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针对四足机器人在复杂环境中难以保持稳定行走姿态的问题,在四足机器人trot步态的基础上,改进设计了一种侧摆型trot步态,通过四足机器人侧摆肩关节处电机对四足机器人的步态进行规律调整,使四足机器人在行走过程中更易保持稳定姿态。首先对侧摆型trot步态进行步态规划,分析侧摆型trot步态的稳定性;然后根据D-H参数法建立四足机器人单腿运动学模型并进行运动学分析求解;最后在MATLAB/Simulink软件中建立四足机器人动态仿真模型,以复合摆线运动轨迹为例,对侧摆型trot步态进行运动特性仿真分析。结果表明,基于复合摆线的侧摆型trot步态运动轨迹曲线连续平滑,四足机器人运动平稳。通过侧摆型trot步态仿真分析,验证了所研究侧摆型trot步态的稳定性和合理性,可以为搭建实验样机控制系统提供理论依据。 相似文献
根据系统的动力学模型,采用机构学中影响系数的概念,定义了主被动关节的动力学耦合度指标,并求解双臂在各指标下的最优运动位形区域.通过机器人三种主要运动任务的仿真验证了分析结果.最后结合耦合度分析和仿真结果的研究,对系统完成三种不同任务的双臂初始位形和平衡位置作了运动规划,使双臂在运动中力矩输出最小. 相似文献
基于D-H矩阵的3-RSR并联机器人的误差建模 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文通过选取3-RSR并联机器人的任意一条支链作为研究对象,利用D—H矩阵建立动平台相对于静平台的位姿关系矩阵,采用矩阵微分法推导出机构原始误差到末端执行部分的误差映射模型。该模型包含了机构全部的几何原始误差,同时将末端执行部分位姿误差与原始几何误差间的非线性隐式函数关系简化为线性显式函数关系,是进一步研究误差补偿的基础。 相似文献
To investigate the design and the applications of elastic underactuated mechanisms for improving the energy efficiency of dynamic mechanical systems, the dynamics and control of a one-legged hopping robot with articulated leg is studied in this paper. To ensure the controllability of the elastic underactuated mechanism, a dynamics synthesis method is proposed for designing the underactuated mechanism so that the dynamics of the system can be transformed into the strict feedback normal form. To improve the energy efficiency of the one-legged locomotion system, an optimal motion planning method is presented to optimize the trajectories of the robot joints. A nonlinear controller is proposed to stabilize the hopping robot to its balance configuration in stance phase, and a switched linear controller is proposed to stabilize the continuous hopping movement. The stability of the presented controllers is analyzed in theory and verified by some numerical simulations. 相似文献
Hopping height control is one of the difficult problems in legged control. Many kinds of research employ a leg spring for the supplement of energy, and model the robot as a spring-mass model. Feedback linearization enables to cancel the nonlinear terms theoretically. However, it is difficult to identify the nonlinear terms including the parameters precisely in the real world.This paper nominalizes the robot dynamics as the desired spring-mass system applying a disturbance observer. In order to realize the desired characteristics of the spring and the mass, the disturbance including the nonlinear terms is rejected firstly by a disturbance observer. To make the mass in the workspace as constant, the nominal inertia of the disturbance observer in the joint space is varied. Next, by adding the desired virtual elastic force, the robot dynamics is nominalized as the desired spring-mass system.Based on the nominalized spring-mass dynamics, hopping-height control using energy/phase control is implemented. While energy control is often used for hopping height control, the energy/phase control enables the hopping-height control and the spring-mass oscillation simultaneously.Constant hopping-height and stepwise hopping height are realized experimentally through the proposed control method. The simulations in the case of the ideal dynamics are also conducted for comparison. 相似文献
广泛使用的标准D-H法允许坐标系建立在轴线的延长线上,会导致不能针对所有关节连杆进行建模、建立的机器人模型与实体不一致,以及无法进行局部关节位置分析等问题。为了得到统一、直观、准确的模型建立方法,提出了一种统一的实体建模方法--坐标系固定在实体上的D-H表示法(简称CFDH法)。说明了CFDH法坐标系建立的方法、参数获取过程。以一个六自由度机械臂作为仿真对象,分别用D-H法和CFDH法对其进行建模,然后采用Newton-Raphson求逆解,比较两者计算复杂度并对两种建模方法进行整体对比。仿真和实验结果表明,CFDH法满足机器人运动学建模的需求,解决了D-H法存在的问题。 相似文献
基于D-H坐标系法的移动喷漆机器人运动学分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对所设计的可移动喷漆机器人进行了D-H坐标建系,推导出了该机器人的运动学正解,并用解析法进行了验证。根据末端执行器的位置和各连杆的变换矩阵求出了运动学的逆解。 相似文献