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The present research examined whether individuals with more accessible attitudes have more difficulty detecting that the attitude object has changed. While being repeatedly exposed to photographs of undergraduates, participants either rehearsed their attitudes toward each photo or performed a control task. They then saw these original photos and computer-generated morphs representing varying degrees of change in an original. Participants in the attitude rehearsal condition required more time to correctly identify morphs that were similar to the original as "different" (Experiment 1) and made more errors in response to such morphs (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 revealed that participants with accessible attitudes perceived relatively less change; they were less likely to view a morph as a photo of a novel person and more likely to view it as a different photo of a person seen before. The costs and benefits of accessible attitudes are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An examination of the writings of 19th and early 20th century comparative psychologists such as G. J. Romanes (1883, 1888) and C. L. Morgan (1903, 1923) indicates that they were well aware of many of the issues raised by the recent "cognitivism" in psychology and ethology. A survey completed by 349 Ss in undergraduate ethology classes, an animal behavior conference, and meetings on creationism on attitudes concerning mental continuity between humans and nonhumans showed that emotional continuity was considered more likely than intellectual continuity and that acceptance of evolution favorably disposed Ss to both. Critical anthropomorphism often aids in formulating testable hypotheses, but cognitive approaches to animals are in danger of suffering a fate similar to the earlier comparative mentalism. (88 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The role of polyfactorial infectious diseases has increased as a result of the indstrial scale of livestock farming. Industrial livestock husbandry means keeping a single species of animal in large groups, optimum production on rational grounds being a concurrent object. Polyfactorial diseases are those diseases which are due to an infectious component and the clinical pictures of which are also determined to a considerable extent by the environment and by the animal itself. The problems associated with dysentery (Doyle), Atrophic rhinitis, Aujeszky's disease, Enzootic with nastitis, Chlamydia infection and Enzootic bronchopneumonia in cattle are discussed. In controlling these diseases, attention should not only be paid to the infectious component but also, and possibly to an even greater extent, to improvement of the environment and herd management. The view is advanced that efforts should be made to live with the disease. To stress a single measure is a technical error. Attempts should be made to improve the entire living environment of the animals by a number of measures. This requires constant expert supervision by the veterinarian. In supervising the health and welfare of farm animals, the veterinarian shluld be advised by the Provincial Health Services. These Health Services should be informed on possible or existing problems by post-mortem studies, serological studies and the study of secretions and excretions. Efforts should be made to ensure health control and health supervision in the entire field of livestock farming. It was pointed out that the hazards to attendants in livestock husbandry and the risks to consumers involved in the consumption of products of animal origin have been reduced to a minimum in 1976. Moreover, the risks are decidely smaller than those involved in keeping pets. Food poisoning caused by bacteria and bacterial toxins is a problem of hygiene rather than a problem of infection. From the point of view of prevention, improving hygienic conditions in the production, processing and manufacture of products of animal origin and altering particular eating habits should therefore be stressed.  相似文献   

In amplification of D. C. Coile and N. E. Miller's (1985) analysis of misstatements and exaggerations by radical animal activists decrying experimental use of animals, it is noted that many procedures employed in animal research have counterparts in the care of pets (e.g., neutering–castration, putting to sleep–murder, housebreaking–aversive conditioning). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The gastric and intestinal response to a standard meal was examined with a quantitative multiple indicator dilution technique in a patient with jejunitis and malabsorption. Examinations were made during and after recovery from disease. The malabsorptive state was associated with a marked delay of the gastric emptying paralleled by a low gastric secretion rate. Despite the low delivery rate from the stomach, large fluid volumes passed at the investigated level 70 cm distal to the pyloric sphincter. This was due to a reduced absorption of nutrients and water during a rapid transit of the proximal intestine and to persistently high pancreatic and intestinal secretion rates. A comparison with data from the healthy experiment suggests that the strong gastric inhibition during malabsorption works as an effective compensation for the decreased absorptive capacity after the second hour from meal intake and onwards.  相似文献   

