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Recent theoretical and practical studies have revealed that malware is one of the most harmful threats to the digital world. Malware mitigation techniques have evolved over the years to ensure security. Earlier, several classical methods were used for detecting malware embedded with various features like the signature, heuristic, and others. Traditional malware detection techniques were unable to defeat new generations of malware and their sophisticated obfuscation tactics. Deep Learning is increasingly used in malware detection as DL-based systems outperform conventional malware detection approaches at finding new malware variants. Furthermore, DL-based techniques provide rapid malware prediction with excellent detection rates and analysis of different malware types. Investigating recently proposed Deep Learning-based malware detection systems and their evolution is hence of interest to this work. It offers a thorough analysis of the recently developed DL-based malware detection techniques. Furthermore, current trending malwares are studied and detection techniques of Mobile malware (both Android and iOS), Windows malware, IoT malware, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), and Ransomware are precisely reviewed.  相似文献   


Deep learning proved its efficiency in many fields of computer science such as computer vision, image classifications, object detection, image segmentation, and more. Deep learning models primarily depend on the availability of huge datasets. Without the existence of many images in datasets, different deep learning models will not be able to learn and produce accurate models. Unfortunately, several fields don't have access to large amounts of evidence, such as medical image processing. For example. The world is suffering from the lack of COVID-19 virus datasets, and there is no benchmark dataset from the beginning of 2020. This pandemic was the main motivation of this survey to deliver and discuss the current image data augmentation techniques which can be used to increase the number of images. In this paper, a survey of data augmentation for digital images in deep learning will be presented. The study begins and with the introduction section, which reflects the importance of data augmentation in general. The classical image data augmentation taxonomy and photometric transformation will be presented in the second section. The third section will illustrate the deep learning image data augmentation. Finally, the fourth section will survey the state of the art of using image data augmentation techniques in the different deep learning research and application.



This article is about deep learning (DL) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) works applied to robotics. Both tools have been shown to be successful in delivering data-driven solutions for robotics tasks, as well as providing a natural way to develop an end-to-end pipeline from the robot’s sensing to its actuation, passing through the generation of a policy to perform the given task. These frameworks have been proven to be able to deal with real-world complications such as noise in sensing, imprecise actuation, variability in the scenarios where the robot is being deployed, among others. Following that vein, and given the growing interest in DL and DRL, the present work starts by providing a brief tutorial on deep reinforcement learning, where the goal is to understand the main concepts and approaches followed in the field. Later, the article describes the main, recent, and most promising approaches of DL and DRL in robotics, with sufficient technical detail to understand the core of the works and to motivate interested readers to initiate their own research in the area. Then, to provide a comparative analysis, we present several taxonomies in which the references can be classified, according to high-level features, the task that the work addresses, the type of system, and the learning techniques used in the work. We conclude by presenting promising research directions in both DL and DRL.


In machine learning, the model is not as complicated as possible. Good generalization ability means that the model not only performs well on the training data set, but also can make good prediction on new data. Regularization imposes a penalty on model’s complexity or smoothness, allowing for good generalization to unseen data even when training on a finite training set or with an inadequate iteration. Deep learning has developed rapidly in recent years. Then the regularization has a broader definition: regularization is a technology aimed at improving the generalization ability of a model. This paper gave a comprehensive study and a state-of-the-art review of the regularization strategies in machine learning. Then the characteristics and comparisons of regularizations were presented. In addition, it discussed how to choose a regularization for the specific task. For specific tasks, it is necessary for regularization technology to have good mathematical characteristics. Meanwhile, new regularization techniques can be constructed by extending and combining existing regularization techniques. Finally, it concluded current opportunities and challenges of regularization technologies, as well as many open concerns and research trends.  相似文献   

