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Examined the stability or changes in the expressed vocational interests of 98 undergraduate women over a 2-yr period. Interests were measured by the Vocational Preference Inventory and 2 career indecision scales, and changes were measured by questionnaire. Ss were divided into 3 groups: stable (69 Ss), changed (13 Ss), and undecided (16 Ss). Results show significant differences between groups on GPAs and on the vocational measures. Results further show that career indecision predicted changes in expressed vocational interests. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study with 84 female and 52 male community-college students with specific occupational choices tested whether congruence between occupational choice and inventoried interests and vocational identity are related to typical career counseling outcomes. Ss completed the Self-Directed Search congruence scale, a vocational identity scale, several scales from the Career Development Inventory, and the IPAT. Ss were categorized as congruent or not congruent and high or low in vocational identity. ANOVA tested whether the Ss differed on estimated career management skill, general and specific career information, decision making, and anxiety. Analyses were not significant for males but showed that females higher in identity estimated higher career maturity. Females high in congruence reported less anxiety, and females high in both congruence and identity had higher career decision-making skills and tended to have more general information. Findings suggest that congruence not accompanied by a sense of vocational identity is a transitional state, whereas high identity without congruence reflects an incomplete evaluation of self in relation to career. Implications for using congruence and vocational identity as outcome measures of counseling are discussed. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that the process of vocational rehabilitation could be accelerated by artificially limiting the length of time members were assigned to prevocational crews. 107 clients admitted to a psychosocial rehabilitation program classified according to prior work experience, were assigned to either the standard gradual vocational program or an accelerated program requiring their early involvement in transitional employment. After 15 mo, 20% of the accelerated Ss were in competitive employment, compared with 7% of gradual Ss. 15% of accelerated Ss were in prevocational crews, compared with 35% of gradual Ss. All 7 of the members working full-time at 15 mo were in the accelerated group. Work-experienced Ss benefited from the accelerated approach. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Participants in a longitudinal study of women's adult development were scored at midlife on the Occupational Creativity Scale (OCS), which draws on J. L. Holland's (1985) model of vocational environments in the assessment of participants' creative achievement. College measures of cognitive-affective style and career aspirations predicted OCS scores at age 52, and consistency of creative temperament (H. G. Gough, 1992), motivation, and overall attributes of creative personality were demonstrated with both self-report and observer data over several times of testing. However, there was change along with this enduringness: Large fluctuations in creative temperament over one period of life or another were common in individuals, and OCS scores were associated with an increase in level of effective functioning over 30 years.  相似文献   

180 undergraduate women at 1 of 3 levels of career indecision were randomly assigned to Vocational Card Sort treatment, Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory treatment, or no-treatment control. Outcome measures assessed vocational needs, vocational exploration, and satisfaction with career choice. The percentage of women who were employed in the expressed vocational choices chosen by the Ss was examined, and 2 methods of analyzing changes in the expressed choices were used. Results indicate some modest treatment effects. There was clearer support for the importance of career indecision in relation to the impact of the vocational interventions. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports 3 studies with 116 undergraduates, 717 high school students, and 116 undergraduates, respectively, testing the hypothesis of greater reliance on the "intuitive style" by females and on the "planning" style by males in making career decisions. Ss in Study 1 took the Vocational Rating Scale and the Assessment of Career Decision-Making. Ss in Study 2 took the Career Decision Making Questionnaire (CDMQ) which included the 2 measures in the 1st study. Ss in Study 3 took the CDMQ and the Work Values Inventory. There were no sex differences in the high school and college Ss for stage or style of decision making, vocational self-concept crystallization, or self-rated vocational decisiveness. The planning style was most highly associated with vocational decisiveness, the "choice" stage of choosing an occupation, and with stronger "super" work values, particularly management, security, and prestige. Differential career counseling for the sexes does not appear indicated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study was designed to replicate and extend previous research on 1 aspect of vocational structure, vocational differentiation (VOD). Results of a 2 (gender)?×?2 (occupational information)?×?2 (construct type)?