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In this paper we consider the time complexity of adding two n-bit numbers together within the tile self-assembly model. The (abstract) tile assembly model is a mathematical model of self-assembly in which system components are square tiles with different glue types assigned to tile edges. Assembly is driven by the attachment of singleton tiles to a growing seed assembly when the net force of glue attraction for a tile exceeds some fixed threshold. Within this frame work, we examine the time complexity of computing the sum of two n-bit numbers, where the input numbers are encoded in an initial seed assembly, and the output sum is encoded in the final, terminal assembly of the system. We show that this problem, along with multiplication, has a worst case lower bound of \(\varOmega ( \sqrt{n} )\) in 2D assembly, and \(\varOmega (\root 3 \of {n})\) in 3D assembly. We further design algorithms for both 2D and 3D that meet this bound with worst case run times of \(O(\sqrt{n})\) and \(O(\root 3 \of {n})\) respectively, which beats the previous best known upper bound of O(n). Finally, we consider average case complexity of addition over uniformly distributed n-bit strings and show how we can achieve \(O(\log n)\) average case time with a simultaneous \(O(\sqrt{n})\) worst case run time in 2D. As additional evidence for the speed of our algorithms, we implement our algorithms, along with the simpler O(n) time algorithm, into a probabilistic run-time simulator and compare the timing results.  相似文献   

In the typical model, a discrete-time coined quantum walk searching the 2D grid for a marked vertex achieves a success probability of \(O(1/\log N)\) in \(O(\sqrt{N \log N})\) steps, which with amplitude amplification yields an overall runtime of \(O(\sqrt{N} \log N)\). We show that making the quantum walk lackadaisical or lazy by adding a self-loop of weight 4 / N to each vertex speeds up the search, causing the success probability to reach a constant near 1 in \(O(\sqrt{N \log N})\) steps, thus yielding an \(O(\sqrt{\log N})\) improvement over the typical, loopless algorithm. This improved runtime matches the best known quantum algorithms for this search problem. Our results are based on numerical simulations since the algorithm is not an instance of the abstract search algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first define two generalized Wigner–Yanase skew information \(|K_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)\) and \(|L_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)\) for any non-Hermitian Hilbert–Schmidt operator A and a density operator \(\rho \) on a Hilbert space H and discuss some properties of them, respectively. We also introduce two related quantities \(|S_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)\) and \(|T_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)\). Then, we establish two uncertainty relations in terms of \(|W_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)\) and \(|\widetilde{W}_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)\), which read
$$\begin{aligned}&|W_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)|W_{\rho ,\alpha }|(B)\ge \frac{1}{4}\left| \mathrm {tr}\left( \left[ \frac{\rho ^{\alpha }+\rho ^{1-\alpha }}{2} \right] ^{2}[A,B]^{0}\right) \right| ^{2},\\&\sqrt{|\widetilde{W}_{\rho ,\alpha }|(A)| \widetilde{W}_{\rho ,\alpha }|(B)}\ge \frac{1}{4} \left| \mathrm {tr}\left( \rho ^{2\alpha }[A,B]^{0}\right) \mathrm {tr} \left( \rho ^{2(1-\alpha )}[A,B]^{0}\right) \right| . \end{aligned}$$

Abstract—In the projective plane PG(2, q), a subset S of a conic C is said to be almost complete if it can be extended to a larger arc in PG(2, q) only by the points of C \ S and by the nucleus of C when q is even. We obtain new upper bounds on the smallest size t(q) of an almost complete subset of a conic, in particular,
$$t(q) < \sqrt {q(3lnq + lnlnq + ln3)} + \sqrt {\frac{q}{{3\ln q}}} + 4 \sim \sqrt {3q\ln q} ,t(q) < 1.835\sqrt {q\ln q.} $$
The new bounds are used to extend the set of pairs (N, q) for which it is proved that every normal rational curve in the projective space PG(N, q) is a complete (q+1)-arc, or equivalently, that no [q+1,N+1, q?N+1]q generalized doubly-extended Reed–Solomon code can be extended to a [q + 2,N + 1, q ? N + 2]q maximum distance separable code.

