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随着Web服务的广泛使用和互联网上服务数量的增加,如何向用户提供最佳的服务选择列表成为了新的挑战.Web服务个性化推荐实现了由被动接受用户请求向主动感知用户需求的转变.个性化的Web服务推荐方法已经成为Web服务发现和选择的有效辅助手段.Web服务的个性化推荐技术也成为了近年来服务计算领域的研究热点.对当前Web服务个性化推荐的文献进行了归类分析,总结了当前Web服务个性化推荐的技术现状、研究方法和实验的数据集,列出了未来Web服务个性化推荐研究热点和挑战.  相似文献   

刘远晨 《计算机时代》2022,(4):13-16,20
基于知识的推荐算法在弥补过滤式传统推荐算法冷启动、数据缺失、"信息茧房"等问题上发挥着重要的作用.对基于知识的推荐算法相关研究进行评述,探讨其研究现状及研究进展.通过梳理CNKI相关文献和WOS中2017-2020的论文,采用内容分析法对国内外学术界基于知识的推荐算法的研究进展进行分析,对实际进展包括会话过程的优化、领...  相似文献   

McDonald  D.W. 《Computer》2003,36(10):111-112
In many popular visions of ubiquitous computing, the environment proactively responds to individuals who inhabit the space. For example, a display magically presents a personalized advertisement, the most relevant video feed, or the desired page from a secret government document. Such capability requires more than an abundance of networked displays, devices, and sensors; it relies implicitly on recommendation systems that either directly serve the end user or provide critical services to some other application. As recommendation systems evolve to exploit new advances in ubiquitous computing technology, researchers and practitioners from technical and social science disciplines must collaborate to address the challenges to their effective implementation. Although it may be impossible to perfectly anticipate each individual's needs at any place or time, ubiquitous computing will enable such systems to help people cope with an expanding array of choices.  相似文献   

A survey on self-healing systems: approaches and systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Present large-scale information technology environments are complex, heterogeneous compositions often affected by unpredictable behavior and poor manageability. This fostered substantial research on designs and techniques that enhance these systems with an autonomous behavior. In this survey, we focus on the self-healing branch of the research and give an overview of the current existing approaches. The survey is introduced by an outline of the origins of self-healing. Based on the principles of autonomic computing and self-adapting system research, we identify self-healing systems’ fundamental principles. The extracted principles support our analysis of the collected approaches. In a final discussion, we summarize the approaches’ common and individual characteristics. A comprehensive tabular overview of the researched material concludes the survey.  相似文献   


新型深度学习推荐模型已广泛应用至现代推荐系统,其独有的特征——包含万亿嵌入参数的嵌入层,带来的大量不规则稀疏访问已成为模型预估的性能瓶颈. 然而,现有的推荐模型预估系统依赖CPU对内存、外存等存储资源上的嵌入参数进行访问,存在着CPU-GPU通信开销大和额外的内存拷贝2个问题,这增加了嵌入层的访存延迟,进而损害模型预估的性能. 提出了一种基于GPU直访存储架构的推荐模型预估系统GDRec.GDRec的核心思想是在嵌入参数的访问路径上移除CPU参与,由GPU通过零拷贝的方式高效直访内外存资源. 对于内存直访,GDRec利用统一计算设备架构(compute unified device architecture,CUDA)提供的统一虚拟地址特性,实现GPU 核心函数(kernel)对主机内存的细粒度访问,并引入访问合并与访问对齐2个机制充分优化访存性能;对于外存直访,GDRec实现了一个轻量的固态硬盘(solid state disk,SSD)驱动程序,允许GPU从SSD中直接读取数据至显存,避免内存上的额外拷贝,GDRec还利用GPU的并行性缩短提交I/O请求的时间. 在3个点击率预估数据集上的实验表明,GDRec在性能上优于高度优化后的基于CPU访存架构的系统NVIDIA HugeCTR,可以提升多达1.9倍的吞吐量.


