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提出了一种以单片机系统负责模拟用梯指令信号的采集,以PC上位机软件对指令信号进行处理结果反馈控制的电梯控制仿真系统框架.在电梯控制仿真系统软件设计的基础上,采用模块化设计的方法,研究了基于单片机的电梯控制仿真系统的控制策略和硬件设计.该系统使用和扩展方便,为各种新型电梯控制技术的进一步研究提供平台.  相似文献   

目前主要是通过基于URL(Uniform Resource Locator)、关键词、图片等网页内容为特征的机器学习方法进行不良网站检测.但是,不良网站制作者也会通过更换URL,避免常见不良关键词的使用,对搜索爬虫隐藏图片等做法来规避检测,这使得基于内容的检测方法会有漏检的情况.为了更准确的检测出此类网站,本文提出了注册、解析方面的相关特征,并通过最主流的机器学习方法构建了检测模型.用模型预测新数据集,结果证明,基于解析和注册特征的检测方法可以有效的在网站集合中检测出前文提到的不良网站,并且对于一般不良也依然能够准确识别.本次研究为不良网站的检测研究提供了又一思路.  相似文献   

基于J2EE的综合管理信息系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着网络信息技术的发展,为提高我局政务办公的水平,实现电子政务办公与政务管理提供了技术支撑,本文介绍了一个基于J2EE的福建省综合管理信息系统的结构、功能及实现原理,并对系统中的关键技术进行了详细说明.实践证明,基于该J2EE的综合管理系统,可靠性高,稳定性强,极大地提高了我省气象部门综合政务管理能力与信息共享程度.  相似文献   

研究了从数据密集型Web页面中自动提取结构化数据并形成知识表示系统的问题。基于知识数据库实现动态页面获取,进行预处理后转换为XML文档,采用基于PAT-array的模式发现算法自动发现重复模式,结合基于本体的关键词库自动识别页面数据显示结构模型,利用XML的对象-关系映射技术将数据存入知识数据库,由此实现Web数据自动抽取。同时,利用知识数据库已有知识从互联网抽取新知识,达到知识数据库的自扩展。以交通信息自动抽取及混合交通出行方案生成与表示系统进行的实验表明该系统具有高抽取准确率和良好的适应性。  相似文献   

ASP.NET是一种服务器端动态制作Web页的编程手段。本文讨论了在ASP.NET框架下对获取的数据实现分页显示的方法,并提出了其中应注意的细节问题,给出了一个应用实例。  相似文献   

数据分页显示是WEB开发中常见的问题。本文以示例介绍了COLDFUSION中分页显示的制作细节。  相似文献   

数据分页显示是WEB开发中常见的问题.本文以示例介绍了COLDFUSION中分页显示的制作细节.  相似文献   

In Japanese culture, your meishi conveys your place in the company, even in society, as well as your name, phone number, and e-mail address. That is to say, in Japan, business cards matter. They convey complex metadata about the people who carry them. Like people, Web pages come in an abundance of shapes and sizes (and sounds). What makes them machine interpretable-and therefore a new medium for communicating information globally-is Hypertext Markup Language. HTML allows the structural markup of Web documents, distinguishing the elements of a page with tags and declaring the physical relationships among the various document elements. This organizes the display of information and allows humans to read and use it. To give machines this capability, however, requires semantic markup, identifying what each particular element means on its own (for example, “this is a home street address” or “this is an e-mail address”). Semantic markup would change what is now simply displayed content to machine readable, structured content. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) specification, first released as two working drafts in 1997 by the World Wide Web Consortium, makes it dramatically easier to develop and deploy domain- and mission-specific Web pages. We describe the evolution of the Web's data representation from display formats to structural markup to semantic markup  相似文献   

杨恒  徐学洲 《微机发展》2005,15(12):119-121
文中将SVG图形显示技术和Web页面动态刷新技术相结合,实现了Web复杂图形的实时更新。SVG(ScalableVector Graphics)是由W3C发布的基于XML的二维矢量图形描述语言。Web页面动态刷新是指当服务器端数据发生变化或者事件发生时,可以将信息或数据通知客户端,实现客户端Web页面现实内容的改变。  相似文献   

比较了多功能显示模拟器的三种实现方法,提出了采用周边键实物的总体设计方案,以达到最佳的模拟操作效果;采用了周边键编码电路设计,以减少连接电缆的信号数量;根据显示画面之间的调用关系,分析了画面转换矩阵的构建方法,实现了多功能显示模拟器的显示功能和控制功能.该模拟器可推广使用到其他机型仿真系统中,满足教学和仿真的需要。  相似文献   

It is not practical to test a website exhaustively because of too many pages and user groups. So we begin our work at the log files of the Website server, gathering the users' visits and the server's responses in a period of time. Then we analyze and discuss these information, and based on this, we identify the key pages, predominate pages and users' visiting modes. Thus we can allocate the testing resource appropriately, emphasing on these pages and modes. Finally we may improve the display structure of the site and fulfill the functionality of the site, enhancing users' visiting efficiency as possible as we can.  相似文献   

