function of pressure difference. This method uses a small enclosure with internal mixing so that a quasi-steady-state condition is quickly achieved. Because of the small size of the enclosure, advanced data processing techniques are necessary to reduce uncertainty in determination of the rate of change of the carbon dioxide concentration that arises from sensor variability. Results of a laboratory demonstration of the proposed leakage detection and characterization device are reported for the problem of leakage through a circular hole in a plate with prescribed pressure differences. Experimental results from the laboratory tests are found to be in excellent agreement with results of a numerical simulation of leakage flow through a hole, as well as predictions from a number of empirical equations for this problem found in the literature.  相似文献   

Nadir Patir 《Wear》1978,47(2):263-277
A numerical procedure for randomly generating any general threedimensional surface roughness with prescribed statistical properties is presented. Through the use of linear transformations on random matrices, this procedure is capable of generating Gaussian or non-Gaussian rough surfaces with any given surface autocorrelation function. As an example of the numerical procedure, a Gaussian surface having a predetermined exponential autocorrelation function is generated.  相似文献   

A method is described to strengthen the binding of organic resin to inorganic zeolite, allowing large particles to be microtomed. For FeZSM-5 aggregates the particle size limit increased from 3 μm to greater than 20 μm in diameter by application of this method. This technique can be applied to a variety of oxide powder samples, extending the utility of microtomy as a materials science tool.  相似文献   

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