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The authors address: market considerations, including forecasts for the development of electricity supply in the United Kingdom with cost of electricity from new plant; investments for the development of hydro resources in Iceland, supply of submarine cables, overhead transmission lines, and rectifier/inverter plant; marine environment, installation of cables, and cable repair; rectifier/inverter station equipment; high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) overhead transmission lines; and overall availability of the link. It is shown that: there should be no major difficulties in the manufacture and laying of submarine cables of the length and type necessary for the link; the availability of the connection should be at least equal to that of a new coal or nuclear plant; and the cost of energy delivered would be very competitive with that from new coal or nuclear power stations  相似文献   

Geothermal energy is extensively used in thermal (direct) applications in Iceland. More than 70% of the total population enjoy geothermal district heating. Hydro-power provides most of the electricity generated in Iceland, with less than 10% of the potential harnessed. Iceland is well endowed with both geothermal (high- and low-temperature) and hydro-power resources. At the end of 1980, the installed geothermal power in Iceland was 818 MW1 in direct applications and 41 MWe in electric power generation. This exploitation represents a few percent of the estimated geothermal resources of Iceland. Plans to develop geothermal electric power in Iceland date back to the early 1960s. The first geothermal electric power plant (3 MWe) was installed in 1969. In recent years, several small-scale (two 1 MWe and one 6 MWe) geothermal power units have been installed in a cogeneration plant for district heating purposes. There is one major (30 MWe) geothermal electric power plant in Iceland, which became operational in 1978. Hydro-power, geothermal energy and oil provide consumers in Iceland with about 18, 38, and 44% of their energy needs, respectively.  相似文献   

张启 《太阳能》1998,(4):26-27
@张启电能清洁卫生,使用方便,但电能只是一种能量形式,需要由其它能量转换得到。例如,有从煤和油转换成电的火力发电;有从水力转换成电的水力发电;有从核能转换成电的核电,等等。近年来,环境问题受到高度重视,从可持续发展考虑,新能源利用越来越显示出优越性,随之新...  相似文献   

The investment programme of the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) since the late nineteen fifties has been predicated in principle on economies of scale and has been largely based in practice on 500 MW(e) turbine generator sets. This paper compares the strategy adopted by the CEGB with alternative hypothetical strategies based on smaller units of plant. Simulation of the supply system over ten years suggests that the economies of scale in very large plant have not been sufficient to offset the attendant disadvantages. Allowance is made for the variation with capacity of the capital cost, thermal efficiency, construction time, planning margin and availability. It is concluded that better results might have been obtained with sets between 200 MW(e) and 300 MW(e). It is acknowledged that this post hoc analysis has only an indirect connection with the decisions that now face the CEGB. the potential economics of scale in nuclear stations are not of the same form as those in fossil fuelled stations. There are also unsatisfactory aspects of the analysis which leave some uncertainty about the validity of the conclusions. But what the analysis does show is that there are conditions where economies of scale are outweighed by other factors, that these conditions are not especially remarkable, that they seem to have been satisfied by the CEGB system and that supply utilities in developing countries, where comparable decisions have now to be taken and where the disadvantages of scale are more pronounced, should examine carefully the case for large generating units in local circumstances.  相似文献   

前 言 在可再生能源的家族中,资源量最大、分布最普遍的是太阳能,事实上,其它可再生能源也间接来自于太阳能。全球权威能源机构预测,到本世纪中期太阳能将成为人类能源构成中的重要组成部分,而到本世纪末太阳能将成为人类能源构成中的主要部分。我国陆地表面每年接受太阳辐射能相当于约49000亿tce(标准煤),全国三分之二的国土面积年日照在2200小时以上,年太阳辐射量超过5000焦/米^2(相当于170千克标准煤/米^2),太阳能资源丰富,是中华民族赖以生存,永续繁衍的最宝贵的资源。  相似文献   

This study assesses the impacts of promoting, through auctions, centralized solar power generation (concentrated solar power – CSP, and photovoltaic solar panels – PV) on the Brazilian power system. Four types of CSP plants with parabolic troughs were simulated at two sites, Bom Jesus da Lapa and Campo Grande, and PV plants were simulated at two other sites, Recife and Rio de Janeiro. The main parameters obtained for each plant were expanded to other suitable sites in the country (totaling 17.2 GW in 2040), as inputs in an optimization model for evaluating the impacts of the introduction of centralized solar power on the expansion of the electricity grid up to 2040. This scenario would be about USD$ 185 billion more expensive than a business as usual scenario, where expansion solely relies on least-cost options. Hence, for the country to incentivize the expansion of centralized solar power, specific auctions for solar energy should be adopted, as well as complementary policies to promote investments in R&D and the use of hybrid systems based on solar and fuels in CSP plants.  相似文献   