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be an unweighted undirected graph with n vertices and m edges, and let \(k>2\) be an integer. We present a routing scheme with a poly-logarithmic header size, that given a source s and a destination t at distance \(\varDelta \) from s, routes a message from s to t on a path whose length is \(O(k\varDelta +m^{1/k})\). The total space used by our routing scheme is \(mn^{O(1/\sqrt{\log n})}\), which is almost linear in the number of edges of the graph. We present also a routing scheme with \(n^{O(1/\sqrt{\log n})}\) header size, and the same stretch (up to constant factors). In this routing scheme, the routing table of every \(v\in V\) is at most \(kn^{O(1/\sqrt{\log n})}deg(v)\), where deg(v) is the degree of v in G. Our results are obtained by combining a general technique of Bernstein (2009), that was presented in the context of dynamic graph algorithms, with several new ideas and observations.  相似文献   

The author solves the problem of finding greatest lower bounds for the probability F (??) – F (u),0 < u <, ?? < ∞, where \( u= m-{\upsigma}_{\mu}3\sqrt{3},\kern0.5em \upupsilon = m+{\upsigma}_{\mu}3\sqrt{3},\kern0.5em \mathrm{and}\kern0.5em {\upsigma}_{\mu} \) is a fixed dispersion in the set of distribution functions F (x) of non-negative random variables with unimodal differentiable density with mode m and two first fixed moments μ 1 and μ 2. The case is considered where the mode coincides with the first moment: m = μ 1. The greatest lower bound of all possible greatest lower bounds for this problem is obtained and it is nearly one, namely, 0.98430.  相似文献   

Network cost and fixed-degree characteristic for the graph are important factors to evaluate interconnection networks. In this paper, we propose hierarchical Petersen network (HPN) that is constructed in recursive and hierarchical structure based on a Petersen graph as a basic module. The degree of HPN(n) is 5, and HPN(n) has \(10^n\) nodes and \(2.5 \times 10^n\) edges. And we analyze its basic topological properties, routing algorithm, diameter, spanning tree, broadcasting algorithm and embedding. From the analysis, we prove that the diameter and network cost of HPN(n) are \(3\log _{10}N-1\) and \(15 \log _{10}N-1\), respectively, and it contains a spanning tree with the degree of 4. In addition, we propose link-disjoint one-to-all broadcasting algorithm and show that HPN(n) can be embedded into FP\(_k\) with expansion 1, dilation 2k and congestion 4. For most of the fixed-degree networks proposed, network cost and diameter require \(O(\sqrt{N})\) and the degree of the graph requires O(N). However, HPN(n) requires O(1) for the degree and \(O(\log _{10}N)\) for both diameter and network cost. As a result, the suggested interconnection network in this paper is superior to current fixed-degree and hierarchical networks in terms of network cost, diameter and the degree of the graph.  相似文献   

We obtain the conditions for the emergence of the swarm intelligence effect in an interactive game of restless multi-armed bandit (rMAB). A player competes with multiple agents. Each bandit has a payoff that changes with a probability p c per round. The agents and player choose one of three options: (1) Exploit (a good bandit), (2) Innovate (asocial learning for a good bandit among n I randomly chosen bandits), and (3) Observe (social learning for a good bandit). Each agent has two parameters (c, p obs ) to specify the decision: (i) c, the threshold value for Exploit, and (ii) p obs , the probability for Observe in learning. The parameters (c, p obs ) are uniformly distributed. We determine the optimal strategies for the player using complete knowledge about the rMAB. We show whether or not social or asocial learning is more optimal in the (p c , n I ) space and define the swarm intelligence effect. We conduct a laboratory experiment (67 subjects) and observe the swarm intelligence effect only if (p c , n I ) are chosen so that social learning is far more optimal than asocial learning.  相似文献   

The Variable-Sized Bin Packing Problem (abbreviated as VSBPP or VBP) is a well-known generalization of the NP-hard Bin Packing Problem (BP) where the items can be packed in bins of M given sizes. The objective is to minimize the total capacity of the bins used. We present an asymptotic approximation scheme (AFPTAS) for VBP and BP with performance guarantee \(A_{\varepsilon }(I) \leq (1+ \varepsilon )OPT(I) + \mathcal {O}\left ({\log ^{2}\left (\frac {1}{\varepsilon }\right )}\right )\) for any problem instance I and any ε>0. The additive term is much smaller than the additive term of already known AFPTAS. The running time of the algorithm is \(\mathcal {O}\left ({ \frac {1}{\varepsilon ^{6}} \log \left ({\frac {1}{\varepsilon }}\right ) + \log \left ({\frac {1}{\varepsilon }}\right ) n}\right )\) for BP and \(\mathcal {O}\left ({ \frac {1}{{\varepsilon }^{6}} \log ^{2}\left ({\frac {1}{\varepsilon }}\right ) + M + \log \left ({\frac {1}{\varepsilon }}\right )n}\right )\) for VBP, which is an improvement to previously known algorithms. Many approximation algorithms have to solve subproblems, for example instances of the Knapsack Problem (KP) or one of its variants. These subproblems - like KP - are in many cases NP-hard. Our AFPTAS for VBP must in fact solve a generalization of KP, the Knapsack Problem with Inversely Proportional Profits (KPIP). In this problem, one of several knapsack sizes has to be chosen. At the same time, the item profits are inversely proportional to the chosen knapsack size so that the largest knapsack in general does not yield the largest profit. We introduce KPIP in this paper and develop an approximation scheme for KPIP by extending Lawler’s algorithm for KP. Thus, we are able to improve the running time of our AFPTAS for VBP.  相似文献   

