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Recently, the notion that a logical next step towards future mobile radio networks is to introduce multihop relaying into cellular networks, has gained wide acceptance. Nevertheless, due to the inherent drawbacks of multihop relaying, e.g., the requirement for extra radio resources for relaying hops, and the sensitivity to the quality of relaying routes, multihop cellular networks (MCNs) require a well-designed radio resource allocation strategy in order to secure performance gains. In this paper, the optimal radio resource allocation problem in MCNs, with the objective of throughput maximization, is formulated mathematically and proven to be NP-hard. Considering the prohibitive complexity of finding the optimal solution for such an NP-hard problem, we propose an efficient heuristic algorithm, named integrated radio resource allocation (IRRA), to find suboptimal solutions. The IRRA is featured as a low-complexity algorithm that involves not only base station (BS) resource scheduling, but also routing and relay station (RS) load balancing. Specifically, a load-based scheme is developed for routing. A mode-aware BS resource-scheduling scheme is proposed for handling links in different transmission modes, i.e., direct or multihop. Moreover, a priority-based RS load balancing approach is presented for the prevention of the overloading of RSs. Within the framework of the IRRA, the above three functions operate periodically with coordinated interactions. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed IRRA algorithm, a case study was carried out based on enhanced uplink UMTS terrestrial radio access/frequency-division duplex with fixed RSs. The IRRA is evaluated through system level simulations, and compared with two other cases: 1) nonrelaying and 2) relaying with a benchmark approach. The results show that the proposed algorithm can ensure significant gains in terms of cell throughput  相似文献   

Video streaming is one of the most important applications that will make use of the high data rates offered by 4G networks. The current video transport techniques are already very advanced, and the more immediate problems lie in the joint optimization of video coding, AL-FEC, and PHY rate selection with the goal of enhancing the user perceived quality. In this work we provide an analysis of video broadcast streaming services for different combinations of layered coding and AL-FEC, using a realistic LTE PHY layer. Our simulation results show that the scalable content adaptation given by Scalable Video Coding (SVC) and the scheduling flexibility offered by the 3G-LTE MAC-layer provide a good match for enhanced video broadcast services for next generation cellular networks. Our proposed solution is compared to baseline algorithms and broadcast systems based on H.264/AVC streaming solutions. We emphasize the system quality improvement brought by our solution and discuss implications for a wide-scale practical deployment.  相似文献   

Probability of error based Spatial Code Division Multiple Access scheduling algorithm is presented in this paper to systematically reuse the orthogonal CDMA codes in a given cell for Multihop Cellular Network. We assign and reuse the CDMA codes to peer-to-peer links such that the probability of error in all scheduled links are below certain threshold. The proposed scheduling algorithm PoE-LinkSchedule involves two phases. In the first phase we present a scheduling metric “Probability of Error (PoE)” as a function of first and second order statistics of wireless channel coefficients between nodes. The second phase presents a graph theoretical as well as PoE based centralized scheduling algorithm. For a graph of network with n number of nodes, U number of links and θ thickness, the proposed scheduling algorithm has computational complexity of O(Unlogn + Unθ) as opposed to O(U U ) in the case of exhaustive search algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated in terms of spatial reuse and end-to-end throughput. We show that the proposed algorithm has considerably higher end-to-end throughput and higher spatial reuse compared to existing link scheduling algorithms.  相似文献   

Today, high-speed multimedia services are becoming one of the most challenging demands of cellular subscribers. Many approaches have been proposed during last decade and still there are many ongoing researches aiming to provide higher speed and higher quality services for users. Multihop cellular network (MCN) is a promising solution to this problem. MCNs offer high-speed communication to mobile stations which are far from their base stations by relaying their data in a multihop connection. Moreover, TDD-CDMA networks are proven to be able to accommodate the asymmetric traffic generated by applications such as Internet browsers or multimedia applications. These types of traffic are most of the time biased towards uplink or downlink. In this paper we deploy multihop relaying in TDD-CDMA networks in order to provide high data rate connections targeting for multimedia applications. We propose time slot allocation schemes for TDD-CDMA MCNs and compare them with conventional schemes used in TDD-CDMA single-hop cellular networks in terms of users’ data rate and maximum capacity in different symmetric and asymmetric traffic scenarios. Results of this study show that our proposed schemes can provide higher data rate as well as capacity and outperform other conventional schemes.  相似文献   

引入D2D通信的蜂窝网上行资源分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了引入Device-to-Device (D2D)通信的蜂窝网系统中的上行资源分配问题。首先将该问题建模为一个简洁的二值整数规划问题。然而整数规划仍是NP难问题。该文利用Canonical对偶理论,得到其对偶形式。该对偶问题是一个连续域内的凸问题。证明了在特定的条件下,可以通过求解对偶问题得到原问题的最优解,且对偶间隙为零。提出了一个基于Barrier方法的算法来求解对偶问题。仿真结果表明,该文的算法优于现有算法,且性能接近最优。  相似文献   

