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赵攀  于洋 《四川建筑》2015,(1):30-32
城市快速轨道交通作为未来城市公共交通的重要方式,是构建以快速公交为导向的土地开发模式的重要支撑点。大量实践表明,城市快速轨道交通的发展不仅能够完善城市综合交通体系,还具有促进沿线土地开发和土地利用形态重构的作用。将城市地理学主要经济联系方向论应用于城市内土地利用形态的研究,对城市地铁沿线土地利用形态变化进行了分析,同时分析土地利用形态变化的驱动力因素,并据此对处于不同城市地段土地利用集约化发展进行了思考。  相似文献   

官红艳 《现代装饰》2015,(2):266-267
随着全球城市化进程的快速发展,城市生态系统出现的问题越来越受人们的关注,本文认真分析城市生态系统的形态和功能成分,准确地找到城市生态系统自身独特的模式,使得自然过程和人类社会经济过程相结合,从而提供科学依据,促进城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

在中国快速和巨量城镇化进程中,城市正不同程度上经历着空间急剧拓展和街区肌理的剧烈变化,呈现在大尺度空间形态上,则体现为结构形态的尺度变化和显著外拓,平原型城市的普适性问题尤为突出。本文以郑州总体城市设计为样本,通过梳理平原型城市的国际规划理论和实践,对其整体空间形态的影响要素进行分析,尝试提出总体城市设计中平原型城市的空间形态规划理论和设计方法,以应对此类城市发展过程中典型的增长边界、城市骨架、结构模型等关键问题。  相似文献   

城市居住形态与社会经济发展模式密切相关,我国城市、社会、经济的急速发展使居住生活模式和空间形态发生急剧变化。考察近年来的发展历程,在城市居住区规划和住宅设计中主要有5大趋势和12大特点  相似文献   

台湾省在上世纪60年代与90年代之间历经快速城市化与国民经济大幅增长,其城市土地利用模式呈现高密度、形态紧凑、产业集中、功能混用等紧凑特征,与大陆城市的粗放蔓延模式明显不同。本文回顾了台湾城市化发展历史,分析了促进台湾城市紧凑发展的因素,包括土地改革、土地管制、基础设施建设等,并进一步分析城市规划政策与法规如何引导城市紧凑发展,最后总结出台湾城市紧凑发展的经验教训与大陆快速城镇化过程需要关注的几个问题。  相似文献   

针对滨海城市风环境变量的矛盾性、复杂性以及城市空间形态难以量化研究的问题,灵活运用多变量分析技术探索滨海城市空间形态与中尺度风环境系统相互融合的可行技术途径及耦合机制。梳理滨海城市空间形态的变化对风环境的影响机制,研究基于中尺度风环境模式嵌套城市边界层并结合城市下垫面能量平衡模式,以构建城市空间形态对城市风环境的响应策略,模拟分析不同情景下城市热岛、局地风和污染扩散的响应特征,并结合社会经济的发展需求,确定可行的城市空间形态方案。利用卫星遥感与地面监测相结合收集相关参量,由CFD模拟核算,经多变量分析得出结论后,通过大型风洞实验室模型验证。进一步研发可优化滨海城市风环境的空间形态引导系统软件。此研究将有助于通过空间引导对城市风环境的主动调节,为当前我国滨海城市高速发展引发的大气污染防治、台风防灾减灾、城市节能减排等热点研究问题提供参考,并响应政府建设新型智慧城市的号召。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,在我国沿海省份出现了一些发达的中小城市,其经济实力较强,社会发展充满活力,城市与交通系统具有显著的特征。在工作和研究过程中,发现这些中小城市与大城市在总体格局演变、道路网结构及布局、居民出行特征等方面都存在巨大差异。因此,该文在借鉴大城市交通发展模式的理论基础上,探索了具有沿海中小城市特色的交通发展模式,重点分析了沿海中小城市的有限城市空间扩展形态、道路网特征和交通流特征,提出我国沿海中小城市应构建集约化、资源节约型、低碳、和谐的交通发展模式:以绿色、低碳慢行交通出行为主导,建设高品质的公共交通系统,合理引导小汽车发展。  相似文献   

苏静 《重庆建筑》2007,(11):48-50
城市形态是指城市在某一时间内,由于其自然环境、历史、政治、经济、社会、科技、文化等因素,在互动影响下发展所构成的空间形态特征,是构成城市所表现的发展变化着的空间形式的特征。通过介绍潍坊城市空间形态的不同时期的演变过程,提出了潍坊城市空间形态演变规律,并分析了影响其演进的主要因素,以期对未来城市形态发展引导有所启发。  相似文献   

