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The linewidth enhancement factor, α, in the Ga1-xInxAs/GaInAsP/InP strained-quantum-well system was calculated and analyzed using density-matrix theory taking into account the effects of band-mixing on both the valence subbands and the transition dipole moments. As a result of numerical calculation, it was found that a reduced linewidth enhancement factor of 1.1 at the gain peak wavelength can be obtained in the tensile strained-quantum-well structure for TM-mode operation. This is due to the higher differential gain and a negligible free carrier plasma effect in the TM-mode compared to that of the TE-mode operating in the compressively strained-quantum-well structure. This calculation agrees with previously reported experimental results  相似文献   

With an aim toward a high-saturation power operation, a tapered-waveguide traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier (SLA) with a Ga0.68In0.32As/GaInAsP/InP tensile-strained quantum-well (QW) structure was investigated and realized for the first time. In spite of the high differential gain in the tensile-strained QW active layer, a high-saturation-output power of 18.5 dB (1 mW) (71 mW) and a high-maximum-output power of 20.4 dB(1 mW) (110 mW) were obtained with a narrow single-lobed beam-divergence property. These results indicate that the saturation performances of SLA's with tensile-strained active layers can be improved by the tapered-waveguide structures  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation of low-field electron transport properties in thick layers of partially strain-relieved lattice-mismatched InxGa1-xAs on GaAs semiconductor material is performed. The results indicate that room-temperature improvements in low-field mobility with increasing indium concentration are possible, but only occur if the density of misfit dislocations can be held below a critical value  相似文献   

A demonstration of a semiconductor diode laser based on a type-II Ga 1-xInxSb/InAs superlattice active layer is reported. The laser structure uses InAs/AlSb superlattice cladding layers and a multiquantum well active layer with GaInAsSb barriers and Ga1-xInxSb/InAs-superlattice wells. An emission wavelength of 3.47 μm for pulsed operation up to 160 K is observed  相似文献   

A combined experimental and theoretical analysis of the dynamical properties of multiple-quantum-well semiconductor optical amplifiers is presented. In particular, a polarization-independent optical amplifier has been realized using a tensile barrier InGaAs-InGaAs quantum-well active layer. The dynamics of gain recovery after optical pumping have been measured and the results have been interpreted in the light of a rate-equation analysis  相似文献   

Stable in-phase lateral- and single-longitudinal-mode operation up to four times the threshold (Po~100 mW) was achieved in a five-element 1.5-μm-wavelength Ga0.3In0.7As/GaInAsP/InP compressive strained MQW grating filter laser array. The threshold current and external differential quantum efficiency under pulsed condition were 330 mA (emitter width of 18 μm, active region length of 480 μm) and 17%, respectively  相似文献   

Fairly low threshold current operation was achieved with Ga0.66In0.34As/GaInAsP/InP tensile-strained (TS) single-quantum-well (SQW) lasers with 30-~40-nm-wide and 70-nm-period wire active region fabricated by a combination of a wet chemical etching and two-step OMVPE (organometallic vapor phase epitaxy) growth. Threshold current as low as 16 mA and threshold current density of 816 A/cm2 were obtained under a room temperature CW condition. In comparing the spontaneous emission peak wavelength of the TS-SQW wire laser with that of the TS-SQW film laser, an approximately 10-meV blue shift of the fundamental energy level was observed in the TS-SQW wire laser  相似文献   

Mn-doped Ga1?xInxAs crystals (0 < x < 0.25) have been grown by the LPE technique, and the doping characteristics and electrical properties of the layers have been studied by Hall measurement. The distribution coefficient of Mn has been found to depend on the substrate orientation. The acceptor enerby level is about 77 meV and is comparable to that of Mn-doped GaAs. p-n junction diodes with high InAs compositions, grown using the step grading technique, showed a diode factor of 2. Electron diffusion lengths greater than 3μm have been measured in these Mn doped layers.  相似文献   

A self-aligned InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor with a compositionally graded InxGa1-xAs base has been demonstrated with fT=83 GHz and fmax=197 GHz. To our knowledge, these results are the highest reported for both parameters in InGaP/GaAs HBT's. The graded base, which improves electron transport through the base, results in a DC current gain and a cutoff frequency which are 100% and 20% higher, respectively, than that achieved by an identical device with a nongraded base. The high fmax results from a heavily doped base, self-aligned base contacts, and a self-aligned collector etch. These results demonstrate the applicability of InGaP/GaAs HBT's in high-speed microwave applications  相似文献   

Noise in semiconductor laser amplifiers with quantum box structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low-noise properties of a quantum-box traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier (QB-TW-SLA) are discussed. The gain and population-inversion parameter of a quantum-box structure are precisely expressed using density matrix theory. Due to sharp gain characteristics as well as a small population inversion parameter, dominant two-beat noise is significantly reduced, even in a solitary device without a narrow bandpass filter. The noise figure can be reduced to 3.5 dB  相似文献   

