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Polarizing holography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The problems of collinear periodic cracks in anisotropic bimaterials are examined in this paper. By means of Stroh formalism, conformal mapping and analytic continuation arguments, explicit full domain solutions for the periodic cracks are presented. Following the procedure used by Wu (1990), we also obtain the corresponding stress intensity factors. The solutions are valid not only to plane problems but also to antiplane problems and those problems whose inplane and antiplane deformations couple each other. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Xiang Y 《Applied optics》1998,37(13):2637-2639
One-step two-wavelength holography is obtained with twointerferometric beams with different wavelengths by means of apolarizing modulation produced by a liquid-crystal lightvalve. This holographic method eliminates the need for preliminarystatic recording of the hologram and permits one-step two-wavelengthholographic testing to produce results easily in real time.  相似文献   

Cheng YS  Su WH  Chang RC 《Applied optics》1999,38(14):3093-3100
A theory for making a disk-type multiplex hologram is derived. This theory relates the final image point, as seen by the observer, to a point on the original three-dimensional object through a set of equations. From these equations the distortion of the image and the wavelength as seen by each individual eye can be evaluated. Computer simulation shows the characteristics of this hologram. Some experimental results also confirm these characteristics. By reversing the process and specifying a desired image, we generated a set of distorted two-dimensional originals. The hologram fabricated with these distorted images can generate nearly distortion-free images.  相似文献   

Guan C  Wang Z  Zhang D  Wang Y  Yuan S 《Applied optics》1999,38(2):382-385
A new, to our knowledge, method for recording rainbow holograms of three-dimensional diffused objects in one step without the use of slits is proposed. No lens is needed for recording in this kind of holography; instead, multiple synthetic slits are created by displacement and multiple exposure of an object to expand the horizontal and the vertical viewing angles of the hologram.  相似文献   

The problem of collinear periodic cracks in an anisotropic medium is examined in this paper. By means of Stroh formalism and the conformal mapping method, we obtain general periodic solutions for collinear cracks. The corresponding stress intensity factors, crack opening displacements and strain energy release rate are found.  相似文献   

Horimai H  Tan X 《Applied optics》2006,45(5):910-914
A novel reading and writing technology for a holographic versatile disk (HVD) system called collinear technology is developed. With this method a two-dimensional data page can be recorded as volumetric holograms generated by a reference beam and a signal beam that are bundled on the same axis and that are irradiated on the recording medium through a single objective lens. The multiplex recording and reconstruction process is demonstrated, and it is shown that the optical configuration and the dichroic medium disk structure are suitable for a compact system. With the HVD's special structure, the system can use a servo to focus, track, and locate the reading and writing addresses. A unique selectable-capacity recording format of a HVD and its standardization activity are also introduced. This method willenable us to construct a small HVD system with CD and DVD upper compatibilities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the collinear Zener-Stroh crack problem in plane elasticity. Two cracks in series are chosen as an example in analysis. Different to the Griffith crack problem, an initial displacement discontinuity exists in the Zener-Stroh crack problem, which in turn is the increment of displacement when a moving point goes around the crack in a closed loop. From the traction free condition along the cracks, the dislocation distribution function as well as the complex potential with undetermined coefficients is suggested. The involved undetermined coefficients can be evaluated from the condition of the assumed initial displacement discontinuity. Finally, a closed form solution for the problem is obtained and the calculated stress intensity factors at crack tips are presented. A problem for two collinear Zener-Stroh cracks with different lengths is also studied.  相似文献   

We demonstrate 100-nm-resolution holographic aerial image monitoring based on lensless Fourier-transform holography at extreme-UV (EUV) wavelengths, using synchrotron-based illumination. This method can be used to monitor the coherent imaging performance of EUV lithographic optical systems. The system has been implemented in the EUV phase-shifting point-diffraction interferometer recently developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Here we introduce the idea of the holographic aerial image-recording technique and present imaging performance characterization results for a 10x Schwarzschild objective, a prototype EUV lithographic optic. The results are compared with simulations, and good agreement is obtained. Various object patterns, including phase-shift-enhanced patterns, have been studied. Finally, the application of the holographic aerial image-recording technique to EUV multilayer mask-blank defect characterization is discussed.  相似文献   

王丁  黄继阳  袁霞 《光电工程》2005,32(10):10-13,22
提出了用单色激光器制作真彩色动感全息图的方法。该方法用三色光栅相机将景物的彩色信息记录在一张透明片上,并使用散射参光法一次曝光合成一幅真彩色全息图。对从不同观察角度所拍摄的透明片进行多次全息曝光并记录在同一张全息片上,可在普通白炽灯下看到景物的真彩色动感全息像。采用散射光作为参考光记录全息片,大大降低了相干噪声。一次曝光记录一幅真彩色全息图,不仅使透明片数量和曝光次数减少为分色记录的1/3,而且消除了由分色记录三次曝光所带来的颜色分离,增加了彩色像的真实感和清晰度。  相似文献   

Rabal H  Pomarico J  Arizaga R 《Applied optics》1994,33(20):4358-4360
We present a digital speckle-pattern interferometric setup that can be operated at TV frame rates (30 ms) to display the locus of the points at which the optical-path difference between the reference and object beams is within the coherence length. Experimental results are shown.  相似文献   