郑克棪 《地热能》2020,(1):21-23
作为可再生能源的一员,地热能资源丰富。我国藏滇地热带有高温地热资源分布,可用于地热蒸汽发电;中低温地下热水直接利用的能量居世界第一,其中的温度较高者,可以先发电,再将尾水作综合利用。我国已开始干热岩地热资源发电领域的研究。  相似文献   

The simplest method of utilizing the energy of the sun to generate electric power is to use a flat-plate collector system. Flat-plate collectors have no tracking mechanism, make use of both direct and diffuse radiation, have no focusing arrangements and are less costly per square foot than parabolic trough collectors, paraboloid of revolution collectors or heliostats. The main disadvantage to the flat-plate collector system is the relatively low temperatures reached by the collector surface ( 300°F maximum).This evaluation of the flat-plate collector system was designed to determine the number of flat-plate collectors required to generate a given amount of electricity with optimum efficiency. Variable parameters are the temperature of the heat transport fluid, both to and from the collector field. In the analysis, the efficiency of the flat-plate collectors was coupled to the efficiency of the thermal cycle to calculate optimal overall system effeciencies. Overall system efficiencies for the system are on the order of 3·5 per cent or less. Over two million 4 ft by 4 ft collectors would be required to produce 100,000 kW(e).Based on the results of this analsis, it can be shown that the limiting factor in the use of the flat-plate collector system for electric power generation is the efficiency of the collectors. An increase in the overall system efficiency can occur only if the collector efficiency can be increased at the higher surface tempertures.  相似文献   

This paper uses neuro-fuzzy programming to perform a comparison between the different electricity power generation options for Jordan. Different systems are considered: in addition to fossil fuel power plants, nuclear, solar, wind, and hydropower systems are evaluated. Based on cost-to-benefit ratios, results show that solar, wind, and hydropower are considered to be the best systems for electricity power generation. On the other hand, nuclear electricity turns out to be the worst choice, followed by fossil fuel electric power.  相似文献   

An alternative to cost/benefit analysis for analyzing the equity of electric power generation facility location, utilizing the potential for air quality degradation, is developed and applied to California. Siting issues motivating disagreement on facility location are reviewed. Equity concepts are introduced, and their implementation is discussed. Several measures for assessing the equity of facility location are proposed, and the equities of existing facility locations in California are analyzed for each measure. Equity considerations for future siting decisions are examined.  相似文献   

About 9% of the energy mix in Nigeria is in the form of electricity. It is a major source of energy for the urban population. In the recent past, there has been consistent failure of electricity supplied by the public organisation. Consumers are now turning to private means to meet their electricity needs. We have assessed the electricity supplies from the national grids and from private electricity generators.  相似文献   

Geothermal energy and the other renewable energy sources are becoming attractive solutions for clean and sustainable energy needs of Turkey. Geothermal energy is being used for electricity production and it has direct usage in Turkey, which is among the first five countries in the world for the geothermal direct usage applications. Although, Turkey is the second country to have the highest geothermal energy potential in Europe, the electricity production from geothermal energy is quite low. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the status of the geothermal energy for the electricity generation in Turkey. Currently, there is one geothermal power plant with an installed capacity of 20.4 MWe already operating in the Denizli–Kizildere geothermal field and another is under the construction in the Aydin–Germencik field.This study examines the potential and utilization of the existing geothermal energy resources in Kutahya–Simav region. The temperature of the geothermal fluid in the Simav–Eynal field is too high for the district heating system. Therefore, the possibility of electrical energy generation by a binary-cycle has been researched and the preliminary feasibility studies have been conducted in the field. For the environmental reasons, the working fluid used in this binary power plant has been chosen as HCFC-124. It has been concluded that the Kutahya–Simav geothermal power plant has the potential to produce an installed capacity of 2.9 MWe energy, and a minimum of 17,020 MWh/year electrical energy can be produced from this plant. As a conclusion, the pre-feasibility study indicates that the project is economically feasible and applicable.  相似文献   

Electricity holds a unique place in the US infrastructure. It is a commodity, a technology, and a necessity. Electric utilities must walk a fine line to balance each of these aspects. While electricity is a commodity that may be bought and sold, it must also be regulated to remain affordable for the general population. Reliability is continually balanced against the cost of upgrades and maintenance. This paper discusses the interconnection of regional area power systems in the US and the benefits such interconnection brings.  相似文献   

