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剖析传统设计存在的弊端,坚持建筑性能与生态性能、经济性与艺术性相结合的原则,提出大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计理念,并与生态设计、可持续设计等方法进行对比分析;建立以可靠性与安全性设计、可施工性设计、工程系统寿命匹配性设计、全寿命周期费用优化设计、可维护性设计、可扩展性设计、防灾减灾设计、环境友好型设计和人性化设计九项目标为核心的大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计目标体系;构建大型公共建筑全寿命周期设计的集成分析路径由战略目标集成、工程系统集成、系统环境集成三个层次构成。为推动全寿命周期设计在大型公共建筑中的实施,制定了实施流程和EBS-OBS矩阵方法,并以某办公楼为例阐述了全寿命周期设计的实施步骤。  相似文献   

作为重要的公共设施,变电站的设计不仅要考虑其全寿命周期,也应当体现科学发展、可持续发展、保护环境的理念和工程对社会、历史负责的精神。文章提出了这样的设计集成模型,即用工程系统结构维和设计目标结构维的映射构成变电站全寿命周期设计集成技术系统的模型和框架。作为国家电网资产全寿命周期管理研究的子课题,文章研究应当能对变电站等重要公共设施的设计管理工作起到一定的指导和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

将质量功能展开(QFD)方法运用于变电站工程全寿命周期设计质量管理中,充分发挥其以用户需求为中心的优势,分析变电站工程全寿命周期设计质量内涵与需求;建立变电站工程全寿命周期设计质量屋;编制变电站全寿命周期设计导则。通过实际工程设计应用,验证QFD方法的可行性与优越性,有助于将变电站工程全寿命周期设计质量需求体现在设计方案中,实现全寿命周期设计质量。  相似文献   

工程项目全寿命周期费用结构体系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
全寿命周期费用结构体系是工程项目全寿命周期费用管理的重要方法。以南京地铁1号线建设项目为依托,提出二维费用结构矩阵和费用映射模型构成的工程项目全寿命周期费用结构体系。运用此方法,可以实现项目全寿命周期费用的跟踪管理,及时掌握项目全过程的费用情况;可以在不同的层次组织汇总项目费用信息,对项目费用进行分层次分析与控制;可以在项目不同阶段对任意层次的费用控制单元的费用要素进行管理,实现工程项目全寿命周期费用的优化管理。  相似文献   

全寿命周期费用分析方法是基于工程经济学和价值工程理论,应用系统思想对建设项目进行分析研究的一种有效方法。回顾了全寿命周期费用分析方法的发展历史,综述了全寿命周期费用应用领域、分析步骤、费用分解结构及费用分析方法的研究现状;最后对全寿命周期费用分析进行展望。  相似文献   

工程结构的绿色设计和绿色评价存在共性,在已建立的可持续发展工程结构全寿命周期设计理论体系基础上,参考国内外的绿色建筑评价体系,根据其共性构建了工程结构全寿命设计的绿色指标体系。该体系包含了三个指标,即以所处环境为对象的“环境评价指标”、以人为对象的“用户及社会满意度指标”和以区域和全球生态系统为对象的“可持续发展指标”。工程结构的全寿命设计传统指标是对现行设计方法的扩展和延伸,而绿色指标则是独立于传统设计方法体系之外的新体系,体现了全寿命设计方法的人文关怀和对自然的责任。为了将工程结构全寿命活动的环境和生态影响控制到最低水平,并使相关人群的利益最大化,通过指标分层、指标分类和权重分析,建立了建筑结构全寿命绿色设计指标体系。针对沿海高速公路桥梁结构的结构形式、用途和所处环境,构建了其全寿命设计绿色指标体系框架。  相似文献   

传统风险的管理是不完全的、相对封闭的管理。本文提出了实施建设项目的全寿命周期四阶段划分法,探讨了基于全寿命周期的集成风险管理子系统及系统模型的集成思路,提出了基于全寿命周期的集成风险管理模型(LCIRM),并对LCIRM模型的应用载体作了实证分析。  相似文献   

