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Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) is used as a calcium supplement for food producing animals (i.e., cattle, poultry and pig). When DCP is produced via wet acid digestion of the phosphate rock and depending on the acid used in the industrial process, the final product can result in enhanced 210Pb and 210Po specific activities (∼ 2000 Bq·kg1). Both 210Pb and 210Po are of great interest because their contribution to the dose received by ingestion is potentially large. The aims of this work are to examine the accumulation of 210Pb and 210Po in chicken tissues during the first 42 days of life and to build a suitable single-compartment biokinetic model to understand the behavior of both radionuclides within the entire animal using the experimental results. Three commercial corn-soybean-based diets containing different amounts and sources of DCP were fed to broilers during a period of 42 days. The results show that diets containing enhanced concentrations of 210Pb and 210Po lead to larger specific accumulation in broiler tissues compared to the blank diet. Radionuclides do not accumulate homogeneously within the animal body: 210Pb follows the calcium pathways to some extent and accumulates largely in bones, while 210Po accumulates to a large extent in liver and kidneys. However, the total amount of radionuclide accumulation in tissues is small compared to the amounts excreted in feces. The single-compartment non-linear biokinetic model proposed here for 210Pb and 210Po in the whole animal takes into account the size evolution and is self-consistent in that no fitting parameterization of intake and excretions rates is required.  相似文献   

Recent researches revealed the exciting application of 210Po in tracing carbon and nitrogen cycling in the coral reef system. In order to quantify the recycling of particulate organic nitrogen (PON), both 210Po and 210Pb were examined at both high and low tides in the Zhubi Coral Reef lagoon, the South China Sea. Unusually, much higher 210Po activities and 210Po/210Pb ratios, in comparison with those found in the open seawater and the lagoon subsurface water, showed additional input of 210Po besides production from in situ210Pb in the lagoon surface water. Statistical analysis identified that the reef flat seawater was the additional 210Po source. Based on a mass balance model, the input rates of 210Po varied from 0.04 Bq m−3 year−1 to 8.41 Bq m−3 year−1. On average, the additional 210Po contributed more than 60% of the total 210Po. The particulate 210Po significantly correlated with the concentrations of PON, indicating that diffusion of 210Po from sediment could be used to quantify the recycling of nitrogen. The average input rate of nitrogen was 16 mmol m−3 year−1, which can support up to 11% of the primary production rate. These results suggested that the unusual behavior of 210Po could provide new insight into the nitrogen recycling in the coral reef system.  相似文献   

The concentration of 210Po was determined in different foodstuffs of plant origin purchased from markets in Qena City, Upper Egypt. Measurement of 210Po has been carried out using alpha spectrometry technique in different food categories such as vegetables, fruits, cereals beverages and herbs. The general range of 210Po activity levels ranged widely from < 0.010-18.6 ± 0.910 mBq g− 1, with minimum being in cereal samples and maximum being in beverage samples. Tea samples recorded highest activity concentrations of 210Po with lowest value of 10 ± 0.54 mBq g−1 for Crown tea and highest value of 18.6 ± 0.910 mBq g−1 for El maabad tea. The daily intake of 210Po from food consumption reveals that vegetables are the biggest contributors, while beverages are the lowest. The effective ingestion dose has been estimated for Qena City residents and it was found in the range 0.008-38.3 μSv y−1.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of different fractions of dissolved copper (after filtration at 0.45 μm) along the cold part of the hydrothermal fluid-seawater mixing zone on the Tour Eiffel edifice (MAR). Dissolved copper was analyzed by stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP) after chromatographic C18 extraction. Levels of total dissolved copper (0.03 to 5.15 μM) are much higher than those reported for deep-sea oceanic waters but in accordance with data previously obtained in this area. Speciation measurements show that the hydrophobic organic fraction (C18Cu) is very low (2 ± 1%). Dissolved copper is present mainly as inorganic and hydrophilic organic complexes (nonC18Cu). The distribution of copper along the pH gradient shows the same pattern for each fraction. Copper concentrations increase from pH 5.6 to 6.5 and then remain relatively constant at pH > 6.5. Concentrations of oxygen and total sulphides demonstrate that the copper anomaly corresponds to the transition between suboxic and oxic waters. The increase of dissolved copper should correspond to the oxidative redissolution of copper sulphide particles formed in the vicinity of the fluid exit. The presence of such a secondary dissolved copper source, associated with the accumulation of metal sulphide particles, could play a significant role in the distribution of fauna in the different habitats available at vents.  相似文献   

