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Everything in moderation: archaea as ''non-extremophiles''   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We have performed a cell cycle analysis of organisms from the Archaea domain. Exponentially growing cells of the thermophilic archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus and Sulfolobus acidocaldarius were analyzed by flow cytometry, and several unusual cell cycle characteristics were found. The cells initiated chromosome replication shortly after cell division such that the proportion of cells with a single chromosome equivalent was low in the population. The postreplication period was found to be long; i.e., there was a considerable time interval from termination of chromosome replication until cell division. A further unusual feature was that cells in stationary phase contained two genome equivalents, showing that they entered the resting stage during the postreplication period. Also, a reduction in cellular light scatter was observed during entry into stationary phase, which appeared to reflect changes not only in cell size but also in morphology and/or composition. Finally, the in vivo organization of the chromosome DNA appeared to be different from that of eubacteria, as revealed by variation in the relative binding efficiency of different DNA stains.  相似文献   

The Methanococcus jannaschii gene MJ1392 was cloned, and its protein product was hyperexpressed in Escherichia coli. The resulting protein was purified and shown to catalyze the condensation of pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A, with the formation of (R)-citramalate. Thus, this gene (cimA) encodes an (R)-citramalate synthase (CimA). This is the first identification of this enzyme, which is likely involved in the biosynthesis of isoleucine.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced 2 alpha- and 2 beta-tubulin isoforms from the giant freshwater amoeba Reticulomyxa filosa. The microtubules of this organism exhibit some unusual properties, including the highest rates of assembly and disassembly known and the inability to be stabilized by taxol. The cloned alpha-tubulins show a high degree of identity when compared to an alpha-tubulin consensus sequence. The beta-tubulins, however, are more divergent, the beta2-tubulin being the most unusual beta-tubulin found so far. The deduced amino acid sequence of beta2 shows 55% identity to a beta-tubulin consensus sequence. It also features 51 unique exchanges which cluster in the C-terminal half of the molecule. Several unique exchanges and two insertions occur in regions adjacent to, or directly implicated in, conserved beta-tubulin functions. A phylogenetic analysis places the beta-tubulins of R. filosa in the vicinity of beta-tubulins from fungi and slime molds. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against R. filosa tubulins show that the electrophoretic mobility of alpha- and beta-tubulins is reversed with respect to tubulins from most other sources. Immunofluorescence experiments reveal a ubiquitous distribution of both beta-tubulins in the amoebal network. Our observations suggest possible links between the aberrant primary structure of the beta2-tubulin and the unusual properties of R. filosa microtubules.  相似文献   

Functional studies revealed that two groups of B chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) can be distinguished based on their capacity to mount a proliferative response following B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) cross-linking. The molecular basis for the functional distinction between these B-CLL groups most probably resides within or proximal to the BCR since non-responsive B-CLL, in marked contrast to responsive B-CLL, do not respond to BCR ligation with tyrosine phosphorylation of cellular substrates and increases in the free intracellular [Ca++]. Detailed biochemical analysis showed overall structural identity between responsive and non-responsive B-CLL with respect to both transmembrane and intracellular associates of the BCR complex. However expression levels of the protein tyrosine kinase syk, which is a key enzyme for the early signalling through the BCR, were found to be markedly lower in non-proliferating B-CLL. Here we will review current functional and biochemical data on responding and non-responding B-CLL and discuss the relevance of these findings for disease progression and our insight into the immunobiology of B-CLL.  相似文献   

ABC14.5 (Rpb8) is a eukaryotic subunit common to all three nuclear RNA polymerases. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ABC14.5 (Rpb8) is essential for cell viability, however its function remains unknown. We have cloned and characterised the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rpb8(+) cDNA. We found that S.pombe rpb8, unlike the similarly diverged human orthologue, cannot substitute for S.cerevisiae ABC14. 5 in vivo. To obtain information on the function of this RNA polymerase shared subunit we have used S.pombe rpb8 as a naturally altered molecule in heterologous expression assays in S.cerevisiae. Amino acid residue differences within the 67 N-terminal residues contribute to the functional distinction of the two yeast orthologues in S.cerevisiae. Overexpression of the S.cerevisiae largest subunit of RNA polymerase III C160 (Rpc1) allows S.pombe rpb8 to functionally replace ABC14.5 in S.cerevisiae, suggesting a specific genetic interaction between the S.cerevisiae ABC14.5 (Rpb8) and C160 subunits. We provide further molecular and biochemical evidence showing that the heterologously expressed S.pombe rpb8 molecule selectively affects RNApolymerase III but not RNA polymerase I complex assembly. We also report the identification of a S.cerevisiae ABC14.5-G120D mutant which affects RNA polymerase III.  相似文献   

