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分析了30mm厚度的俄罗斯进口落叶松(Larixgmelinii)木材干燥过程中的干缩量和干燥应力、以及含水率变化间关系。结果表明:俄罗斯产落叶松的弦、径向干缩系数和弦径向干缩比均小于国产落叶松,相同干燥条件下国产落叶松比俄罗斯产落叶松更易发生开裂和变形等缺陷;干燥过程中产生的应力与含水率梯度、干缩量和含水率、应力指标,存在一定的相关关系。  相似文献   

It is essential to understand the physical and mechanical properties of a product since these properties affect the structure, texture, and ultimately consumer acceptance. The effect of drying conditions on dynamic viscoelastic properties, stress relaxation function and creep compliance, and physical properties, such as moisture distribution, color parameters, and shrinkage, was studied. An increase in drying temperature and duration resulted in a decrease in moisture content and volume, which were highly correlated (R = .988). Water evaporation followed the falling rate period, demonstrating that the water transport was limited by internal resistances. The decomposition of carotenoids led to a decrease in magnitude of color parameters (L, a, and b), between 30.1% and 51.6% with 4 hr drying. It was observed that the material shrinkage and moisture content highly affected the mechanical properties; increased stress relaxation modulus and decreased creep compliance values of the sample. The creep behavior, expressed with Burger's model (R2 ≥ .986), was highly dependent on moisture content. The linear viscoelastic region of carrots was found to be at strains lower than 3%. The three-element Maxwell model well fitted to describe the viscoelastic behavior of carrots (R2 ≥ .999, RMSE ≤ 2.08 × 10−4). The storage moduli (G′) were higher than loss moduli (G″), indicating that samples presented solid-like behavior. The findings can be used to improve the textural attributes of carrots and carrot-based products.  相似文献   

培環境条件に左右されない良食味米生産のための、登熟期間中の水管理、収穫籾の乾燥温度および玄米水分と食味との関係について述べる。登熟期間中の水管理は、飽水管理が最適である。飽水管理を実施することによって,地温の上昇が制御されるとともに,根の活力低下が軽減される.その結果,収量は根の健全化に起因する登熟歩合の向上によって増収するとともに,食味も優れる。生籾水分が22,25,30%の場合は,それぞれの乾燥させるための送風温度は55,48,35℃が適温である。食味からみた玄米の適水分は14%~15%である。  相似文献   

Breadmaking quality (judged by the regularity of the crumb) of cassava (in cassava flour/defatted soy flour/glyceryl monostearate recipes (80/20/3, w/w), Cereal Chem 68 323–327 1991) is related to crop age and the season of planting and harvesting. When taking the data sets of the dry season (J Sci Food Agric 66, 193–202 1994) and rainy season (ibid 68 167–174 1995) together, the following additional interpretation results: breadmaking quality of cassava is positively related to flour from roots with unrestricted growth, and therefore influenced by rainfall distribution, time of planting and harvesting. Variability in baking performance of cassava flour samples is related to the length and severity of the dry season, the growth behaviour of the genotype and the crop age. The highest flour breadmaking quality is obtained after 6 months of unrestricted growth of cassava irrespective of the planting season. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

柞木干燥残余变形与应力、含水率及时间关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过干燥实验找出柞木在干燥过程中残余变形与应力、含水率及应力之间的关系。利用数理统计中的回归分析与相关分析对实验所得的数据进行处理,最后得到有关残余变形与应力、含水率及时间之间关系的线性回归方程。实验结果表明:残余变形在干燥过程中受应力、含水率及时间的影响,且呈有规律的线性变化。  相似文献   

为探索出不同真空微波干燥条件对胡萝卜恒速干燥速度和临界含水量的影响,选取微波功率Q、负载量M、切片厚度δ等因素,范围分别在300~500W、80~140g、4~8mm,以临界含水量和恒速干燥速度为目标在0·08MPa真空条件下进行实验。实验结果表明:随着微波功率从300W增加到500W时,恒速干燥速度提高了87·5%;随着负载量从80g增加到140g时,恒速干燥速度降低了50%;随着切片厚度从4mm增加到8mm时,恒速干燥速度提高了81·3%。临界含水量仅与负载量显著相关,随着负载量从80g增加到140g时,临界水分含量从5·4kg/kg降低到2·2kg/kg。根据实验数据,采用线性回归的方法,得到恒速干燥速度U及临界含水量Xc的数学模型为:U=45·558+0·346Q-1·431M+17·636δ;Xc=14·962-0·080M-0·400δ。   相似文献   