从施工总承包商的角度对核电工程全寿命期管理流程体系的设计方法进行研究。首先基于集成管理理论提出核电工程管理流程体系的设计思路和方法,其次将管理流程体系分为综合流程、总体流程、细部流程三个层次进行详细解析,并编制完整的核电工程管理流程体系目录,以期能够对实践应用起指导作用。  相似文献   

从施工总承包商的角度对核电工程全寿命期管理流程体系的设计方法进行研究。首先基于集成管理理论提出核电工程管理流程体系的设计思路和方法,其次将管理流程体系分为综合流程、总体流程、细部流程三个层次进行详细解析,并编制完整的核电工程管理流程体系目录,以期能够对实践应用起指导作用。  相似文献   

首先分析了全寿命期的概念,然后基于全寿命期的理念,对工程设计与产品设计进行了比较,论述了工程全寿命期设计的特殊性,最后对在我国推行工程全寿命期设计提出了相应的建议,以期在产品全寿命期设计既有实践的基础上,结合工程的实际特点,更好地在工程建设领域推行和应用工程全寿命期设计理论,实现工程全寿命期的集成目标。  相似文献   

本文回顾了制造业并行工程的发展,根据并行工程的特点,探讨了并行工程集成框架的应用需求及体系功能,阐述了并行工程的核心思想——面向产品生命周期的设计。最后结合BIM技术应用,对并行工程在建筑业中应用进行展望,描绘了设计企业实行工程总承包制的前景。  相似文献   

For effective collaboration among construction project participants, the use of Building Information Model (BIM) has become more common throughout the building life cycle. However, due to the use of different BIM-based software among collaborators during the design, a variety of problems have occurred, including loss of data, difficulty in communication, and poor work efficiency. Hence, this study proposes an integrated design system for the improvement of BIM-based collaborative design. For this purpose, problems are derived based on an analysis of conventional BIM-based collaborative design. In addition, a concept for the development of the BIM-based integrated design system is established from integration methodologies. Based on ‘functional integration,’ ‘integrated information management’ and ‘integrated process support,’ the integrated design system is implemented through the combination of three modules: BIM Modeler, BIM Checker and BIM Server. To test the integrated design system, a case study on a hospital building design is reviewed, and improvements compared to the conventional system are examined. It appears that the proposed system can enhance design quality and productivity by providing necessary support for collaborative design in an integrated manner.  相似文献   

Complex protection systems for natural hazards: system design and life cycle model Protection systems represent – from the perspective of engineering and natural sciences – the equivalent to the integrated natural risk management concept. This article presents these systems as a hierarchical model in the surrounding societal and natural spheres and analyses the design of these complex systems as a combination of structural and non‐structural measures with divers protection function and service life. By means of a life cycle model two examples from flood and avalanche control serve to substantiate and specify complex protection systems and to visualize the components of these systems, in particular different types of protection measures and functions. Furthermore, the applied life cycle phase model enables the presentation of possible applications (adaptation) for the classical instrument of systems engineering (in particular: strategic objectives, variant analysis, project management, requirement engineering, system design, life cycle costing, maintenance and adaptation management, quality and risk management) to complex protection systems. The approach presented in this article at first sight seems to be rather theoretical for practical application, nevertheless it was already partially realized as shown in the presented examples. However a comprehensive implementation of the principles of protection systems in engineering practice has not yet taken place.  相似文献   

文章分析了工程管理专业课程融合体系构建的必要性。基于文献研究法、典型高校专业调研和典型高校院系主任专家咨询等方法,以知识融合为核心,以"全生命周期执业能力"和"能力教育"为导向,构建了由实践教学体系、能力导向及全生命周期三个维度穿插在一起的工程管理专业平台课程融合"三维体系"。最后,针对课程整合"三维体系"提出了坚持以知识融合为核心思维,以学科交叉为重要载体的教学改革思路,重点打造"国际化、博士化、双师型"的工程管理专业教学科研团队,注重校企合作,强化社会网络,促进"政产学研"融合三点实施性的建议,以期为新形势下工程管理专业教育教学改革提供新思维和新模式。  相似文献   

