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Cathodoluminescence from GaN x As1?x layers (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.03) was measured at photon energies ranging from the intrinsic absorption edge to 3 eV at room temperature. An additional emission band was visible in the visible range of the cathodoluminescence spectra. The intensity of this band is two orders of magnitude lower than the edge-emission intensity. The photon energy corresponding to the peak of this band and its FWHM are virtually independent of x and equal to ~2.1 and 0.6–0.7 eV, respectively. This emission is related to indirect optical transitions of electrons from the L 6c and Δ conduction-band minimums to the Γ15 valence-band maximum.  相似文献   

The transmittance spectra of (CuInSe2)1 − x (2MnSe) x alloy crystals grown by the Bridgman method are studied in the temperature range from 10 to 300 K. For these materials, the band gap and its temperature dependence are determined. It is shown that the band gap decreases with increasing temperature. The dependences of the band gap of the (CuInSe2)1 − x (2MnSe) x alloys on the composition parameter x are plotted.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline samples of In4(Se1−x Te x )3 were synthesized by using a melting–quenching–annealing process. The thermoelectric performance of the samples was evaluated by measuring the transport properties from 290 K to 650 K after sintering using the spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. The results indicate that Te substitution can effectively reduce the thermal conductivity while maintaining good electrical transport properties. In4Te3 shows the lowest thermal conductivity of all compositions tested.  相似文献   

The electrochemical behavior of nonaqueous dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of BiIII, TeIV, and SbIII was investigated using cyclic voltammetry. On this basis, Bi x Sb2−x Te y thermoelectric films were prepared by the potentiodynamic electrodeposition technique in nonaqueous dimethyl sulfoxide solution, and the composition, structure, morphology, and thermoelectric properties of the films were analyzed. Bi x Sb2−x Te y thermoelectric films prepared under different potential ranges all possessed a smooth morphology. After annealing treatment at 200°C under N2 protection for 4 h, all deposited films showed p-type semiconductor properties, and their resistances all decreased to 0.04 Ω to 0.05 Ω. The Bi0.49Sb1.53Te2.98 thermoelectric film, which most closely approaches the stoichiometry of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3, possessed the highest Seebeck coefficient (85 μV/K) and can be obtained under potentials of −200 mV to −400 mV.  相似文献   

Glasses containing nanoparticles of semiconductor CuInSe2xTe2(1?x) compounds (0≤x≤1) were fabricated by high-temperature melting of the mixtures of the glass-forming components and the corresponding compounds. Particles of average size 15–30 nm, whose characteristics were similar for compounds with different x, were formed. Optical absorption of the glasses near the fundamental absorption edge in the near-infrared and visible regions of the spectrum was studied, as well as the effect of additional heat treatment of glasses on their optical properties. The nature of the observed changes in the spectra with varying compound composition (the [Se]/[Te] ratio) was related to the possible transformations of the crystalline structure of nanoparticles.  相似文献   

The search for alternative energy sources is at the forefront of applied research. In this context, thermoelectricity, i.e., direct conversion of thermal into electrical energy, plays an important role, particularly for exploitation of waste heat. Materials for such applications should exhibit thermoelectric potential and mechanical stability. PbTe-based compounds include well-known n-type and p-type compounds for thermoelectric applications in the 50°C to 600°C temperature range. This paper is concerned with the mechanical and transport properties of p-type Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te and PbTe<Na> samples, both of which have a hole concentration of ∼1 × 1020 cm−3. The ZT values of PbTe<Na> were found to be higher than those of Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te, and they exhibited a maximal value of 0.8 compared with 0.5 for Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te at 450°C. However, the microhardness value of 49 HV found for Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te was closer to that of the mechanically stable n-type PbTe (30 HV) than to that of PbTe<Na> (71 HV). Thus, although lower ZT values were obtained, from a mechanical point of view Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te is preferable over PbTe<Na> for practical applications.  相似文献   

The possibility of growing single-crystal substitutional (InSb)1 − x (Sn2) x alloy (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.05) on the GaAs substrate by liquid-phase epitaxy from the In solution melt is established. The X-ray diffraction patterns and spectral and current-voltage characteristics of obtained n-GaAs-p-(InSb)1 − x (Sn2) x heterostructures are studied at different temperatures. The lattice parameters of the (InSb)1 − x (Sn2) x alloy are determined. It is found that the forward portion of the current-voltage characteristic of such structures at low voltages (up to 0.7 V) is described by the exponential dependence I = I 0exp(qV/ckT), and at high voltages (V > 0.9 V), there is a portion of sublinear increase in the current with the voltage VV 0exp(Jad). The experimental results are interpreted based on the injection depletion theory. It is shown that the product of mobility of majority carriers by the concentration of deep-level impurities increases as the temperature increases.  相似文献   

