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付春玲 《硅谷》2008,(15):177
通过对电影<天使爱美丽>中的女主角艾米莉的生活环境及成长历程进行分析,抽离出长大后的艾米莉的性格如孩子一般,将生括中的一切都化为游戏,同时又在游戏中得到收获.  相似文献   

张秉祯 《照相机》2009,(12):12-13
秦岭七十二道峪,其中一峪为“秀龙峪”,是传说中汉朝皇帝刘秀避难之地。该峪有一下峪村,村里的四组有一所当年部队驻扎时拥建的小学。  相似文献   

正陈缪华,一九八一年入行、华一设计创始人、高级工艺美术师、中国美术家协会会员、《中华五十六个民族符号》设计者,创意中国设计联盟副主席、中国包装联合会设计委员会常委、福建省包装联合会设计委员会主任、获福建省委、省政府部门授予三大大师称号:福建省优秀人才"百人计划"技能大师、福建省工艺美术大师、陈缪华包装设计大师工作室,历届"中国之星"艺术设计大赛全国评委、上海视觉艺术学院设计学院、福州大学厦门工艺美术学院、福建师范大学美术学院等多所高校兼职教授、  相似文献   

今天,我很荣幸的能作为教师代表站在这里发言,我发言的题目是《孩子,你已经长大了!》。我本善良,我本见不得这种离别伤感的情景,但是今天我之所以会站在这儿,那是因为你们在座的各位都是见证老师我从一名优秀的学生到合格老师转变的见证人,而老师我是见证你们从幼稚走向成熟的目击者。所以,借着这最后的机会老师我还想和你们说说最后的心里话和最后的叮咛。  相似文献   

叶芳 《标准生活》2014,(12):55-56
<正>丁乾峰个子不高,身材微胖,长了一张容易获取信任的面孔。10年之前,他为了摆脱厨师工作的辛苦,找熟人介绍了开锁师傅开始学习开锁技术,10年之后,他说99%的锁自己都能打开,却苦于一天都没有一个顾客。命运之手不经意的翻弄,把多少人曾经的梦想揉碎,扔在地上,再逼着他们自己捡起来。如今,29岁的丁乾锋在距离北京CBD商圈不到1公里的繁华地段有一个属于自己的门脸,经营着手机、充值卡、打印复印、修鞋、配钥匙等业务,当然,也开锁。尽管他反复强调开锁仍  相似文献   

本文对于软磁盘10年来的发展情况进行了评述,介绍了软磁盘的产生、特点、用途和结构。并介绍了目前广泛使用的8英寸和5.25英寸软磁盘的性能。软磁盘正在朝向高容量和小型化方向发展,文中对提高软磁盘记录容量的途径进行了简单讨论。  相似文献   

伊斯曼·柯达公司是一家在世界范围内从事开发、制造和销售民用、专业、健康以及其它成像产品的大型照相公司。该公司有4个业务部门:民用成像、专业成像、健康成像和其它成像部。民用成像部提供照相胶片、相纸、化学品、照相机和照相冲洗设备,并对客户提供售后服务。专...  相似文献   

本刊记者 《照相机》2006,(12):72-73
2007年适逢上海多丽影像设备有限公司成立10周年。多丽公司经过10年的不断探索与发展,已经成为我国彩扩行业的一个具有中国知识产权的国际品牌。作为一个见证了中国彩扩行业嬗变与发展并对其作出巨大贡献的民族企业,其成功的奥妙在哪里呢?听多丽人动情地娓娓道来创业的历程,不禁让人感慨万千。刊登此文,首先对多丽公司成立10周年表示祝贺,再此也希望通过对多丽精神的诠释来激发整个中国彩扩行业。  相似文献   

2007年适逢上海多丽影像设备有限公司成立10周年。多丽公司经过10年的不断探索与发展,已经成为我国彩扩行业的一个具有中国知识产权的国际品牌。作为一个见证了中国彩扩行业嬗变与发展并对其作出巨大贡献的民族企业,其成功的奥妙在哪里呢?听多丽人动情地娓娓道来创业的历程,不禁让人感慨万千。刊登此文,首先对多丽公司成立10周年表示祝贺,再此也希望通过对多丽精神的诠释来激发整个中国彩扩行业。  相似文献   

过去的10年,广西的包装工业在改革的大潮中经受了洗礼,在开放的机遇中走出了徘徊,在新政策的感召下迈出了跃进的坚实脚步。它象一朵待放的花苞,在温煦的阳光下绽出了诱人的花瓣;它象一棵刚落士的树苗,在连绵的雨露下生长成了粗枝壮干的新树;它象一片小小的果林,在置入新养份的沃土里,结出了丰满的果实。10年,使它走过了以往20年、30年未  相似文献   