Various sorting algorithms using parallel architectures have been proposed in the search for more efficient results. This paper introduces the Multi-Sort Algorithm for Multi-Mesh of Trees (MMT) Architecture for N=n 4 elements with more efficient time complexity compared to previous architectures. The shear sort algorithm on Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) mesh model requires \(4\sqrt{N}+O\sqrt{N}\) time for sorting N elements, arranged on a \(\sqrt{N}\times \sqrt{N}\) mesh, whereas Multi-Sort algorithm on the SIMD Multi-Mesh (MM) Architecture takes O(N 1/4) time for sorting the same N elements, which proves that Multi-Sort is a better sorting approach. We have improved the time complexity of intrablock Sort. The Communication time complexity for 2D Sort in MM is O(n), whereas this time in MMT is O(log?n). The time complexity of compare–exchange step in MMT is same as that in MM, i.e., O(n). It has been found that the time complexity of the Multi-Sort on MMT has been improved as on Multi-Mesh architecture.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the design of an exact exponential time algorithm with a proved worst-case running time for 3-machine flowshop scheduling problems considering worst-case scenarios. For the minimization of the makespan criterion, a Dynamic Programming algorithm running in \({\mathcal {O}}^*(3^n)\) is proposed, which improves the current best-known time complexity \(2^{{\mathcal {O}}(n)}\times \Vert I\Vert ^{{\mathcal {O}}(1)}\) in the literature. The idea is based on a dominance condition and the consideration of the Pareto Front in the criteria space. The algorithm can be easily generalized to other problems that have similar structures. The generalization on two problems, namely the \(F3\Vert f_\mathrm{max}\) and \(F3\Vert \sum f_i\) problems, is discussed.  相似文献   

Let Ω = AN be a space of right-sided infinite sequences drawn from a finite alphabet A = {0,1}, N = {1,2,…}. Let ρ(x, yk=1|x k ? y k |2?k be a metric on Ω = AN, and μ the Bernoulli measure on Ω with probabilities p0, p1 > 0, p0 + p1 = 1. Denote by B(x,ω) an open ball of radius r centered at ω. The main result of this paper \(\mu (B(\omega ,r))r + \sum\nolimits_{n = 0}^\infty {\sum\nolimits_{j = 0}^{{2^n} - 1} {{\mu _{n,j}}} } (\omega )\tau ({2^n}r - j)\), where τ(x) = 2min {x,1 ? x}, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, (τ(x) = 0, if x < 0 or x > 1 ), \({\mu _{n,j}}(\omega ) = (1 - {p_{{\omega _{n + 1}}}})\prod _{k = 1}^n{p_{{\omega _k}}} \oplus {j_k}\), \(j = {j_1}{2^{n - 1}} + {j_2}{2^{n - 2}} + ... + {j_n}\). The family of functions 1, x, τ(2 n r ? j), j = 0,1,…, 2 n ? 1, n = 0,1,…, is the Faber–Schauder system for the space C([0,1]) of continuous functions on [0, 1]. We also obtain the Faber–Schauder expansion for Lebesgue’s singular function, Cezaro curves, and Koch–Peano curves. Article is published in the author’s wording.  相似文献   

The factorization algorithm of Pollard generates a sequence in ? n by $$x_0 : = 2;x_{i + 1} : = x_i^2 - 1(\bmod n),i = 1,2,3,...$$ wheren denotes the integer to be factored. The algorithm finds an factorp ofn within \(0\left( {\sqrt p } \right)\) macrosteps (=multiplications/divisions in ? n ) on average. An empirical analysis of the Pollard algorithm using modified sequences $$x_{i + 1} = b \cdot x_i^\alpha + c(\bmod n),i = 1,2,...$$ withx 0,b,c,α∈? and α≥2 shows, that a factorp ofn under the assumption gcd (α,p-1)≠1 now is found within $$0\left( {\sqrt {\frac{p}{{ged(\alpha ,p - 1}}} } \right)$$ macrosteps on average.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of continuum armed bandits where the arms are indexed by a compact subset of \(\mathbb {R}^{d}\). For large d, it is well known that mere smoothness assumptions on the reward functions lead to regret bounds that suffer from the curse of dimensionality. A typical way to tackle this in the literature has been to make further assumptions on the structure of reward functions. In this work we assume the reward functions to be intrinsically of low dimension k ? d and consider two models: (i) The reward functions depend on only an unknown subset of k coordinate variables and, (ii) a generalization of (i) where the reward functions depend on an unknown k dimensional subspace of \(\mathbb {R}^{d}\). By placing suitable assumptions on the smoothness of the rewards we derive randomized algorithms for both problems that achieve nearly optimal regret bounds in terms of the number of rounds n.  相似文献   

