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朱灵  陈明星  方杰  刘勇  王安 《光学精密工程》2010,18(12):2537-2542
介绍了光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪的基本原理和光纤傅里叶变换光谱仪(FFTS)的结构;基于光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪,采用傅里叶变换光谱算法对光纤Bragg光栅传感器的波长进行了解调。宽带光源发出的光经过光纤耦合器进入光纤Bragg光栅,其反射光由耦合器返回进入到FFTS中进行测量,FFTS的最高光谱分辨率达到0.05 cm-1,即在近红外1 550 nm波长处分辨率为0.012 nm。分别对光纤Bragg光栅的应变特性和温度特性进行了测量。测量显示:光纤Bragg光栅的应变灵敏度为0.833 pm/με,温度灵敏度为19.78 pm/℃。得到的结果表明FFTS系统具有高分辨率、大测量范围的特点,可满足光纤Bragg光栅传感器波长解调的需求。  相似文献   

A hyperspectral imaging device is reported for the remote sensing of hazardous chemical clouds. The device, which is based on Fourier transform spectrometry, displays two-dimensional images of spatially resolved spectral information delivered from a focal-plane-array detector. An algorithm for chemical-cloud detection using the spectrum obtained by the hyperspectral imaging device was also developed. In order to promptly extract results from the large quantity of spectral information, the detection algorithm included approximate and precise detection steps. The performance of the hyperspectral imaging device was characterized in the lab and in the field using the detection algorithm. The real-time distribution of a chemical cloud was successfully observed.  相似文献   

We report the acquisition and deconvolution of three-dimensional spectrally resolved images in a programmable array microscope implementing a Hadamard transform fluorescence spectroscopy system with adjustable spectral resolution. A stack of 16 two-dimensional spectral images was collected at 400 nm intervals along the optical axis. The specimen consisted of a polytene chromosome spread from Drosophila melanogaster doubly labelled for the Polyhomeotic protein by indirect immunofluorescence labelling with Alexa594 and for DNA with YOYO-1. The resulting four-dimensional data set consisted of the xyz spatial dimensions (898 × 255 × 16) with a 26-point spectrum at each spatial location. The total exposure time to the sample was 34 min. The system requires the acquisition of multiple images, and thus works best with fluorophores that are resistant to photobleaching. Image deconvolution reduced the amount of out-of-focus blur by up to a factor of 8, resulting in a dramatic improvement in the visualization of the chromosome backbone and localization of the specific Polyhomeotic domains.  相似文献   

提出了利用定量化的仪器线形函数对面阵傅里叶光谱仪像元进行光谱修正的方法。系统介绍了傅里叶光谱仪的仪器线形函数,结合仪器的自身特征建立了仪器线形函数模型,并利用MATLAB进行了仿真计算。通过理论计算给出了中心像元和边缘像元的激光光谱波峰之间的差值,其同实际值的相对误差均值仅为4.21%,修正后的边缘像元光谱准确度达到10-5量级。得到的结果从理论角度证明了利用仪器线形函数对面阵型傅里叶光谱仪进行光谱修正的有效性。最后从实际工程应用的角度出发,提出了针对面阵傅里叶光谱仪非中心像元光谱修正的方法。实验显示该方法具有很强的普适性,可在保证较高光谱准确度的基础上极大地提高光谱定标的效率,降低光谱定标的工作量。  相似文献   

By investigating the identities, amounts, and distributions of the major components of human gallstones, the formation mechanism of calculi may be elucidated. Using FT-IR specular reflection spectroscopy, the compositions of five common types of gallstones, including cholesterol calculus, bile pigment calculus, cholesterol-bilirubin calculus, mixed calculus, and black stones, were positionally, qualitatively, and quantitatively analyzed. Several organic and inorganic substances were found in human gallstones, including cholesterol, calcium bilirubinate, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and calcium stearate. Among them, cholesterol and calcium bilirubinate were the main components. The amounts of these substances varied in different types of gallstone. The distributions of cholesterol and calcium salts (with the exception of calcium bilirubinate) were also closely associated with location. In the various calculi, the amounts of cholesterol and calcium bilirubinate in the cores, the layered structures outside the cores, and the outer shells were higher than those of other substances. The identities of the major components of calculi were similar in different types of gallstones, but their amounts and distributions were significantly different. The analytical method used in this study, which was able to accurately determine the location, quality, and quantity of the major components of gallstones, would be an effective tool to study the formation mechanism of calculi.  相似文献   