以BIM技术全生命周期为核心理念,以实现隧道工程信息化管理为目标。覆盖隧道工程规划、设计、施工、运维各阶段,形成规划–设计–施工–运维一体化管理平台,促进业主、设计方、施工方、监理方等各工程参与方多方协同工作。针对BIM平台开发过程中BIM标准不统一、BIM软件众多、相互间数据交换困难等问题,初步提出了BIM全生命周期意义上的隧道工程协同管理平台,并从阶段、维度、功能、技术和用户多个层面详细阐述了BIM隧道协同管理平台的初步架构体系,为平台的进一步开发提供了一个基本思路和初期技术路线。  相似文献   

In spite of the progress in developing methods and tools to support sustainable building design, there is still a lack of a formal approach to bridge the “no man’s land” gap between the traditional building engineering disciplines, and between these and the architecture, to achieve the level of building integration required for sustainability. This paper presents an integration framework that aims at facilitating the inclusion of life-cycle considerations in the design process from the outset, so that materials and systems are selected not only from environmentally friendly resources, but most importantly, to match service life performance expectations. The framework describes an iterative methodology to evaluate these expectations in practice, which is based on an understanding and modeling of the dynamics of the built environment to which materials, components, and systems are exposed. Quantitative methods and test protocols can be incorporated into the framework for assessing function-performance aspects of alternative solutions. Due to its complexity stemming from its inherent exposure to variable environmental loads and its multi-functionality, the framework focuses on addressing the life cycle of the building enclosure system. It is expected that the organization of the underlying principles of building life-cycle performance described in this paper will become a knowledge core that will facilitate a more integrated treatment of buildings in research, education, and practice.  相似文献   

决策阶段开发管理(DM),实施阶段业主方项目管理(OPM)和运营阶段物业管理(FM)在建设项目传统管理模式中相互独立,导致许多弊端,近年来,许多研究机构尝试运用不同的集成思想和方法,对传统管理模式进行变革,本文提出建设项目全寿命周期集成化管理(LCIM)的概念;提出以运营导向建设的全寿命周期业主方(运营方)管理组织设计的理念,并对全寿命周期集成化管理信息系统(LMIS)的信息模型,系统集成的层次和方法进行了深入的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

 采用人工智能、系统科学、岩石力学与工程地质学等多学科交叉,提出复杂条件下岩石工程安全性的智能分析评估和时空预测系统的新思路和新方法,包括赋存环境的认识、工程结构特征需求分析与施工约束条件识别、岩石工程稳定性(安全性)综合集成智能分析评估、岩石工程智能反馈分析方法、岩体模型和参数动态更新的岩石工程稳定性时空演化的综合集成智能分析方法、岩石工程安全性的分区自适应调控方法、岩石工程稳定性多元信息与多任务智能反馈分析集成系统。该系统在龙滩、八尺门、水布垭、拉西瓦等多个大型工程的边坡和地下厂房中的成功应用,显示了其科学性和先进性。  相似文献   

Abstract:   This study focused on the development of a decision support system (DSS) for waterproofing of below-grade structures. The objective was to formulate an optimal solution for waterproofing of below-grade structures according to their parameters and based upon engineering and economic criteria. The model examines the environmental, structural, economic, and service life planning aspects of waterproofing in an integrated manner. The decision support model was based on the following four phases: input interface, preliminary classification, advanced classification, and output interface. The output phase consists of an interactive accessory that provides design details and quality assurance guidelines for each particular case, as well as economic parameters such as life cycle costs and risk of failure. The major contribution of this DSS is its development of a methodological application of integrated decision process, achieved by the use of engineering, economic, and service life criteria. Application of the DSS to several case studies revealed that a number of near-optimal alternatives exist, which differ from one another in terms of constructability, capital costs, and labor inputs. Cost of failure plays a major role in life cycle assessment, and may be a salient factor in the selection of the optimal solution.  相似文献   

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