We analyze the asymptotic behavior of the j-independence number of a random k-uniform hypergraph H(n, k, p) in the binomial model. We prove that in the strongly sparse case, i.e., where \(p = c/\left( \begin{gathered} n - 1 \hfill \\ k - 1 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right)\) for a positive constant 0 < c ≤ 1/(k ? 1), there exists a constant γ(k, j, c) > 0 such that the j-independence number α j (H(n, k, p)) obeys the law of large numbers \(\frac{{{\alpha _j}\left( {H\left( {n,k,p} \right)} \right)}}{n}\xrightarrow{P}\gamma \left( {k,j,c} \right)asn \to + \infty \) Moreover, we explicitly present γ(k, j, c) as a function of a solution of some transcendental equation.  相似文献   

The tomographic mapping of a 2-D vector field from line-integral data in the discrete domain requires the uniform sampling of the continuous Radon domain parameter space. In this paper we use sampling theory and derive limits for the sampling steps of the Radon parameters, so that no information is lost. It is shown that if Δx is the sampling interval of the reconstruction region and x max? is the maximum value of domain parameter x, the steps one should use to sample Radon parameters ρ and θ should be: \(\Delta\rho\leq\Delta x/\sqrt{2}\) and \(\Delta\theta\leq\Delta x/((\sqrt{2}+2)|x_{\max}|)\). Experiments show that when the proposed sampling bounds are violated, the reconstruction accuracy of the vector field deteriorates. We further demonstrate that the employment of a scanning geometry that satisfies the proposed sampling requirements also increases the resilience to noise.  相似文献   

For each sufficiently large n, there exists a unary regular language L such that both L and its complement L c are accepted by unambiguous nondeterministic automata with at most n states, while the smallest deterministic automata for these two languages still require a superpolynomial number of states, at least \(e^{\Omega(\sqrt[3]{n\cdot\ln^{2}n})}\). Actually, L and L c are “balanced” not only in the number of states but, moreover, they are accepted by nondeterministic machines sharing the same transition graph, differing only in the distribution of their final states. As a consequence, the gap between the sizes of unary unambiguous self-verifying automata and deterministic automata is also superpolynomial.  相似文献   

The Planar Feedback Vertex Set problem asks whether an n-vertex planar graph contains at most k vertices meeting all its cycles. The Face Cover problem asks whether all vertices of a plane graph G lie on the boundary of at most k faces of G. Standard techniques from parameterized algorithm design indicate that both problems can be solved by sub-exponential parameterized algorithms (where k is the parameter). In this paper we improve the algorithmic analysis of both problems by proving a series of combinatorial results relating the branchwidth of planar graphs with their face cover. Combining this fact with duality properties of branchwidth, allows us to derive analogous results on feedback vertex set. As a consequence, it follows that Planar Feedback Vertex Set and Face Cover can be solved in \(O(2^{15.11\cdot\sqrt{k}}+n^{2})\) and \(O(2^{10.1\cdot\sqrt {k}}+n^{2})\) steps, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a polynomial time approximation scheme for the most points covering problem. In the most points covering problem, n points in R 2, r>0, and an integer m>0 are given and the goal is to cover the maximum number of points with m disks with radius r. The dual of the most points covering problem is the partial covering problem in which n points in R 2 are given, and we try to cover at least pn points of these n points with the minimum number of disks. Both these problems are NP-hard. To solve the most points covering problem, we use the solution of the partial covering problem to obtain an upper bound for the problem and then we generate a valid solution for the most points covering problem by a careful modification of the partial covering solution. We first present an improved approximation algorithm for the partial covering problem which has a better running time than the previous algorithm for this problem. Using this algorithm, we attain a \((1 - \frac{{2\varepsilon }}{{1 +\varepsilon }})\)-approximation algorithm for the most points covering problem. The running time of our algorithm is \(O((1+\varepsilon )mn+\epsilon^{-1}n^{4\sqrt{2}\epsilon^{-1}+2}) \) which is polynomial with respect to both m and n, whereas the previously known algorithm for this problem runs in \(O(n \log n +n\epsilon^{-6m+6} \log (\frac{1}{\epsilon}))\) which is exponential regarding m.  相似文献   

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