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We describe a technology to mass-produce ultrathin mirror substrates for x-ray telescopes of near Wolter-I geometry. Thermal glass forming is a low-cost method to produce high-throughput, spaceborne x-ray mirrors for the 0.1-200-keV energy band. These substrates can provide the collecting area envisioned for future x-ray observatories. The glass microsheets are shaped into mirror segments at high temperature by use of a guiding mandrel, without polishing. We determine the physical properties and mechanisms that elucidate the formation process and that are crucial to improve surface quality. We develop a viscodynamic model for the glass strain as the forming proceeds to find the conditions for repeatability. Thermal forming preserves the x-ray reflectance and scattering properties of the raw glass. The imaging resolution is driven by a large wavelength figure. We discuss the sources of figure errors, and we calculate the relaxation time of surface ripples.  相似文献   

Curved reflecting mirrors are widely used as x-ray optical elements for both laboratory and synchrotron radiation sources. In general, the mirror parameters are optimized by numerical simulation. We discuss an analytical approach that is useful for deriving the mirror parameters, including eccentricity, length, angular acceptance, and magnification. We have examined in particular an elliptical surface from which we learned that, given the distance between the foci of the ellipse, the magnification, and the critical angle of total external reflection, it is possible to find analytically the optimal eccentricity that maximizes the angular acceptance and the optimal mirror length. We found that the last-named parameter, in a first approximation, depends only on the distance between the foci of the ellipse and on the magnification factor. We present as well a comparison of optimal parameters obtained with analytical calculation and with ray-tracing simulation that yielded good agreement.  相似文献   

High-aspect-ratio line focus for an x-ray laser by a deformable mirror   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high-aspect-ratio line focus is required on a plane target in x-ray laser experiments for obtaining a high gain-length product. Inherent wave-front aberrations in line-focusing optics, which consist of a cylindrical lens and a spherical lens, are discussed with respect to beam diameter. The nonuniformity of the linewidth that is due to the aberrations is also calculated by the ABCD matrix method. A deformable mirror of a continuous plate type with a diameter of 185 mm provides an adequate wave-front distribution for compensating for the wave-front aberration. The wave-front control by the deformable mirror realizes a fine linewidth of 25 mum and 18.2 mm long, corresponding to the aspect ratio of 728. The linewidth is three times the diffraction limit. The intensity distribution along the line focus is also improved.  相似文献   

Chon KS  Namba Y  Yoon KH 《Applied optics》2006,45(19):4609-4616
A multilayer coating is a useful addition to a mirror in the x-ray region and has been applied to normal incidence mirrors used with soft x rays. When a multilayer coating is used on grazing incidence optics, higher performance can be achieved than without it. Cr/Sc multilayers coated on a Wolter type I mirror substrate for a soft x-ray microscope are considered. The reflectivity and effective solid angle are calculated for Wolter type I mirrors with uniform and laterally graded multilayer coatings. The laterally graded multilayer mirror showed superior x-ray performance, and the multilayer tolerances were relaxed. This multilayer mirror could be especially useful in the soft x-ray microscope intended for biological applications.  相似文献   

The reflectance of a W-B(4)C multilayer mirror, with a period thickness that increased with depth into the multilayer, was measured at near-normal incidence with synchrotron radiation and at grazing incidence with Cu Kα radiation. The period thickness increased linearly from 17.9 ? at the top of the multilayer structure to 21.9 ? at the substrate while the same ratio of nodal layer to period thickness was maintained. For a grazing angle of 80° (10° from normal incidence), the peak reflectance was 1.1% at a wavelength of 36 ?, and the reflectance profile was 1 ? wide. For Cu Kα radiation the reflectance peaked at a grazing angle of 2.4° and was 0.4° wide. Compared with a W-B(4)C multilayer mirror with a constant period thickness, the depth-graded multilayer mirror has wider reflectance profiles at near-normal and grazing incidences, resulting in larger integrated reflectances and wider fields of view.  相似文献   

当前国内外关于道路模拟振动试验控制的研究可以分为时域复现、频域复现以及频域幅值域联合复现。其中频域和幅值域联合复现主要应用在道路振动信号中含有较多较大的“尖峰”信号的情况。本文中考虑的道路信号为较为平滑的信号,因此只针对时域复现和频域复现的传统控制方法进行分析。分析得出:传统频域复现方法低频控制精度低,传统的时域复现方法对试验过程中系统特性的变化没有控制能力,从而也影响复现精度,同时当道路信号较长时,试验时间长,试验成本高。因此本文应用了一种自适应的时域复现控制方法,有效地避免了上述出现的问题。试验结果表明,利用该方法实现道路模拟振动试验控制精度可以满足要求,同时缩短了试验时间。  相似文献   

