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王瀛 《人类居住》2007,(1):36-40
宗旨在社会住房供应方面提供优质的住房、高级的管理,做到让客户满意,并尽可能地支持城市复兴。为达到社会住房供应的长期可持续发展实现有计划的逐步增长。  相似文献   

<正>足球城体育场坐落于南非约翰内斯堡市索维托镇,自其翻新工程于2010年5月完工以来,已接待游客超过100万人次。随着体育场对其自身显著地位的重新诠释,有关它所承载的国家级足球、橄榄球赛事,以及世界级演唱会、各类庆典会议活动等内容的讨论也在继续演进着。  相似文献   

The article examines the way strategic spatial planning in the City of Johannesburg has attempted to reshape existing and emerging spatial patterns of a divided sprawling city, focusing particularly on current initiatives to link spatial planning and infrastructure development through the growth management strategy. The strategy has been well institutionalised in the municipality, with strong political support and links to budgets. New public transport systems are being introduced, linked to spatial plans, although some of these developments have been contested. While the property industry is responding positively to some aspects of planning, moving towards greater spatial equity remains challenging. The planning-infrastructure link seems to be strengthening planning, but it is a demanding approach which requires a very different form of planning than the traditional master planning.  相似文献   

Using legislation as one of its main tools, the apartheid government provided white South Africans with abundant resources and economic opportunities. Correlated with the opportunities provided to whites was the systematic denial of opportunity to members of other groups. Since 1994, the African National Congress- (ANC-) led government has worked to remedy the effects of apartheid through legislative means. South Africa's Department of Housing has attempted to use community reinvestment legislation as part of this effort. This paper assesses the various political and economic factors that led to the failure of South Africa's reinvestment legislation process. These fall into two categories: extra-legislative factors and factors internal to the process itself that, even should other inhibitions not have existed, might still have undermined South Africa's reinvestment legislation process. The paper relies largely on analysis of interviews conducted with South African bankers, government officials, community representatives, and housing and lending specialists.  相似文献   

 Gold mining in South Africa resulted in vast volumes of tailings, which have been deposited in impoundments. Poor management of most of the tailings dams resulted in the escape of seepage, adversely affecting soils and water quality. Some tailings dams have been partially or completely reclaimed leaving contaminated footprints. These zones pose a serious threat to the underlying dolomitic aquifers. In this study, the footprints of seven selected sites situated near Johannesburg have been investigated. It was found that the topsoil is highly acidified and only a minor portion of contaminants is bioavailable. However, phytotoxic contaminants such as Co, Ni and Zn could complicate rehabilitation measures as they limit the soil function. In addition, soil samples contain trace element concentrations, which often exceed background concentrations in soils. As a result, the depletion of buffer minerals and the subsequent acidification could result in the long-term remobilization of large quantities of contaminants into the groundwater. Soil management measures such as liming are required to prevent the contaminant migration from the topsoil into the subsoil and groundwater as well as to provide suitable recultivation conditions to enable future land use. Received: 20 April 1999 · Accepted: 27 September 1999  相似文献   

This article represents a contribution to the limited scholarship on understanding the locational behaviour of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Africa. Against a background review of international research and debates on locational decision-making of foreign investors at both international (particularly within the developing world) and national scales of analysis, the profile and patterns of foreign investment in Johannesburg are documented and the key factors influencing investor location choice are analysed. Although investors from 34 countries are represented in Johannesburg, the leading ten investor countries, headed by USA, Germany and UK, account for 85% of all investments. An emerging trend is for the growth of FDI from India, China and the Middle East. Reasons given by foreign investors for selecting Johannesburg as an investment destination largely mirror the international experience of location decision-making by foreign investors. Johannesburg is shown to be the preferred choice for business operation both in South Africa and the broader southern African region because of several agglomeration factors which relate to the city's position as economic hub, financial centre and core market of southern Africa.  相似文献   