The growth of (211) Pb(1−x)Sn x Se on Si is achieved with a thick ZnTe buffer layer. The obtained films are specular, but contain widely dispersed void defects. Because the lattice misfit between Pb(1−x)Sn x Se and ZnTe is small, dislocation density values on the order of 106/cm2 in the Pb(1−x)Sn x Se are obtained. The variation of the dislocation density as a function of Pb(1−x)Sn x Se thickness, h, is analyzed in terms of dislocation annihilation. The analysis predicts an inverse quadratic dependence of dislocation density on h, and quantitative agreement with experimental measurements of the dislocation density is obtained.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity σ(T), the Hall coefficient R(T), and the thermoelectric coefficient α(T) are investigated in TlIn1–xYbxTe2 (0 < x < 0.10) solid solutions at 80–1000К. From the kinetic parameters, the effective masses of electrons and holes are determined. The obtained experimental data on σ(T) and α(T) are interpreted within the context of a model with one and two types of charge carriers. It is established that, since x = 0.05, the TlIn1–xYbxTe2 solid solutions belong to the class of narrow-gap semiconductors that have high matrix elements of interaction.  相似文献   

Single crystals of the ternary system Bi2−x Tl x Se3 (nominally x = 0.0 to 0.1) were prepared using the Bridgman technique. Samples with varying content of Tl were characterized by measurement of lattice parameters, electrical conductivity σ ⊥c, Hall coefficient R H(Bc), and Seebeck coefficient ST⊥c). The measurements indicate that incorporation of Tl into Bi2Se3 lowers the concentration of free electrons and enhances their mobility. This effect is explained within the framework of the point defects in the crystal lattice, with formation of substitutional defects of thallium in place of bismuth (TlBi) and a decrease in the concentration of selenium vacancies (VSe + 2 V_{\rm{Se}}^{ + 2} ). The temperature dependence of the power factor σS 2 of the samples is also discussed. As a consequence of the thallium doping we observe a significant increase of the power factor compared with the parent Bi2Se3.  相似文献   

Coarse-grained crystals of AgGaSe2 and AgInSe2 ternary compounds and their alloys are grown by planar crystallization of the melts. For the crystals produced in this way, the transmittance spectra near the fundamental absorption edge are studied. From the experimental spectra, the band gap (E g) and its variation with composition are determined. It is established that E g is a nonlinear function of the composition parameter x. The dependence E g (x) is calculated theoretically in the context of the Van Vechten-Bergstresser model and Hill-Richardson pseudopotential model.  相似文献   

Samples of CdS x Se1 ? x films were obtained by screen printing. It is shown that samples represent a granular composite with a high oxygen content (up to 20%). It is proved that transitions in the forbidden region of the CdS x Se1 ? x solid solution are responsible for light absorption changing the material resistance. The dependence of CdS x Se1 ? x samples resistance on illumination is studied. It is discovered that this type of materials has a photocurrent/dark current ratio higher than ten to the fifth power. The dependence of the conductivity on the sample structure is established.  相似文献   

Liquid-phase epitaxy is used to fabricate Pb0.8Sn0.2Te films, undoped or doped with indium to different levels. The depth profiles of the carrier density and dopant concentration in the films are measured and examined. A uniform dopant concentration to a depth of 15 μm is obtained. Electrical-conduction inversion is observed at a temperature of 77.3 K as the doping level is varied. The liquid-phase epitaxial method is shown to be a more suitable technology for the reproducible manufacture of epitaxial films with a given carrier density, such as the ones used in terahertz detectors.  相似文献   