Monte Carlo and discrete ordinate calculations have been performed to determine the doses at several locations in a positron emission tomography (PET) facility in China, where the radiation source is a cyclotron that is used for the production of the isotopes necessary for PET scans. The energy-dependent neutron source term is obtained by calculations using the ALICE code, and is interpolated for input to Monte Carlo and discrete ordinate calculations. The building that houses the cyclotron has a labyrinth of walls to minimise dose to operators and to other occupants of the building. Unbiased Monte Carlo calculations did not converge after more than one week of CPU time, whereas direction biasing alone resulted in convergence in several days. A study of several biasing techniques indicated that about a factor of 3 in computational efficiency is obtained using evaluated biasing methods. The use of adjoint fluxes for biasing Monte Carlo calculations can improve computational efficiencies by one or two orders of magnitude for some problems.  相似文献   

Kim, T., Hong, Y. and Lee, J., Joint economic production allocation and ordering policies in a supply chain consisting of multiple plants and a single retailer. International Journal of Production Research, 2005, 43, 3619–3632, discuss the joint production allocation and ordering policies of a single item in a supply chain consisting of multiple production lines in parallel. In this note, we extend their paper and develop joint economic production allocation, lot-sizing, and shipment policies in a supply chain where a manufacturer produces multiple items in multiple production lines and ships the items to the respective retailers.  相似文献   

Process yield is an important criterion used in the manufacturing industry for measuring process performance. Methods for measuring yield for processes with single characteristic have been investigated extensively. However, methods for measuring yield for processes with multiple characteristics have been comparatively neglected. In this paper, we develop a generalized yield index, called TS pk,PC , based on the index Spk introduced by Boyles (Journal of Quality Technology, 23, 17–26, 1991 Boyles, RA. 1991. The Taguchi capability index. J. Qual. Technol., 23: 1726. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique. We obtained a lower confidence bound (LCB) for the true process yield. The proposed method can be used to determine whether a process meets the preset yield requirement, and make reliable decisions. Examples are provided to demonstrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The formation of realistic implementable medium-range production plans requires explicit recognition of the multiple conflicting objectives of production planning. However, suggested applications of multiobjective optimization to production planning have been limited to goal programming procedures which fail to capitalize on the intrinsic flexibility of a multiobjective model. Alternatively, interactive multiobjective solution techniques could be used to allow planners to enhance decision making without excessive computational effort. This study describes an interactive multiple objective decision framework and evaluates its effectiveness via a multiobjective capacitated lot sizing model based on a real manufacturing facility. The results suggest that this approach is an effective solution strategy and useful decision aid for complex production planning problems.  相似文献   

West SC 《Applied optics》2002,41(19):3781-3789
A little-used interferometric modification to the classical Hartmann optical test is being used for active optics corrections at the 6.5-m Multiple Mirror Telescope (MMT) Observatory. The technique produces compact interference spots whose positions depend on discrete wave-front phase-difference errors. A diffraction model illustrates the formation of interference spots. The limitations on wave-front sampling that are due to atmospheric seeing are estimated. Two data reduction matrix strategies are given. A single correction of collimation and primary mirror figure produces a nearly diffraction-limited telescope image. Wave-front polynomial coefficients ranging from several nanometers to several micrometers in amplitude are reliably detected.  相似文献   

PSA制氧用空压机的选型与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
列述了变压吸附 (PSA)制氧机之空压机设计中要重视的八个环节 :要无油润滑、空气量要恰当、要能适应电压波动、噪声要低、水分要吹除、要注意环境条件、可靠性要高、选型要好。  相似文献   

Inventory inaccuracy often exists in manufacturing systems, which has great negative impact on the performance of production control, e.g. very high work-in-process holding cost or backlog penalty. To hedge against inventory inaccuracy, the robust production control problems will be investigated for a multiple machines and multiple product-types manufacturing system with uncertain production capacity. The objective of our problem is to minimise the average production cost. To solve this problem, a robust production control policy is developed, which is insensitive to the inventory record errors, and whose robustness is better than the traditional hedging point policy for optimal production control. Finally, numerical experiments are conducted to examine the performance of the proposed robust production control policy against inventory inaccuracy. Based on the experimental results, the conditions of applying the proposed policy are also obtained.  相似文献   

A magnetostrictively driven tilt-mirror mount for image stabilization of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center's Experimental Vector Magnetograph has been designed, built, and tested. A simple improvement in the mounting technique of the actuator resulted in a factor of 3 increase in the lowest resonant frequency of the device. The tilt-mirror device was built, and the lowest structural resonant frequency was experimentally found to be 603 Hz.  相似文献   

Process capability indices (PCIs) have become popular as unit‐less measures on whether a process is capable of reproducing items meeting the quality requirement. A reliable approach for testing process capability is to establish an interval estimate, for which we can assert that it contains the true PCI value with a reasonable degree of certainty. However, the construction of such an interval estimate is not trivial, since the distribution of the commonly used Cpk index involves unknown parameters. In this paper, we adopt the concept of generalized confidence intervals and generalized pivotal quantities to derive the generalized lower confidence bounds for providing critical information on process performance. Two practical applications in the area of process capability were considered, they include (i) assessing whether a process under investigation is capable and (ii) providing the lowest performance of the manufacturing processes from several production lines or several suppliers for quality assurance. The applicability of the derived results is also illustrated with examples. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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