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Total mercury (THg) and mono-methylmercury (MeHg) levels in water, sediment, and largemouth bass (LMB) (Micropterus salmoides) were investigated at 52 sites draining contrasting land use/land cover and habitat types within the Mobile Alabama River Basin (MARB). Aqueous THg was positively associated with iron-rich suspended particles and highest in catchments impacted by agriculture. Sediment THg was positively associated with sediment organic mater and iron content, with the highest levels observed in smaller catchments influenced by wetlands, followed by those impacted by agriculture or mixed forest, agriculture, and wetlands. The lowest sediment THg levels were observed in main river channels, except for reaches impacted by coal mining. Sediment MeHg levels were a positive function of sediment THg and organic matter and aqueous nutrient levels. The highest levels occurred in agricultural catchments and those impacted by elevated sulfate levels associated with coal mining. Aqueous MeHg concentrations in main river channels were as high as those in smaller catchments impacted by agriculture or wetlands, suggesting these areas were sources to rivers. Elevated Hg levels in some LMB were observed across all types of land use and land cover, but factors such as shallow water depth, larger wetland catchment surface area, low aqueous potassium levels, and higher Chl a concentrations were associated with higher Hg burdens, particularly in the Coastal Plain province. It is suggested that the observed large variability in LMB Hg burdens is linked to fish displacement by anglers, differences in food web structure, and sediment biogeochemistry, with surficial sediment iron oxides buffering the flux of MeHg from sediments to deeper water pelagic food webs.  相似文献   

Total mercury levels were measured in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), "sunfish" (Lepomis spp.), and "catfish" (primarily Ameiurus spp. and Ictalurus punctatus) from 1971 to 2004 in the middle Savannah River (river km 191 to 302), which drains the coastal plain of the southeastern U.S. Total mercury concentrations were higher in largemouth bass (overall mean of 0.55 mg/kg from 1971 to 2004), a piscivorous (trophic level 4) species than in the other taxa (means of 0.22-0.26 mg/kg), but temporal trends were generally similar among taxa. Mercury levels were highest in 1971 but declined over the next 10 years due to the mitigation of point source industrial pollution. Mercury levels in fish began to increase in the 1980s as a likely consequence of mercury inputs from tributaries and associated wetlands where mercury concentrations were significantly elevated in water and fish. Mercury levels in Savannah River fish decreased sharply in 2001-2003 coincident with a severe drought in the Savannah River basin, but returned to previous levels in 2004 with the resumption of normal precipitation. Regression models showed that mercury levels in fish changed significantly over time and were affected by river discharge. Mercury levels in Savannah River fish were only slightly lower in 2004 (0.3 to 0.8 mg/kg) than in 1971 (0.4 to 1.0 mg/kg) despite temporal changes during the intervening years.  相似文献   

In the late 1800s, mills in the Washoe Lake area, Nevada, used elemental mercury to remove gold and silver from the ores of the Comstock deposit. Since that time, mercury contaminated waste has been distributed from Washoe Lake, down Steamboat Creek, and to the Truckee River. The creek has high mercury concentrations in both water and sediments, and continues to be a constant source of mercury to the Truckee River. The objective of this study was to determine concentrations of total and methyl mercury (MeHg) in surface sediments and characterize their spatial distribution in the Steamboat Creek watershed. Total mercury concentrations measured in channel and bank sediments did not decrease downstream, indicating that mercury contamination has been distributed along the creek's length. Total mercury concentrations in sediments (0.01-21.43 microg/g) were one to two orders of magnitude higher than those in pristine systems. At 14 out of 17 sites, MeHg concentrations in streambank sediments were higher than the concentrations in the channel, suggesting that low banks with wet sediments might be important sites of mercury methylation in this system. Both pond/wetland and channel sites exhibited high potential for mercury methylation (6.4-30.0 ng g(-1) day(-1)). Potential methylation rates were positively correlated with sulfate reduction rates, and decreased as a function of reduced sulfur and MeHg concentration in the sediments. Potential demethylation rate appeared not to be influenced by MeHg concentration, sulfur chemistry, DOC, sediment grain size or other parameters, and showed little variation across the sites (3.7-7.4 ng g(-1) day(-1)).  相似文献   