刘婷  高文明  谢岚  祝红  罗晨  易翠平 《食品与机械》2018,34(11):190-192,204
研究了25~40℃条件下干燥4~7h后,婴幼儿配方面条的水分含量、白度值、质构特性、蒸煮损失以及风味等食用品质的变化。结果表明,随着干燥时间的延长以及干燥温度的升高,水分含量逐渐下降;干燥条件的改变,对面条的蒸煮损失率和风味没有显著性影响(P0.05),而面条的白度值受到温度和时间的影响较为明显(P0.05),但在25~30℃/5h的干燥条件下,白度值不受影响。面条的质构品质受干燥的影响表现为弹性下降,硬度随干燥强度的加大呈现上升的趋势。最终得出30℃干燥5h为最佳的工艺条件。  相似文献   

为在线获取干燥过程中油茶籽含水率,在不同干燥温度(50?60?70℃)?干燥风速(0.5?1.0?2.0m/s)工况下进行热风干燥试验。通过获取干燥过程实时空气湿热数据,分析了湿热参数与含水率的相关关系。运用随机森林算法,基于干燥工况参数与空气湿热参数建立了8种不同输入参数组合下的含水率在线预测模型。研究表明:采用基于干燥工况参数与干燥腔进出口含湿量差、含湿量差变化率参数建立的随机森林模型具有最佳的预测精度。在预测集上模型预测值与实测值的决定系数R2为0.9926,均方根误差RMSE为0.035,表明采用本方法可以有效预测油茶籽干燥过程含水率。本研究为干燥领域含水率在线检测提供一种新的方法。  相似文献   

研究了不同干燥条件下,猪通脊肉体积收缩以及内部水分分布。实验气流速度分别为1.0、1.5 m/s和2.0 m/s,温度分别为40、50℃和60℃。通过分析样品半径方向上不同点的水分含量以及体积收缩系数与时间和(无因次)水分含量之间的关系得出:猪通脊肉在脱水过程中,内部水分迁移连续进行,中心水分含量最高,从里到外,水分含量依次降低。猪通脊肉非各向同性,样品同一半径上各处水分含量不相等。风速是影响体积收缩的主要因素,体积收缩系数与水分含量线性相关。在温度40℃时,风速对体积收缩系数的影响非单调,风速为1.0 m/s的体积收缩系数最大,风速为1.5 m/s时体积收缩系数最小,即S1.0S2.0S1.5。  相似文献   

对鱼面的高温高湿干燥工艺进行研究,结果表明,高温高湿干燥可以提高鱼面的干燥速度,改善鱼面的品质。鱼面适宜的干燥条件为:前期干燥温度80℃、相对湿度60%、干燥时间30min,随后转入降温降湿干燥阶段,干燥时间约40min,产品最终含水量10.7%。  相似文献   

以黄鳍金枪鱼鱼皮为研究对象,采用热泵干燥技术,分别研究了热泵干燥温度和鱼皮干燥终点含水率对鱼皮复水率、胶原蛋白、蛋白质稳定性、脂肪氧化、色泽的影响。结果表明,热泵干燥温度为55℃,鱼皮干燥终点含水率为10%时,其色差变化、脂肪氧化程度最小,胶原蛋白含量与干燥前鱼皮最为接近,蛋白质热稳定性较好。   相似文献   

After extrusion cooking, extrudates must be dried and are often coated by spraying with fatty materials before cooling and packaging. As a means to control the drying and coating processes of pet foods, a rapid NMR method was developed to determine water and fat contents over a large temperature range without weighing, heating or measuring the temperature of the samples. Weighing was avoided by normalizing all NMR intensities by the solid echo maximum of each sample. Formulae using estimates of the transverse relaxation time and the concentration of liquid fat protons were used to determine total fat and moisture contents without measuring the temperature of the samples. Fat content estimation had a standard deviation better than 0.2% over a large solid fat index range above 20°C. Water content was determined with a standard deviation of about 0.2% at all temperatures studied.  相似文献   