The uptake and transfer of natural radionuclides, other than 40K, from soil to mushrooms has been somewhat overlooked in the literature. Their contribution to the dose due to the consumption of mushrooms was considered negligible. But the contribution of 210Pb in areas unaffected by any recent radioactive fallout has been found to be significant, up to 35% of the annual dose commitment in Spain. More than 30 species of mushrooms were analyzed, and the 210Pb detected was in the range of 0.75-202 Bq/kg d.w. A slight difference was observed between species with different nutritional mechanisms (saprophytes ≥ mycorrhizae). The 210Pb content was correlated with the stable lead content, but not with its predecessor in the uranium radioactive series, 226Ra. This suggested that 210Pb was taken up from the soil by the same pathway as stable lead. The bioavailability of 210Pb in soil was determined by means of a sequential extraction procedure (NH4OAc, 1M HCl, 6M HCl, and residue). About 30% of the 210Pb present in the soil was available for transfer to mushrooms, more than other natural radionuclides in the same ecosystem. Lycoperdon perlatum, Hebeloma cylindrosporum, and Amanita curtipes presented the highest values of the available transfer factor, ATF. As reflected in their ATF values, the transfer from soil to mushroom of some natural and anthropogenic radionuclides was in the following order:
228,230,232Th ≈ 40K ≥ 137Cs ≥ 234,238U ≈ 226Ra ≥ 90Sr ≥ 210Pb ≈ 239 + 240Pu ≈ 241Am.  相似文献   

In order to estimate atmospheric metal deposition in Southern Europe since the beginning of the Industrial Period (~ 1850 AD), concentration profiles of Pb, Zn and Cu were determined in four 210Pb-dated peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs in Serra do Xistral (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula). Maximum metal concentrations varied by a factor of 1.8 for Pb and Zn (70 to 128 μg g−1 and 128 to 231 μg g−1, respectively) and 3.5 for Cu (11 to 37 μg g−1). The cumulative metal inventories of each core varied by a factor of 3 for all analysed metals (132 to 329 μg cm−2 for Pb, 198 to 625 μg cm−2 for Zn and 22 to 69 μg cm−2 for Cu), suggesting differences in net accumulation rates among peatlands. Although results suggest that mean deposition rates vary within the studied area, the enhanced 210Pb accumulation and the interpretation of the inventory ratios (210Pb/Pb, Zn/Pb and Cu/Pb) in two bogs indicated that either a record perturbation or post-depositional redistribution effects must be considered. After correction, Pb, Zn and Cu profiles showed increasing concentrations and atmospheric fluxes since the mid-XXth century to maximum values in the second half of the XXth century. For Pb, maximum fluxes were observed in 1955-1962 and ranged from 16 to 22 mg m−2 yr−1 (mean of 18 ± 1 mg m−2 yr−1), two orders of magnitude higher than in the pre-industrial period. Peaks in Pb fluxes in Serra do Xistral before the period of maximum consumption of leaded petrol in Europe (1970s-1980s) suggest the dominance of local pollutant sources in the area (i.e. coal mining and burning). More recent peaks were observed for Zn and Cu, with fluxes ranging from 32 to 52 mg m−2 yr−1 in 1989-1996, and from 4 to 9 mg m−2 yr−1 in 1994-2001, respectively. Our results underline the importance of multi-core studies to assess both the integrity and reliability of peat records, and the degree of homogeneity in bog accumulation. We show the usefulness of using the excess 210Pb inventory to distinguish between differential metal deposition, accumulation or anomalous peat records.  相似文献   