李瑞琛  邹毅军  陈天航  郑斌  蔡通 《光电工程》2023,50(8):230118-1-230118-9

针对超表面全息成像技术中存在的工作频段窄、近场成像效率低等问题,本文提出了消色散宽频超表面全息成像优化原理及模型,提出了基于深度图像先验的深度学习网络模型用于单目标的被动式超表面全息图设计,实现了消色散宽频超表面全息成像。数值仿真和实验结果均证明,所设计的全息成像器件可以在9 GHz~11 GHz频段内实现良好的消色散成像效果,在全息成像、宽频功能器件设计等领域具有极大的应用潜力。


《NDT International》1979,12(4):167-174
A method is described whereby a scanned ultrasonic transducer is used to obtain a B-scan type image with enhanced lateral resolution. In contrast with conventional B-scan, the lateral resolution is equal to the focal spot size of the transducer and is independent of object depth. the ultrasonic signal is processed holographically and the image may be reconstructed either optically or using a small computer. Images of objects in a water bath and of a defective weld in a steel sample are presented.  相似文献   

The importance of the non-singular terms of the series representation for the stresses in the crack tip region has been underlined in recent papers. In the present work it is recognized that the stress-intensity factors KI and KII are no longer sufficient to define fracture crisis for the plane problem. Some fracture criteria are applied introducing the third parameter λ, which is connected with the stress collinear to the crack's line. The respective fracture loci in the KI−KII−λ space are discussed; they depend on the distance from the crack tip at which the crisis conditions are checked. Finally an application of the above mentioned loci to the uniaxial loading condition is shown.
Résumé Le problème de la mécanique de la rupture a été étudie jusqu'ici en considérant, dans la solution élastique, valable autour des extrémités de fissure, le seul premier terme du développement en autofonctions de Williams. Ce terme de la série qui représente le champ de contrainte est inversement proportionnel à la racine carrée de la distance radiale de l'extrémité de l'axe de fissuration. Cependant, dans cette étude, on considère aussi le deuxième terme de cette série, indépendant de la distance radiale. L'omission du deuxième terme, comme on le souligne dans des travaux assez récents, équivaut à négliger l'effet des tensions normales colinéaires à l'axe de fissuration. Si l'on considère aussi le terme non singulier, on admet que la rupture dépend d'un paramètre ultérieur lié à la contriante normale colinéaire à l'axe de fissuration. Par conséquent, les facteurs d'intensité de contrainte KI et KII, introduits par Irwin, ne suffisent plus à décrire la ramification de la fissure. Les endroits de rupture, comme on le montre dans cette étude, sont représentés par des surfaces dans l'espace tridimensionnel KI−KII−λ, et non plus par des courbes dans le plan KI−KII. Conformément à ces hypothèses, les surfaces varient en fonction de la distance radiale de l'extrémité de la fissure d'après laquelle on estime les conditions de crise (déterminant la rupture). Cette distance est caractéristique du matériau considéré, puisqu'elle est liée à la dimension de la zone plastique à l'extrémité de la fissure. Dans la partie finale de l'étude, on montre ensuite une application dans un cas de sollicitation sous charge monoaxiale en indiquant les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur des plaques de plexiglass entaillées.

Research sponsored by the C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy)  相似文献   

Recent developments in computer algorithms, image sensors, and microfabrication technologies make it possible to digitize the whole process of classical holography. This technique, referred to as digitized holography, allows us to create fine spatial three-dimensional (3D) images composed of virtual and real objects. In the technique, the wave field of real objects is captured in a wide area and at very high resolution using the technique of synthetic aperture digital holography. The captured field is incorporated in virtual 3D scenes including two-dimensional digital images and 3D polygon mesh objects. The synthetic field is optically reconstructed using the technique of computer-generated holograms. The reconstructed 3D images present all depth cues like classical holograms but are digitally editable, archivable, and transmittable unlike classical holograms. The synthetic hologram printed by a laser lithography system has a wide viewing zone in full-parallax and give viewers a strong sensation of depth, which has never been achieved by conventional 3D systems. A real hologram as well as the details of the technique is presented to verify the proposed technique.  相似文献   

We propose a parallel two-step phase-shifting digital holography technique capable of instantaneous measurement of three-dimensional objects, with a view toward measurement of dynamically moving objects. The technique is based on phase-shifting interferometry. The proposed technique carries out the two-step phase-shifting method at one time and can be optically implemented by using a phase-shifting array device located in the reference beam. The array device has a periodic two-step phase distribution, and its configuration is simplified compared with that required for three-step and four-step parallel phase-shifting digital holographies. Therefore the optical system of the proposed technique is more suitable for the realization of a parallel phase-shifting digital holography system. We conduct both a numerical simulation and a preliminary experiment in the proposed technique. The results of the simulation and the experiment agree well with those of sequential phase-shifting digital holography, and results are superior to those obtained by conventional digital holography using the Fresnel transform alone. Thus the effectiveness of the proposed technique is verified.  相似文献   

We have used digital in-line holography (DIH) with numerical reconstruction to image micrometer-sized latex spheres as well as ferrimagnetic beads suspended in gelatin. We have examined in detail theoretically and experimentally the conditions necessary to achieve submicrometer resolution of holographic reconstructions. We found that both transparent and opaque particles could be imaged with a resolution that was limited only by the wavelength of the light used. Simple inspection of intensity profiles through a particle allowed an estimate to be made of the particle's three position coordinates within an accuracy of a few hundred nanometers. When the derivative of a second-order polynomial fitted to the intensity profiles was taken, the X, Y, Z position coordinates of particles could be determined within +/-50 nm. More-accurate positional resolution should be possible with the help of more-advanced computer averaging techniques. Because a single hologram can give information about a large collection of distributed particles, DIH offers the prospect of a powerful new tool for three-dimensional tracking of particles.  相似文献   

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