A GaInAsP/InP index-guided type tapered-waveguide traveling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier (TTW-SLA) with exponential taper structure was realized for the first time and its integration with a 1.5 μm wavelength phase adjusted DFB laser was demonstrated. A reasonable amount of the single-pass gain, which was limited by the residual reflectivity at the output end of the amplifier region, was obtained with no serious problem with the lasing spectrum. A narrow beam divergence of FWHM=5.5° and stable longitudinal mode operation were obtained with the output waveguide width of 20 μm by adopting both a window structure and 7° angled facets. This value agrees well with the theoretically calculated one and proves that single transverse-mode propagation can be attained by an exponentially tapered TTW-SLA with a very wide output end  相似文献   

Iga  K. Miller  B.I. 《Electronics letters》1980,16(9):342-343
Monolithic fabrication of a GaInAsP/InP laser with an etched mirror and monitoring detector is reported. Stripegeometry lasers operating at wavelengths of ~1.3 ?m with threshold current of only 300 mA have been obtained. The monitoring detector on the same InP substrate was confirmed to operate with high sensitivity, comparable with that of an external Ge photodiode.  相似文献   

A room temperature CW operation of Ga0.3In0.7As/GaInAsP/InP GRINSCH compressive strained MQW lasers with 30~60 nm wide wire active region was achieved. This device was fabricated by two-step LP-OMVPE growths on p-type InP substrate and wet chemical etching. Threshold current as low as 53 mA ( L=910 μm, Jth=2.9 kA/cm2) was obtained at RT-CW condition. The spontaneous emission peak and the lasing wavelength of strained MQW wire lasers exhibited approximately 20-meV blue shift from those of MQW film lasers cut out from the same wafer  相似文献   

Heterodyne noise measurements on a travelling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier show that the excess noise factor decreases with increasing wavelength. When the signal wavelength is changed from 1.48 μm to 1.55 μm the noise figure decreases from 10.5 dB to 6.0 dB  相似文献   

Monte Carlo methods are used to compare electronic transport and device behavior in n+-AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFETs) at 300 K for x =0.10, 0.15, 0.22, 0.30, 0.35, and 0.40. The differences between the x=0.22 and x=0.30 MODFETs with respect to parasitic conduction in AlxGa1-xAs, gate currents, and switching times, are of particular interest. The donor-related deep levels in AlxGa1-xAs, are disregarded by assuming all donors to be fully ionized, and the focus is only on the confinement and transport of the carriers. The following quantities are studied in detail: transfer characteristics (ID versus V G), transconductance (gm), switching speeds (τON), parasitic conduction in AlxGa 1-xAs, gate current (IG), average electron velocities and energies in GaAs and AlxGa1-x As, electron concentration in the device domain, k-space transfer (to low mobility L and X valleys), and details of the real-space transfer process  相似文献   

为了探索发射层厚度对指数掺杂Ga1-χAlχAs/GaAs光电阴极光学性能与光电发射性能的影响,实验制备了两种发射层厚度不同的阴极样品,并测试得到400μm~1 000 nm内反射率、透射率与光谱响应曲线.实验结果说明发射层2.0 μm厚的样品比1.6μm厚的样品性能更好.利用薄膜光学矩阵理论公式计算阴极膜系反射率、透...  相似文献   

The authors report the 60-GHz noise performance of low-noise ion-implanted InxGa1-xAs MESFETs with 0.25 μm T-shaped gates and amplifiers using these devices. The device noise figure was 2.8 dB with an associated gain of 5.6 dB at 60 GHz. A hybrid two-state amplifier using these ion-implanted InxGa1-x As MESFETs achieved a noise figure of 4.6 dB with an associated gain of 10.1 dB at 60 GHz. When this amplifier was biased at 100% I dss, it achieved 11.5-dB gain at 60 GHz. These results, achieved using low-cost ion-implantation techniques, are the best reported noise figures for ion-implanted MESFETs  相似文献   

An InP/GaInAsP/GaInAs avalanche photodiode (APD) with separate absorption and multiplication (SAM) regions has been designed taking into account the excess noise generated in GaInAsP and GaInAs. The multiplication factor dependence of the excess noise factorFhas been calculated using realistic electron and hole ionization rates in InP, GaInAsP, and GaInAs, assuming that the avalanche multiplication occurs not only in InP but in GaInAsP and GaInAs. The calculatedFvalues have been compared to the experimental ones measured on a planar-type InP/GaInAsP/GaInAs APD for illumination at a wavelength of 1.3 μm. It has been found the the calculated excess noise agrees very well with the experimental measurements. The limited ranges of device parameters in which the conditions of minimal excess noise, tunneling current, and charge pile-up are satisfied have been obtained. We conclude that the excess noise generated in GaInAsP and GaInAs should be considered in a practical device design.  相似文献   

The DC and microwave performance of an InAs channel HEMT is reported. Room-temperature electron mobility as high as 20200 cm2 /Vs is measured, with a high carrier concentration of 2.7×10 12 cm-2. DC extrinsic transconductance of 714 mS/mm is measured and a unity-current-gain cut-off frequency of 50 GHz is obtained for a 1.1-μm gate length HEMT. The success of achieving superior Hall mobility and device performance is strongly dependent on the InxAl1-xAs buffer layer design that changes the lattice constant from lattice-matched In0.52Al0.48 As to In0.75Al0.25As. The multiple In0.52Al0.48As/InAs monolayer superlattices buffer achieves the best performance as compared to the step-graded Inx Al1-xAs and the uniform In0.76Al0.25 As buffer  相似文献   

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