A survey on metaheuristics for stochastic combinatorial optimization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Metaheuristics are general algorithmic frameworks, often nature-inspired, designed to solve complex optimization problems, and they are a growing research area since a few decades. In recent years, metaheuristics are emerging as successful alternatives to more classical approaches also for solving optimization problems that include in their mathematical formulation uncertain, stochastic, and dynamic information. In this paper metaheuristics such as Ant Colony Optimization, Evolutionary Computation, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and others are introduced, and their applications to the class of Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems (SCOPs) is thoroughly reviewed. Issues common to all metaheuristics, open problems, and possible directions of research are proposed and discussed. In this survey, the reader familiar to metaheuristics finds also pointers to classical algorithmic approaches to optimization under uncertainty, and useful informations to start working on this problem domain, while the reader new to metaheuristics should find a good tutorial in those metaheuristics that are currently being applied to optimization under uncertainty, and motivations for interest in this field.
Leonora BianchiEmail:

近年来,随着视频监控技术的广泛应用,对海量视频进行智能分析并及时发现其中的异常状态或事件的视频异常检测任务受到了广泛关注。对基于深度学习的视频异常检测方法进行了综述。首先,对视频异常检测问题进行概述,包括基本概念、基本类型、建模流程、学习范式及评价方式。其次,提出将现有基于深度学习的视频异常检测方法分为基于重构的方法、基于预测的方法、基于分类的方法及基于回归的方法4类并详细阐述了各类方法的建模思想、代表性工作及其优缺点。然后,在此基础上介绍了常用的单场景视频异常检测公开数据集和评估指标,并对比分析了代表性异常检测方法的性能。最后,总结全文并从数据集、方法及评估指标3方面对视频异常检测研究的未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

视觉目标检测旨在定位和识别图像中存在的物体,属于计算机视觉领域的经典任务之一,也是许多计算机视觉任务的前提与基础,在自动驾驶、视频监控等领域具有重要的应用价值,受到研究人员的广泛关注。随着深度学习技术的飞速发展,目标检测取得了巨大的进展。首先,本文总结了深度目标检测在训练和测试过程中的基本流程。训练阶段包括数据预处理、检测网络、标签分配与损失函数计算等过程,测试阶段使用经过训练的检测器生成检测结果并对检测结果进行后处理。然后,回顾基于单目相机的视觉目标检测方法,主要包括基于锚点框的方法、无锚点框的方法和端到端预测的方法等。同时,总结了目标检测中一些常见的子模块设计方法。在基于单目相机的视觉目标检测方法之后,介绍了基于双目相机的视觉目标检测方法。在此基础上,分别对比了单目目标检测和双目目标检测的国内外研究进展情况,并展望了视觉目标检测技术发展趋势。通过总结和分析,希望能够为相关研究人员进行视觉目标检测相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper reviews exploration techniques in deep reinforcement learning. Exploration techniques are of primary importance when solving sparse reward problems. In sparse reward problems, the reward is rare, which means that the agent will not find the reward often by acting randomly. In such a scenario, it is challenging for reinforcement learning to learn rewards and actions association. Thus more sophisticated exploration methods need to be devised. This review provides a comprehensive overview of existing exploration approaches, which are categorised based on the key contributions as: reward novel states, reward diverse behaviours, goal-based methods, probabilistic methods, imitation-based methods, safe exploration and random-based methods. Then, unsolved challenges are discussed to provide valuable future research directions. Finally, the approaches of different categories are compared in terms of complexity, computational effort and overall performance.  相似文献   

随着人工智能时代的到来,深度学习一词也逐渐走进大众的视野,一些基于深度学习神经网络的图像处理方法也随之产生,图像风格化作为其中一个重要的分支也获得了广泛的关注。目前,研究学者提出了很多基于深度学习的图像风格化算法,而且都能较好地完成风格化任务。全面概述了深度学习在图像风格化领域的进展,对比了不同算法之间的优劣,最后探讨了当前基于深度学习的图像风格化研究的局限性及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