In Oregon's Willamette River Basin (Basin), methylmercury levels in fish triggered health advisories and required development of a mercury Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Willamette River. A seasonally-responsive dynamic systems model is used to identify the principal sources of natural and anthropogenic mercury, the relative contributions of these sources to the river, the impact of hypothetical reductions in specific natural and anthropogenic sources on mercury levels in surface water, sediment, and fish tissue, and the degree to which any such changes would be clearly discernible to environmental managers and Basin stakeholders. Two scenarios are modeled: "PRES", which considered all currently known natural and anthropogenic mercury sources and "LEEM", which (hypothetically) eliminated all local, but not global, anthropogenic sources and greatly lowered native soil erosion rates. Elimination of local air emissions reduces runoff of air-deposited mercury by approximately 34% and advection from the Basin by approximately 12%, while lowering erosion rates reduces particulate runoff by approximately 57%, deposition from the water column to surficial sediment by approximately 33%, and fluvial load by approximately 24%; for a net reduction of 25.6% in the total mercury load to the river. Such hypothetical reductions bring methylmercury concentrations in predatory fish to levels that would allow restoration of fish consumption as a beneficial use. However, several factors, primarily technical feasibility and global sources, may impede attempts to attain this beneficial use. Actualizing the hypothetical 100% elimination of local anthropogenic sources and a >50% reduction in erosion could pose significant technical challenges. Because local anthropogenic emissions make relatively smaller contributions to the Basin than do persistent global sources (sources over which there is little, if any, possibility of local control), localized environmental management actions alone may not be adequate to address mercury impacts within the Basin.  相似文献   

Concentrations of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) and particulate-bound mercury (PBM) were measured along with ancillary variables 9 km east of downtown Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. from November 2006 through March 2009. Mean two-year (February 2007 through January 2009) GEM, GOM, and PBM concentrations were 2.0 ± 0.7 ng m− 3 (± standard deviation), 18 ± 22 pg m− 3, and 7 ± 7 pg m− 3, respectively. Data collected were compared with observations made at another location just north of the city at 169 m higher elevation. At both locations higher concentrations of GEM and PBM occurred in periods with little atmospheric mixing, indicating that local sources were important for enhancing GEM and PBM concentrations in Reno above that considered continental background. Concentrations of GOM were higher (maximum of 177 pg m− 3) during periods with higher temperature and lower dew point. Higher GOM concentrations at the higher elevation site with less urban impact relative to the valley site, along with other data trends, support the hypothesis that in northern Nevada subsiding dry air from the free troposphere is a source of GOM to the surface.  相似文献   