Heritage tourism is a significant contemporary feature in many developing countries, particularly in Africa, and fast growing in popularity in South Africa. As many heritage sites are located in cities, heritage tourism is a potential growth segment for urban tourism. This paper analyses strategic policy and interest in heritage tourism for the South African tourism economy. The case of Constitution Hill in Johannesburg is examined as a case study to elucidate the limits of urban heritage tourism. It is argued this iconic heritage attraction is seemingly failing to attract many local visitors or tourists despite its important national heritage status. Using structured interviews with stakeholders and questionnaires with visitors and local residents, the research critically explores their understanding of heritage tourism as well as their perceptions of its influence on the physical landscape as a driver for local development.  相似文献   

The last 20 years has witnessed an explosion not only in the growth of private residential territories throughout the world, but also in the literature addressing them. The majority of research is centred on experiences in the United States and Latin America (although studies elsewhere are increasing) and suffers from a tendency to homogenise the processes and consequences of gating as synonymous whether experienced in Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City or São Paulo. Whilst axiomatic to state the unlikelihood of identical trends in such differing contexts, the absence of such a statement in the literature is significant. This paper addresses the social and spatial phenomenon of residential gated communities in three of South Africa’s major cities: Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Detailed background and discussion regarding the development and experience of ‘gating’ in each city is analysed, emphasising the uniqueness of each city’s gating experience. These indications, that gating is not a universal experience despite some common themes, serve to counter the homogenous discourse in both popular and academic parlance throughout the world and within South Africa. In addition, particular concerns related to the growth of residential forms based on exclusion and privatisation within the South African context, are considered. In essence, we conclude that while ‘gating’ may be an individually rational decision in the context of South Africa’s growing crime, its collective consequences produce a divided city, at odds with post-apartheid ideals of unity and equality.  相似文献   

The recent rise of China as a major global capitalist player has significantly affected those countries to which the Chinese have migrated, and South Africa has proved no difference. Little research was found pertaining specifically to the daily operation of Chinese shops in South Africa. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to fill this gap in our knowledge by providing an outline of the operational aspects associated with running Chinese shops in the city of Johannesburg and entrepreneurs’ perceptions and opinions of their business environment. The background information sketches a picture of the Chinese diaspora and the economic activities of Chinese immigrants in South Africa, while the literature review provides insights into the global nature of Chinese migrants as ethnic entrepreneurs and examines their patterns of economic activity in foreign countries. Questionnaire interviews were conducted with 500 respondents selected at random throughout the city of Johannesburg. The demographic results show that respondents have followed different trajectories to establish themselves in South Africa. Furthermore, results indicate that economic factors and ‘guanxi’ networks (close family and friend networks) are the most important aspects that influence and shape the general business profile of respondents. Despite trying circumstances, respondents remain innovative entrepreneurs who use their economic resourcefulness and guanxi networks to make a living in Johannesburg by adapting to local circumstances quickly. Important implications for better local government planning for Chinese communities and businesses in Johannesburg are also highlighted.  相似文献   

分析了住房抵押贷款中借款人的理性违约,认为因住房贬值而导致的借款人理性违约,实质上是住房的价格风险在供款人和贷款人之间的重新再分配。基于对我国住房抵押贷款市场中缺乏违约风险规避机制的分析,作者提出了建立我国由政府性质的担保机构和商业保险公司共同提供保险的综合违约风险规避机制的设想。此外,就建立政府性质担保机构的问题进行了着重探讨,通过对美国联邦住房管理局(FHA)的住房抵押贷款互助保险基金(MMIF)的分析,并结合中国实际,得出了中国有必要设立政府性质担保机构的结论。  相似文献   