基于深度学习的实例分割研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
深度学习在计算机视觉领域已经取得很大发展,虽然基于深度学习的实例分割研究近年来才成为研究热点,但其技术可广泛应用在自动驾驶,辅助医疗和遥感影像等领域。实例分割作为计算机视觉的基础问题之一,不仅需要对不同类别目标进行像素级别分割,还要对不同目标进行区分。此外,目标形状的灵活性,不同目标间的遮挡和繁琐的数据标注问题都使实例分割任务面临极大的挑战。本文对实例分割中一些具有价值的研究成果按照两阶段和单阶段两部分进行了系统性的总结,分析了不同算法的优缺点并对比了模型在COCO数据集上的测试性能,归纳了实例分割在特殊条件下的应用,简要介绍了常用数据集和评价指标。最后,对实例分割未来可能的发展方向及其面临的挑战进行了展望。  相似文献   

目标检测是计算机视觉研究领域的核心问题和最具挑战性的问题之一,随着深度学习技术的广泛应用,目标检测的效率和精度逐渐提升,在某些方面已达到甚至超过人眼的分辨水平.但是,由于小目标在图像中覆盖面积小、分辨率低和特征不明显等原因,现有的目标检测方法对小目标的检测效果都不理想,因此也诞生了很多专门针对提升小目标检测效果的方法....  相似文献   

Tuning parameters is an important step for the application of metaheuristics to specific problem classes. In this work we present a tuning framework based on the sequential optimisation of perturbed regression models. Besides providing algorithm configurations with good expected performance, the proposed methodology can also provide insights on the relevance of each parameter and their interactions, as well as models of expected algorithm performance for a given problem class, conditional on the parameter values. A number of test cases are presented, including the use of a simulation model in which the true optimal parameters of a hypothetical algorithm are known, as well as usual tuning scenarios for different problem classes. Comparative analyses are presented against Iterated Racing, SMAC, and ParamILS. The results suggest that the proposed approach returns high quality solutions in terms of mean performance of the algorithms equipped with the resulting configurations, with the advantage of providing additional information on the relevance and effect of each parameter on the expected performance.  相似文献   

In cluster analysis, a fundamental problem is to determine the best estimate of the number of clusters; this is known as the automatic clustering problem. Because of lack of prior domain knowledge, it is difficult to choose an appropriate number of clusters, especially when the data have many dimensions, when clusters differ widely in shape, size, and density, and when overlapping exists among groups. In the late 1990s, the automatic clustering problem gave rise to a new era in cluster analysis with the application of nature-inspired metaheuristics. Since then, researchers have developed several new algorithms in this field. This paper presents an up-to-date review of all major nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms used thus far for automatic clustering. Also, the main components involved during the formulation of metaheuristics for automatic clustering are presented, such as encoding schemes, validity indices, and proximity measures. A total of 65 automatic clustering approaches are reviewed, which are based on single-solution, single-objective, and multiobjective metaheuristics, whose usage percentages are 3%, 69%, and 28%, respectively. Single-objective clustering algorithms are adequate to efficiently group linearly separable clusters. However, a strong tendency in using multiobjective algorithms is found nowadays to address non-linearly separable problems. Finally, a discussion and some emerging research directions are presented.  相似文献   

This paper surveys recent articles on the applications of metaheuristics for solving optimization problems in the food manufacturing industry. Metaheuristics for decision making has attracted significant research and industry attention due to the increasing complexity of models and quick decision making requirements in the industry. Metaheuristics have been applied to food processing/production technologies including fermentation, thermal drying and distillation and other system wide optimization such as transportation, storage (warehousing), production planning and scheduling. In terms of metaheuristics algorithms, Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution are the most popular while other algorithms have also demonstrated their effectiveness in addressing various optimization problems. Most problems were typically formulated as single objective mathematical models constructed from experimental or collected data. Recently, multi-objective optimization is becoming more popular because it is able to consider problems from several perspectives and attain more practical results.  相似文献   

单幅图像超分辨率SISR重建指从单幅低分辨率图像恢复出高分辨率图像.深度学习方法越来越多地用于图像超分辨重建领域,由于深度网络模型可以自主学习低分辨率图像到高分辨率图像之间的映射关系,与传统方法相比在该领域展现出了更好的重建效果,因而基于深度学习的方法已经成为目前图像超分辨率重建领域的主流方向.围绕现有的超分辨深度网络...  相似文献   

