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We consider symbolic on-the-fly verification methods for systems of finite-state machines that communicate by exchanging messages via unbounded and lossy FIFO queues. We propose a novel representation formalism, called simple regular expressions (SREs), for representing sets of states of protocols with lossy FIFO channels. We show that the class of languages representable by SREs is exactly the class of downward closed languages that arise in the analysis of such protocols. We give methods for computing (i) inclusion between SREs, (ii) an SRE representing the set of states reachable by executing a single transition in a system, and (iii) an SRE representing the set of states reachable by an arbitrary number of executions of a control loop. All these operations are rather simple and can be carried out in polynomial time.With these techniques, one can straightforwardly construct an algorithm which explores the set of reachable states of a protocol, in order to check various safety properties. We also show how one can perform model-checking of LTL properties, using a standard automata-theoretic construction. It should be noted that all these methods are by necessity incomplete, even for the class of protocols with lossy channels.To illustrate the applicability of our methods, we have developed a tool prototype and used the tool for automatic verification of (a parameterized version of) the Bounded Retransmission Protocol.  相似文献   

Basic problems related to the use of automata-theoretic methods of verification of reactive systems are considered; in particular, the construction of an automaton from a formula of a temporal logic and the reduction of the automaton being verified are described.  相似文献   

Alternating tree automata and AND/OR graphs provide elegant formalisms that enable branching- time logics to be verified in linear time. The seminal work of Kupferman et al. [Orna Kupferman, Moshe Y. Vardi, and Pierre Wolper. An automata-theoretic approach to branching-time model checking. J. ACM, 47(2):312–360, 2000] showed that 1) branching-time model checking is reducible to the language non-emptiness checking of the product of two alternating automata representing the model and property under verification, and 2) the non-emptiness problem can be solved by performing a search on an AND/OR graph representing this product. Their algorithm, however, can only be implemented in an explicit-state model checker because it needs stacks to detect accept and reject runs. In this paper, we propose a BDD-based approach to check the language non-emptiness of the product automaton. We use a technique called “state recording” from Schuppan and Biere [Viktor Schuppan and Armin Biere. Efficient reduction of finite state model checking to reachability analysis. Int. Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 5(2–3):185–204, 2004] to emulate the stack mechanism from explicit-state model checking. This technique allows us to transform the product automaton into a well-defined AND/OR graph. We develop a BDD-based reachability algorithm to efficiently determine whether a solution graph for the AND/OR graph exists and thereby solve the model-checking problem. While “state recording” increases the size of the state space, the advantage of our approach lies in the memory saving BDDs can offer and the potential it opens up for optimisation of the reachability analysis. We remark that this technique always detects the shortest counter-example.  相似文献   

陈靖 《计算机学报》2003,26(1):19-25
提出了以时间符号迁科为建模语言、基于可达性分析的模型检测算法,并给出了算法的正确性证明。该算法可被用于硬件设计和通信协议验证等领域。  相似文献   

The existing techniques for reachability analysis of linear hybrid automata do not scale well to problem sizes of practical interest. Instead of developing a tool to perform reachability check on all the paths of a linear hybrid automaton, a complementary approach is to develop an efficient path-oriented tool to check one path at a time where the length of the path being checked can be made very large and the size of the automaton can be made large enough to handle problems of practical interest. This approach of symbolic execution of paths can be used by design engineers to check important paths and thereby, increase the faith in the correctness of the system. Unlike simple testing, each path in our framework represents a dense set of possible trajectories of the system being analyzed. In this paper, we develop the linear programming based techniques towards an efficient path-oriented tool for the bounded reachability analysis of linear hybrid systems.  相似文献   