Cultural heritage sites play multiple roles in the development of urban tourism. Amongst these roles, the authentic properties of cultural heritage generate a sense of place, are the main source of authentic tourist experience and assume an important role in reaffirming cultural and national identity. This paper provides a contribution to authenticity discourse both theoretically and empirically. The study examines and re-evaluates the main sources of authenticity of tourist experience generated from South African iconic places which serve a dual function, as ‘must-see’ tourist attractions and as places of new post-1994 national African identity building. The focus is the Constitution Hill heritage site in Johannesburg. The research explores how authentic is the individual tourist experience of the site and whether differences exist in the way domestic and international tourists perceive the authenticity of the iconic place as representative of new South African identity. The results show that the majority of tourists perceive the place as authentic and derive an authentic experience from the visit. No statistically significant differences are observed between the experience of domestic versus international tourists’ experience of the site which was measured by four variables of authentic experience, namely, attraction, attention, outcomes and feelings.  相似文献   

A preliminary survey was undertaken to identify air contamination in the vicinity of industrial, residential and hospital sites. In many developing countries, poor town planning has resulted in growth of residential and commercial sites in close proximity to the industrial works, without the provision of a buffer zone. As prevailing winds blow across the industrial works to the other areas, undesirable pollution may be experienced. Before steps are taken to reduce factory emissions, the impact of the industry on the surrounding area needs to be clearly defined. In this study, the total particulate matter and the level of microbial contamination at the selected sites is reported. The elemental composition of the particulate matter is described.  相似文献   

Maternal mortality in South Africa is unacceptably high, and interventions to address this are urgently needed. Whilst urban centres, such as Johannesburg, are home to significant numbers of non-national migrant women, little is known about their maternal healthcare experiences. In order to inform future research, an exploratory study investigating the maternal healthcare and help-seeking experiences of migrant women living in inner-city Johannesburg was undertaken. Intersections between migration, maternal health and life in the city were explored through semi-structured interviews with 15 Zimbabwean women who had engaged with the public healthcare system in Johannesburg during pregnancy and childbirth. Interviews were dominated by reports of verbal abuse from healthcare providers and delays in receiving care—particularly at the time of delivery. Participants attributed these experiences to their use of English—rather than other South African languages; further work comparing this with the experiences of nationals is required. Beyond the healthcare system, the study suggests that the well-being of these migrant women is compromised by their living and working conditions in the city: maintaining access to income-generating activities is prioritised over accessing antenatal care services. Migrant Zimbabwean women make use of their religious and social networks in the city to inform help-seeking decisions during pregnancy and delivery. Improving the maternal healthcare experiences of urban migrant women should contribute to reducing maternal mortality in South Africa. Further research is required to inform interventions to improve the maternal health of migrant women in the city, including the multiple determinants of urban health that operate outside the biomedical healthcare system.  相似文献   

随着住房消费信贷业务的迅猛发展,金融,保险等机构正面临新一的房地产业发展和激烈的市场竞争。个人住房贷款作为信贷资产的重要组成部分,如何推动它的发展从而进一步形成对个人住宅消费的支持,将成为新的课题。本文首先对重庆市个人住房公积金贷款业务的现状及商业银行个人住房贷款业务发展情况进行了分析,然后对重庆市个人住房贷款业务中出现的关于借款人,贷款人,开发商,抵押物等方面出现的问题进行了深入的阐述,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Defaults in residential mortgages could be very costly and hazardous to market stability. This paper sets out to inform homebuyers, lenders and policy makers of the determinants of default, and constructs a mortgage default model to assist them in making mortgage applications, advancing loans, or implementing policies to maintain market stability. Residential default behaviour from 1998 to 2007 is studied and a model is constructed by means of Autoregressive Multiple Linear Regression. The results show that the lag term of default rate, gross mortgage rate, current loan-to-value ratio, change in debt-to-income ratio and Consumer Price Index are positively correlated with default rate; however, property price appreciation and change in the Hang Seng Index have a negative relationship with default rate.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of immigrants in South Africa from non-SADC countries. This research was conducted with Ethiopian immigrants in Durban in an attempt to shed some insights into this new nexus. The aim of the study was to understand the experiences of Ethiopian immigrants. The decision to migrate is motivated by a number of socio-economic factors including social networks and greater accessibility and availability of opportunities. The findings of this research suggest that most Ethiopian immigrants in South Africa are involved in the informal economic sector. The target of their economic activities is mainly South Africans in the townships and Ethiopian immigrants themselves. Crime is not the major concern because it does not impact the immigrant community. This research found that Ethiopian immigrants have not integrated into the local community. Language is a major barrier to integration. However, more efforts are needed to ensure their integration into the local community.  相似文献   