The legacy wireless systems are designed to exploit static configuration and deployment, and cannot handle the discrepancies of the spatio-temporal traffic demand. Cloud RAN (C-RAN) is a novel flexible radio technology that utilizes the virtualization concepts and can efficiently address the static deployment of conventional wireless systems. The C-RAN also leverages high radio network flexibility by introducing the network function virtualization approach to wireless networks. This paper presents a novel C-RAN platform that virtualizes and operates with full GSM and LTE systems. The presented platform is solely based on open-source and off the shelf solutions, providing easy implementation, low cost and high scalability. The paper also introduces a novel dynamic resource allocation algorithm that facilitates the C-RAN’s optimal performance in dynamic scenarios. The proposed algorithm is analyzed and validated on the presented C-RAN platform. The results of the performance analysis clearly show the advantages of the proposed dynamic resource allocation algorithm. Moreover, they prove the applicability of the C-RAN platform for variety of different scenarios.  相似文献   

With increasing the demand for transmitting secure information in wireless networks, deviceto-device(D2D) communication has great potential to improve system performance. As a well-known security risk is eavesdropping in D2D communication, ensuring information security is quite challenging. In this paper, we first obtain the closed-forms of the secrecy outage probability(SOP) and the secrecy ergodic capacity(SEC) for direct and decodeand-forward(DF) relay modes. Numerical results are presented t...  相似文献   

The Multicarrier CDMA Transmission Techniques for Integrated Broadband Cellular Systems (MATRICE) project addresses a candidate solution for a Beyond 3G (B3G) air-interface based on Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA). It investigates dynamic resource allocation strategies at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer to support the transport of Internet Protocol (IP) packets over the air-interface in a cost effective manner and maximise the cell capacity with a target QoS. A candidate Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) protocol architecture is proposed that is based on cross-layer signalling to provide reactive resource allocation according to the fast channel and traffic variations. In-line with B3G expectations, the proposed DRA handles a very large number of users with inherent flexibility and granularity necessary to support heterogeneous traffic, and still with limited complexity. Thanks to the modular architecture of the DRA, various scheduling policies are investigated and compared in terms of capacity and reactivity to the system environment. Simulation results have shown that the MATRICE system has the potential to deliver broadband heterogenous services in a cost-effective manner, and emerge as a propespective candidate air-interface for B3G cellular networks.  相似文献   

Efficient design of online power allocation policies relies strongly on convex-analytic and optimization-theoretic properties of the optimization problem on hand. In this context we study the optimization of power allocation in cellular networks with so-called best-effort traffic. Our results exhibit a specific role of link QoS parameters, for which the dependence on the corresponding link SINR is log-convex. In such case the region of achievable QoS vectors is shown to be convex, the considered problem is globally solvable and can be easily transformed into a favorable convex form.  相似文献   

Mobile Networks and Applications - Internet-of-Things (IoT) deployment underlaying cellular communication have been drawing increasing attention in recent years. In this work, we consider...  相似文献   

针对基于中继的OFDM蜂窝网络,该文考虑具有不同QoS要求的混合业务场景,引入合作传输机制,提出了一种基于合作中继的QoS感知资源调度算法,解决了合作中继节点选取,子载波分配以及功率控制等问题。以最大化系统效用为目标,在考虑QoS业务的速率要求与基站功率约束的同时,针对中继结构引入了中继节点的功率约束。为降低计算复杂度,将原非线性组合优化问题分解为子载波分配与功率控制两个子问题。仿真结果表明,该文所提算法在能量节约、系统效用,吞吐量等性能方面都有显著优势。  相似文献   

Node cooperation is an emerging and powerful solution that can overcome the limitation of wireless systems as well as improve the capacity of the next generation wireless networks. By forming a virtual antenna array, node cooperation can achieve high antenna and diversity gains by using several partners to relay the transmitted signals. There has been a lot of work on improving the link performance in cooperative networks by using advanced signal processing or power allocation methods among a single source node and its relays. However, the resource allocation among multiple nodes has not received much attention yet. In this paper, we present a unified crosslayer framework for resource allocation in cooperative networks, which considers the physical and network layers jointly and can be applied for any cooperative transmission scheme. It is found that the fairness and energy constraint cannot be satisfied simultaneously if each node uses a fixed set of relays. To solve this problem, a multi-state cooperation methodology is proposed, where the energy is allocated among the nodes state-by-state via a geometric and network decomposition approach. Given the energy allocation, the duration of each state is then optimized so as to maximize the nodes utility. Numerical results will compare the performance of cooperative networks with and without resource allocation for cooperative beamforming and selection relaying. It is shown that without resource allocation, cooperation will result in a poor lifetime of the heavily-used nodes. In contrast, the proposed framework will not only guarantee fairness, but will also provide significant throughput and diversity gain over conventional cooperation schemes.  相似文献   