Grain-size distribution, major elements, nutrients and trace metals were determined in bed sediments and suspension collected at 10 representative sites along the river Po under normal and high flow conditions. Grain-size distribution and major element composition of suspension highlighted the presence of two distinct particle populations in the upper-middle Po (coarser particles, lower carbonate content) and in the lower Po (finer particles, higher carbonate content). This change partly reflects the geological differences between the two parts of the basin, and also the presence of a hydroelectric power plant at Isola Serafini (Piacenza). With respect to environmental quality issues, bed sediments and suspension provide similar results. A moderate nutrient pollution is found in all but the uppermost parts of the river basin, while the most significant inputs of trace metals appear to originate from the urban areas of Turin and Milan. Calculation of sediment enrichment factors identifies Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn as the most impacted elements by human activities. On the other hand, the high levels of Ni and Cr throughout the river seem to derive mainly from the presence of basic rocks in the upper and middle parts of the basin. Both nutrient and trace metal particulate concentrations substantially decrease under high flow conditions possibly due to "flushing" of contaminated bed sediments and resuspension of coarser material. Under normal flow conditions, water hydrochemistry and concentrations of some elements (As, Ca, Cr, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, and Pb) in the dissolved phase (<0.45 microm) were also determined. Calculation of trace metals partition coefficients shows that the relative importance of the particulate and water phases varies in response to water hydrochemistry and suspended solid content, but that most elements achieve a conditional equilibrium in the lower stretches of the river Po. These results are the first of this kind reported for the whole river course and highlight the factors and mechanisms controlling the origin, mobility and fate of nutrients and trace metals in the river Po.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have highlighted the importance of salmon as a means to deliver biomagnifying contaminants to nursery lakes. There is a lack of studies, however, which demonstrate empirically how this source has varied through time. This is of great significance because past salmon-derived contaminant loading was potentially greater than it is today. By analyzing radiometrically dated sediment cores collected from ten lakes in Alaska and British Columbia (B.C.), we relate historical numbers of sockeye salmon spawners to ΣPCB concentrations and δ15N values (a paleolimnological proxy for past salmon-derived nitrogen) in the sediments. The results confirm that sockeye salmon have provided an important route for PCBs to enter the lakes in the past, a finding that is especially evident when the data of all lakes are pooled. Significant relationships between sockeye salmon numbers and δ15N, as well as ΣPCB concentrations and δ15N in sediments, were also found. However, it is difficult to establish relationships between salmon numbers, ΣPCBs and δ15N in individual lakes. This may be due to a number of factors which may influence contaminant loadings to the lakes. The factors include: a) changing salmon contaminant loads over time resulting from a lag in the upper ocean reservoir and/or changing salmon feeding locations; b) greater importance of atmospheric transport in lakes with relatively low salmon returns; and c) increased PCB scavenging due to higher algae productivity in the lakes in recent years.  相似文献   

Different pelagic areas of the Mediterranean Sea have been investigated in order to quantify physical and biological mixing processes in deep sea sediments. Herein, results of eleven sediment cores sampled at different deep areas (> 2000 m) of the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea are presented.210Pbxs and 137Cs vertical profiles, together with 14C dating, are used to identify the main processes characterising the different areas and, finally, controlling mixing depths (SML) and bioturbation coefficients (Db). Radionuclide vertical profiles and inventories indicate that bioturbation processes are the dominant processes responsible for sediment reworking in deep sea environments.Results show significant differences in sediment mixing depths and bioturbation coefficients among areas of the Mediterranean Sea characterised by different trophic regimes. In particular, in the Oran Rise area, where the Almeria-Oran Front induces frequent phytoplankton blooms, we calculate the highest values of sediment mixing layers (13 cm) and bioturbation coefficients (0.187 cm2 yr−1), and the highest values of 210Pbxs and 137Cs inventories. Intermediate values of SML and Db (~ 6 cm and ~ 0.040 cm2 yr−1, respectively) characterise the mesothrophic Algero-Balearic basin, while in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea mixing parameters (SML of 3 cm and Db of 0.011 cm2 yr−1) are similar to those calculated for the oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean (SML of 2 cm and Db of ~ 0.005 cm2 yr−1).  相似文献   

