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Linoleate, linolenate, arachidonate, docosahexenoate and six other fatty acids were major components of 24 ester preparations fed as 5% of the diet for 60 days to groups of male white rats. The experiment was designed so as to provide that all major fatty acid components were independent of each other in the sense that the intake of each was poorly correlated with the intake of any of the others. Fatty acid compositions of liver lipids were determined and were related to the composition of the diet lipids. Linolenate and docosahexaenoate contents of diet and tissue revealed the same relationships reported previously from experiments in which individual pure acid esters were added to a fat-free diet. Linoleate, when fed in lipid mixtures, was more effective in raising the linoleate concentration in liver lipids than when fed alone, but this increase did not change the shape of the dose-response curve or the estimated nutritional requirement. Large amounts of fish oil in the diet tended to depress the arachidonate concentration in tissue lipids.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the term used for a common form of fatty liver presenting in adults with varied clinical manifestations. The most common presentation is asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes (AST or SGOT and ALT or SGPT), which can be discovered incidentally in the course of an annual checkup, life insurance examination, or as part of surrogate screening before blood donation. At the other end of the clinical spectrum is the patient with complications from cryptogenic cirrhosis, who also shows a lack of evidence of alcohol as an etiological factor in pathogenesis. Clinical associations of probable relevance include gender (female), obesity, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, but many patients do not conform to any of these stereotypes (e.g., young men of normal weight with normal fasting glucose and lipid levels). Liver biopsy confirms the diagnosis of NASH, the association of steatosis with an inflammatory response being the sine qua non for the condition and "creeping fibrosis" being a variable but possibly sinister feature. Newer imaging techniques may provide convincing evidence of steatosis, but they give little insight into ongoing fibrosis, and liver biopsy therefore remains the gold standard. The mainstay of treatment remains judicious weight loss coupled with positive dietary advice, including the ingestion of adequate but not excessive vitamins. After initial encouraging data. the assessment of ursodeoxycholic acid currently being studied under randomized controlled conditions is eagerly awaited.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of our work was to determine the usefulness of double-phase helical CT during arterial portography (CTAP) for the detection of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHOD: Eighty-four patients with 176 hypervascular HCC nodules underwent double-phase CTAP. Hypervascular HCCs were diagnosed by iodized oil CT after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE). The first-phase images were obtained 30 s after the initiation of injection of a nonionic iodinated contrast medium into the superior mesenteric artery or splenic artery, and the second-phase images were obtained after 70 s. These images were interpreted separately for detection of HCC. RESULTS: The double-phase CTAP detected two nodules and six nodules that were missed by the first- and second-phase images, respectively. The sensitivity for hypervascular HCC nodules was 89% for the first phase, 91% for the second phase, and 93% for the first phase and second phase combined. The double-phase CTAP showed significantly superior sensitivity to the first-phase CTAP for detecting HCC nodules (p < 0.05). However, there was no statistically significant difference between the sensitivities of the double-phase CTAP and the second-phase CTAP. The positive predictive values of the double-phase images were inferior to those of either the first-phase or the second-phase images alone. CONCLUSION: Double-phase helical CTAP was found to be no better than second-phase CTAP alone for the detection of hypervascular HCC nodules.  相似文献   

The most frequent neurological complications of antiphospholipid antibodies syndrome (APS) are cerebral infarctions. In cases with recurrent strokes this syndrome may be associated with multi infarct dementia. We report the case of a 40-year old man presenting as "primary" APS with multiple cerebral infarctions. This patient had insidiously and progressively developed a cognitive impairment predominant in memory. The progressive encephalopathy associated with APS is very different from multi infarct dementia and could be caused either by a vascular mechanism (vascular occlusion with fibrin thrombi or disseminated vasculitis) or by an immunological mechanism.  相似文献   

Cyclosporin A is associated with an acute encephalopathy including seizures and alterations in mental status, herein referred to as cyclosporin A acute encephalopathy and seizure syndrome. The clinical history, electroencephalogram (EEG), and neuroimaging findings in 19 children with cyclosporin A acute encephalopathy and seizure syndrome over a 10-year period were reviewed in order to delineate clinical characteristics, imaging features, and to determine the risk of seizure recurrence in this population. All 19 had motor seizures associated with other features of cortical and subcortical dysfunction. The acute mean cyclosporin A level was 342 microg/L, but was within the "therapeutic" range in five cases. Brain imaging by computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the acute or subacute phase revealed lesions characteristic of cyclosporin A toxicity in 14 cases. Acute EEG abnormalities were present in all and included epileptiform discharges or focal slowing. Patients were followed for a median of 49 months (1-9 years). Follow-up imaging (n = 10) showed lesion resolution or improvement in the majority while EEG (n = 10) had normalized in only three. Seizures recurred in six patients and only in those with persistent EEG or imaging abnormalities. No patient had a second episode of cyclosporin A associated neurotoxicity or seizure. It appears that a significant risk of seizure recurrence exists following cyclosporin A acute encephalopathy and seizure syndrome and primarily in those children with persistent EEG or imaging abnormalities.  相似文献   

