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Al-doped zinc-oxide (AZO) thin films treated by oxygen and chlorine inductively coupled plasma (ICP) were compared. Kelvin probe (KP) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to characterize the effect of treatment. The results of KP measurement show that the surface work function of AZO thin films can increase up to 5.92 eV after oxygen ICP (O-ICP)'s treatment, which means that the work function was increased by at least 1.1 eV. However, after the treatment of chlorine ICP (CI-ICP), the work function increased to 5.44 eV, and the increment was 0.6 eV. And 10 days later, the work function increment was still 0.4 eV after O-ICP's treatment, while the work function after Cl-ICP's treatment came back to the original value only after 48 hours. The XPS results suggested that the O-ICP treatment was more effective than CI-ICP for enhancing the work function of AZO films, which is well consistent with KP results.  相似文献   

A novel technique to generate high-density plasma-called inductively coupled plasma (ICP), enhanced capacitively coupled plasma (CCP)- is successfully developed. The plasma can be generated using different frequency configurations, such as ICP-enhanced single-frequency ca- pacitively coupled plasma (SFCCP) and dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma (DFCCP). The characteristics of the plasma in the following frequency combinations are mainly investigated using a Langmuir probe, SFCCP (60 MHz), DFCCP (60 MHz, 13.56 MHz), SFCCP (60 MHz) and inductively coupled plasma (13.56 MHz), DFCCP (60 MHz, 13.56 MHz) and inductively coupled plasma (13.56 MHz). In this letter, the nitrogen and hydrogen mixture gas discharge charac- teristics of different configurations are studied. After the analysis, we can acquire the electron temperature and ion density. Then, the effect of inductively coupled discharge on SFCCP and DFCCP can be summarized. In our preliminary investigations, the main results can be given as follows. ICP can make the density of SFCCP increase and the distribution of the electron temper- ature in a radial direction more uniform. In addition, ICP not only can make the ion density of DFCCP increase, but also can improve the radial uniformity. Further experiments may be needed to clarify the mechanism.  相似文献   

The plasma density and electron temperature of a multi-source plasma system composed of several collisional inductively coupled plasma (ICP) cells were measured by a doubleprobe. The discharges of the ICP cells were shown to be independent of each other. Furthermore, the total plasma density at simultaneous multi-cell discharge was observed to be approximately equal to the summation of the plasma density when the cells discharge separately. Based on the linear summation phenomenon, it was shown that a larger area plasma with a uniform density and temperature profile could be constructed with multi-collisional ICP cells.  相似文献   

An investigation was made into polystyrene (PS) grafted onto nanometre silicon carbide (SIC) particles. In our experiment, the grafting polymerization reaction was induced by a radio frequency (RF) inductively coupled plasma (ICP) treatment of the nanometre powder. FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrum) and XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) results reveal that PS is grafted onto the surface of silicon carbide powder. An analysis is presented on the effectiveness of this approach as a function of plasma operating variables including the plasma treating power, treating time, and grafting reaction temperature and time.  相似文献   

The dual cylindrical inductively coupled plasma source, compared to the conventional structure of inductively coupled plasma source, can significantly improve the uniformity of plasma. It has an enhanced potential for application in processes, such as etching and ashing. A uniform plasma can be obtained by allowing the remote plasma from the upper chamber modulate the main plasma generated in the lower chamber. In this study, a fluid model was employed to investigate a dual cylindrical inductively coupled Ar/O2 discharge. The effects of external parameters on electron density, electron temperature, O atomic density, and plasma uniformity in the main chamber were studied, and the reasons were analyzed. The results of this study show that remote power can control the plasma uniformity and increase the plasma density in the main chamber. As the remote power increased, plasma uniformity improved initially and then deteriorated. The main power affected the plasma density at the edge of the main chamber and can modulate the plasma density in the main chamber. The gas pressure affected both the uniformity and density of the plasma. As the gas pressure increased, the plasma uniformity deteriorated, but the free radical density improved.  相似文献   