After ovulation in salmonids, the eggs are held in the peritoneal cavity and bathed in coelomic fluid. Using a chromogenic peptide substrate, the anti-protease activity of brook trout coelomic fluid was measured. Trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pancreatic elastase activities were significantly inhibited by coelomic fluid containing 5.0, 10.0, and 25.0 microgram of total protein, respectively. Using subtractive cDNA cloning, we have previously characterized a set of ovarian proteins called TOPs (trout ovulatory proteins) that are secreted into the coelomic fluid after ovulation. TOPs are most homologous to mammalian antileukoprotease, a heat- and acid-stable serine protease inhibitor. On the basis of this homology, we hypothesized that the anti-trypsin activity observed in the coelomic fluid was related to the presence of TOPs. In the present study, this hypothesis was supported by the acid- and heat-stability of the anti-trypsin activity present in coelomic fluid. Coelomic fluid could be heated to 50 degrees C or treated at a pH less than 5.2 without a significant decrease in the inhibitory activity. Further, coelomic fluid from which TOPs were immunoprecipitated had significantly less anti-trypsin activity than nonimmunoprecipitated controls. We propose that TOP proteins are uniquely produced by the ovary and secreted into the coelomic fluid to act as protease inhibitors following ovulation.  相似文献   

We describe five novel conjugative plasmids (CPs) and two subfamilies, each comprising several closely related variants of CPs isolated from colony-cloned strains of the extremely thermophilic, heterotrophic archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus, which were obtained by plating of samples from Icelandic solfataras after liquid enrichment. They are related to each other and to the previously described CP pNOB8 from a Japanese Sulfolobus strain in that they share essential functions and limited similarity of genomes as demonstrated by DNA cross-hybridization and sequences. All these plasmids thus form a family of highly efficient self-spreading elements directly transferred from donor into recipient cells. Conjugation is initiated by pair formation, followed by selective transfer of the plasmids into the recipient and expression of transfer functions. Some of these CPs exclude superconjugation of the transcipients with closely related CPs. The novel CPs are stable upon conjugative transfer, but vary upon growth of transcipients. The stability of the CPs is higher in their original hosts or in related S. islandicus strains, than in Sulfolobus solfataricus strain PH1 as recipient. The deletion variant pING3 has lost the ability to transfer itself but is still subject to being transferred by the transfer apparatus of its complete relative, pING6. The dissection of genes and functions has been initiated by characterizing this incomplete variant.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the seryl-tRNA synthetase from Thermus thermophilus has been determined and refined at 2.5 A resolution. The final model consists of a dimer of 421 residues each and 190 water molecules. The R-factor is 18.4% for all the data between 10 and 2.5 A resolution. The structure is very similar to that of the homologous enzyme from Escherichia coli, with an r.m.s. difference of 1.5 A for the 357 alpha-carbon atoms considered equivalent. The comparison of the two structures indicates increased hydrophobicity, reduced conformational entropy and reduced torsional strain as possible mechanisms by which thermostability is obtained in the enzyme from the thermophile.  相似文献   

The enzyme nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) adenylyltransferase (EC catalyzes the synthesis of NAD+ and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide. It has been purified to homogeneity from cellular extracts of the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Through a database search, a highly significant match was found between its N-terminal sequence and a hypothetical protein coded by the thermophilic archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii MJ0541 open reading frame (GenBank accession no. U67503). The MJ0541 gene was isolated, cloned into a T7-based vector, and expressed in Escherichia coli cells, yielding a high level of thermophilic NMN adenylyltransferase activity. The expressed protein was purified to homogeneity by a single-step chromatographic procedure. Both the subunit molecular mass and the N-terminal sequence of the pure recombinant protein were as expected from the deduced amino acid sequence of the MJ0541 open reading frame-encoded protein. Molecular and kinetic properties of the enzymes from both archaea are reported and compared with those already known for the mesophilic eukaryotic NMN adenylyltransferase.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate the generation of DNA ploidy diversity in different stages of colorectal carcinoma development. METHODS: DNA flow cytometry was performed on tissue samples from 20 colorectal adenomas, 38 colorectal carcinomas, 30 lymph node metastases, and 70 hematogenous metastases. RESULTS: DNA aneuploidy was detected in 30% of the adenomas, 82% of the primary colorectal tumors, 57% of the lymph node metastases, 92% of the liver metastases, and 100% of the other distant hematogenous metastases. Multiple DNA tumor stemlines were found in 10%, 39%, 29%, 24%, and 40%, respectively. Sixty-two percent of the DNA tumor stemlines detected in the lymph node or liver metastases were also present in the primary tumors. In primary carcinomas and lymph node metastases, the DNA index distribution had a bimodal shape with a minimum at the 1.2-1.4 region. In the hematogenous metastases, a higher percentage of hypertetraploid stemlines was found. CONCLUSIONS: The emergence of DNA aneuploidy as well as clonal divergence seems to take place during the transition from adenoma to carcinoma. The DNA aneuploid stemlines formed during this phase remain relatively stable over time, although ongoing clonal evolution at distant metastatic tumor sites cannot be completely ruled out.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of di-myo-inositol-1,1'-phosphate (DIP) is proposed to occur with myo-inositol and myo-inositol 1-phosphate (I-1-P) used as precursors. Activation of the I-1-P with CTP and condensation of the resultant CDP-inositol (CDP-I) with myo-inositol then generates DIP. The sole known biosynthetic pathway of inositol in all organisms is the conversion of D-glucose-6-phosphate to myo-inositol. This conversion requires two key enzymes: L-I-1-P synthase and I-1-P phosphatase. Enzymatic assays using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as well as a colorimetric assay for inorganic phosphate have confirmed the occurrence of L-I-1-P synthase and a moderately specific I-1-P phosphatase. The enzymatic reaction that couples CDP-I with myo-inositol to generate DIP has also been detected in Methanococcus igneus. 13C labeling studies with [2,3-13C]pyruvate and [3-13C]pyruvate were used to examine this pathway in M. igneus. Label distribution in DIP was consistent with inositol units formed from glucose-6-phosphate, but the label in the glucose moiety was scrambled via transketolase and transaldolase activities of the pentose phosphate pathway.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS) contains a 20-amino acid C-terminal extension, which is not found in prokaryotic SerRS enzymes. A truncated yeast SES1 gene, lacking the 60 base pairs that encode this C-terminal domain, is able to complement a yeast SES1 null allele strain; thus, the C-terminal extension in SerRS is dispensable for the viability of the cell. However, the removal of the C-terminal peptide affects both stability of the enzyme and its affinity for the substrates. The truncation mutant binds tRNA with 3.6-fold higher affinity, while the Km for serine is 4-fold increased relative to the wild-type SerRS. This indicates the importance of the C-terminal extension in maintaining the overall structure of SerRS.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the oxidation of research-grade marcasite and pyrite in shake flask experiments using iron-oxidizing bacteria and archaea at 22, 45, and 65 °C. Dissolved iron concentration and pH were monitored at intervals. The results showed that marcasite was more reactive than pyrite to both microbiological and chemical oxidation. These results are consistent with established structural and thermodynamic differences between the two minerals, which should make marcasite more reactive to weathering and oxidation.  相似文献   

