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Constrained multibody system dynamics an automated approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The governing equations for constrained multibody systems are formulated in a manner suitable for their automated, numerical development and solution. Specifically, the “closed loop” problem of multibody chain systems is addressed.

The governing equations are developed by modifying dynamical equations obtained from Lagrange's form of d'Alembert's principle. This modification, which is based upon a solution of the constraint equations obtained through a “zero eigenvalues theorem,” is, in effect, a contraction of the dynamical equations.

It is observed that, for a system with n generalized coordinates and m constraint equations, the coefficients in the constraint equations may be viewed as “constraint vectors” in n-dimensional space. Then, in this setting the system itself is free to move in the nm directions which are “orthogonal” to the constraint vectors.  相似文献   

One of the key features of logic programming is the notion of goal-directed provability. In intuitionistic logic, the notion of uniform proof has been used as a proof-theoretic characterization of this property. Whilst the connections between intuitionistic logic and computation are well known, there is no reason per se why a similar notion cannot be given in classical logic. In this paper we show that there are two notions of goal-directed proof in classical logic, both of which are suitably weaker than that for intuitionistic logic. We show the completeness of this class of proofs for certain fragments, which thus form logic programming languages. As there are more possible variations on the notion of goal-directed provability in classical logic, there is a greater diversity of classical logic programming languages than intuitionistic ones. In particular, we show how logic programs may contain disjunctions in this setting. This provides a proof-theoretic basis for disjunctive logic programs, as well as characterising the “disjunctive” nature of answer substitutions for such programs in terms of the provability properties of the classical connectives Λ and Λ.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the dynamics of sand grains falling in sand piles. Usually sand piles are characterized by a decreasing integer partition and grain moves are described in terms of transitions between such partitions. We study here four main transition rules. The worst classical one, introduced by Brylawski (Discrete Math. 6 (1973) 201) induces a lattice structure LB(n) (called dominance ordering) between decreasing partitions of a given integer n. We prove that a more restrictive transition rule, called SPM rule, induces a natural partition of LB(n) in suborders, each one is associated to a fixed point for the SPM rule. In the second part, we extend the SPM rule in a natural way and obtain a model called Linear Chip Firing Game (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 115 (1993) 321). We prove that this new model has interesting properties: the induced order is a lattice, a natural greedoid can be associated to the model and it also defines a strongly convergent game. In the last section, we generalize the SPM rule in another way and obtain other lattice structure parametrized by some θ, denoted by L(n,θ), which form a decreasing sequence of lattices when θ varies in [−n+2,n]. For each θ, we characterize the fixed point of L(n,θ) and give the value of its maximal sized chain's length. We also note that L(n,−n+2) is the lattice of all compositions of n.  相似文献   

Andrea  Klaus   《Annual Reviews in Control》2006,30(2):197-203
The numbers of cars on roads are increasing continuously. Consequently, streets and motorways are becoming more and more crowded and the risk of accidents is rising. In spite of the fact that in recent years cars have been made more efficient and capable, the driver behind the wheel is often overburdened with traffic situations. Therefore, scientists and engineers are challenged to develop a car which is safer and less stress-burdened than today. This paper outlines some future developments of such a more autonomous car within the next 15 years. The approach describes the roadmap for this “cognitive car” suggested by RWTH Aachen University.  相似文献   