为了生产优良食味稻米,克服栽培环境的影响非常重要。主要论述了灌浆期最适宜的用水管理、新鲜稻谷的干燥温度以及糙米水分含量与其食味之间的关系。水稻灌浆期最适宜的用水管理是湿润管理法,通过对灌浆期水稻的湿润管理,可有效抑制水田土壤温度上升,保持根系活力,提高稻米结实率,最终实现稻米增收与食味提升。新鲜稻谷水分含量不同,干燥所需的送风温度也不同,22%、25%、30%的水分含量分别对应的适宜温度为55、48、35℃。糙米中14%~15%的水分含量能够保证稻米的最佳食味。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of drying temperature and the beeswax (BW) content on the physical properties of whey protein emulsion films. For this purpose, films were obtained by the casting method and dried at two selected temperatures (5 and 25 °C). Film thickness, water vapor permeability (WVP), solubility and mechanical properties were measured. The results showed that the decrease in drying temperature from 25 to 5 °C reduced the WVP and increased the solubility of the films containing BW. The effect of drying temperature on the mechanical properties was significant in the tensile test but not in the puncture test. The addition of BW decreased the WVP and the solubility and also had a significant effect on the evaluated parameters in both mechanical tests. In general, this effect was observed at both drying temperatures studied. Therefore, taking into account the several applications of the coatings the optimization of coating formulations and drying conditions is of vital importance.  相似文献   

The effect of variety on the heat transfer coefficient of four cassava cultivars (TMS 30555, TMS 30572, NR 8082 and one Native type) was investigated. The cultivars were dried at an air temperature of 142 °C, air velocity of 1.397 m/s−1 and relative humidity of 55%. The heat transfer coefficient obtained varied from 0.0622 to 0.0725 kJ kg s °C. The heat transfer coefficient varied for some cultivars, while some cultivars had close heat transfer coefficient. NR 8082 had the lowest heat transfer coefficient while TMS 30555 had the highest heat transfer coefficient. The cultivars with high heat transfer coefficient were found to have low bulk density, smaller particle diameter, high drying rate, low specific heat capacity and high carbohydrate fat and protein contents than other cultivars.  相似文献   

Almond fruits are subjected to various mechanical stresses throughout production, from harvest to processing, storage and packaging. Kernel properties play an important role in reducing mechanical damage such as scratches and penetration of shell pieces. Knowledge of kernel properties under various conditions of the fruit can assist in optimising post-harvest and processing lines to minimise kernel damage and thus maximise final kernel quality. Kernel moisture content is one of the main attributes affecting the kernel’s response to mechanical processing. Increasing the kernel moisture content to an optimum level through wetting fruit prior to processing can lead to a reduced percentage of damaged kernel. Water added to the structure of kernels acted as a plasticiser and helped the kernels to absorb the mechanical load instead of fracturing and breaking into pieces. In this study, tests were conducted on almond kernels with different moisture content levels from 5.52 to 14.09g/100g wet basis. Kernels from a Nonpareil variety were tested in dried and wetted conditions. Test results showed that kernels with higher moisture content were able to undergo a larger deformation at a given force value in comparison with dry kernels. Average deformation for dry samples was from 0.12 mm, which increased to an average of 0.25 mm in wetted samples. The effect of skin on the mechanical properties of the kernels (with and without skin) was studied using a mechanical tester. The test results showed a peak force value in samples tested with skin in comparison with the kernels tested without skin.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and relative humidity (RH) on the drying kinetics were investigated to identify the optimal drying conditions for Japanese noodle (udon). Drying of fresh udon was carried out under nine conditions involving three temperatures (20, 30 and 40°C) and three RHs (60, 70 and 80%) at a constant airflow. The apparent moisture diffusivities were determined using a diffusion model taking into account both the internal and external mass transfer resistances. The effect of RH on the apparent moisture diffusivity was found to be smaller than that of temperature, but could not be neglected. A modified Arrhenius-type equation of diffusivity involving a RH term was proposed and used for the calculation of moisture content with time. The proposed equation was found to be effective for representing the drying process of fresh udon.  相似文献   

本文以猪里脊肉为原料,在感官评定、仪器分析的基础上,结合低场核磁共振测定结果,考察了水分条件及加热温度对猪肉制品品质的影响。实验数据表明:猪肉的感官硬度、紧密性及咀嚼感随含水量降低而升高,感官弹性略有改善,但100℃热处理的不同干燥样之间没有显著差异(p0.05);质构指标硬度、咀嚼性和剪切力值等与肉品的水分含量呈极显著负相关关系(p0.01);通过降低肉的含水量(36%)可改善121℃热处理导致的肉质软烂和硬度降低。通过LF-NMR分析发现:随干燥程度增大,各状态水分的T2弛豫时间均向快弛豫方向移动,加热温度越高,T21状态的水分弛豫时间移动越明显;干燥脱水造成的水分分布变化不及高温加热造成的影响显著;不易流动水与肉的质构特性关系相当密切,控制其含量可影响脱水肉制品的食用品质。  相似文献   

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