Ehlers MM  Grabow WO  Pavlov DN 《Water research》2005,39(11):2253-2258
Enteric viruses have been detected in many drinking water supplies all over the world. A meaningful number of these supplies were treated and disinfected according to internationally acceptable methods. In addition, counts of bacterial indicators (coliform bacteria and heterotrophic plate count organisms) in these water supplies were within limits generally recommended for treated drinking water and these findings have been supported by epidemiological data on infections associated with drinking water. The shortcomings of conventional treatment methods and indicator organisms to confirm the absence of enteric viruses from drinking water, was generally ascribed to the exceptional resistance of these viruses. In this study, the prevalence of enteroviruses detected from July 2000 to June 2002 in sewage, river-, borehole-, spring- and dam water as well as drinking water supplies treated and disinfected according to international specifications for the production of safe drinking water was analysed. A glass wool adsorption-elution technique was used to recover viruses from 10--20 l of sewage as well as environmental water samples, in the case of drinking water from more than 100 l. Recovered enteroviruses were inoculated onto two cell culture types (BGM and PLC/PRF/5 cells) for amplification of viral RNA with nested-PCR being used to detect the amplified viral RNA. Results from the study demonstrated the presence of enteroviruses in 42.5% of sewage and in 18.7% of treated drinking water samples. Furthermore, enteroviruses were detected in 28.5% of river water, in 26.7% of dam/spring water and in 25.3% of borehole water samples. The high prevalence of coxsackie B viruses found in this study suggested, that a potential health risk and a burden of disease constituted by these viruses might be meaningful. These findings indicated that strategies, other than end-point analysis of treated and disinfected drinking water supplies, may be required to ensure the production of drinking water that does not exceed acceptable health risks. More reliable approaches to ensure acceptable safety of drinking water supplies may be based on control by multiple-barrier principles from catchment to tap using hazard assessment and critical control point (HACCP) principles.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides in ambient air in Durban, South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the existence of numerous sources and continuing use, information regarding emissions and airborne concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in Africa is extremely limited. This paper presents results of a monitoring program conducted in Durban, South Africa that was designed to characterize levels, trends and possible sources of pesticides in both industrial and residential areas. Three monitoring sites were established, two in an industrialized area in the southern part of the city, and the third in a northern residential area. Particulate and vapor samples were sampled over the 2004-5 period and analyzed by GC/MS to estimate long-term levels of a wide range of pesticides. Based on a year of sampling, the sites had comparable levels of many pesticides with exceptions of alpha-chlordane and lindane. Levels of p,p'-DDT (42+/-27 pg m(-3)) and its derivatives were relatively high and showed an unusual mixture with high levels of p,p'-DDD (12+/-11 pg m(-3)). Other pesticides detected and quantified included aldrin, chlordanes, hexachlorobenzene and dieldrin. Potential source areas, identified using concentration patterns, local and regional gradients, compositional information and trajectory analyses, suggest that chlordane and lindane arise from both local sources as well as regional/global sources; DDT from regional sources elsewhere in South Africa, Africa and India; and most of the other long-lived pesticides detected, including gamma-nonachlor, hexachlorobenzene and toxaphene, from global sources. This monitoring results, which represent the most detailed study to date of pesticides in air in Africa, serve several purposes, including documenting the presence and use of long-banned pesticides like aldrin, aiding the understanding of the fate of persistent compounds, identifying pollutants that may contribute to health problems, and informing decision-making aimed at reducing exposures and risks.  相似文献   

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