Heavy metal contents were investigated in different organ tissues of Red Pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) from the eastern Aegean Sea between May 1996 and July 1998. The concentrations of mercury in the muscle tissue ranged between 16 and 716, in liver 125-5451, in gonad 2.0-1858; cadmium in muscle nd-9.6, in liver 1.4-2245, in gonad nd-192; lead in muscle nd-1397, in liver 112-8311, in gonad nd-2927; zinc in muscle 1352-6693, in liver 2710-78705, in gonad 7273-168655; copper in muscle nd-383, in liver nd-21986, in gonad nd-20499 (microg/kg wet weight). The highest concentrations were generally found in the Southern Aegean Sea. All metal levels in muscle tissues are lower than the limits of European Dietary Standards and Guidelines. The metals ratios between liver and muscle indicated that the liver accumulated higher levels of metals than the muscle tissues. The bioaccumulation factor (BAFs) of metals was measured in muscle, liver and gonads. BAFs among the analysed elements showed the descending orders as Zn>Cu>Cd>Pb for muscle and gonads and Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb for liver.  相似文献   

A number of environmental factors influence the dynamics of Hg in aquatic ecosystems, yet few studies have examined these factors for turtles, especially from South America. Red-headed river turtle (Podocnemis erythrocephala) is easy to capture in the black waters of Rio Negro, making it the turtle species that is consumed most often by people of the region. In this study, environmental factors and turtle size were investigated to determine their influence on the Hg concentration in blood, muscle, liver and carapace of the red-headed river turtle. Factors investigated included turtle length, pH, dissolved organic carbon and availability of potential methylation sites (floodplain forests and hydromorphic soils). The study was conducted in the Rio Negro basin, where we collected water and turtle blood, muscle, liver and carapace samples from 12 tributaries for chemical analysis. Through radar imagery and existing soil maps with GIS, the percentage of alluvial floodplains and hydromorphic soils (potential methylation sites) was estimated for each drainage basin at sampling points. The mean Hg concentration in blood of P. erythrocephala was 1.64 ng g− 1 (SD = 1.36), muscle 33 ng g− 1 (SD = 11), liver 470 ng g− 1 (SD = 313) and carapace 68 ng g− 1 (SD = 32). Sex or length did not influence the Hg concentration in P. erythrocephala blood, muscle and liver, but Hg increased in carapace tissue when length size increased (ANCOVA p = 0.007). In the multiple regression analysis, none of the environmental factors studied had a significant relation with blood, muscle, liver and carapace. P. erythrocephala moves among habitats and in the open and interconnected aquatic systems of the Amazon basin, characterized by high levels of limnological variability, a good bioindicator of Hg concentration needs to be relatively sedentary to represent a specific habitat. However, the levels of Hg in liver were sufficient to pose a potential risk to humans that consume them, suggesting the usefulness of P. erythrocephala as a bioindicator.  相似文献   

The occurrence and pathogenicity of vibrios in bathing water were investigated along the Conero Riviera (Adriatic Sea, Central Italy). Vibrio spp. enumeration was performed on thiosulfate-citrate-bile-salts-sucrose-agar by the membrane filter method, and identification was done through a biochemical protocol. All isolates were tested for the presence of cytotoxicity, protease, lipase, elastase, gelatinase, urease, haemolytic activity, ctx, tdh and trh genes by conventional methods. In all, 200 vibrios were isolated from 132 samples that were analysed. Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio alginolyticus were the species most frequently recovered. All strains were cytotoxic and some of them showed protease, gelatinase, lipase, elastase, urease and haemolytic activity. One isolate of V. alginolyticus and one of V. harveyi had the trh gene, while another strain of V. harveyi and one of Vibrio parahaemolyticus had the ctx gene. These results demonstrate the presence of potentially pathogenic vibrios in the Conero Riviera and the risk of infection due to bathing water exposure.  相似文献   