《Information Systems》1989,14(6):443-453
Using a fuzzy-logic-based calculus of linguistically quantified propositions we present FQUERY III+, a new, more “human-friendly” and easier-to-use implementation of a querying scheme proposed originally by Kacprzyk and Zio kowski to handle imprecise queries including a linguistic quantifier as, e.g. find all records in which most (almost all, much more than 75%, … or any other linguistic quantifier) of the important attributes (out of a specified set) are as desired (e.g. equal to five, more than 10, large, more or less equal to 15, etc.). FQUERY III+ is an “add-on” to Ashton-Tate's dBase III Plus.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of finding routing algorithms on the multirate rearrangeable Clos networks which use as few number of middle-stage switches as possible. We propose a new routing algorithm called the “grouping algorithm”. This is a simple algorithm which uses fewer middle-stage switches than all known strategies, given that the number of input-stage switches and output-stage switches are relatively small compared to the size of input and output switches. In particular, the grouping algorithm implies that m = 2n+(n−1)/2k is a sufficient number of middle-stage switches for the symmetric three-stage Clos network C(n,m,r) to be multirate rearrangeable, where k is any positive integer and rn/(2k−1).  相似文献   

Full first-order linear logic can be presented as an abstract logic programming language in Miller's system Forum, which yields a sensible operational interpretation in the ‘proof search as computation’ paradigm. However, Forum still has to deal with syntactic details that would normally be ignored by a reasonable operational semantics. In this respect, Forum improves on Gentzen systems for linear logic by restricting the language and the form of inference rules. We further improve on Forum by restricting the class of formulae allowed, in a system we call G-Forum, which is still equivalent to full first-order linear logic. The only formulae allowed in G-Forum have the same shape as Forum sequents: the restriction does not diminish expressiveness and makes G-Forum amenable to proof theoretic analysis. G-Forum consists of two (big) inference rules, for which we show a cut elimination procedure. This does not need to appeal to finer detail in formulae and sequents than is provided by G-Forum, thus successfully testing the internal symmetries of our system.  相似文献   

For an arbitrary n × n matrix A and an n × 1 column vector b, we present a systolic algorithm to solve the dense linear equations Ax = b. An important consideration is that the pivot row can be changed during the execution of our systolic algorithm. The computational model consists of n linear systolic arrays. For 1 ≤ in, the ith linear array is responsible to eliminate the ith unknown variable xi of x. This algorithm requires 4n time steps to solve the linear system. The elapsed time unit within a time step is independent of the problem size n. Since the structure of a PE is simple and the same type PE executes the identical instructions, it is very suitable for VLSI implementation. The design process and correctness proof are considered in detail. Moreover, this algorithm can detect whether A is singular or not.  相似文献   

We prove there is a strict hierarchy of expressive power according to the Until depth of linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas: for each k, there is a natural property, based on quantitative fairness, that is not expressible with k nestings of Until operators, regardless of the number of applications of other operators, but is expressible by a formula with Until depth k+1. Our proof uses a new Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé (EF) game designed specifically for LTL. These properties can all be expressed in first-order logic with quantifier depth and size (log k), and we use them to observe some interesting relationships between LTL and first-order expressibility. We note that our Until hierarchy proof for LTL carries over to the branching time logics, CTL and CTL*. We then use the EF game in a novel way to effectively characterize (1) the LTL properties expressible without Until, as well as (2) those expressible without both Until and Next. By playing the game “on finite automata,” we prove that the automata recognizing languages expressible in each of the two fragments have distinctive structural properties. The characterization for the first fragment was originally proved by Cohen, Perrin, and Pin using sophisticated semigroup-theoretic techniques. They asked whether such a characterization exists for the second fragment. The technique we develop is general and can potentially be applied in other contexts.  相似文献   

It is shown that in first-order linear-time temporal logic, validity questions can be translated into validity questions of formulas not containing “next” or “until” operators. The translation can be performed in linear time.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new practical bit-vector algorithm for solving the well-known Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem. Given two strings of length m and n, nm, we present an algorithm which determines the length p of an LCS in O(nm/w) time and O(m/w) space, where w is the number of bits in a machine word. This algorithm can be thought of as column-wise “parallelization” of the classical dynamic programming approach. Our algorithm is very efficient in practice, where computing the length of an LCS of two strings can be done in linear time and constant (additional/working) space by assuming that mw.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics is a growing field in computational biology, and one of its typical problem is the identification of sets of orthologous genes that have virtually the same function in several genomes. Many different bioinformatics approaches have been proposed to define these groups, often based on the detection of sets of genes that are “not too far” in all genomes. In this paper, we propose a unifying concept, called gene teams, which can be adapted to various notions of distance. We present two algorithms for identifying gene teams formed by n genes placed on m linear chromosomes. The first one runs in O(mn log2 n) and uses a divide and conquer approach based on the formal properties of gene teams. We next propose an optimization of the original algorithm, and, in order to better understand the complexity bound of the algorithms, we recast the problem in the Hopcroft's partition refinement framework. This allows us to analyze the complexity of the algorithms with elegant amortized techniques. Both algorithms require linear space. We also discuss extensions to circular chromosomes that achieve the same complexity.  相似文献   