The universal genetic code is determined by the aminoacylation of tRNAs. In spite of the universality of the code, there are barriers to aminoacylation across taxonomic domains. These barriers are thought to correlate with the co-segregation of sequences of synthetases and tRNAs into distinct taxonomic domains. By contrast, we show here examples of eukaryote-like synthetases that are found in certain prokaryotes. The associated tRNAs have retained their prokaryote-like character in each instance. Thus, co-segregation of domain-specific synthetases and tRNAs does not always occur. Instead, synthetases make adaptations of tRNA-protein contacts to cross taxonomic domains.  相似文献   

The steps in the biosynthetic transformation of GTP to 7,8-dihydro-D-erythro-neopterin (H2neopterin), the precursor to the modified folates found in the methanogenic archaea, has been elucidated for the first time in two members of the domain Archaea. In Methanococcus thermophila and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum deltaH, it has been demonstrated that H2neopterin 2':3'-cyclic phosphate is an intermediate in this conversion. In addition, the formation of the pterin ring of the H2neopterin 2':3'-cyclic phosphate is catalyzed not by a single enzyme, as is known to occur with GTP cyclohydrolase I in the Eucarya and Bacteria, but rather by two or more enzymes. A 2,4,5-triamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone-containing molecule, most likely 2,5-diamino-6-ribosylamino-4(3H)-pyrimidinone 5'-triphosphate, has been identified as an intermediate in the formation of the H2neopterin 2':3'-cyclic phosphate. Synthetic H2neopterin 2':3'-cyclic phosphate was found to be readily hydrolyzed by cell extracts of M. thermophila via the H2neopterin 3'-phosphate to H2neopterin, a known precursor to the pterin portion of methanopterin.  相似文献   

Intermittent exotropia of the divergence excess type   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sensory and motor anomalies of the intermittent exotropia, the divergence excess type, have been described by various authors. However, previous theories of etiology fail to incorporate all the sensory motor anomalies typically found. The present paper attempts to develop a theory of etiology based upon sensory-motor findings and to offer a treatment plan consistent with those findings.  相似文献   

Isolated populations of drosophila pseudoobscura, separated from North American populations by about 2,400 km, were found in Colombia in 1960. We compared for sequences of the small ribosomal RNA (srRNA) gene on the mitochondria between North American and Colombian D. pseudoobscura in order to clarify the age of the Colombian isolates. The North American populations were not genetically different from each other but were genetically different from the Colombian populations. The Mexican strains represent the area from which the Colombian founders might have come. The estimated net nucleotide divergence between Mexican and Colombian D. pseudoobscura indicates that the Colombian population is not an ancient lineage. Phylogenies using both distance and parsimony methodologies reinforced this conclusion. The Colombian samples group together with both methods but, according to the bootstrap analysis, not significantly. It appears that the populations have not been separated long enough for their DNA sequences to show much divergence.  相似文献   

Guinea-pig liver mitochondria contain three soluble ATP-dependent acyl-CoA synthetases: (a) a medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase, (b) a salicylate activating enzyme, and (c) a propionyl-CoA synthetase. A complete separation of these enzymes has been accomplished and the resulting preparation of propionyl-CoA synthetase (Spec. act. 4 units/mg protein) accepts acetate, propionate and butyrate as substrates with a high preference for propionate.  相似文献   

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