A controlled, double-blind trial on 42 children showed that a dentrifrice containing 0,25% fluorine clearly prevented caries when used continuously for 2 years. This effects was greater than that of a similar toothpaste containing fluorine. Tolerance was excellent.  相似文献   

Seven pediatric cases with hepatic peripheral zonal degeneration or necrosis in the liver, or both, were studied. From the standpoint of clinicopathological features, these cases fit best into the spectrum of Reye syndrome. Exogenous toxins, such as phosphorus and drugs, could not be implicated as principal causative factors in any of the cases. In the context of Reye syndrome, fatty acids would seem to have been the toxins most likely responsible for the pathogenesis of the peripheral zonal degeneration and necrosis in the liver.  相似文献   

The syndrome of minimal hepatic encephalopathy is used to describe discrete psychomental and neuro-psychological abnormalities in patients with chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) or portosystemic shunt, in whom classical clinical investigations reveal no evidence of mental or cerebro-neurological disorders, and who cannot be assigned to any of the usual stages of hepatic encephalopathy. Disorders of cerebral function, such as lack of concentration, impaired ability to think logically, loss of comprehension, impairment of space perception and the recognition of numbers and letters can be very reliably detected by simple psychometric tests (number-connection test, line-tracing test, handwriting), and are present in as many as 70% of cirrhotics. This may be expressed in everyday life by an impairment of driving ability, and at work by impaired ability to operate a machine. The use of established means of lowering blood ammonia levels (lactulose, ornithine-aspartate) results in a rapid improvement in the symptoms of encephalopathy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Permissive hypercapnia is a ventilatory strategy aimed at avoiding lung volutrauma in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Expiratory washout (EWO) is a modality of tracheal gas insufflation that enhances carbon dioxide removal during mechanical ventilation by reducing dead space. The goal of this prospective study was to determine the efficacy of EWO in reducing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) in patients with severe ARDS treated using permissive hypercapnia. METHODS: Seven critically ill patients with severe ARDS (lung injury severity score, 3.1 +/- 0.3) and no contraindications for permissive hypercapnia were studied. On the first day, hemodynamic and respiratory parameters were measured and the extent of lung hyperdensities was assessed using computed tomography. A positive end-expiratory pressure equal to the opening pressure identified on the pressure-volume curve was applied. Tidal volume was reduced until a plateau airway pressure of 25 cm H2O was reached. On the second day, after implementation of permissive hypercapnia, EWO was instituted at a flow of 15 l/min administered during the entire expiratory phase into the trachea through the proximal channel of an endotracheal tube using a ventilator equipped with a special flow generator. Cardiorespiratory parameters were studied under three conditions: permissive hypercapnia, permissive hypercapnia with EWO, and permissive hypercapnia. RESULTS: During permissive hypercapnia, EWO decreased PaCO2 from 76 +/- 4 mmHg to 53 +/- 3 mmHg (-30%; P < 0.0001), increased pH from 7.20 +/- 0.03 to 7.34 +/- 0.04 (P < 0.0001), and increased PaO2 from 205 +/- 28 to 296 +/- 38 mmHg (P < 0.05). The reduction in PaCO2 was accompanied by an increase in end-inspiratory plateau pressure from 26 +/- 1 to 32 +/- 2 cm H2O (P = 0.001). Expiratory washout also decreased cardiac index from 4.6 +/- 0.4 to 3.7 +/- 0.3 l.min-1.m-2 (P < 0.01), mean pulmonary arterial pressure from 28 +/- 2 to 25 +/- 2 mmHg (P < 0.01), and true pulmonary shunt from 47 +/- 2 to 36 +/- 3% (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Expiratory washout is an effective and easy-to-use ventilatory modality to reduce PaCO2 and increase pH during permissive hypercapnia. However, it significantly increases airway pressures and lung volume through expiratory flow limitation, reexposing some patients to a risk of lung volutrauma if the extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure is not substantially reduced.  相似文献   