Ion Density Distribution in an Inductively Coupled Plasma Chamber   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ion density distribution in the reaction chamber was diagnosed by a Langmuir probe. The rules of the ion density distribution were obtained under the pressures of 9 Pa, 13 Pa, 27 Pa and 53 Pa in the reaction chamber, different radio-frequency powers and different positions. The result indicates that the ion density decreases as the pressure increases, and increases as the power decreases. The ion density of axial position z =0 achieves 5.8×1010 on the center of coil under the power of 200 w and pressure of 9 Pa in the reaction chamber.  相似文献   

建立了电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定30%(体积分数,下同)磷酸三丁酯(TBP)/煤油和0.5 mol/L 2-噻吩甲酰三氟丙酮(TTA)/二甲苯中镎的分析方法。样品经异丙醇适当稀释或直接进入ICP-MS分析,在有机进样条件下对仪器和操作参数进行优化和选择,研究了有机相和大量238U在有机基体中引起的基体和质谱干扰,以钍为内标消除基体干扰。研究结果表明:方法的检出限为1×10-8 g/L(3s,n=10);相对标准偏差(sr)为0.8%(n=10)(镎质量浓度为2.02μg/L);加标回收率为95.5%~115%。该法适用于动力堆乏燃料后处理流程以及预处理后0.5 mol/L TTA/二甲苯中镎的分析。  相似文献   

In this work, a two-dimensional hybrid model, which consists of a bulk fluid module, a sheath module and an ion Monte-Carlo module, is developed to investigate the modulation of ion energy and angular distributions at different radial positions in a biased argon inductively coupled plasma. The results indicate that when the bias voltage amplitude increases or the bias frequency decreases, the ion energy peak separation width becomes wider. Besides, the widths of the ion energy peaks at the edge of the substrate are smaller than those at the center due to the lower plasma density there, indicating the nonuniformity of the ion energy distribution function (IEDF) along the radial direction. As the pressure increases from 1 to 10 Pa, the discrepancy of the IEDFs at different radial positions becomes more obvious, i.e. the IEDF at the radial edge is characterized by multiple low energy peaks. When a dual frequency bias source is applied, the IEDF exhibits three or four peaks, and it could be modulated efficiently by the relative phase between the two bias frequencies. The results obtained in this work could help to improve the radial uniformity of the IEDF and thus the etching process.  相似文献   

The characteristics of an innovative configuration of multiple radiofrequency (RF) coils immersed in a large metallic chamber are presented. Water-cooled copper coils were mounted within the slits of double-walled glass tubes, which were immersed into a stainless-steel chamber. The coils were connected in parallel to a gamma-type matching network, powered by an RF generator operating at industrial frequency. Adjustable leads enabled optimisation of the line impedances and thus uniformly distributed RF power across the four coils. Transitions from E- to H-mode and vice versa were measured for all coils at various oxygen pressures between 5 and 25 Pa. A uniform plasma was sustained in H-mode at the absorbed power threshold, which increased monotonously with increasing pressure in the metallic chamber. All coils exhibit the same E- to H-mode transition hysteresis and need the same amount of power for transitioning from E- to H-mode. The setup enables maintaining uniform plasma in virtually any number of coils at high power without the risk of arcing and without the dead volume typical for a classical configuration with coils mounted outside the metallic chamber.  相似文献   