数字图像中傅里叶变换的研究分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索新的数字图像处理方法,研究了数字图像的频谱,特别研究了幅值谱对图像的影响。从高频和低频两个角度,分别研究了频谱。以一幅图像为例,通过Mat Lab进行仿真和分析。尤其是对幅值谱的理论研究,为实现新的数字图像处理方法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

孟庆华  向阳 《光学精密工程》2007,15(10):1515-1519
介绍了用于傅里叶变换光谱仪的红外水平衰减全反射(ATR)测试仪的基本原理和设计思想,分析了影响光谱强度的穿透深度和反射次数。将光斑缩小三倍聚焦到样品上,把光路还原聚焦到接收器上,对能量利用率进行了分析计算。给出了在FTS-7傅里叶变换光谱仪上用该测试仪测量的几种样品的光谱图。结果表明,该测试仪能量利用率为5%,全反射15次,所测谱图质量接近于同类装置水平。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) technique gives the elemental identities and the position of atoms within the small volume analysed (on the order of 10 × 10 × 100 nm3). The large number of atoms collected (up to two million) and the excellent spatial resolution of this instrument allows the observation of some crystallographic features of phases chemically identified. This paper shows that the application of a discrete Fourier transform algorithm to a 3DAP dataset provides information that is not easily accessible in real space. The derivation of the mean size of particles from Fourier intensities is an example. Using 3D 'dark-field' imaging, single ordered grains were isolated from the disordered matrix of a ternary alloy. Moreover, the intrinsic spatial resolution of the instrument was evaluated by this method for pure metal; the resolution reaches 0.2 nm laterally and 0.06 nm in depth. This excellent resolution is shown to be sufficient to give access to the crystalline lattice. The use of image filtering in the reciprocal space enables for atomic columns to be imaged the first time from 3DAP data.  相似文献   

为了采用非均匀发射阵列的傅里叶望远镜清晰重构深空目标图像,提出了一种基于最小二乘法拟合缺失傅里叶分量的新方法。首先采用T型非均匀发射阵列作为傅里叶望远镜的激光发射系统,并对返回的时域信号进行直流滤波;然后,基于傅里叶望远镜的基本原理对信号进行解调并通过相位闭合得到三重积。采用最小二乘法对没有抽取的傅里叶分量进行拟合估计,作为连乘恢复单一傅里叶分量信息的基础;最后,进行非均匀傅里叶逆变换重构目标图像。在不同信噪比条件下对4个目标进行了数值模拟,并与简单估算方法进行了对比。结果显示:信噪比(SNR)为200db,采用7阶最小二乘法拟合估计时,重构图像细节分辨更为清晰,其斯特里尔比(Strehl)比衍射极限图像的斯特里尔比(Strehl)最高可提高0.074 2,最低可提高0.009 8。采用新方法对外场实验数据进行重构的结果表明:提出的方法克服了频谱偏差造成的重构图像失真,可为实际工程系统提供理论参考。  相似文献   

In this study, ribbon-shaped amorphous cast-iron fibres were used to reinforce a concrete matrix. X-ray photographs have been taken to detect fibres in situ . Their orientation has been investigated by automatic image analysis methods. However, this measurement should not be influenced by the digitization on the square frame of the analyser. For that purpose, the Fourier transform was used rather than the rose of direction method. This analysis revealed the transverse isotropic nature of the spatial arrangement of these fibres, whose axis of revolution corresponds to the concrete casting axis. Such a morphological characterization of the fibre-reinforced concrete reveals its mechanical behaviour.  相似文献   

针对傅里叶变换轮廓术(Fourier transform profilometry,FTP)的实际应用,在介绍FTP的基本原理基础之上,提出了几种多频光栅的设计和实现方法,通过多频光栅的设计,旨在提高FTP的测量精度和速度。  相似文献   

Harmonic components are critically important to the fault diagnosis of rotor system. Various methods have been developed for harmonic component extraction. The challenge however, is to efficiently and accurately extract rotor system harmonic components. In this paper, a new harmonic analysis approach based on an improved discrete Fourier transform algorithm is proposed. It schemes out harmonic analysis sampling and resampling method to obtain synchronous sampling data, which can realize integer-period synchronous sampling and greatly increase the measurement accuracy of harmonic parameters. Then an improved discrete Fourier transform algorithm is proposed to extract harmonic components, which can dramatically reduce the computation load through replacing multiplication by shift operation. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is analyzed by means of simulation and practical experiment for multifrequency simulated signal and shaft misalignment faults, respectively. Results show that the proposed method is faster and more accurate than both the DFT-based methods and the FFT-based methods for extracting harmonic components of rotor system.  相似文献   