The concentrations of total selenium and total mercury in the muscle of striped mullet from four stations in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea and one in the Black Sea were analyzed. If the sum of the concentrations of mercury and selenium (expressed as nmoles/g) is plotted against the age of the specimens, a single function describes all of the results.The explanation suggested by the authors is that SeHg receptors exist and increase with the age of the animal. These receptors may be occupied by mercury in proportion to its concentration in the environment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total Hg, Hg (II), and methylmercury were measured in stream-sediment, stream-water, and fish collected downstream from abandoned mercury mines in southwestern Alaska to evaluate environmental effects to surrounding ecosystems. These mines are found in a broad belt covering several tens of thousands of square kilometers, primarily in the Kuskokwim River basin. Mercury ore is dominantly cinnabar (HgS), but elemental mercury (Hg degrees) is present in ore at one mine and near retorts and in streams at several mine sites. Approximately 1400 t of mercury have been produced from the region, which is approximately 99% of all mercury produced from Alaska. These mines are not presently operating because of low prices and low demand for mercury. Stream-sediment samples collected downstream from the mines contain as much as 5500 microg/g Hg. Such high Hg concentrations are related to the abundance of cinnabar, which is highly resistant to physical and chemical weathering, and is visible in streams below mine sites. Although total Hg concentrations in the stream-sediment samples collected near mines are high, Hg speciation data indicate that concentrations of Hg (II) are generally less than 5%, and methylmercury concentrations are less than 1% of the total Hg. Stream waters below the mines are neutral to slightly alkaline (pH 6.8-8.4), which is a result of the insolubility of cinnabar and the lack of acid-generating minerals such as pyrite in the deposits. Unfiltered stream-water samples collected below the mines generally contain 500-2500 ng/l Hg; whereas, corresponding stream-water samples filtered through a 0.45-microm membrane contain less than 50 ng/l Hg. These stream-water results indicate that most of the Hg transported downstream from the mines is as finely-suspended material rather than dissolved Hg. Mercury speciation data show that concentrations of Hg (II) and methylmercury in stream-water samples are typically less than 22 ng/l, and generally less than 5% of the total Hg. Muscle samples of fish collected downstream from mines contain as much as 620 ng/g Hg (wet wt.), of which 90-100% is methylmercury. Although these Hg concentrations are several times higher than that in fish collected from regional baseline sites, the concentration of Hg in fish is below the 1000 ng/g action level for edible fish established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Salmon contain less than 100 ng/g Hg, which are among the lowest Hg contents observed for fish in the study, and well below the FDA action level.  相似文献   

The present study outlines two main trends of mercury transfer patterns through the fish community: 1) the Hg concentrations increase with increase in the trophic level, with top predators having the highest concentrations, and 2) a fast growth rate may dilute the concentrations of Hg in fish muscle tissue (growth biodilution). In 2004, an extensive reduction in number of large pike (Esox lucius L.), was initiated by selective gillnet fishing in Lake Arungen, Norway, in order to increase the pike recruitment due to an expected reduction in cannibalism. In this connection, total mercury (THg) concentrations in the fish community were studied both before (2003) and after (2005) the removal of large pike. The delta(15)N signatures and stomach content analyses indicated that pike and perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) occupied the highest trophic position, while roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) was at the lower level, and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L.) at the lowest. The piscivores, pike and perch, had the highest concentrations of THg. The biomagnification rate of THg through the food web in the fish community was 0.163 (per thousand delta(15)N), with the highest uptake rate (0.232) in perch. A significant decrease in THg concentrations was found in all fish species in 2005 compared to 2003. Removal of the top predators in an Hg contaminated lake might thus be an important management tool for reducing Hg levels in fish, thereby reducing health risk to humans.  相似文献   

Trace metal (Cu, Pb, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd) concentrations were determined in water, sediments, various fin fish species and a bivalve (Mutela spekei) from Lake Tanganyika using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Integrated water samples to depths of 10 m were collected using a pre-rinsed flexible plastic pipe. Sediment samples were collected using a ponar mud sampler. Fish samples were obtained using a variety of fishing techniques. No differences in trace metal concentrations were observed in both inshore and offshore waters. Levels in inshore sediments were much higher than for the offshore ones. Sediment input through run-off may have been the cause for the differences. However, the levels were much lower than those reported for Lake Malawi sediments. The concentrations in the fish tissue were within ranges reported elsewhere for Lake Tanganyika fish species. The centrapomid Lates stappersii and the clupeids Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae are the most important commercial species in the lake followed by Lates marie. Lead and cadmium are of concern to human health. The mean concentrations of the two metals in the commercial fish species were as follows: L. stappersii (5.03 microg Pb/g, 0.28 microg Cd/g); L. marie (4.96 microg Pb/g, 0.25 microg Cd/g); L. miodon (4.64 microg Pb, 0.38 microg Cd); and S. tanganicae (4.96 microg Pb/g, 0.39 microg Cd/g). Levels of lead and iron in the bivalve species were exceptionally very high, being 11.08 and 6.54 mg/g, respectively.  相似文献   