In this short review I survey the theory of the spin Hall effect in doped semiconductors and metals in the light of recent experiments on both kinds of materials. After a brief introduction to different types of spin–orbit coupling in solids, I describe in detail the three conceptually distinct mechanisms that are known to contribute to the spin Hall effect, namely “skew-scattering”, “side-jump”, and “intrinsic mechanism”. The skew-scattering mechanism is shown to be dominant in certain clean two-dimensional semiconductors in which one component of the spin is conserved. In such systems the side-jump mechanism is sub-dominant, but universal in form, and can become dominant if the electron mobility is reduced by changing the temperature. Both skew-scattering and side-jump contributions are generally reduced by spin precession, and skew-scattering is completely suppressed in the linear Rashba model in the absence of magnetic field. Different models of spin–orbit coupling can, however, sustain an intrinsic spin Hall effect. A brief summary of the present experimental situation concludes the review.  相似文献   

1994年的夏天,中学毕业后,同学让我和他去报读香港的职业学院,当时我的目标并不太明确,也不清楚人生价值的追求,只是想随便跟着同学去试一试.当时有很多专业可选择,有机电、电子、建筑、服装、印刷等,我本来想报服装课程的,但我的同学不喜欢,最后我们一致决定报考印刷,结果他因对颜色判断有障碍,不能通过面试,而我却因此阴差阳错开始了印刷业的学习,现在的事业成就还是他的引路.  相似文献   

《Materials Today》2002,5(5):14

The parameter estimation theory is considered the best way to estimate thermophysical properties from dynamic experiments. This approach deals with measurement and model errors in a statistical context and provides useful information to optimize the experiment. The experience gained in ten years of implementation of inverse algorithms based on the parameter estimation theory (OLS, MAP, and Kalman filtering) is summarized and presented. Several examples of estimation of thermophysical properties using transient and pulse techniques are reported and discussed. The thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, and total hemispherical emissivity of different materials (light insulators, Pyrex, and niobium) are presented and compared with data obtained with consolidated techniques and with literature data.  相似文献   

通过对我国速冻食品行业发展历程以及生产经营现状进行分析,提出了我国速冻食品今后十年的发展将更加注重安全、营养、方便、卫生、品牌、多样。今后十年,我国速冻食品的生产工艺更加标准,速冻设备自动化程度更高,产品在低温冷链中流通更规范,企业品牌集中度更高,产品销售范围更广,消费者食用更放心。预测速冻食品将成为我国现代都市居民、上班一族、年轻人以及企事业单位食堂主要的食物来源。  相似文献   

A study considering Brazilian environmental conditions was carried out aiming to obtaining the development of data on the metal packaging performance when discarded in different natural conditions instead of an adequate disposal. The behaviour of steel packages in four local tropical environments during the time of 10 years was studied: on the ground at an industrial site, on the seashore, buried in the ground and immersed in a riverbed. Four different kinds of steel cans were used (plain powdered milk and soybean oil three piece tinplate cans and lacquered soft drink DWI tinplate can and tomato sauce tinplate three‐piece cans). Alternative packages containing the same products—PET bottles for soybean oil, DWI aluminium cans for soft drinks, laminated plastic bags for powdered milk and carton‐based multilayer packaging for tomato sauce—were used as control. Annually, samples of all packages were removed from the studied sites and visually analysed. Powdered milk and soybean oil cans were completely degraded in the industrial and marine environments between 6 and 7 years. Tomato sauce can sample was totally degraded between 7 and 8 years in the industrial environment. However, although some important surface damage was observed, none of the studied types of steel cans was completely degraded in both conditions: buried in the ground and immersed in a riverbed during the 10 years of study. Alternative packaging showed smaller alteration than steel cans in the studied period and conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) is extended to the ten year period from 1993 through 2002. The most common keywords remain teaching, computers and design although “assessment” and “ABET” became popular from 1998 to 2002. The most cited reference and author are ABET Criterion 2000 and Richard Felder, respectively. The median number of JEE citations of articles published in JEE during 1993 and 1994 is one. The number of papers with financial support increased by over 80 percent. NSF is the dominant source of support. Comparing the second five‐year period to the first five‐year period, there were increases in the percentages of papers reporting data, doing assessment, and using educational or learning theories. These results are consistent with a journal that is becoming more research oriented.  相似文献   

The roles adopted by a design engineer during a design project are examined. The case for ‘role switching’ is presented, and the different roles are described where some relate to particular phases of the design process and others are more general. Situations likely to cause ‘role overload’ are explored for single and multiple projects, and the paper demonstrates that the complexity of the design process is wholly misrepresented by the common ‘drawing office image’.  相似文献   

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