Using the solution of the 2D Schrödinger equation, systematic features of distribution of charge carriers in the Si/Si1 ? x Ge x nanostructures and variations in the efficiency of radiative recombination when pyramidal 2D clusters are transformed into 3D dome clusters with increasing thickness of nanolayers are established. The effect of the composition of the layers on the efficiency of the elastic stress in the structure and, as a consequence, the variation in conduction bands and valence band of the Si1 ? x Ge x nanostructures is taken into account. On realization of the suggested kinetics model, which describes recombination processes in crystalline structures, saturation of radiation intensity with increasing the pump intensity caused by an increase in the contribution of the Auger recombination is observed. A decrease in the contribution of the nonradiative Auger recombination is attained by decreasing the injection rate of carriers into the clusters, and more precisely, by an increase in the cluster concentration and an increase in the rate of radiative recombination.  相似文献   

Undoped mid-wave infrared Hg1?xCdxSe epitaxial layers have been grown to a nominal thickness of 8–14 μm on GaSb (211)B substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using constant beam equivalent pressure ratios. The effects of growth temperature from 70°C to 120°C on epilayer quality and its electronic parameters has been examined using x-ray diffraction (XRD) rocking curves, atomic force microscopy, Nomarski optical imaging, photoconductive decay measurements, and variable magnetic field Hall effect analysis. For samples grown at 70°C, the measured values of XRD rocking curve full width at half maximum (FWHM) (116 arcsec), root mean square (RMS) surface roughness (2.7 nm), electron mobility (6.6?×?104 cm2 V?1 s?1 at 130 K), minority carrier lifetime (~?2 μs at 130 K), and background n-type doping (~?3?×?1016 cm?3 at 130 K), indicate device-grade material quality that is significantly superior to that previously published in the open literature. All of these parameters were found to degrade monotonically with increasing growth temperature, although a reasonably wide growth window exists from 70°C to 90°C, within which good quality HgCdSe can be grown via MBE.  相似文献   

The magnetoresistance of a lightly doped p-Ge1?xSix alloy is studied in the range of compositions x = 1–2 at %. The results are compared with the available data for lightly doped p-Ge. The studies have been carried out using ESR measurements at a frequency of 10 GHz in the temperature range 10–120 K. It is established that micrononuniformity in the distribution of Si in the Ge lattice (Si clusters) suppresses the interference part of the anomalous magnetoresistance and, in addition, results in an averaging of the effects of light and heavy holes. This observation suggests a sharp decrease in the inelastic scattering time in the case of a Ge1?xSix solid solution as compared to that of Ge.  相似文献   

Layers of the GaSb1 ? x As x alloy with arsenic content in the range x = 0.06–0.15 have been grown for the first time on InAs (100) substrates by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy. A new approach to the calculation of the band diagram of the GaSbAs alloy is suggested. It is demonstrated on the basis of magnetotransport measurements in p-GaSbAs/p-InAs heterostructures and with the method suggested by the authors for the calculation of band diagrams for alloys in the GaSbAs system that, in the composition range under study, the GaSbAs/InAs heterojunction is a type II broken-gap heterojunction.  相似文献   

The Er x Sn1–x Se system is characterized by a significant deviation of the temperature dependence of the differential thermopower from linearity at temperatures below room temperature and a change in the sign of the thermomagnetic coefficient. The deviation of the thermopower of Er x Sn1–x Se samples in the nonequilibrium state from linearity is found to be caused mainly by the entrainment of charge carriers by phonons αph. The statistical forces of electronic entrainment, A ph(ε), are estimated.  相似文献   

Optical studies of unstrained narrow-gap Al x In1 − x Sb semiconductor alloy layers are carried out. The layers are grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on semi-insulating GaAs substrates with an AlSb buffer. The composition of the alloys is varied within the range of x = 0–0.52 and monitored by electron probe microanalysis. The band gap E g is determined from the fundamental absorption edge with consideration for the nonparabolicity of the conduction band. The refined bowing parameter in the experimental dependence E g (x) for the Al x In1 − x Sb alloys is 0.32 eV. This value is by 0.11 eV smaller than the commonly referred one.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of chromium-doped n-Pb1?x Ge x Te alloys (x = 0.02–0.13) have been studied. A decrease in the free-electron concentration and a metal-insulator transition are observed as the germanium content of alloys increases. This is due to the Fermi level pinning by the chromium impurity level and to the flow of electrons from the conduction band to the impurity level. The experimental data obtained are used to calculate, in terms of the two-band Kane dispersion law, the dependences of the electron concentration and Fermi energy on the germanium content in the alloy. The motion rate of the chromium-related level with respect to the conduction band bottom is determined and a model of variation of the electronic structure with the matrix composition is suggested.  相似文献   

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