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Phillips  B. 《Computer》1998,31(10)
As Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator battle for dominance of the browser market, each company is adopting different versions of some important technologies: Microsoft and Netscape are innovating along paths that reflect their business goals. In the process though, Web site developers and even Web surfers are paying a price. Microsoft and Netscape disagree over several key Web standards under consideration by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), including several key aspects of Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Internet Explorer and Navigator will thus use formats that differ in some key ways. Therefore, to develop a Web site that can work with both browsers, a designer must create either two sets of sites, which costs additional time and money, or one site that satisfies the elements that both browsers have in common, which limits the capability of the site to take full advantage of each browser's strengths. This, in turn, has limited DHTML usage to a small subset of the capabilities that would be possible if there was no standards conflict. In addition, the disparity in browser features makes hand coding HTML in text editors difficult, especially when working with HTML 4.0's new features, such as DHTML and cascading style sheets (CSS). This will make life difficult for tool vendors whose business hinges on visually authoring pages that work well with both Internet Explorer and Navigator  相似文献   

目前W3C推荐的网页格式标准是XML1.0[1],但要求为数众多的已有站点直接采用XML还为时过早。因此,用XML对HTML进行扩展,得到了XHTML。但多数Web开发人员仍习惯用HTML语法写XHTML网页,导致代码不被识别或显示效果不佳。通过对比研究XHTML与HTML的细致区别,阐明了XHTML文档的结构特征及独特的语法要求,目的在于帮助Web开发人员适应这种技术的变化,顺利地完成Web开发任务。  相似文献   

HTML5是HTML的最新版本,已经为开发人员提供一系列的标签与API,已成为各大公司无法忽视的下一代互联网的网页标准。随着智能手机市场的不断发展,HTML5的种种功能可以为各种移动平台提供更多的解决方案。  相似文献   

Web文档清洗系统中HTML解析器的开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对于组建一个面向Web的信息系统来说 ,去除掉脚本、广告链接以及导航链接等无用数据 ,将提高信息存储和检索的效率 ;同时 ,基于语义对Web文档进行合并和分割也会有助于信息的管理 ,这些都是Web文档清洗系统的任务。在Web文档清洗中 ,无论是脱机的规则学习还是联机的文档清洗 ,都需要建立在对Web文档的结构和内容进行分析的基础之上。从HTML解析的一般概念入手 ,结合Web文档清洗系统的需求 ,描述了一个自主开发的HTML解析器的结构 ,并对其组成部分 :词典、词法分析器和语法分析器的设计作了详细的讨论  相似文献   

HTML5是为替代从前使用的HTML4.01以及XHTML1.0标准而出现的一种新型Web开发标准。当前HTML5的应用面与从前相比较广,已经不限于Web相关内容。目前在该平台上已经实现了视频、音频以及图形、动画等的标准化,本文针对HTML5中的核心技术进行了研究与分析,同时表述了其在移动客户终端中的应用。  相似文献   

基于DOM的Web信息提取   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
当前,Web已经成为人们获取信息的主要渠道之一。然而,用于表达Web页面信息的HTML语言存在着与生俱来的缺点。HTML的“标记”只是告诉浏览器软件如何显示所定义的信息,却不包含任何语义。因此由HTML语言所表述的Web页面经过浏览器分析后只适合人们浏览,不适合作为一种数据交换的方式由机器处理。该文以文档对象模型DOM为基础,把所要提取的信息在DOM层次结构中的路径作为信息抽取的“坐标”,并以这个基本原理为基础设计了一种归纳学习算法来半自动地生成提取规则,然后根据提取规则生成Java类.生成的Java类可以作为Web数据源包装器组成的重要构件。  相似文献   

侯小静  王黎明 《微机发展》2005,15(3):142-144
互联网的Web网页中蕴藏着内容广泛、形式各异的信息资源,通过网页的自动分类可以更好地对其内容进行组织和管理,加快信息检索的速度。在训练网页分类器时,对网页样本集进行有效地筛选有可能改善分类器的性能。文中利用HTML文档的结构特点,基于标签对网页样本集进行筛选,从中去除索引型和表格型网页,实验表明,这种方法有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2004,6(2):62-63
Log on to the Internet Archive Web site (http:// www.archive.org) and load up the oldest version of your organization's Web site. Now view the source. Does the code you see give you a headache? Because they placed little emphasis on code quality in the early days of the Web, developers instead focused on doing whatever it took to make their sites look a certain way when a viewer used a particular browser. Proprietary extensions were common, ensuring that a page that worked one way in Netscape would work differently in Internet Explorer unless the developer took the time to code multiple versions of the same page. After many years of sloppy code piling up around the Web, a movement is formed to standardize browsers and the HTML that they were interpreting. The industry has finally begun to accept the wisdom of designing with Web standards. But perhaps you're still not convinced; let me try to persuade you.  相似文献   

随着Web应用被越来越广泛地使用,其稳定性也受到开发人员及用户的重视,其中很重要的一项指标是Web应用在不同浏览器中的兼容性问题。为了保证应用在所有的浏览器中都可以正常使用,在开发阶段对浏览器兼容性隐患进行检测就显得非常重要。为此,提出了一个在开发阶段可以自动检测Web应用界面跨浏览器兼容性问题的一项新技术,它可以自动浏览Web应用的所有页面,通过对同一页面在不同浏览器里所提取出的代码结构信息和相关属性的分析,生成差异报告,从而帮助开发人员更快地找到有兼容性问题的元素。完成了该方法的具体实现,并将其应用于一个具体的开发项目中来,收集相关的数据并验证该方法的可行性。最后根据实验数据归纳了常见的Web应用界面兼容性问题。  相似文献   