闫超  相晓嘉  徐昕  王菖  周晗  沈林成 《控制与决策》2022,37(12):3083-3102
得益于深度学习强大的特征表达能力和强化学习有效的策略学习能力,深度强化学习在一系列复杂序贯决策问题中取得了令人瞩目的成就.伴随着深度强化学习在诸多单智能体任务中的成功应用,其在多智能体系统中的研究方兴未艾.近年来,多智能体深度强化学习在人工智能领域备受关注,可扩展与可迁移性已成为其中的核心研究点之一.鉴于此,首先阐释深度强化学习的发展脉络和典型算法,介绍多智能体深度强化学习的3种学习范式,分析两类多智能体强化学习的典型算法,即分解值函数方法和中心化值函数方法;然后归纳注意力机制、图神经网络等6类具有可扩展性的多智能体深度强化学习模型,梳理迁移学习和课程学习在多智能体深度强化学习可迁移性方向的研究进展;最后讨论多智能体深度强化学习的应用前景与研究方向,为未来多智能体深度强化学习的进一步发展提供可借鉴的参考.  相似文献   

基于深度学习的图像语义分割算法综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着自动驾驶及虚拟现实技术等领域的发展,图像语义分割方法受到越来越多的计算机视觉和机器学习研究人员的关注。首先介绍了图像语义分割领域的常用术语以及需要了解的背景概念,并介绍语义分割问题中几种经典的深度学习算法,如全卷积神经网络(FCN)、Deeplab等。最后针对当前图像语义分割算法的应用,总结展望未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Computational Visual Media - Researchers have achieved great success in dealing with 2D images using deep learning. In recent years, 3D computer vision and geometry deep learning have gained ever...  相似文献   

In recent years, we witnessed a speeding development of deep learning in computer vision fields like categorization, detection, and semantic segmentation. Within several years after the emergence of AlexNet, the performance of deep neural networks has already surpassed human being experts in certain areas and showed great potential in applications such as medical image analysis. The development of automated breast cancer detection systems that integrate deep learning has received wide attention from the community. Breast cancer, a major killer of females that results in millions of deaths, can be controlled even be cured given that it is detected at an early stage with sophisticated systems. In this paper, we reviewed breast cancer diagnosis, detection, and segmentation computer-aided (CAD) systems based on state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks. The available data sets also indirectly determine CAD systems' performance, so we introduced and discussed the details of public data sets. The challenges remaining in CAD systems for breast cancer are discussed at the end of this paper. The highlights of this survey mainly come from three following aspects. First, we covered a wide range of the basics of breast cancer from imaging modalities to popular databases in the community; Second, we presented the key elements in deep learning to form the compactness for methods mentioned in reviewed papers; Third and lastly, the summative details in each reviewed paper are provided so that interested readers can have a refined version of these works without referring to original papers. Therefore, this systematic survey suits readers with varied backgrounds and will be beneficial to them.  相似文献   

The last decade witnessed increasingly rapid progress in self‐driving vehicle technology, mainly backed up by advances in the area of deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The objective of this paper is to survey the current state‐of‐the‐art on deep learning technologies used in autonomous driving. We start by presenting AI‐based self‐driving architectures, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, as well as the deep reinforcement learning paradigm. These methodologies form a base for the surveyed driving scene perception, path planning, behavior arbitration, and motion control algorithms. We investigate both the modular perception‐planning‐action pipeline, where each module is built using deep learning methods, as well as End2End systems, which directly map sensory information to steering commands. Additionally, we tackle current challenges encountered in designing AI architectures for autonomous driving, such as their safety, training data sources, and computational hardware. The comparison presented in this survey helps gain insight into the strengths and limitations of deep learning and AI approaches for autonomous driving and assist with design choices.  相似文献   

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