Rice paddy fields in the Naboc area, near Monkayo on the island of Mindanao, Philippines, have been irrigated four times a year over the last decade using Naboc River water contaminated with mercury (Hg) by artisanal gold mining in the Diwalwal area. Silt containing up to at least 90 mg Hg/kg (d.w.) has been deposited in rice paddy fields during the 1990s and this has been repeatedly mixed into the rice root zone through ploughing. Hg in the rice paddy field soils averages 24 mg Hg/kg and generally exceeds the UK and Canadian soil quality thresholds for agricultural soils as well as the proposed Dutch Intervention value and the USEPA soil ingestion Soil Screening Level (SSL) for inorganic Hg. Much lower Hg concentrations (0.05-0.99 mg/kg) within the range expected for uncontaminated soils, characterise soils on which corn and bananas are cultivated, largely because these are not irrigated with Hg-contaminated water from the Naboc River. The estimated total weekly MeHg intake for a person living in the Naboc area related to the weekly consumption of 2.1 kg of rice grown on Hg-contaminated soils (15 microg MeHg) in conjunction with 1 kg of fish (220 microg MeHg) and 100 g of mussels (50 microg MeHg) from the Naboc River, would total 285 microg MeHg (equivalent to 4.75 microg/kg bw for a 60 kg adult), which is nearly three times the JECFA PTWI of 1.6 microg/kg bw. This will significantly contribute to the population mercury exposure and might explain why 38% of the local inhabitants were classified as Hg intoxicated during a mercury toxicity assessment [Drasch GS, B?se, O'Reilly S, Beinhoff C, Roider G, Maydl S. The Mt. Diwata study on the Philippines 1999-assessing mercury intoxication of the population by small scale gold mining. Sci Total Environ 2001; 267(1-3): 151-168.].  相似文献   

Modeling the effects of past and current land use composition and climatic patterns on surface water quality provides valuable information for environmental and land planning. This study predicts the future impacts of urban land use and climate changes on surface water quality within Des Plaines River watershed, Illinois, between 2010 and 2030. Land Change Modeler (LCM) was used to characterize three future land use/planning scenarios. Each scenario encourages low density residential growth, normal urban growth, and commercial growth, respectively. Future climate patterns examined include the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenario (SRES) B1 and A1B groups. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was employed to estimate total suspended solids and phosphorus concentration generated at a 10 year interval. The predicted results indicate that for a large portion of the watershed, the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) would be higher under B1 and A1B climate scenarios during late winter and early spring compared to the same period in 2010; while the summer period largely demonstrates a reverse trend. Model results further suggest that by 2020, phosphorus concentration would be higher during the summer under B1 climate scenario compared to 2010, and is expected to wane by 2030. The projected phosphorus concentrations during the late winter and early spring periods vary across climate and land use scenarios. The analysis also denotes that middle and high density residential development can reduce excess TSS concentration, while the establishment of dense commercial and industrial development might help ameliorate high phosphorus levels. The combined land use and climate change analysis revealed land use development schemes that can be adopted to mitigate potential future water quality impairment. This research provides important insights into possible adverse consequences on surface water quality and resources under certain climate change and land use scenarios.  相似文献   

This study presents real-time concentrations of traffic-related air pollutants during 499 trips conducted by 50 Parisian taxi drivers from PUF-TAXI project. Ultrafine particles (UFP), black carbon (BC), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)/carbon monoxide (CO) were measured inside vehicles by Diffusion Size Classifier Miniature®, microAeth®, and Gas-Pro®, respectively, for nine hours. Vehicle/trip data characteristics were collected by questionnaires and on ambient conditions by monitoring stations. The associations between pollutant levels and their potential determinants were analyzed using generalized estimating equation model. Determinants of in-vehicle pollutants levels were identified: (1) ambient factors (meteorology and ambient pollution)—affecting BC, NO2, and CO; (2) vehicle characteristics—affecting all pollutants; and (3) trip-related driving habits—affecting UFP, BC, and CO. We highlight that commuters can, therefore, avoid high in-vehicle air pollutant concentrations mainly by (1) closing windows and activating air-conditioning under air recirculation mode in congested traffic; (2) smooth driving; and (3) maintaining cabin air filters.  相似文献   