We show an Ω(m) lower bound on the number of queries required to test whether a Boolean function depends on at most m out of its n variables. This improves a previously known lower bound for testing this property. Our proof is simple and uses only elementary techniques.  相似文献   

A threshold counter is a shared data structure that assumes integer values. It provides two operations: changes the current counter value from v to v+1, while returns the value v/w, where v is the current counter value and w is a fixed constant. Thus, the operation returns the “approximate” value of the counter to within the constant w. Threshold counters have many potential uses, including software barrier synchronization. Threshold networks are a class of distributed data structures that can be used to construct highly-concurrent, low-contention implementations of shared threshold counters. In this paper, we give the first proof that any threshold network construction of a threshold counter can be extended to support a operation that changes the counter value from v to v−1.  相似文献   

The approach of ordinal mind change complexity, introduced by Freivalds and Smith, uses (notations for) constructive ordinals to bound the number of mind changes made by a learning machine. This approach provides a measure of the extent to which a learning machine has to keep revising its estimate of the number of mind changes it will make before converging to a correct hypothesis for languages in the class being learned. Recently, this notion, which also yields a measure for the difficulty of learning a class of languages, has been used to analyze the learnability of rich concept classes.

The present paper further investigates the utility of ordinal mind change complexity. It is shown that for identification from both positive and negative data and n 1, the ordinal mind change complexity of the class of languages formed by unions of up to n + 1 pattern languages is only ω ×0 notn(n) (where notn(n) is a notation for n, ω is a notation for the least limit ordinal and ×0 represents ordinal multiplication). This result nicely extends an observation of Lange and Zeugmann that pattern languages can be identified from both positive and negative data with 0 mind changes.

Existence of an ordinal mind change bound for a class of learnable languages can be seen as an indication of its learning “tractability”. Conditions are investigated under which a class has an ordinal mind change bound for identification from positive data. It is shown that an indexed family of languages has an ordinal mind change bound if it has finite elasticity and can be identified by a conservative machine. It is also shown that the requirement of conservative identification can be sacrificed for the purely topological requirement ofM-finite thickness. Interaction between identification by monotonic strategies and existence of ordinal mind change bound is also investigated.  相似文献   

An infinitary proof theory is developed for modal logics whose models are coalgebras of polynomial functors on the category of sets. The canonical model method from modal logic is adapted to construct a final coalgebra for any polynomial functor. The states of this final coalgebra are certain “maximal” sets of formulas that have natural syntactic closure properties.

The syntax of these logics extends that of previously developed modal languages for polynomial coalgebras by adding formulas that express the “termination” of certain functions induced by transition paths. A completeness theorem is proven for the logic of functors which have the Lindenbaum property that every consistent set of formulas has a maximal extension. This property is shown to hold if the deducibility relation is generated by countably many inference rules.

A counter-example to completeness is also given. This is a polynomial functor that is not Lindenbaum: it has an uncountable set of formulas that is deductively consistent but has no maximal extension and is unsatisfiable, even though all of its countable subsets are satisfiable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we shall give a combinatorial proof of the following equation:

where m and n are positive integers, mn, and k1, k2, …, kn-1 are nonnegative integers.  相似文献   

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