针对网页的正文信息抽取,提出一种基于支持向量机(SVM)的正文信息抽取方法。该方法采取宽进严出的策略。第1步根据网页结构的规律遍历网页DOM树,定位到一个同时包含正文和噪音信息的HTML标签。第2步选择含噪音信息的HTML标签的5个重要特征,并采用SVM训练样本数据。SVM训练得出的数据模型可以有效去除导航、推广、版权等噪音信息,成功保留正文。将该方法应用于几大常用的网站,实验结果表明该方法具有较好的正文抽取效果和降噪效果,对于传统方法中经常误删的短文本、与正文相关的超链接等信息能够准确保留。  相似文献   

随着信息社会的发展,互联网的盛行,有很多的人开始学习制作自己的个人网站。网页制作涉及到HTML语言、CSS层叠样式表、JAVASCRIPT语言等知识。利用CSS样式表可以实现网页中非常实用的一些效果,比如说背景图片的平铺方式;了解HTML语言可以在网页中随心所欲的修改代码,从而在网页中插入动听的背景音乐,实现QQ在线客户服务等;利用JAVASCRIPT脚本语言更是可以在网页中实现很多漂亮的效果,比如说随机图片、随机FLASH等效果。  相似文献   

Web 2.0 presents both a challenge and an opportunity for smart-phone vendors. The combination of HTML and JavaScript is becoming an increasingly powerful application platform. The W3C and some of the most important mobile browser developers, including Apple, Google, Opera, and Nokia, are actively involved in this evolution. Web 2.0 applications have already begun to come to mobile phones. Web widgets based on the WebKit core are already an important part of the iPhone and S60 platforms. Mobile-application developers is drawn to HTML and JavaScript as these new features are added to the various mobile browsers and Web toolkits.  相似文献   

用动态HTML制作动态Web页面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过介绍动态HTML,介绍了一些制作动态Web页面的实例与方法。  相似文献   

Several techniques have been recently proposed to automatically generate Web wrappers, i.e., programs that extract data from HTML pages, and transform them into a more structured format, typically in XML. These techniques automatically induce a wrapper from a set of sample pages that share a common HTML template. An open issue, however, is how to collect suitable classes of sample pages to feed the wrapper inducer. Presently, the pages are chosen manually. In this paper, we tackle the problem of automatically discovering the main classes of pages offered by a site by exploring only a small yet representative portion of it. We propose a model to describe abstract structural features of HTML pages. Based on this model, we have developed an algorithm that accepts the URL of an entry point to a target Web site, visits a limited yet representative number of pages, and produces an accurate clustering of pages based on their structure. We have developed a prototype, which has been used to perform experiments on real-life Web sites.  相似文献   

XWIS中基于预定义模式的包装器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,从HTML文档中有效的抽取数据是一个值得研究的问题。文中提出了一种基于预定义模式的方法来构造HTML包装器,并将它运用到XWIS(基于XML的Web信息查询系统)中。这种方法下,由用户定义模式并给出模式与HTML页面的映射关系,接着系统推导出规则同时生成包装器。  相似文献   

WAP网关是WAP应用中的关键部分,是连接移动通信网络和Internet网络的桥梁。本文根据WAP应用大都由Web应用发展而来的现状,设计了一个高性能的WAP网关的架构,对WML编码器进行了设计与实现,并为WAP网关增加了HTML过滤转换器模块,实现了HTML页面到WML页面的翻译转换。  相似文献   

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) promulgates the HTML standards used on the Web, but it has no authority to enforce the adoption of one standard in favor of another. In this environment, developers have some incentive to ignore up-to-date W3C standards given that the transitional versions of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 offer most of the capabilities of the newer ones but are less stringent in their requirements. If most Web sites migrate to these "transitional" standards and remain there, future versions might be mere academic exercises for the W3C.  相似文献   

随着科技的不断发展,智能化的移动设备被广泛应用,移动互联网在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。为了满足人们对智能移动设备的要求,适应不断发展的Web技术的应用需求,各种基于HTML5技术的移动应用大量涌现。本文首先从HTML5技术的新特征入手,介绍了移动应用开发的现状,进而分析HTML5在移动应用开发上的应用,最后将这种技术应用于中小学学习资源平台的建设和开发,指出了HTML5给移动学习和与开发者带来的新机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

Zelnick  N. 《Computer》1998,31(10)
The near parity between Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Navigator is bringing what had been merely a developers' annoyance firmly into the realm of disaster. The problem is a relatively familiar one: nonconformance or incomplete implementation of standards makes building sophisticated Web pages that work across browsers a difficult and expensive job. Because Web developers have to spend extra time and effort working around quirks in different implementations, they almost always have to privilege general functionality over technological enhancements. Just trying to get pages to look the same across browsers by following the Cascading Style Sheet Level 1 (CSS1) standard-a W3C recommendation finished nearly two years ago (1996)-requires intimate knowledge of the peculiarities of each version of each browser on each platform. IE 4 on Windows, for example, supports about 80 percent of CSS1 and about the same amount on Macintosh, but not the same 80 percent. Navigator 4 supports a little less of CSS1 on both Windows and Macintosh, but again not the same subset and not in the same way. And CSS is just the tip of the iceberg  相似文献   

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