This first known case of concurrent congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia (CDA) and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) which occurred in a hispanic male and spanned 6 years from the age of 2. Light and electron microscopy of bone marrow erythroblasts and immunophenotyping confirmed CDA; serum/eluate warm autoantibodies and positive direct antiglobulin tests (DAT) associated with severe, episodic anaemias established AIHA. Cytogenetic analysis of bone marrow cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes ascertained sex chromosome aneuploidy (48 XY,+ Y,+ Y). Recurrent, life-threatening episodes of transfusion-dependent anaemia refractory to steroids and intravenous immune globulin, were put into stable remission at age 8 years when splenectomy successfully managed both disorders.  相似文献   

Twenty-one samples of water were collected from commercial egg production farms in Georgial with or without a history of fatty liver syndrome. These samples plus a sample of water from the University of Georgia Poultry Farm were analyzed for various mineral elements by atomic absorption, direct reading emission spectroscopy and by neutron activation. Water samples from farms with a history of fatty liver syndrome had signficantly more calcium, magnesium, strontium, sodium, iron and barium than water samples from farms reporting no significant problem with fatty liver syndrome. Levels of manganese, boron, copper zinic and aluminum were not significantly different. Although the results do not prove that water quality is the cause of the disease, they do demonstrate an association of hardness of water with fatty liver syndrome that should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Effect of whole body gamma irradiation (1200 R) on the fatty acid composition of liver lipids and its triglycerides (TG), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidyl choline (PC) has been studied in female rats. Radioprotective effect of cystamine on radiation-induced alterations in fatty acid composition of above liver lipid fractions has been studied by giving crystamine 15 min before irradiation. Irradiation increased palmitic acid levels in liver total lipids, and PE and decreased in TG. Cystamine prevented these changes. Irradiation increased palmitoleic acid levels in liver total lipids, total phospholipids and PC and these were prevented by prior administration of cystamine. Linoleic acid was decreased in liver total lipids, TG, total phospholipids and increased in PE and PC of irradiated rats. Administration of cystamine before irradiation partially protected these changes. Arachidonic acid was reduced in all liver lipid fractions of irradiated rats and this was only partially protected by cystamine, which itself reduced its levels in the control animals. Irradiation increased the levels of eicosatrienoic acid and these were not prevented by cystamine.  相似文献   

Molecular genotyping for the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II loci, HLA-DRB1, -DQB1 and -DQA1, in 100 patients with relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) demonstrated an association with the HLA-DR2, DQw6-associated alleles DRB1*1501, DQB1*0602 and DQA1*0102, thereby extending this finding among MS patients in several countries to an Australian population. Analysis by the relative predispositional effect (RPE) method provided no evidence for a second susceptibility allele at either DQA1 or DQB1. However, our data and that of others suggest a negative association with DQA1*0101. Associations were found with DQB1 alleles sharing sequence homology with DQB1*0602, with DQB1 alleles encoding leucine at residue 26 (Leu 26), with DQA1 alleles encoding glutamine at residue 34 (Gln 34) and with Leu 26 plus Gln 34 alleles, but each was shown by two-loci linkage analysis to be secondary to the DRB1*1501, DQB1*0602, DQA1*0102 association. The recently reported negative association with DQA1 alleles encoding phenylalanine at amino acid 25, leucine at amino acid 69 and arginine at amino acid 52 was not found in this study, although there was a trend towards reduced phenylalanine at amino acid 25. The determination at a molecular level of an explanation for the world-wide association with these alleles remains elusive despite major advances in MHC typing.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT) after orthotopic liver transplantation remains a significant cause of graft loss in pediatric patients. We previously reported that the microsurgical techniques for arterial anastomosis can reduce the incidence of HAT in living related liver transplantation (LRLT). The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk factors for HAT after LRLT. A total of 245 patients received 250 liver transplants. METHODS: Eight arteries in eight patients, reconstructed with the use of loupe magnification (HAT; 1/8, 12.5%), were excluded from this study. We observed HAT in 4 patients of the 242 transplants (1.7%, HAT group). Seventeen factors were compared between the HAT and the control group (those without HAT). RESULTS: HAT occurred in 3 of 33 grafts (9%) from ABO-incompatible donors, whereas it occurred in 1 of 209 grafts (0.5%) from identical or compatible donors (P=0.008). The corrected volume of fresh-frozen plasma intraoperatively transfused in the HAT group (46.9+/-30.3 ml/kg) was significantly (P=0.015) different from that in the control group (10.2+/-1.9 ml/mg). In all four patients with HAT, emergent revisions of the anastomosis were performed. Two patients with ABO-incompatible grafts died of hepatic failure and sepsis. CONCLUSIONS: Although microsurgical techniques can minimize the surgical risk factors for HAT, overtransfusion of fresh-frozen plasma in high-risk patients (ABO incompatible) may be a critical factor in the development of HAT in LRLT.  相似文献   

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