An existing volunteer monitoring network in the state of Michigan was exploited to conduct a statewide survey of the cyanobacterial toxin, microcystin, and to test hypotheses about the interactive influences of eutrophication and dreissenid mussel invasion. A total of 77 lakes were sampled by citizen volunteers for microcystin, total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a. Microcystin was measured in depth-integrated samples collected from the euphotic zone as well as in surface-water samples collected along the shoreline. Average microcystin in samples collected by volunteers was not different from samples collected side-by-side by professionals. Euphotic-zone microcystin was positively related to TP in lakes without dreissenids (uninvaded) but not in lakes with dreissenids (invaded). Regression-tree analysis indicated that euphotic-zone microcystin was eight times higher in the presence of dreissenids for lakes with TP between 5 and 10 μg L−1. In contrast, euphotic-zone microcystin was almost identical in invaded and uninvaded lakes with TP between 10 and 26 μg L−1. Across all lakes, microcystin concentrations at the surface were on average more than double, and in some cases an order-of-magnitude greater than, concentrations in the euphotic-zone. Given these results, it seems prudent to include dreissenid invasion status in forecasting models for microcystin, and to include shoreline sampling in monitoring programs aimed at assessing recreational exposure to cyanobacterial toxins.  相似文献   

The distribution of Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd between the dissolved (<2 microm) and the particulate (>2 microm) fractions was measured after in-situ filtration in two hydrothermal habitats. The total metal concentration ranges exhibit a clear enrichment compared with the seawater concentration, accounting for the hydrothermal input for all the metals considered. Iron is the predominant metal (5-50 microM) followed by Zn and Cu. Cd and Pb are present at the nM level. At the scale studied, the behavior of temperature, pH and dissolved iron is semi-conservative whereas the other dissolved and particulate metals are characterized by non-conservative patterns. The metal enrichment of the >2 microm fraction results from the settlement and accumulation of particulate matter close to the organisms, acting as a secondary metal source. The enrichment observed in the dissolved fraction can be related to the dissolution or oxidation of particles (mainly polymetallic sulfide) or to the presence of small particles and large colloids not retained on the 2 microm frit. SEM observations indicate that the bulk particulate observed is characteristic of crystalline particles settling rapidly from the high temperature smoker (sphalerite, wurtzite and pyrite), amorphous structures and eroded particles formed in the external zone of the chimney. Precipitation of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb with Fe as wurtzite, sphalerite and pyrite is the main process taking place within the area studied and is semi-quantitative. The distribution of the dominant observed fauna has been related to the gradient resulting from the dilution process, with the alvinellids worms colonizing the hotter and more variable part of the mixing zone, but also to the metallic load of the mixing zone. Dissolved and particulate metal concentrations are therefore necessary abiotic factors to be studied in a multiparametric approach to understand the faunal distribution in hydrothermal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Deng S  Ting YP 《Water research》2005,39(10):2167-2177
The objective of this work is to develop a surface-modified biosorbent with enhanced sorption capacity for heavy metal ions. The biomass of Penicillium chrysogenum was modified with polyethylenimine (PEI) and then crosslinked with glutaraldehyde. The crosslinked PEI was chemically bonded on the biomass surface through the amine and carboxylate groups on the pristine biomass. The presence of the amine group was confirmed by X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, and the concentration of the amine groups on the biomass surface was found to be 2 mmol/g through potentiometric titration. The rugged morphology of the biomass surface after the modification was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Compared with the pristine biomass, the modified biomass with amine groups showed a significant increase in sorption capacity for three metal ions, namely, copper, lead and nickel. The sorption isotherms of the biomass for three metals were well described by Langmuir equation, with a maximum sorption at 92 mg copper, 204 mg lead and 55 mg nickel per g biomass. The binding sites for the three metals attributed to the amine groups on the biomass surface were verified by FTIR analysis.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to establish the influence of sex, maturity and reproduction on the contamination of the demersal fish Merluccius merluccius by organochlorine compounds. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and p,p′DDE were quantified in muscle, liver and gonads of female and male hakes collected in the Gulf of Lions in 2004 and 2005. Observed levels appeared higher than the population of the Bay of Biscay and lower than the population of the Thyrrenian Sea. Contaminant fingerprints were roughly constant whatever the studied organ and the hake biological condition. Concentrations varied significantly according to the sex and maturity of hakes. Mature specimens were more contaminated than immature, and males presented higher levels than females. This sex effect can be linked to a lower growth rate of males, and a contaminant elimination during female spawning. Gonadal contamination depends on the importance of lipid content and increases with the maturation degree. Although the main organ of energy and PCB storage is the liver, muscle appears as the main contributor to the gonad contamination.  相似文献   