胡志明市及周边区域正在快速发展,体现在经济、人口和城市规模等各个方面的快速增长,但在向城市群转型发展过程中,城市面临一系列新挑战,主要包括激烈的经济竞争、气候变化带来的威胁以及过去30年快速发展遗留和积累的问题等,这些促使城市寻求新的可持续发展对策。本文介绍胡志明市城市发展与规划演变的历程,梳理胡志明市当前面临的五个方面的主要问题——城市发展模式、住房与城市贫民问题、交通、环境和区域之间合作,并进一步讨论面向未来的规划发展对策。  相似文献   

现代山地都市轮廓线景观研究--以重庆、香港为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵万民  王纪武 《华中建筑》2004,22(2):123-124,137
城市的快速发展不但引起深刻的城市社会变革,而且使城市风貌面临更新、发展、重塑的历史机遇。通过对特定山地城市风貌景观的分析,阐释山地城市轮廓线景观的特性,把握山地城市空间形态的特征。从而有助于在山地城市的发展过程中,树立整体意识和系统观念,创造宜人的山地城市空间环境。  相似文献   

人口和经济的增长是城市增长最重要的两个方面。在城市的不同发展阶段,人口和经济的增长并不总是同步的,其增长的相对差异会体现为不同的城市增长型式。以中国地级及地级以上城市为研究对象,基于人口-经济增长的同步性划分中国城市的增长类型,并分析不同类型城市的增长特征及影响因素。研究发现,不同增长类型的城市反映了不同发展阶段的城市发展特征。城市发展初期,以显著的经济增长为特征,工业发展和地方专业化是城市经济增长的核心,而随着城市规模扩大,劳动生产率的提升不断吸引人口迁入和增长,人口和经济增长逐步实现良性互动,城市增长的正反馈机制形成。当城市达到较大规模时,城市经济的驱动逐步由工业转向服务业,城市经济转型,从生产型城市向消费型城市转变,经济的多样化和地方品质的提升成为驱动城市增长的核心。基于人口一经济增长同步性划分的城市增长类型有助于理解我国城市增长的路径,不同增长类型的城市应根据自身所处的发展阶段制定差异化的发展策略。  相似文献   

This article explores the new planning regimes and planning processes in post-socialist countries and their ability to influence the spatial transformation of cities. It views planning institutions as culturally embedded in the overall process of economic, social, and political transition, while recognizing the power of specific local imperatives and market pressures to shape their response. The research draws on empirical evidence in four countries and their capital cities to highlight the links between the transition to democracy, markets, and decentralized governance on the spatial transformation in post-socialist cities. The main argument is that the new planning institutions have different ability to direct these processes of change, depending on the legal framework, the availability of plans, and the institutionalization of the plan-implementation process. Despite the diverse mosaic of urban experiences in Prague, Riga, Belgrade, and Tirana, planning institutions are viewed as path dependent, influenced by a common socialist legacy. Further, changes in the exogenous environment – economic, social, and institutional – are perceived to be important sources of convergence, but tend to shape different planning responses and policy choices. The research explores these differences as well as the new patterns of spatial transformation in three principal domains: (1) spaces of production/consumption reflecting the economic transition; (2) differentiation in residential spaces associated with the social transition; and (3) new approaches to planning and service delivery resulting from the transition in governance. Central to the arguments in the article is that transition of this magnitude has created a complex urban world in which the patterns of divergence are going to become more explicit in the future, producing spatial and temporal differentiation among post-socialist cities.  相似文献   

In recent decades, hundreds of master-planned new urban areas (NUAs) have developed on the urban fringes of expanding cities in Vietnam. They are promoted as a new urban planning concept in the post-reform policies. This article discusses the NUAs' planning concepts based on qualitative case studies of four NUAs in Hanoi, and on an examination of the 1990–2000 urban policies. It sheds light on transitional planning and urban space production processes in Vietnam and discusses urban quality in a rapidly urbanising Asian context. The article argues that NUAs are products of a hybrid, transitional system in which local government and the public sector form an alliance with the private sector to serve private interests in urban development. At the same time, NUAs are hybrid products of government-led, entrepreneur-driven planning and self-organising space production by the residents. The self-organising space production activities contribute to the urban quality of these new urban spaces, while the production of privatised, commodified spaces by corporate actors poses a threat to community life.  相似文献   

