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通过受力分析,建立了立式离心铸造钛合金熔体充填流动的数学模型,以及相应的数值模拟模型;通过水力学试验模拟进行验证,与试验结果的良好符合,证明了数学模型的正确性及数值模拟结果的准确性。理论分析和试验结果表明,充填量随充填时间和离心转速的增加而增加,但是过高的转速却会导致型腔中熔体充填量的下降。 相似文献
研制了专用立式离心铸造机及其辅助工艺装备,谋求解决传统卧式离心铸造工艺在汽缸套生产中存在的问题。在现场生产条件下进行了试验研究,并与卧式离心机进行了对比 相似文献
立式离心场下钛合金熔体充填及凝固过程研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究立式离心场下不同铸造工艺参数对钛合金熔体的充填及凝固缺陷形成的影响。结果显示,立式离心场下得到的钛合金铸件质量优于重力场下的铸件。立式离心场下,合金熔体由于受离心力和科氏力的作用,沿着与旋转方向相对的型壁进行充填,且熔体的截面面积随充填长度的增加而逐渐减小,但是在内浇口处由于速度降低导致截面面积有所回升。此外,铸型的旋转方向,旋转半径及旋转速度直接影响铸件缺陷的形成。旋转方向直接影响合金熔体的充填顺序,进而影响合金熔体的凝固顺序及缺陷位置。实验结果显示,旋转半径及旋转速度的增加有利于减少铸件的缺陷体积。 相似文献
前言我厂铸造车间是生产中小型铸铁轧辊的专业车间.从1951年开始生产铸铁轧辊,是国内生产冶金工业使用的铸铁轧辊的最早厂家之一。目前年产量为17000~18000t,居全国中小型轧辊生产厂的第一位。近几年来由于高速线材轧机、无缝钢管张力减径机,塑钢和合金棒材轧机的引进。为之配套的优质轧辊对其性能和白口层的深度等提出了更高的要求。而 相似文献
针对一起立式离心铸造机在试生产过程中铸型顶盖脱落事故,根据流体静力学原理对金属液体进行受力分析,对模具顶盖螺栓材料进行强度校核,发现事故的直接原因是顶盖螺栓强度不足,建议从设计上加强设备的本质安全,制订并严格执行安全操作规程,定期对机器设备、铸型及其紧固装置等进行检查、维护和检修。 相似文献
Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of two filling methods in vertical centrifugal casting 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
WU Shi-ping LI Chang-yun GUO Jing-jie SU Yan-qing LEI Xiu-qiao FU Heng-zhi 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2006,16(5):1035-1040
1 Introduction Titanium alloys possesses a high potential for production of work pieces with high strength, mechani- cal properties and high corrosion resistance, which makes them widely applied in aviation, astronavigation and civil fields[1- 5]. However… 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONTitaniumalloyshaveattractedagreatdealofat tentionbecauseoftheirpotentialattractivepropertiesforhigh temperaturestructuralmaterials .Atthesametime ,fortheirexcellentcorrosion ,oxidationre sistanceandlowdensity ,Ti6Al4Vbasedalloysarebeingapplied… 相似文献
离心铸造Al-Fe合金凝固过程中的固相迁移运动 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
离心铸造Al-Fe合金凝固过程中的先析出相与合金液之间具有较大的密度差,在离心力场作用下,先析出相将沿径向由内向外迁移,致使初生相沿铸件向呈梯分布,根据离心铸造Al-Fe合金过程中固相迁移运动的特点,建立了描述这一运动过程的数学模型,并提出采用求平均速度的方法对固相迁移速度进行数值求解,求出了凝固过程中时刻固相迁移运动速度的分布情况,揭示了离心铸造Al-Fe合金过程中的固相迁移运动规律 。 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONThesolidificationprocessofbinaryAl Fealloyundercentrifugalcastingiscontrolledbythemass,momentum ,heatandchemicalspeciestransporta tion .Therefore,itisanimportantmeanstoknowthemicrostructureandthesegregationofbinaryAl Fealloyundercentrifugalc… 相似文献
利用获得的相似准则,采用相似物理模拟方法,研究离心铸造过程中液态金属在微尺度空间内的充型流动规律。结果表明:在微尺度条件下,模拟流体优先充填横截面积最大的流道,当转速提高到964 r/min时,才会同时充填0.1 mm的微流道;在充型流动过程中,流体总能量保持不变,流体的自由液面是以转轴为圆心的规则圆弧面;充型速度随时间的增加而增大,迅速达到一个极值,然后随着时间的增加,变化逐渐趋于平缓,同时随着转速的增加充型速度达到峰值的时间也会极剧缩短。 相似文献
A complicated Cu-Ni based alloy was developed to fabricate wear-resisting bush for high temperature application.The concern focuses on the control of equiaxed grains in the developed alloy ingot prepared by centrifugal casting.The results show that the equiaxed grains are determined by the pouring temperature of the melt,the cooling rate and the rotation speed of the mold.With the decrease in pouring temperature,the fraction of the equiaxed grains in the transverse section of the ingot increases and the average length of columnar grain decreases.When the pouring temperature is confined below 1,250℃,complete equiaxed grains can be obtained.Based on the optimal centrifugal casting processing,the tensile strength of the developed alloy ingot with complete equiaxed grains reaches to 810 MPa and 435 MPa at room temperature and 500℃,respectively,which is 14% and 110% higher than that of common commercial QAl10-4-4 alloy.The wear rate of the developed alloy is 7.0 × 10-8 and 3.8 × 10-7 mm3?N-1?mm-1 at room temperature and 500℃,respectively,which is 5 times and 39 times lower than that of QAl10-4-4 alloy. 相似文献
J. K. Kim P. K. Rohatgi J. O. Choi C. O. Choi 《Metals and Materials International》2005,11(4):333-340
Graphite reinforced copper alloy composites were cast using gravity and centrifugal casting techniques to identify the effect
of graphite particles on microstructural formation and the effect of the casting techniques on the distribution of the particles.
Melt containing either 5 or 120 μm size graphite particles were gravity cast in both steel and graphite molds. Melts containing
5 μm graphite particles were also cast in a horizontal centrifugal casting machine. Samples cast in the graphite molds exhibited
much greater pore size than that found in the samples cast in the steel molds. Graphite particles moved to the inner periphery
when influenced by centrifugal force, resulting in the formation of graphite-rich and graphite-free zones. The volume fraction
of graphite particles near the inner periphery was 13%, which is higher than the initial volume fraction of graphite particles
(7 vol.%) added into the melt. The results of wear testing showed that the friction coefficient of the pin from the graphite-rich
zone is 0.49 and 0.69 for the pin from the graphite-free zone. The size of the machining chips from the graphite-rich zone
was much smaller than those from the graphite-free zone. These results suggest that this composite may be an attractive substitute
for copper alloys containing lead. 相似文献
离心铸造自生Zn—Al—Si表面复合材料的组织与性能 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用热膜金属型离心铸造Zn-27Al-5Si合金,获得了内层含大量初晶Si,外层有少量初晶Si,中层为细小共晶Si的表面复合材料,考察了复合材料的组织形貌和复合材料的,吧及模温和转速对组织的影响。结果,随着模温的提高,初晶Si、共晶Si和基体组织变得粗大;随着模转速的增加,初晶Si在内侧富集层厚度减小,初晶Si面积比增大。复合材料的内层由于聚集了大量初晶Si而具有较高的硬度和较优的耐磨性。复合材料的断裂方式为脆性断裂,含共晶Si的中层在断裂中比含块状初晶Si的内层经历了更多的塑性变形。 相似文献