准确性推荐中存在商品类型单一、流行商品多、缺乏新意的问题,因而新颖性推荐得到重视。但已有研究在设计算法时未考虑项的特征,无法针对不同用户帮其区分和挑选具备较高新颖度的项。为提高推荐系统的性能,对基于随机游走的方法进行改进,提出融合新颖性特征的推荐算法。从兴趣扩展和预测角度分析项的特征,给出完善的新颖度定义,并结合用户需求构建新的转移概率,产生个性化的推荐列表,提高了列表内容的新意。实验结果表明,提出的算法较现有算法对准确率影响较小,同时在新颖性指标上有明显提升,并得出通过融合新颖性特征能够在兼顾准确性的情况下有效改善推荐内容的结论。  相似文献   

The recommendation system is a useful tool that can be employed to identify potential relationships between items and users in electronic commerce systems. Consequently, it can remarkably improve the efficiency of a business. The topic of how to enhance the accuracy of a recommendation has attracted much attention by researchers over the past decade. As such, many methods to accomplish this task have been introduced. However, more complex calculations are normally necessary to achieve a higher accuracy, which is not suitable for a real-time system. Hence, in this paper, we propose a weight-based item recommendation approach to provide a balanced formula between the recommended accuracy and the computational complexity. The proposed methods employ a newly defined distance to describe the relationship between the users and the items, after which the recommendations and predictive algorithms are developed. A data analysis based on the MovieLens datasets indicates that the methods applied can obtain suitable prediction accuracy and maintain a relatively low computational complexity.  相似文献   

International Journal of Information Security - The problem of information overload and the necessity for precise information retrieval has led to the extensive use of recommendation systems (RS)....  相似文献   

混杂系统的研究进展   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
混杂系统理论和应用是近年来的一个研究热点.在介绍混杂系统概念的基础上,对混杂系统研究中的常用模型进行分类比较,并对混杂系统的性质分析和混杂控制设计中的主要内容和主要研究方法进行总结,最后对今后的研究方向做了总体展望。  相似文献   

A survey on peer-to-peer video streaming systems   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Video-over-IP applications have recently attracted a large number of users on the Internet. Traditional client-server based video streaming solutions incur expensive bandwidth provision cost on the server. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networking is a new paradigm to build distributed network applications. Recently, several P2P streaming systems have been deployed to provide live and on-demand video streaming services on the Internet at low server cost. In this paper, we provide a survey on the existing P2P solutions for live and on-demand video streaming. Representative P2P streaming systems, including tree, multi-tree and mesh based systems are introduced. We describe the challenges and solutions of providing live and on-demand video streaming in P2P environment. Open research issues on P2P video streaming are also discussed.
Chao LiangEmail:

如何为用户提供个性化推荐并提高推荐的准确度和用户满意度,是当前推荐系统研究面临的主要问题。知识图谱的出现为推荐系统的改进提供了新的途径。本文研究了知识图谱近年来在推荐系统中的应用情况,从基于本体的推荐生成、基于开放链接数据的推荐生成以及基于图嵌入的推荐生成3个方面对研究现状进行了综述。在此基础上,提出了基于知识图谱的推荐系统总体框架,分析了其中涉及的关键技术,并对目前存在的重点和难点问题进行了讨论,指出了下一步需要开展的研究工作。  相似文献   

A survey of CSCW systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Over the last decade, computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) has emerged as an identifiable research area that focuses on the role of the computer in group work. CSCW is a generic term which combines the understanding of the nature of group working with the enabling technologies of computer networking, systems support and applications. The paper examines the classes of system which have emerged to support cooperative working. A framework for characterising and describing CSCW systems is presented and four major classes of cooperative system identified. Each of these classes of cooperative system are examined highlighting their general characteristics and applicability to CSCW.  相似文献   

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are integrations of computation, communication, control and physical processes. Typical examples where CPSs are deployed include smart grids, civil infrastructure, medical devices and manufacturing. Security is one of the most important issues that should be investigated in CPSs and hence has received much attention in recent years. This paper surveys recent results in this area and mainly focusses on three important categories: attack detection, attack design and secure estimation and control. We also discuss several future research directions including risk assessment, modeling of attacks and attacks design, counter-attack strategy and testbed and validation.  相似文献   