《Solar Cells》1989,26(1-2):125-134
In the United Kingdom, the climate and topography are less than ideal for using photovoltaics (PV) to provide energy, and there is no formal comprehensive energy policy for either conventiona or renewable energy sources. There is, nonetheless, a diverse PV industry with a variety of companies of different sizes and with different roles. The major companies have established strong positions in their chosen markets, with sales increasing, on average, by about 30% per year. In addition to manufacturers, there are also consultants, including what is probably the world's foremost consultancy company in the applications of PV in developing countries. Within the U.K., the forthcoming privatisation of the Central Electricity Generating Board is likely to provide greater oppurtunity for use of PV in the supply of electricity because power generation will now be possible on less than a national scale.  相似文献   

Compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) achieve highest possible concentration for any acceptance angle. One of the simplest methods of utilizing the energy of the sun to generate electric power is to use a CPC collector system. A truncated CPC can be used without much loss in concentration. Compared with a full CPC the cost of construction of a truncated CPC is much less. A CPC requires only seasonal adjustments. This further reduces the cost of tracking which is required for other types of concentrators. In this paper it has been shown that the refrigerants R11, R12, R113 and R114 can be satisfactorily used as working fluids in CPC collector systems. By using these working fluids, overall conversion efficiency of 9% can be achieved. Other refrigerants R12, B1, R22, R500, R502, R115 and C318 are found not to be suitable as they produce very low overall conversion efficiencies. In order to produce 20 kW of electricity at 1000 W/m2 insolation about 920 truncated CPC collectors (2 m length, 0.15 m aperture) with a concentration ratio of 8 are required. This minimum number of collectors would be required at an overall conversion efficiency of 9%.  相似文献   

Renewable energy resources have historically played a small role for electricity generation in the US. However, concerns such as security of energy supply, limitations and price fluctuations of fossil fuels, and threats of climate changes have encouraged US policy makers to think and debate about diversification strategy in the energy supply and promotion of renewables. The current paper discusses the role of renewable portfolio in the US energy action plan during 2010–2030. A system dynamics model is constructed to evaluate different costs of renewable energy utilization by 2030. Results show that while renewables will create a market with near 10 billion $ worth (in the costs level) in 2030, the total value of renewable energy promotion and utilization in the US will be more than 170 billion $(in the costs level) during 2010–2030.  相似文献   

Since 2000, the United Kingdom has enthusiastically adopted marine wind energy as a potentially major source of electricity production and has become the leading nation in terms of output. This is in contrast to its relatively poor attainment of wind energy on land, and raises questions about the reasons for this difference in performance. This article traces the phases of development of marine wind energy in the UK with reference to factors that are instrumental in the uptake of this form of renewable energy. A number of features emerge from this analysis that stand in some contrast to the situation on land and help to explain the UK's current status. These include: recognition of an exceptional resource and relative ease of exploitation; government commitment and policy geared to controlled growth and strategic oversight, adequate economic support and start-up investment; the unusual rights and interests of the Crown Estate; and growing scale, confidence and organisation on the part of the industry. Set against these factors are the complexities of consenting, supply bottlenecks, and some stakeholder and public resistance, though these are outmatched by the drivers in favour of development and are being partly addressed.  相似文献   

Energy shortages, climate change and environmental pollution are critical issues that the entire world is faced with currently. To tackle the challenge and realize sustainable development, the Chinese government launched the Energy-Saving Generation Dispatch (ESGD) in 2007. In the ESGD scheme, generating units are dispatched based on fuel consumption rates and pollutant emission intensities from low to high. However, annual generation quotas still widely exist. With the mandatory shutdown of small-capacity and low-efficiency thermal generating units in 2006–2010, most of the currently running thermal generating units are large-capacity and highly efficient units. The additional improvement of the overall energy efficiency under this situation is a key problem for the Chinese electric power industry. To this end, a new type of ESGD framework is designed in this paper. Sequential coordination among yearly, monthly, day-ahead and real-time generation schedules is proposed. Based on the framework, the corresponding models are formulated. Empirical analysis is conducted using the realistic data obtained from the Guangdong Power Grid Corporation. Four generation dispatch modes are compared. The results indicate that the proposed ESGD mode can further reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions. Hopefully, this paper can provide a valuable reference for policy making in the Chinese power sector.  相似文献   

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