The 234U/238U activity ratio (AR) is extensively used as a geochemical tool to investigate movement and flow relationships in major hydrological units, information that is particularly important when considering nuclear waste disposal. It is usually determined by radiochemical separation and concentration of U, followed by energy-specific alpha particle counting. Alternatively, sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS) can be used to measure U isotopic signatures directly in groundwater samples. Here, we compare the two methods for samples of spring and groundwater from southern Nevada. Results for samples stripped from stainless steel disks, previously used for alpha counting, and for splits of groundwater samples show good agreement between the methods. However, SF-ICP-MS is faster, requires much less sample, and produces essentially no waste. We demonstrate applicability of the SF-ICP-MS method for groundwater collected from over 25 wells on and near the Nevada Test Site during 2003. Uranium concentrations ranged from 0.17 to 9.87 ppb with a mean of 2.9 ppb, while 234U/238U AR values ranged from 1.9 to 11.5 with a mean of 4.3. Groundwater collected from deep wells in the northern part of the study area tended to have moderate to high U concentrations and AR values, possibly representative of older volcanic-type waters, whereas groundwater from wells in the Fortymile Wash area had relatively low AR and U concentrations, suggesting younger waters with a possible local recharge component.  相似文献   

Concentrations and loads of total mercury and methylmercury were measured in streams draining abandoned mercury mines and in the proximity of geothermal discharge in the Cache Creek watershed of California during a 17-month period from January 2000 through May 2001. Rainfall and runoff were lower than long-term averages during the study period. The greatest loading of mercury and methylmercury from upstream sources to downstream receiving waters, such as San Francisco Bay, generally occurred during or after winter rainfall events. During the study period, loads of mercury and methylmercury from geothermal sources tended to be greater than those from abandoned mining areas, a pattern attributable to the lack of large precipitation events capable of mobilizing significant amounts of either mercury-laden sediment or dissolved mercury and methylmercury from mine waste. Streambed sediments of Cache Creek are a significant source of mercury and methylmercury to downstream receiving bodies of water. Much of the mercury in these sediments is the result of deposition over the last 100-150 years by either storm-water runoff, from abandoned mines, or continuous discharges from geothermal areas. Several geochemical constituents were useful as natural tracers for mining and geothermal areas, including the aqueous concentrations of boron, chloride, lithium and sulfate, and the stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in water. Stable isotopes of water in areas draining geothermal discharges showed a distinct trend toward enrichment of (18)O compared with meteoric waters, whereas much of the runoff from abandoned mines indicated a stable isotopic pattern more consistent with local meteoric water.  相似文献   

Until recently, the most important source of environmental lead pollution in cities was thought to come from the combustion of leaded petrol. A simple way to monitor the extent of this phenomenon, used in a number of studies in the past, has been to measure lead levels in street dust. Nowadays, it would be expected that lead concentrations in urban dust would have decreased from earlier values, following the progressive reduction of lead in petrol over the past few years, and this hypothesis has recently been confirmed in Manchester, UK. The object of the present work is to determine levels of lead pollution in cities in Greece on 1997 and, if possible, to discover whether similar reductions in lead concentrations have occurred there also. Surveys have been conducted in Thessaloniki, Athens and Piraeus. Samples of roadside dust were collected from streets (categorised by traffic density), national gardens and school playgrounds, and lead was extracted by digestion with concentrated nitric acid. Lead concentrations were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and lead isotope ratios measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Results for Thessaloniki showed that mean lead concentrations in all categories of location are similar to present levels in Manchester. Further, lead concentrations in dust in the busiest streets in Thessaloniki have fallen by about 55% since a previous study 17 years ago. In Athens and Piraeus, the lead levels in street dust are much higher and significant differences were observed between the various types of street. In particular, it was observed that lead levels in school playgrounds in these two cities were much higher than in similar locations in Thessaloniki and Manchester, with a possible hazard to children. Isotope ratio measurements showed that Thessaloniki's lead is isotopically distinct from that found in Athens and Piraeus, which presumably reflects differences in sources of supply.  相似文献   