Chen CY 《Water research》2004,38(4):1014-1018
The contents of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) of red alga, Bangia atropurpurea, filaments cultured in artificial sea water medium were similar to those cultured in natural sea water medium. In the culture experiment, B. atropurpurea filaments were found to synthesize de novo phthalate esters. Additionally, DEHP and DBP contents in different species of algae grown in the same environment were different significantly, suggesting that it was due to the intrinsic nature of algae.  相似文献   

In the Flix Reservoir (Ebro River, Spain), ca. 300,000 tons of industrial waste were dumped because of the activity of a factory plant in Flix. Within the recovery program implemented, this exceptional situation provides a unique opportunity to test the value of zebra mussel as sentinel organism. Ten metal concentrations were measured in mussels from different sites to assess spatial redistribution of metals and bioavailability to the food web. Our results showed an important metal uptake by mussels; metal concentrations (except As) measured in impacted sites were up to 10 times higher than in control sites, and Mn and Hg exceeded several times the levels previously reported for polluted waters. Concentrations increased downstream showing the metal mobilization from polluted sediments in Flix Reservoir. The higher metal concentrations measured in zebra mussel individuals clearly indicated their bioavailability to the food web, allowing the toxics transfer to predators and occasionally to humans. Thus, zebra mussel is a valuable sentinel organism to identify highly polluted waters, transport routes and trophic transfer.  相似文献   

The significance of zooplankton in the transport and fate of pathogenic organisms in drinking water is poorly understood, although many hints of the role of predation in the persistence of microorganisms through water treatment processes can be found in literature. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of predation by natural zooplankton on the transport and fate of protozoan (oo)cysts in granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration process. UV-irradiated unlabelled Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia (oo)cysts were seeded into two pilot-scale GAC filtration columns operated under full-scale conditions. In a two-week period after seeding, a reduction of free (oo)cysts retained in the filter bed was observed. Zooplankton was isolated from the filter bed and effluent water on a 30 μm net before and during the two-week period after seeding; it was enumerated and identified. Rotifers, which are potential predators of (oo)cysts, accounted for the major part of the isolated zooplankton. Analytical methods were developed to detect (oo)cysts internalized in natural zooplankton isolated from the filter bed and effluent water. Sample sonication was optimized to disrupt zooplankton organisms and release internalized microorganisms. (Oo)cysts released from zooplankton after sonication were isolated by IMS and stained (EasyStain™) for microscopic counting. Both Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts were detected in association with zooplankton in the filter bed samples as well as in the effluent of GAC filters. The results of this study suggest that predation by zooplankton can play a role in the remobilization of persistent pathogens such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia (oo)cysts retained in GAC filter beds, and consequently in the transmission of these pathogens in drinking water.  相似文献   

Levels of imposex (superimposition of male characters, upon females) and the presence of sterile females are assessed in the gastropod Nassarius nitidus (Jeffreys, 1867), at 22 locations in the Basque Country (northern Spain). At 18 of these localities, butyltin bioaccumulation (tributyltin (TBT); dibutyltin; monobutyltin) was analysed using isotope dilution and GC-ICP-MS. Higher imposex levels and TBT body burden were found in confined harbours, with a large vessel traffic or the presence of a fishing fleet or a shipyard. For the first time, four apparently sequential types of aborted capsules are described in this species. Another novelty is the interspecific comparison between imposex intensities in sympatrically living populations of N. nitidus and N. reticulatus. This showed that sensitivity to TBT pollution of both species is relatively similar (in terms of Relative Penis Length Index). Since N. nitidus has a restricted habitat distribution due to its low presence in wave-exposed habitats, its complementary use with other species is recommended for its use in TBT monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

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