Regular (tree) model checking (RMC) is a promising generic method for formal verification of infinite-state systems. It encodes configurations of systems as words or trees over a suitable alphabet, possibly infinite sets of configurations as finite word or tree automata, and operations of the systems being examined as finite word or tree transducers. The reachability set is then computed by a repeated application of the transducers on the automata representing the currently known set of reachable configurations. In order to facilitate termination of RMC, various acceleration schemas have been proposed. One of them is a combination of RMC with the abstract-check-refine paradigm yielding the so-called abstract regular model checking (ARMC). ARMC has originally been proposed for word automata and transducers only and thus for dealing with systems with linear (or easily linearisable) structure. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of ARMC to the case of dealing with trees which arise naturally in a lot of modelling and verification contexts. In particular, we first propose abstractions of tree automata based on collapsing their states having an equal language of trees up to some bounded height. Then, we propose an abstraction based on collapsing states having a non-empty intersection (and thus “satisfying”) the same bottom-up tree “predicate” languages. Finally, we show on several examples that the methods we propose give us very encouraging verification results.  相似文献   

We present a generic approach for the analysis of concurrent programs with (unbounded) dynamic creation of threads and recursive procedure calls. We define a model for such programs based on a set of term rewrite rules where terms represent control configurations. The reachability problem for this model is undecidable. Therefore, we propose a method for analyzing such models based on computing abstractions of their sets of computation paths. Our approach allows to compute such abstractions as least solutions of a system of (path language) constraints. More precisely, given a program and two regular sets of configurations (process terms) T and T, we provide (1) a construction of a system of constraints which characterizes the set of computation paths leading from T to T, and (2) a generic framework, based on abstract interpretation, allowing to solve this system in various abstract domains leading to abstract analysis with different precision and cost.  相似文献   

We consider the verification problem of a class of infinite-state systems called wPAD. These systems can be used to model programs with (possibly recursive) procedure calls and dynamic creation of parallel processes. They correspond to PAD models extended with an acyclic finite-state control unit, where PAD models can be seen as combinations of prefix rewrite systems (pushdown systems) with context-free multiset rewrite systems (synchronization-free Petri nets). Recently, we have presented symbolic reachability techniques for the class of PAD based on the use of a class of unranked tree automata. In this paper, we generalize our previous work to the class wPAD which is strictly larger than PAD. This generalization brings a positive answer to an open question on decidability of the model checking problem for wPAD against EF logic. Moreover, we show how symbolic reachability analysis of wPAD can be used in (under) approximate analysis of Synchronized PAD, a (Turing) powerful model for multithreaded programs (with unrestricted synchronization between parallel processes). This leads to a pragmatic approach for detecting the presence of erroneous behaviors in these models based on the bounded reachability paradigm where the notion of bound considered here is the number of synchronization actions.  相似文献   

张海宾  段振华 《软件学报》2008,19(12):3111-3121
定义了一种称作混合区域的形式化结构表示矩形混合系统的状态集,它实际上是由一组特殊形式的线性不等式联立表示的多面体空间.证明了混合区域对于矩形混合系统的可达性操作的封闭性.此外,用矩形混合系统近似模拟非线性混合系统,相应地解决了非线性混合系统的可达性问题.使用混合区域,可以直接计算由某个正则的混合区域开始的可达集,这样,混合系统的可达性问题主要是求解混合区域的正则型问题,而这问题是一种线性规划问题,可以使用经典的线性规划算法加以解决.  相似文献   

This paper surveys some techniques and tools for achieving reachability analysis over term rewriting systems. The core of those techniques is a generic tree automata completion algorithm used to compute in an exact or approximated way the set of descendants (or reachable terms). This algorithm has been implemented in the tool. Furthermore, we show that many classes with regular sets of descendants of the literature corresponds to specific instances of the tree automata completion algorithm and can thus be efficiently computed by . An extension of the completion algorithm to conditional term rewriting systems and some applications are also presented.  相似文献   

有限精度时间自动机的可达性检测   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了缓解状态空间爆炸问题,减小模型检测过程中生成的状态空间,加快模型检测速度,引入有限精度时间自动机(finite precision timed automata,简称FPTA)作为实时系统的形式模型,并提出了一种数据结构SDS(series of delay sequence)符号化表示状态空间中的状态集.FPTA只记录时钟变量的整数值及时钟变化的先后次序,从而减小生成的状态空间.在一定的时间约束下,Alur与Dill提出的时间自动机的可达性检测可简化为FPTA的可达性检测.举例描述了状态空间的生成过程和表示方法.最后,列出部分初步的实验结果,分析了SDS的特点及不足.  相似文献   

