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应彪 《机电技术》2013,(3):28-29
弹性金属塑料推力瓦具有使用温度范围广,摩擦系数小等特点。通过选定改性聚四氟乙烯瓦面,攻克塑料瓦面与瓦坯的钎焊,塑料瓦面的磨削,进、出油边的设计等难关,试制成功弹性金属塑料推力瓦。试运行数据表明,塑料瓦的温升比轴承合金瓦低3~5℃。  相似文献   

弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承润滑性能分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文利用三维热弹动力润滑理论和有限元分析模型对大型水电站弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承的弹流动压润滑性能进行了研究,提出了设计塑料瓦时应注意的问题,并将塑料瓦推力轴承的某些性能与钨金瓦做了分析比较。  相似文献   

弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承起动过程试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国内外推力轴承试验研究的基础上.设计制造了弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承试验装置,设计了基于PC机的数据采集卡组建的信号采集系统的硬件系统,使用LABVIEW开发基于虚拟仪器技术的弹性金属塑料瓦的数据采集软件系统。在该试验台上进行弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承瞬态工况下的试验研究,分析了弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承起动过程中的润滑性能变化。  相似文献   

本在推力轴承模拟试验台上测试了弹性金属塑料轴瓦(简称弹塑瓦)在不同工况条件下的性能。结果表明,在相同条件下,使用弹塑瓦的瓦温、油温以及拖动电功率等性能均优于巴氏瓦,而且弹塑瓦的承载能力明显高于巴氏瓦。本还分析比较了弹塑瓦在几个水电站推力轴承中的应用效果,证实了试验研究的结论,总结出应用弹塑瓦的一系列优点,为弹性金属塑料瓦在水轮机组中普及应用提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

大型水轮发电机弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了大型水轮发电机弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承的优点,热弹流润滑性能分析方法和设计技术,并推导了考虑润滑影响的弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承的雷诺方程。  相似文献   

圆形可倾瓦与扇形瓦推力轴承性能的比较   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
应用有限元程序分别对圆形瓦和扇形瓦推力轴承在中心支承条件下的性能进行了计算。并根据计算结果对两种瓦形的轴承性能作了比较。其结果和实验结论比较一致。最后得出圆形瓦轴承比扇形瓦轴承在某些方面有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

分析1000 MW水轮发电机小支柱双层塑料瓦推力轴承的热弹性流体动力润滑性能,并对推力轴承性能的计算结果和测量结果进行对比分析。分析结果表明,计算结果和实测的结果吻合。小支柱双层塑料瓦可有效地控制瓦的热弹变形,提高推力轴承性能。在780 MW溪洛渡机组上的应用表明,塑料瓦推力轴承可用于巨型水轮发电机组。  相似文献   

水润滑推力轴承推力瓦应力场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司占博  王松  郭杨阳 《润滑与密封》2012,37(6):57-59,51
水润滑推力轴承工作时,推力瓦和推力环端面间的高速相对运动会产生大量摩擦热,导致端面温升和热变形,使推力瓦产生局部高温和高应力,影响水对推力轴承的润滑效果、传递轴向推力效果、轴承寿命和安全性。基于ANSYS软件平台,建立水润滑推力轴承斜面平台固定推力瓦危险截面有限元分析模型,分析推力瓦危险界面的变形和应力场。结果表明:推力瓦的最大变形和最大Von Misses应力均出现在离推力瓦进水方向2/3瓦长处。  相似文献   

圆形可倾瓦推力轴承性能的研究马希直(陕西工学院机械系723003)王继志周世昌(哈尔滨电工学院)1引言流体动压推力轴承是依靠油膜在相对运动的表面间承载的一种部件。具有摩擦功耗少、承载能力大、运动平稳及使用寿命长等优点。在工业设备中经常应用的推力轴承...  相似文献   

A numerical procedure to analyze wavy thrust bearings is described. The numerical model is developed by assuming that two circular plates rotate relative to each other. The upper plate is assumed to be flat and rotating, whereas the lower plate is assumed to be stationary and wavy in surface geometry. A Reynolds-equation-based procedure is used to simulate the dynamics engendered by various wavy geometries and loading conditions. The equilibrium position of the journal results from the equilibrium between the forces generated by the fluid-film pressures and the externally applied loads. A numerical small perturbation technique is applied to calculate the linear stiffness and damping characteristics of the bearing at the equilibrium position. Using a three-degrees-of-freedom system with one axial and two rotational displacements, nine linear stiffness coefficients (three principal and six cross-coupled coefficients) and nine linear damping coefficients are calculated. These linear coefficients are then used to calculate the eigenvalues of the system by solving the homogeneous equations of motion. The stability of the bearing system is then expressed using the lowest logarithmic decrement obtained from these eigenvalues. Using this procedure, a parametric study is carried out to examine the effects of external load, location of the applied load, bearing number, and bearing wave amplitude on journal equilibrium position, bearing linear stiffness, damping characteristics, and bearing stability.  相似文献   