×?3 (career relevance) between-Ss study revealed 2 sets of noteworthy findings. First, results replicated previous findings concerning the impact of each of these factors on levels of VOD. Higher levels of VOD were found in men than were found in women and were related to the use of personal constructs when Ss judged highly irrelevant career alternatives. Second, these effects were qualified by interaction between construct type (personal and provided) and career relevance (high, mixed, and low). Personally elicited constructs were used with greater differentiation than were standard provided ones only when participants evaluated highly relevant career alternatives. This effect challenges long-standing assumptions regarding differences between personal and provided vocational constructs, and the implications of this are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated disabled persons' perceptions of the types of problems experienced by the disabled population and the extent of this population's need for psychological services. 145 severely physically disabled former clients of a state rehabilitation commission responded to a questionnaire. Data show that 55% of Ss were aged 16–29 yrs, while 88% were 55 yrs old or less. 61.3% of Ss were males; 41% of Ss were married, 13% were divorced, 8% were separated, and 36% were single. 75% reported substantial need; 8% felt there was minimal or no need. Perceived problem areas included personal/emotional, organic/biological, marital/family, and vocational/career planning. Results suggest that this group of consumers perceives that there is a significant need for mental health services among individuals who are physically disabled. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Empirically explored the relationship between psychosocial development as described by E. H. Erikson (1963, 1968) and vocational-choice behavior and development. Ss were 123 male undergraduates. Stage resolution attitudes, derived from the 1st 6 stage crises outlined by Erikson, were explored as variables influencing problems in vocational choice and vocational maturity. Ss classified in different vocational-choice adjustment groups and Ss scoring at different levels on the Career Maturity Inventory were compared for differences among Eriksonian stage resolution attitudes as measured by the Inventory of Psychosocial Development and the Dignan Ego Identity Scale. Findings indicate that Ss who had made adjusted vocational choices and developed mature career attitudes had also been more successful in positively resolving the 1st 6 psychosocial stage crises outlined by Erikson. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

61 career-decided and 60 career-undecided 30–68 yr old women reentering the job market were randomly assigned to a vocational card sort (VCS) treatment group, a VCS-plus-videotape treatment group, or a no-treatment control group to examine the relationship between career indecision and career exploration for reentry women. Career decidedness was measured by the My Vocational Situation scale. One-year follow-up questionnaires were collected from 102 Ss, and a variety of outcome measures were used, including a vocational needs questionnaire, a satisfaction opinionnaire, a satisfaction with career scale, and an occupational alternatives question. The percentage of Ss who were employed in their chosen occupations was examined. Results indicate that there were minimal treatment effects, supporting the salience of career indecision and its stability over time. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for career counseling. (56 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Disliked occupations and negative occupational information have been associated with higher levels of vocational differentiation. This study develops and tests a disconfirmation hypothesis that accounts for and qualifies both of these findings. Results of a 2 (gender)?×?2?(favorable vs unfavorable occupations)?×?3?(positive vs negative vs mixed valence information) between-Ss factorial design supported predictions; negative information was linked to higher vocational differentiation when Ss evaluated favorable occupational alternatives, and positive information was related to higher vocational differentiation only when Ss evaluated unfavorable occupations. Apparently, information that disconfirms prior career expectations increases vocational differentiation, whereas information that confirms prior expectations decreases vocational differentiation, providing a basis for reconceptualization of nearly 2 decades of work in this area. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered the men's and women's forms of the SVIB and a career orientation questionnaire to a sample of 90 undergraduate women. Significant differences were found between mean scores on Occupational scales common to both forms and on mean number of B+ and A ratings on the men's and women's forms. Occupational scale scores and number of B+ and A interest ratings were examined in relationship to career vs. homemaker orientation. Ss differentiated on the basis of career orientation obtained significantly different mean numbers of B+ and A interest ratings on the women's SVIB. Implications for vocational counseling are discussed, and use of both forms of the SVIB is recommended in vocational counseling with college women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the multiple effects of a life-career development course on 74 university students. The treatment was based on a comprehensive counseling model of "change agent career decision making." A modification of D. T. Campbell and J. C. Stanley's (1963) institutional cycle design and MANOVA was used for evaluating Ss' performance on 8 career inventories. The Ss were significantly more rational and less intuitive and dependent in their decision-making styles, more certain of their major and career choices, and more crystallized in their vocational self-concept. They also collected more career information and had fewer vocational identity problems as a result of the course. Inconsistent results were found with regard to the external locus of control and overcoming career barriers measures. The treatment did not seem to have an immediate impact on internal locus of control. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analyzed questionnaires completed by 211 former vocational rehabilitation (VR) clients (aged 15–61 yrs) 2 yrs after case closure for a clarification of the psychosocial factors that affect vocational adjustment. Questionnaires assessed employment status and problems, sources of income/financial status, health, and job satisfaction (for employed Ss only). WAIS Full Scale IQs were available for 195 Ss, and 120 Ss had completed the 16PF—Form E. Results show that the primary criteria of vocational adjustment (employment, job satisfaction, and persistence in looking for work) were associated with better self-appraised physical and mental health, greater perceived family support in seeking employment, more optimism about employment prospects, and attribution of the problem source to the environment. These variables suggest useful points for intervention by VR practitioners. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the effects of a structured life-planning workshop geared to outreach or preventative vocational counseling on the career decisions of 64 male undergraduates. Behavioral and attitudinal measures derived from a career process model of career development were examined. Significant differences between experimental and control groups were found on behavioral measures of pre-post changes in information seeking, the total number of occupations Ss were considering, and the congruence of these alternatives with their measured interests. No changes were found in attitudes about choosing a career or perceptions of strengths and weaknesses. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the childbearing plans of 198 female unmarried undergraduates in relation to their scores on the Personality Research Form and to their educational or career goals. Ss planning to remain childless were more likely to plan to delay marriage than their counterparts planning to have children. Ss planning to remain childless as well as those planning to delay having children perceived a career as more important than Ss for whom educational and career considerations were less salient. Voluntarily childless Ss possessed more stereotypically masculine traits and fewer feminine ones than women planning to have children, showing lower scores on nurturance and abasement and higher scores on such factors as dominance and autonomy. There was no evidence that career considerations had substituted for children as a primary source of satisfaction in voluntarily childless Ss. (French abstract) (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the relation of self-efficacy beliefs to educational–vocational choice and performance by assessing the extent to which efficacy beliefs, in concert with other relevant variables, predicted academic grades, persistence, and perceived career options in 105 undergraduates considering science and engineering fields. Ss participated in a career planning course on science and engineering fields. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that self-efficacy contributed significant unique variance to the prediction of grades, persistence, and range of perceived career options in technical/scientific fields. The 2 self-efficacy scales used were moderately intercorrelated but differentially related to previous academic performance; neither scale was significantly related to general self-esteem or career indecision. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated 2 hypotheses regarding course outcome expectancies of students: (a) Expectancies assessed by E. E. Lawler's (1973) theory are better predictors of outcomes than the more frequently used global ratings of expectancies; and (b) the full Lawler expectancy model is a better predictor of outcome than its component parts. Outcome measures included appropriateness of (determined by the Vocational Preference Inventory), and attitudes toward, educational and vocational choices as well as career exploration behavior. Ss were 85 undergraduates enrolled in an academic course designed to help students make a career choice. The Lawler model of expectancy was not found to be a better predictor of outcome than were the other measures of expectancy. Expectancy–outcome relationships were strongest for attitudinal outcomes and weakest for the career-exploration behaviors. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied effects of high vs low teacher control strategies on student educational objectives in a quasi-simulation university career game. 60 undergraduates, divided into 2 groups on the basis of scores on A. Mehrabian's measure of achievement motivation, were randomly assigned to high or low teacher control conditions. High-control Ss heard a 20-min lecture on choices available in a university career. Low-control Ss were invited to begin the simulation game immediately and explore alternatives as they proceeded. Results show that high-control Ss made significantly more goal choices for educational efficiency, while low-control Ss made significantly more choices favoring personal and social growth. Individual level of achievement motivation modified these overall results in predicted directions. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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