It was proposed that the experience of crowding occurs in a two-step process: First, the individual becomes aroused by violations of his personal space, and then he attributes the cause of this arousal to other people in his environment. Based on this model it was predicted that violations of personal space rather than simple density is the spatial variable associated with crowding. Further, it was predicted that the experience of crowding can be alleviated if the individual is distracted from making the attribution that his arousal is caused by other people. In order to test these prediction, interaction distance (close and far) and density (high and low) were varied separately. In addition, for half of the conditions, pictures (attribution inhibitors) were placed on the walls of the experimental room, and in the other half, the walls were bare. Subjects worked on two tasks and were then questioned about their experience of crowding. The results showed that interaction distance was more closely related to crowding than was density and that the addition of pictures reduced the experience of crowding only in the close interaction conditions. The results were interpreted as supporting the attribution analysis of crowding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Results of an ongoing surveillance of antibiotic resistance in hospitalized dermatology patients are presented. Bacterial isolates cultured from patients with skin wounds admitted to a tertiary care dermatology inpatient unit from May 1995 through May 1996 were evaluated for resistance to commonly used antibiotics. Comparison was made with a previous survey of the same inpatient service from 1992. Our results show an alarming trend toward antibiotic resistance. OBSERVATION: In superficial skin wounds, Staphylococcus aureus constituted 77% of isolates. In leg ulcers, the frequencies of S aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were approximately equal, constituting 43% and 42% of cultures, respectively. Fifty percent of S aureus isolates from leg ulcers were resistant to oxacillin, with 36% of pseudomonad isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin. In superficial wounds, oxacillin resistance in S aureus approached 25%. A comparison of antibiotic resistance profiles using data collected in 1992 for patients admitted to the same inpatient service revealed a marked increase in oxacillin and ciprofloxacin resistance in S aureus and P aeruginosa in leg ulcers, respectively (from 24% to 50% oxacillin resistance in S aureus and from 9% to 24% ciprofloxacin resistance in P aeruginosa), and superficial wounds (24% to 36% ciprofloxacin resistance in P aeruginosa). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the rapid emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria as a problem of growing significance in hospital dermatology and highlights the importance of local surveillance programs to aid in selecting antibiotic treatments.  相似文献   

The argument from design has played an important role in the history of philosophy and biology. Paley, the 19th-century theologian, was struck by the bodily complexity and adaptive fit of animals to their environments; he used the argument from design to prove the existence of God. Darwin, however, provided the natural evolutionary mechanisms that eliminated the need for positing a divine creator to explain the structure of animals; he was thus able to treat the historical problem of organic evolution by providing a historical solution. Today, some students of behavior are similarly struck by the complexity of animals' actions and their adaptive fit to the environment. Like Paley, they use the argument from design, but to prove the existence of a conscious designer inside the head of the animal—the mind. This mentalistic approach suffers from many of the philosophical and empirical problems that plagued similar efforts in the past. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents new possibilities and paradigms for school psychology education, training, practice, and their evaluation, challenging school psychologists to examine their own views and make suggestions about points of future dialog between the psychology specialties. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The behaviour of the aerobic skin flora of the flexor sides of the forearms, under a three-week restriction of washing, was investigated in twenty-four patients for its quantitative and qualitative aspects. The combined scrabbing-washing method was used as described by Burtenshaw with Ringer's solution. After a three-week restriction of washing, using the Wilcoxon-Test, statistically no significant changes in the total number of microorganisms were found in areas investigated in the intermittent sampling of the skin flora. A three-week restriction of washing in the region of the flexor sides of the forearms does not induce significant changes in the composition of the normal aerobic skin flora. The percentage of differences in the total number of bacteria fluctuates up to the mark in wide limits; statements about standard deviations are not permitted because of the technical and experimental conditions. There was no shifting of the Resident flora to other groups of bacteria in the patients under study. Pathogenic microorganisms could not be found in higher numbers after the second sampling.  相似文献   

IL-10 plays an important role in preventing excessive inflammation to the normal flora in the intestinal lumen. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of normal flora on inflammation in mice in which the IL-10 gene was disrupted. IL-10 knock-out mice housed in germfree conditions remained healthy while those housed in conventional conditions developed colitis after weaning, suggesting that IL-10 inhibits the adverse responses to luminal Ag. Crypt abscesses were present in virtually all of the diseased animals as evidenced by flattening of the epithelial cells and a large number of neutrophils in the lumen of the crypt. Since KC is a chemokine that is capable of recruiting neutrophils in mice, mRNA and protein for KC was measured. Increased levels of both KC mRNA and protein were detected in the colon of diseased mice. To determine whether the epithelial cells were capable of synthesizing KC and contributing to neutrophil accumulation in the crypts, a murine intestinal epithelial cell line (Mode-K) was shown to express mRNA and protein for KC. Two cytokines induced in association with colitis in these mice, TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, increased the expression of KC mRNA and protein in murine epithelial cells. However, IL-10 was incapable of decreasing the induction of KC, even though the cells expressed the IL-10 receptor. These results suggest that the neutrophil chemokine KC is produced by gastrointestinal epithelial cells in response to inflammatory mediators that are expressed following exposure to normal flora in animals lacking IL-10.  相似文献   

本文对韶钢5号高炉2005年8月炉缸冻结的原因进行分析,并对本起事故的处理过程进行介绍.  相似文献   

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