Good quality video services always require higher bandwidth. Hence, to provide the video services e.g., multicast/broadcast services (MBSs) and unicast services along with the existing voice, internet, and other background traffic services over the wireless cellular networks, it is required to efficiently manage the wireless resources in order to reduce the overall forced call termination probability, to maximize the overall service quality, and to maximize the revenue. Fixed bandwidth allocation for the MBS sessions either reduces the quality of the MBS videos and bandwidth utilization or increases the overall forced call termination probability and of course the handover call dropping probability as well. Scalable video coding (SVC) technique allows the variable bit rate allocation for the video services. In this paper, we propose a bandwidth allocation scheme that efficiently allocates bandwidth among the MBS sessions and the non-MBS traffic calls (e.g., voice, unicast, internet, and other background traffic). The proposed scheme reduces the bandwidth allocation for the MBS sessions during the congested traffic condition only to accommodate more calls in the system. Instead of allocating fixed bandwidths for the MBS sessions and the non-MBS traffic, our scheme allocates variable bandwidths for them. However, the minimum quality of the videos is guaranteed by allocating minimum bandwidth for them. Using the mathematical and numerical analyses, we show that the proposed scheme maximizes the bandwidth utilization and significantly reduces the overall forced call termination probability as well as the handover call dropping probability.  相似文献   

Multiuser resource allocation has recently been recognized as an effective methodology for enhancing the power and spectrum efficiency in OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) systems. It is, however, not directly applicable to current packet-switched networks because most existing packet- scheduling schemes are based on a single-server model and do not serve multiple users at the same time. In this paper, we propose a cross-layer resource allocation algorithm based on a novel multi-server scheduling framework to achieve overall high system power efficiency in packet-switched OFDM networks. Our contribution is four fold: (i) we propose and analyze a MPGPS (multi-server packetized general processor sharing) service discipline that serves multiple users at the same time and facilitates multiuser resource allocation; (ii) we present a MPGPS-based joint MAC-PHY resource allocation scheme that incorporates packet scheduling, subcarrier allocation, and power allocation in an integrated framework; (iii) by investigating the fundamental tradeoff between multiuser-diversity and queueing performance, we present an A-MPGPS (adaptive MPGPS) service discipline that strikes balance between power efficiency and queueing performance; and (iv) we extend MPGPS to an O-MPGPS (opportunistic MPGPS) service discipline to further enhance the resource utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in improving the energy efficiency of communication networks to reduce operational expenditures, to maintain profitability and to make cellular networks greener. The revolution of green cellular networks has received significant attention from researchers, vendors, cellular service providers and governments, all of whom play important roles in the success of green networking technology. This paper aims to present a comprehensive overview on current green techniques for wireless networks, highlighting the energy savings that can be achieved by each technique, as well as the challenges faced by these techniques. Additionally, we present a summary of the essential research projects that have recently emerged for green mobile networks and display them as open research issues, thus providing researchers interested in pursuing this vision with the latest update.  相似文献   

朱科宇  朱琦 《信号处理》2021,37(6):1055-1065
本文在多基站和远端云构成的多层计算卸载场景中,提出了一种多小区蜂窝网络中基站选择、计算卸载与资源分配联合优化算法.该算法考虑多基站重叠覆盖用户的基站选择,在边缘服务器计算资源约束条件下,构建了能耗与时延加权和的最小化问题,这是NP-hard问题.本文首先对单用户多基站计算卸载问题,采用拉格朗日乘子法对其进行求解;然后针...  相似文献   

In this letter we propose a power allocation iteration which optimizes the weighted aggregate performance of a single-hop network. We show that the proposed iteration is a competitive alternative to conventional gradient iterations in terms of convergence and computational effort.  相似文献   

Device-to-Device (D2D) communications have drawn considerable attention with the obvious advantages of a higher data rate and spectrum efficiency. However, this also brings intra-cell interference due to resource sharing with traditional Cellular users (CUs). An effective resource allocation scheme for D2D communications to maximize the system throughput is developed. This scheme first utilizes the guard area model to restrict the interference between D2D users (DUs) and CUs. Then, a max-flow algorithm is used to match the pair of CUs and DUs and maximize the total sum rate of the communication system. Numeral results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can yield significant throughput gain while maintaining quality for both CUs and DUs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the joint relay selection and spectrum allocation problem for multi-user and multi-relay cellular networks, and per-user fairness and system efficiency are both emphasized. First, we propose a new data-frame structure for relaying resource allocation. Considering each relay can support multiple users, a \(K\) -person Nash bargaining game is formulated to distribute the relaying resource among the users in a fair and efficient manner. To solve the Nash bargaining solution (NBS) of the game, an iterative algorithm is developed based on the dual decomposition method. Then, in view of the selection cooperation (SC) rule could help users achieve cooperation diversity with minimum network overhead, the SC rule is applied for the user-relay association which restricts relaying for a user to only one relay. By using the Langrangian relaxation and the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker condition, we prove that the NBS result of the proposed game just complies with the SC rule. Finally, to guarantee the minimum rate requirements of the users, an admission control scheme is proposed and is integrated with the proposed game. By comparing with other resource allocation schemes, the theoretical analysis and the simulation results testify the effectiveness of the proposed game scheme for efficient and fair relaying resource allocation.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The paper studies the device-to-device (D2D) underlaying communication in the case of sufficient spectrum resources available in cellular networks. A hierarchical...  相似文献   

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