Behaviour analysis should form an integral part of the software development process. This is particularly important in the design of concurrent and distributed systems, where complex interactions can cause unexpected and undesired system behaviour. We advocate the use of a compositional approach to analysis. The software architecture of a distributed program is represented by a hierarchical composition of subsystems, with interacting processes at the leaves of the hierarchy. Compositional reachability analysis (CRA) exploits the compositional hierarchy for incrementally constructing the overall behaviour of the system from that of its subsystems. In the Tracta CRA approach, both processes and properties reflecting system specifications are modelled as state machines. Property state machines are composed into the system and violations are detected on the global reachability graph obtained. The property checking mechanism has been specifically designed to deal with compositional techniques. Tracta is supported by an automated tool compatible with our environment for the development of distributed applications.  相似文献   

接口自动机是一个用来描述软构件接口的时态行为的形式模型,传统的简单组合精化检验规则由于没有考虑到环境时子任务的影响而使其实际应用受到较大限制。本文提出了一种对该规则的改进方法,以弥补上述缺陷。  相似文献   

模型检测时,实时系统的大多数安全属性和部分活性都可以通过可达性分析算法来验证。本文介绍了时间自动机和可达性分析算法,并对可达性分析算法中的后继算法进行了改进。  相似文献   

标记迁移系统是一种在计算机辅助设计和验证中得到广泛使用的形式模型。当系统中的模块比较多时,系统的整体模型有可能出现状态空间的指数级爆炸,组合可达性分析是缓解这一问题的一种有效方法。已有的工作缺乏对该方法基本原理的清晰描述和精确表达。本文对其基本原理进行了分析和概括,并作了形式化陈述,证明了相关结论。本文的工作有助于深入理解和澄清组合可达性分析的内部工作机制。  相似文献   

卜磊  李游  王林章  李宣东 《软件学报》2011,22(4):640-658
混成自动机的模型检验问题非常困难,即使是其中相对简单的一个子类--线性混成自动机,它的可达性问题仍然是不可判定的.现有的相关工具大都使用多面体计算来判定线性混成自动机状态空间的可达集,复杂度高、效率低,无法解决实际应用规模的问题.描述了一个面向线性混成系统有界可达性模型检验工具--BACH(bounded reacha...  相似文献   

针对PLC等逻辑控制器控制连续对象的可靠性问题。给出了混合系统的形式验证的方法,即用混合矩形自动机建模,通过其商迁移的可达性分析,证明了控制程序的正确性,应用实例表明该方法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

A state/event model is a concurrent version of Mealy machines used for describing embedded reactive systems. This paper introduces a technique that uses compositionality and dependency analysis to significantly improve the efficiency of symbolic model checking of state/event models. It makes possible automated verification of large industrial designs with the use of only modest resources (less than 5 minutes on a standard PC for a model with 1421 concurrent machines). The results of the paper are being implemented in the next version of the commercial tool visualSTATETM.  相似文献   

时间自动机的可达性分析算法通常采用对符号状态的枚举来遍历其状态空间。符号状态由位置与时间区域组成,时间区域用形如x-y≤(〈)n的原子公式的合取式来表示。在对时间自动机进行可达性分析的过程中,分析算法将生成大量的符号状态,往往导致对计算机内存的需求超出了可行的范围。本文给出了一个消减符号状态个数的方法。该方法通过对符号状态间的依赖关系进行分析,在不影响分析结果的前提下消去某些时间区域的原子公式,从而扩展符号状态。扩展后的符号状态包含有更加多的其它的状态,通过删除掉那些被包含的符号状态可以减少算法存储的状态个数,节省存储空间。本文最后给出了相关的案例分析,结果表明这个算法有效地减少了某些时间自动机可达性分析过程中所需的存储空间。  相似文献   

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