动静压推力轴承动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用有限差分法,对一个高速外圆磨床主轴上的一浅腔动静压推力轴承的动特性进行了理论分析,其结果对提高主轴的性能是非常有益的。  相似文献   

气体静压多孔质止推轴承静态特性的理论发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多孔质材料被用来作空气静压轴承的节流器在过去已经广为报道了。多孔质材料节流器化传统的了流器具有一些显的优点,如设计和制造简单,很高的承载能力和刚度,更优越的尼特性以及体成。甚至更加复杂的几何结构如球轴承,空气静压丝杠也能够很容易获得,到目前为止,止推轴承尤其是圆板状的止推轴承是进行理论分析的最简化的几何模型,同时也是报道最多的。本首先介绍多孔质空气静压轴承的理论,接着着重介绍多孔质止推轴承的理论发展,最后,作讨论了关于多孔质介质的进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

线支承扇形瓦推力轴承热动力润滑性能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了线支承扇形瓦推力轴承中油膜压力、油膜厚度、能量方程和粘温方程等的无量纲表达式,研究了各种刮瓦形式和支承线的倾斜度对推力轴承的油有膜厚度分布和温度分布的影响,研究表明,对于可倾瓦来说,各种刮瓦形式并不能有效降低润滑油的温升,不会明显改善推力轴承的润滑性能;推力轴承在经过长期运行后,推力瓦块支承线因受压缩将会向内倾斜,瓦块外半径处沿圆周方向上的油膜厚度显著减小,从而使润滑油温升大大提高,明显降低了推力轴承的润滑性能。  相似文献   

介绍域外在处理弹流润滑问题是的应用,和边界元不相比,域外不需要对边界单元作繁琐的奇异积分处理,因而编程简捷,计算精确。作为算例,用域外法联立求解雷诺方程和弹性变形方程,计算了大型可倾瓦推力轴承的油膜压力、弹性变表和相应的特性参数。  相似文献   

本文建立了S0910轴承测振仪轴向加载部件的力学模型,并进行了数学推导,为轴承测振仪轴向加载部件的性能分析提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

杨志东 《润滑与密封》1999,(3):43-43,63
本文分析了JHJ型推力轴承及LEG型推力轴承的进回油方式对轴承性能的影响。用LEG型推力轴承替代JHJ型推力轴承时,应该注意改变原轴承的回油结构。LEG型推力轴承在氧气透平压缩压上应用时,实测的节能效果。  相似文献   


The primary objective of this study was to investigate the influence of surface texturing on hydrodynamic lubrication of tilting-pad thrust bearings in terms of bearing power loss, operating temperature, and oil-film thickness. For this purpose, the working faces of six thrust pads from a 228.6-mm-outer-diameter bearing were textured. The textured surface consisted of a system of crossing channels of less than 10 μm in depth. Tests were conducted with a VG68 mineral turbine oil supplied to the bearings at a constant temperature of 50°C and flow rate of 15 L/min. The following parameters were measured: frictional torque, pad and collar temperatures, oil-film thickness, and pressure profiles along two circumferential lines. No significant change in collar and pad temperature could be observed when the patterned bearing was used. However, the textured bearing showed a tendency to exhibit lower power loss especially when an optimum oil flow supply rate was used. At the same time, inlet and outlet film thicknesses for the patterned bearing showed larger values than those obtained during tests on the plain babbitt pads.  相似文献   

Journal bearing performance depends on the boundary conditions at the interfaces between the fluid and the solid surfaces. In the derivation of the Reynolds equation used to predict the bearing performance, the no-slip boundary conditions of the fluid and the solid interfaces are used. Recent research has shown that a slip can occur on specially made surfaces, the conventional no-slip boundary conditions are not valid, and the Reynolds equation is no longer applicable. If the slip is allowed to occur in certain regions, the fluid flow in the bearing can be altered, and the bearing stability characteristics can be improved. In this article, the numerical stability analysis of a journal bearing based on the extent of the slip region on the bearing surface is analyzed. An extended Reynolds equation is derived based on the slip length model, using a no-slip boundary condition against the journal surface and the slip against the bearing surface. A linearized perturbation method is used to determine the stability limit of a rigid rotor supported on two symmetrical journal bearings. Using the linear stability analysis, the linearized stiffness and damping coefficients, the threshold speed, and the critical whirl ratio are evaluated. The effects of the slip parameter on the bearing stability performance are discussed. The results show that with a critical shear stress of zero, an increase in the stability threshold can be achieved with a higher value of the nondimensional slip length and a smaller extent of the slip region on the bearing surface.  相似文献   

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