1990年代中国城市空间结构的变化及其动力机制   总被引:111,自引:15,他引:111  
张庭伟 《城市规划》2001,25(7):7-14
1990年代 ,中国许多城市所发生的城市空间结构的变化和城市的拓展引起了学者的广泛关注。本文分析了其经济、社会、文化、政策诸项动力因素 ,并讨论了不同发展战略下城市规划的作用。  相似文献   

以新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州为例,通过研究西部资源型城市产业结构存在的问题,在分析西部资源型城市产业结构调整与市域经济发展影响因素的基础上,提出在西部大开发的形势下,西部资源型城市要在发展中推进结构调整,以保障市域经济的持续发展.  相似文献   

There has been very little research interest in historically changing patterns of urban housing form and organization and the quality of life experienced by ordinary people in designed settings. This is despite the arguments of humanistic geographers and contemporary environmental psychologists that the behavioural and socio‐cultural aspects of built form imbue environments with meanings and help to create a sense of place. This paper focuses on the development of housing forms in Nigerian cities, including the cultural motifs and the economic circumstances that have shaped their evolution over time. The analysis of pre‐colonial traditional housing forms at the core of cities is presented first followed by an appraisal of newer developments at the suburbs that were stimulated by colonial and post‐colonial market‐driven economies. Drawing on the divergent examples of the transition from traditional to modern urban housing forms, the paper reveals that social changes, particularly the shift from traditional communal family values to more Western ways of life, have had variegated impacts on building forms and residential layouts. One of these is inhabitants’ alienation from the urban environment and the seeming identification with home places of origin outside the city. The paper argues that while this situation poses a major challenge to urban planning in post‐colonial Nigeria, professional planning practice seems to have demonstrated little interest in what people think or feel about places. Ways in which new housing forms may be organized and incorporated into future programmes of urban development to promote communal belonging to Nigerian cities are articulated.  相似文献   

从城市在经济发展中的作用的角度,从城市发展、城市化过程中的主要特点、根本结构差异、相同利益等方面,对中国和印度这两个世界上人口最多的国家的城市进行比较,并与西方发达国家进行简要对比,在现有数据基础上对比分析两者的异同点.两国城市发展的经验再次证明,城市既是国家发展的动力也是经济发展的结果,城市化与社会经济发展过程直接相关.  相似文献   

城市组群及相关概念的界定与辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于目前城市规划和城市地理界在社会经济实践领域承担的关于城市群和都市区的应用研究任务愈来愈多,而相关的理论尚不完善、认识尚不统一的实际情况,论文对城市组群、城市群、城镇密集区、都市区、都市连绵区、大都市带、城市带等相关概念及其内涵和外延,进行了深入的辨析和进一步的界定,尤其强调了相关概念的关联和区别。论文认为,城市群是城市群体发育到高级阶段的一种表现形式,而城市组群是城市群形成演化的中间形态,同时也是城市群地域结构的构成单元;"城市单体→城市组群→城市群→都市连绵区"是城市空间相互作用的有序发展过程。  相似文献   

A major challenge for urban Australia and its fast growing cities in particular is the provision of an adequate supply of appropriately located, affordable and sustainable housing across a range of dwelling types. A related challenge involves attempts by the metropolitan planning agencies in the capital cities to restrict residential sprawl and deliver more compact cities. Residential infill in the established suburbs has emerged as one of the principal urban planning policies designed to address this dual challenge. Infill targets, typically in the 50–70 per cent range, are now integral to all capital city planning strategies. This article examines the current pattern of infill housing development in Melbourne, Australia's second largest and fastest growing capital city. It highlights the existence of two infill segments—brownfields and greyfields—each with distinctive patterns of development that need to be better understood if urban regeneration is to figure significantly in delivering more liveable and sustainable cities. Current urban policies, programmes and practices are lacking an effective response to redevelopment of the greyfields.  相似文献   

转型时期城市空间的发展特征研究——以郑州为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市随社会的发展而转型,研究现阶段中国城市的转型问题具有重要的实际意义。论文以郑州为例指出城市转型主要表现在城市性质与空间结构的变化上。城市空间变革受政治、经济、社会、城市规划等多种动力因素影响。当前中国城市转型期的空间发展具有本身的特征。  相似文献   

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