Although many web pages consist of blocks of text surrounded by graphics, there is a lack of valid empirical research to aid the design of this type of page [D. Diaper, P. Waelend, Interact. Comput. 13 (2000) 163]. In particular little is known about the influence of animations on interaction with web pages. Proportion, in particular the Golden Section, is known to be a key determinant of aesthetic quality of objects and aesthetics have recently been identified as a powerful factor in the quality of human–computer interaction [N. Tractinsky, A.S. Katz, D. Ikar, Interact. Comput. 13 (2000) 127]. The current study aimed to establish the relative strength of the effects of graphical display and screen ratio of content and navigation areas in web pages, using an information retrieval task and a split-plot experimental research design. Results demonstrated the effect of screen ratio, but a lack of an effect of graphical display on task performance and two subjective outcome measures. However, there was an effect of graphical display on perceived distraction, with animated display leading to more distraction than static display, t(64) = 2.33. Results are discussed in terms of processes of perception and attention and recommendations for web page design are given.  相似文献   

The RightPages electronic library prototype system, which gives users full online library services, is described. The prototype takes advantage of fast hardware, multimedia workstations, and broadband networks to process scientific and technical journals for users and to offer a service that: alerts them to the arrival of new journal articles matching their interest profiles; lets them immediately examine images of pages in the alerted articles and browse through other articles in the database; and enables them to order paper copies of any articles in the database. The system runs on a local area network that connects one or more scanning stations, a centralized document database server and multiple user stations running X Windows servers. The RightPages interface runs as an X Windows application on Sun workstations or X terminals. The system's image and document processing, including noise reduction, document layout analysis, text processing, and display processing are discussed.<>  相似文献   

Web页面中计数器技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Web页面计数器能够直观地反映该Web站点受关心的程度,一个好的Web页计数器应该方便使用,并具有较高的性能,Web页面计数器技术充分反映了动态Web页面技术的发展现状,本文给出了几种实现了Web页面计数器的技术,并对这些进行了比较。  相似文献   

面向Applet的Web数据库访问代理的实现及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高云峰  陆金桂  魏红 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(6):1569-1571,1575
利用ASP的ADO组件技术提出并实现了一种新型的易于实现的面向Java Applet的Web数据库访问代理机制,并与Java多线程技术相结合,实现了Java Applet实时访问远程Web数据库的功能,再利用Java Applet在Web页面中显示GUI图形方面的强大功能,实现了Web页面中实时动态统计曲线图的发布。  相似文献   

基于DOM的Web信息提取   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
当前,Web已经成为人们获取信息的主要渠道之一。然而,用于表达Web页面信息的HTML语言存在着与生俱来的缺点。HTML的“标记”只是告诉浏览器软件如何显示所定义的信息,却不包含任何语义。因此由HTML语言所表述的Web页面经过浏览器分析后只适合人们浏览,不适合作为一种数据交换的方式由机器处理。该文以文档对象模型DOM为基础,把所要提取的信息在DOM层次结构中的路径作为信息抽取的“坐标”,并以这个基本原理为基础设计了一种归纳学习算法来半自动地生成提取规则,然后根据提取规则生成Java类.生成的Java类可以作为Web数据源包装器组成的重要构件。  相似文献   

嵌入式浏览器是支持互联网的嵌入式系统中的重要组成部分。随着网络技术的发展和嵌入式系统资源限制的缓解,用户对嵌入式浏览器的功能提出了更多的要求。能够正确浏览动态网页,成了嵌入式浏览器用户最迫切的要求。研究开放源码的、结构简单的、具有良好底层功能的嵌入式浏览器Konqueror/embedded,分析Konqueror浏览器的总体结构和模块功能与流程,在此基础上提出支持动态页面浏览的设计方法,从而得到可以浏览动态网页的嵌入式浏览器。  相似文献   

Digestor is a software system which automatically re-authors arbitrary documents from the world-wide web to display appropriately on small screen devices such as PDAs and cellular phones, providing device-independent access to the web. Digestor is implemented as an HTTP proxy which dynamically re-authors requested web pages using a heuristic planning algorithm and a set of structural page transformations to achieve the best looking document for a given display size.  相似文献   

云计算PaaS(platformasaservice,平台即服务)平台是互联网领域近几年来非常热的技术方向,不仅可以为用户提供开发环境、开发平台和硬件资源,还可以提高硬件资源的利用率,降低业务运营成本。然而,在提供服务的过程中,缺乏一种有效的机制来约束服务提供商的行为。文章为实现云计算PaaS平台下对应用的监测,提出了拓扑管理的概念。应用拓扑可以监测应用与资源的关系,资源拓扑可以监测资源与应用的关系,两者从不同的角度实现对应用的监测。文章采用哈希数组保存拓扑信息,采用消息总线的“发布-订阅”模式传递消息,实现拓扑信息的获取,将结果使用网页进行展示。本系统可以使服务提供商清晰地掌握系统中应用与资源的关系以及资源情况,有效提高资源利用率,因此,系统可以提升服务质量,进而保障用户利益。应用拓扑展示和资源拓扑展示可以及时反映系统中应用与资源的关系,从两种不同的角度展示出来,给云计算提供者管理应用提供了很大的方便。  相似文献   

The MagicBook - moving seamlessly between reality and virtuality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The MagicBook project is an early attempt to explore how we can use a physical object to smoothly transport users between reality and virtuality. Young children often fantasize about flying into the pages of a fairy tale and becoming part of the story. The MagicBook project makes this fantasy a reality using a normal book as the main interface object. People can turn the pages of the book, look at the pictures, and read the text without any additional technology. However, if a person looks at the pages through an augmented reality display, they see 3D virtual models appearing out of the pages. The models appear attached to the real page so users can see the augmented reality scene from any perspective by moving themselves or the book. The virtual content can be any size and is animated, so the augmented reality view is an enhanced version of a traditional 3D pop-up book.  相似文献   

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