Sources and temporal dynamics of arsenic in a New Jersey watershed, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined potential sources and the temporal dynamics of arsenic (As) in the slightly alkaline waters of the Wallkill River, northwestern New Jersey, where violations of water-quality standards have occurred. The study design included synoptic sampling of stream water and bed sediments in tributaries and the mainstem, hyporheic-zone/ground water on the mainstem, and seasonal and diurnal sampling of water at selected mainstem sites. The river valley is bordered by gneiss and granite highlands and shale lowlands and underlain by glacial deposits over faulted dolomites and the Franklin Marble. Ore bodies in the Marble, which have been mined for rare Zn ore minerals, also contain As minerals. Tributaries, which drain predominantly forested and agricultural land, contributed relatively little As to the river. The highest concentrations of As (up to 34 mug/L) emanated from the outlet of man-made Lake Mohawk at the river's headwaters; these inputs varied substantially with season--high during warm months, low during cold months, apparently because of biological activity in the lake. Dissolved As concentrations were lower (3.3 microg/L) in river water than those in ground water discharging into the riverbed (22 microg/L) near the now-closed Franklin Mine. High total As concentrations (100-190 mg/kg) on the <0.63 microm fraction of bed sediments near the mine apparently result from sorption of the As in the ground-water discharge as well as from the As minerals in the streambed. As concentrations in river water were diluted during high stream flow in fall, winter and spring, and concentrated during low flow in summer. In unfiltered samples from a wetlands site, diurnal cycles in trace-element concentrations occurred; As concentrations appeared to peak during late afternoon as pH increased, but Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations peaked shortly after midnight. The temporal variability of As and its presence at elevated concentrations in ground water and sediments as well as streamwater demonstrate the importance of (1) sampling a variety of media and (2) determining the time scales of As variability to fully characterize its passage through a river system.  相似文献   

Between 1990 and 1994, samples of three shellfish species (i.e. blue crab, Callinectes sapidus;crayfish, Procambarus acutis; and river shrimp, Macrobrachium ohionii) and 16 fish species and were collected at six sites along the lower Mississippi River by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Water Resources in coordination with the US Environmental Protection Agency. The fish species included: bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyanellus); blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus); carp (Cyprinus carpio); channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus); cobia (Rachycentron canadum); flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris); freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens); largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides); long nose gar (Lepisosteus osseus); red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus); red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus); smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus); spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus); striped bass (Morone saxatilis); white bass (Morone chrysops); and white crappie (Pomoxis annularis). Organic compound and heavy metal concentrations were measured in 161 composite fish tissue samples where each composite included three to 10 individual fish. Nineteen chemicals, found at measurable levels in sample tissues, were used in calculations of lifetime excess cancer and non-cancer risks due to fish consumption. We calculated: 574 chemical-specific cancer risks; 41 total cancer risks; and 697 margins of exposure based on a consumption rate of one 8-ounce meal per week (0.032 kg/day), a body weight of 70 kg and reported cancer potency factors and reference doses. We identified nine species of concern (blue catfish, carp, channel catfish, cobia, crayfish, flathead catfish, red drum, spotted gar and striped bass) based on total cancer risk greater than 10(-4) or margin of exposure greater than 1, and whether or not samples collected in subsequent years resulted in lower risks. The compounds primarily responsible for the elevated risks were aldrin, dieldrin, alpha-benzene hexachloride, gamma-benzene hexachloride, heptachlor epoxide, arsenic and mercury.  相似文献   