零件的表面形貌对机械性能有重要影响。由于实测的表面包含噪声,不适于分析,需要对表面进行重构。离散傅里叶变换可以把时域的数据转化到频域内,通过分析幅-频分布,可以确定表面信息。本文以傅里叶变换为基础,提出了一种根据高度参数进行表面重构的方法。  相似文献   

傅里叶变换红外光谱仪动镜倾斜误差分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过建立傅里叶变换光谱仪中动镜、定镜和干涉面的坐标对应关系,对动镜存在多个方向倾斜时的干涉光路进行了详细的分析。建立了非准直状态下干涉面光强分布的二维数学模型,确立了干涉图函数的数学表达式,从调制度、相位误差和频率噪声的角度,对动镜倾斜造成的影响进行了系统分析。在动镜的运动中,左右方向的倾斜和俯仰方向的倾斜对系统的影响彼此具有独立性,又具有叠加性;干涉图中初相位因子随光程差改变缓慢变化或快速变化,对相位误差的影响也不全相同。在倾斜误差分析的基础上,对动镜的最大倾斜角度和减少误差的方法进行讨论,并提出了两种动态准直校正的思路。  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的光纤傅里叶变换光谱仪数据处理技术   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
为了提高编程效率与增强光谱仪数据分析处理能力,结合LabVIEW软件在信号处理方面的优势,利用虚拟仪器技术实现了光纤傅里叶变换光谱仪干涉图处理与光谱复原。采用均匀抽样算法,利用由光纤Mach-Zehnder干涉仪输出的参考光干涉图过零点取样,实现对测试光干涉图的等光程间隔采样,消除了由压电陶瓷非线性光程调制引起的误差。采用求摸法复原出光谱图,自动消除了相位误差。利用LabVIEW软件完成了对宽带ASE光源的干涉图数据采集、显示与处理并最终得到光谱图。结果表明,与光栅光谱仪测得的光谱相比,光谱线型趋于一致。  相似文献   

用于FTS干涉图信号处理的多阶带通滤波器研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滤波技术的应用是傅里叶变换光谱仪对于光源光谱再现的关键,利用连续时间滤波器Max274设计了Chebyshev带通滤波器,结合实际研制的16阶带通滤波器性能与设计指标符合较好.限制了傅里叶变换光谱仪测量频宽,有效克服了光谱仪光谱测量中汞灯光源交流信号的影响.  相似文献   

We propose an algorithmic technique for accelerating maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm for image reconstruction in fluorescence microscopy. This is made possible by integrating Biggs–Andrews (BA) method with ML approach. The results on widefield, confocal, and super‐resolution 4Pi microscopy reveal substantial improvement in the speed of 3D image reconstruction (the number of iterations has reduced by approximately one‐half). Moreover, the quality of reconstruction obtained using accelerated ML closely resembles with nonaccelerated ML method. The proposed technique is a step closer to realize real‐time reconstruction in 3D fluorescence microscopy. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:331–335, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

针对基于光学手段实现的传统光学联合变换相关器不适应空间环境等问题,对传统相关器进行了改进和试验验证。首先,采用完全电子学手段替代采用光学器件实现的方法解决了联合变换相关器适应空间环境的问题。然后,在联合变换过程中加入自相关运算,消除了零级衍射峰的影响,并引入过采样离散傅里叶变换方法提升相关器的测量精度。最后,采用精密直线导轨开展静态测试试验,验证了改进后的联合变换相关器的性能。静态测试试验表明:对于亚像元级的微小位移量,改进后的联合变换相关器测量误差均方根(RMS)值为0.22 pixel。改进后的联合变换相关器显示了良好的空间环境适应性和较好的可实现性,其精度基本满足空间相机像移补偿的要求。  相似文献   

分析了太空失重对星载傅里叶光谱仪动镜系统的影响。针对动镜系统受重力影响的两个关键因素,提出了解决措施,并设计了实验室验证方法。考虑空间和地面重力环境的不同,分析了动镜未被驱动时重力对初始定位的影响和动镜被驱动后重力对运动机构回复力矩的影响。设计了精密初始机械限位使动镜从固定起始点开始运动控制,并且采用闭环PID控制与在轨可调整期望运动规律相结合的控制方法来校正动镜机构等效扭转刚度的变化。最后,提出了将整个动镜机构倒置的方式进行地面验证,并设计了动镜正、负位移不对称性偏差以及匀速区速度波动的性能测量方法。实验结果表明,正置和倒置时动镜正、负位移的不对称性偏差可以控制在6μm以内,其匀速区的速度波动均方根值分别为1.4%和1.1%。实验显示提出的解决方法简单可靠,性能指标满足傅里叶光谱仪的要求,为动镜系统的空间应用提供了技术途径。  相似文献   

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