Bug reports are widely employed to facilitate software tasks in software maintenance. Since bug reports are contributed by people, the authorship characteristics of contributors may heavily impact the perfor-mance of resolving software tasks. Poorly written bug reports may delay developers when fixing bugs. However, no in-depth investigation has been conducted over the authorship characteristics. In this study, we first leverage byte-level N-grams to model the authorship characteristics and employ Normalized Simplified Profile Intersection (NSPI) to identify the similarity of the authorship characteristics. Then, we investigate a series of properties related to contributors’ authorship characteristics, including the evolvement over time and the variation among distinct products in open source projects. Moreover, we show how to leverage the authorship characteristics to facilitate a well-known task in software maintenance, namely Bug Report Summarization (BRS). Experiments on open source projects validate that incorporating the authorship characteristics can effectively improve a state-of-the-art method in BRS. Our findings suggest that contributors should retain stable authorship characteristics and the authorship characteristics can assist in resolving software tasks.


多采样率系统的辨识问题综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多率采样系统中, 采样间隔不均匀. 本文综述了文献中有关多率采样系统的数学模型, 如线性周期时变模型、频域模型和连续状态空间模型等. 同时对相应的辨识方法, 如提升、频域方法、子空间辨识方法等, 也进行了全面的综述. 对多率采样系统辨识中存在的一些问题, 包括辨识模型的选择、一致性问题、带约束条件的辨识方法和辨识收敛性等, 也作了深入的讨论.  相似文献   

Recently, both academia and industry have initiated research projects directed on integration of P2PSIP paradigm into communication systems. In this paradigm, P2P network stores most of the network information on each participating peer without help of the central servers. The concept of self-configuration, self-establishment greatly improves the robustness of the network system compared with the traditional Client/Server based systems. In this paper, we survey P2PSIP solutions proposed recently both in the academic and industrial research. We consider technical issues that include Chord overlay topology, P2PSIP session initiation (including enrollment and bootstrap, NAT traversal, message routing, P2PSIP interworking, P2PSIP Client, etc), and security issues. Our survey is based on recent research publications.  相似文献   

电子商务推荐系统中推荐策略的自适应性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对电子商务推荐系统中各种推荐技术的不足,提出推荐策略的自适应方法。用二元组《用户知识,推荐商品》代表推荐环境的根本特征.采用ART神经网络进行自学习,获取推荐环境的不同聚类。每个聚类代表了某种推荐环境,对推荐结果的反馈情况进行统计分析.确定每个聚类的最佳推荐技术。向用户推荐商品时,根据用户所在聚类采用具有最佳推荐质量的推荐技术向用户作出推荐。整个系统的工作过程不需要人工干预,具有自适应性。  相似文献   

Social annotation systems enable the organization of online resources with user-defined keywords. Collectively these annotations provide a rich information space in which users can discover resources, organize and share their finds, and connect to other users with similar interests. However, the size and complexity of these systems can lead to information overload and reduced utility for users. For these reasons, researchers have sought to apply the techniques of recommender systems to deliver personalized views of social annotation systems. To date, most efforts have concentrated on the problem of tag recommendation – personalized suggestions for possible annotations. Resource recommendation has not received the same systematic evaluation, in part because the task is inherently more complex. In this article, we provide a general formulation for the problem of resource recommendation in social annotation systems that captures these variants, and we evaluate two cases: basic resource recommendation and tag-specific resource recommendation. We also propose a linear-weighted hybrid framework for resource recommendation. Using six real-world datasets, we show that its integrative approach is essential for this recommendation task and provides the most adaptability given the varying data characteristics in different social annotation systems. We find that our algorithm is more effective than other more mathematically-complex techniques and has the additional advantages of flexibility and extensibility.  相似文献   

In this paper the state of image database (IDB) systems which have been developed in the past few years is reviewed. We point out the essential problems in IDB design rather than classify the existing or proposed systems into an unestablished framework. After giving a general overview, the approaches to IDB and the elements of IDB systems are discussed. Finally, several representative IDB systems are presented.  相似文献   

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