During the past decades, several models that predict the concentration profiles after a discharge of pollutants in a river have been developed. A model that predicts nitrogen concentrations in a river has been developed and is presented in this paper. The developed model that determines nitrogen concentrations in a water stream is based on a dimensional analysis. Fundamentals of the modelling of the pollutant predictions in a water stream consist of a derivation of function dependency from expressed non‐dimension arguments. Non‐dimension arguments are stated from variables, which influence the occurrence of pollutants. The model for the prediction of nitrogen concentrations in water streams has been developed for the Laborec River (eastern Slovakia). The differences between the nitrogen concentrations predicted from developed models and measured concentrations in the river are also discussed here.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate organic carbon concentrations were measured and annual loads estimated for the Trinity River, the main freshwater input source to Galveston Bay, which lies on the upper Gulf coast of Texas, USA, during 2000-2001. This river drains the forested lowlands south of a relatively large reservoir lake, Lake Livingston. A weak relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and Q(TR) indicated hydrologic control but separation of the data, based on individual discharge events, was necessary to improve interpretation. For instance, the first rain of the season resulted in only a modest increase in DOC concentrations and led to an inverse relationship with discharge, due to decreased lateral flow and increased infiltration of rainwater, with the lower flows being more efficient at DOC leaching from soils. In contrast, a long duration high discharge river crest event resulted in an opposite trend, i.e. a linear increase in DOC with increasing discharge rates. A short duration high discharge tropical storm showed reduced Trinity River DOC concentrations and the highest POC concentrations measured, likely resulting from the relatively short duration, and minimal contact time, of this event. In contrast to DOC, the concentrations of particulate organic carbon, POC (mg C l(-1)) were linearly correlated to suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations and accounted for between 10 and 12% of the total suspended load at low discharge but decreased to approximately 2% at high discharge. This suggests dilution by larger particles with a reduced organic carbon content, possibly silicate minerals, more readily resuspended at elevated levels of discharge. The annual total organic carbon (TOC) load to Galveston Bay, estimated from the slope of the daily load vs. discharge relationship, was 11.2 x 10(10) g C and calculated export coefficients (g C m(-2) year(-1)) were in good agreement with previous results. Using this relationship, accurate assessments of TOC flux inputs to Galveston Bay over the past quarter-century and in the future are possible by obtaining annual Trinity River discharge rates, which are readily available from the USGS. Comparing DOC riverine inputs to benthic sources in Trinity Bay, measured directly on the same day, indicates that the sediments contribute approximately 20% of total inputs of DOC to Trinity Bay. However, assuming a constant benthic source during low-flow conditions, which can occur for periods of up to 14 months in this region of Texas, benthic fluxes would account for > 80% of the total inputs into Trinity Bay. At high levels of discharge, the Trinity River discharges approximately 1.0 x 10(9) g C day(-1) and dominates DOC inputs to Trinity Bay.  相似文献   

Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations were measured in the muscle of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and in the water column of 4 lakes that are located in the French Alps. Watershed characteristics were determined (6 coverage classes) for each lake in order to evaluate the influence of watershed composition on mercury and methylmercury concentrations in fish muscle and in the water column. THg and MeHg concentrations in surface water were relatively low and similar among lakes and watershed characteristics play a major role in determining water column Hg and MeHg levels. THg muscle concentrations for fish with either a standardized length of 220 mm, a standardized age of 5 years or for individualuals did not exceed the 0.5 mg kg− 1 fish consumption advisory limit established for Hg by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1990). These relatively low THg concentrations can be explained by watershed characteristics, which lead to short Hg residence time in the water column, and also by the short trophic chain that is characteristic of mountain lakes. Growth rate did not seem to influence THg concentrations in fish muscles of these lakes and we observed no relationship between fish Hg concentrations and altitude. This study shows that in the French Alps, high altitude lakes have relatively low THg and MeHg concentrations in both the water column and in Arctic charr populations. Therefore, Hg does not appear to present a danger for local populations and the fishermen of these lakes.  相似文献   

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