An inductively coupled radio frequency ion source has been developed and its extraction characteristics measured. Beam current density up to 0.11 mA/ cm2 was obtained with argon at a rf discharge power of about 140 W. The dependences of ion beam on the discharge parameters such as rf source power, gas pressure and gas flow rate was studied.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of 10 kW and 110 kW inductively coupled plasma (ICP) wind tunnels were carried out to study physical properties of the flow inside the ICP torch and vacuum chamber with air as tile working gas. Two-dimensional compressible axisymmetric Navier- Stokes (N-S) equations that took into account 11 species and 49 chemical reactions of air, were solved. A heat source model was used to describe the heating phenomenon instead of solving the electromagnetic equations. In the vacuum chamber, a four-temperature model was coupled with N-S equations. Numerical results for tile 10 kW ICP wind tunnel are presented and discussed in detail as a representative case. It was found that the plasma flow in the vacuum chamber tended to be in local thermoehemical equilibrium. To study the influence of operation conditions on the flow field, simulations were carried out for different chamber pressures and/or input powers. The computational results for the above two ICP wind tunnels were compared with corresponding experimental data. The computational and experimental results agree well, therefore the flow fields of ICP wind tunnels can be clearly understood.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional self-consistent kinetic model was developed to study the influence of the various factors on the electron energy distribution function. These factors include gas pressure the driving frequency, the radius and length of the inductively coupled plasma equipment, the amplitude of the radio-frequency coil current, and the number of turns of rf coils. The spatial profiles of the rf electric field and power density have also been calculated under the same parameters. Numerical results show that the electron energy distribution functions are significantly modified and the spatial profiles of the rf electric field and rf power density are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Enhancing plasma uniformity can be achieved by modifying coil and chamber structures in radio frequency inductively coupled plasma (ICP) to meet the demand for large-area and uniformly distributed plasma in industrial manufacturing. This study utilized a two-dimensional self-consistent fluid model to investigate how different coil configurations and chamber aspect ratios affect the radial uniformity of plasma in radio frequency ICP. The findings indicate that optimizing the radial spacing of the coil enhances plasma uniformity but with a reduction in electron density. Furthermore, optimizing the coil within the ICP reactor, using the interior point method in the Interior Point Optimizer significantly enhances plasma uniformity, elevating it from 56% to 96% within the range of the model sizes. Additionally, when the chamber aspect ratio k changes from 2.8 to 4.7, the plasma distribution changes from a center-high to a saddle-shaped distribution. Moreover, the plasma uniformity becomes worse. Finally, adjusting process parameters, such as increasing source power and gas pressure, can enhance plasma uniformity. These findings contribute to optimizing the etching process by improving plasma radial uniformity.  相似文献   

将电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)与电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)联合使用,结合2种仪器的优势,建立仪器分析和数据处理方法。采用建立的联合方法实测了辐照后镍金属制备63Ni β放射源工艺监控样品的63Ni活度浓度,并将所测结果与液体闪烁计数器法(LSC)测量结果进行对比。结果表明,2种方法所测结果的最大偏差为5.1%,测量结果的不确定度为4.4%(k=2),证明该联合测量方法准确可行。   相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasmas (ICPs) are used in spectrochemical analyses. The introduction of the sample by means of an aerosol are widely used. The introduction and the total evaporation of the aerosol is required in order to obtain a good repeatability and reproducibility of analyses. To check whether the vaporization of the aerosol droplets inside the plasma is completed, a solution could be used to compare the experimental results of the emission spectral lines with theoretical results. An accurate calculation code to obtain monatomic spectral lines intensities is therefore required, which is the purpose of the present paper. The mixtures of argon, water and nitric acid are widely used in spectrochemical analyses with ICPs. With these mixtures, we calculate the composition, thermodynamic functions and monatomic spectral lines intensities of the plasma at thermodynamic equilibrium and at atmospheric pressure. To obtain a self sufficient paper and also to allow other researchers to compare their results, all required data and a robust accurate algorithm, which is simple and easy to compute, are given.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to built up plasma based on a nonlinear enhancement phenomenon of plasma density with discharge by multiple internal antennas simultaneously. It turns out that the plasma density under multiple sources is higher than the linear summation of the density under each source. This effect is helpful to reduce the fast exponential decay of plasma density in single internal inductively coupled plasma source and generating a larger-area plasma with multiple internal inductively coupled plasma sources. After a careful study on the balance between the enhancement and the decay of plasma density in experiments, a plasma is built up by four sources, which proves the feasibility of this method. According to the method, more sources and more intensive enhancement effect can be employed to further build up a high-density, large-area plasma for different applications.  相似文献   

The ion line of 434.8 nm and atom line of 419.8 nm of Ar plasma produced by an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) were measured by optical emission spectroscopy and the influences from the working gas pressure, radio-frequency (RF) power and different positions in the discharge chamber on the line intensities were investigated in this study. It was found that the intensity of Ar atom line increased firstly and then saturated with the increase of the pressure. The line intensity of Ar^+, on the other hand, reached a maximum value and then decreased along with the pressure. The intensity of the line in an RF discharge also demonstrated a jumping mode and a hysteresis phenomenon with the RF power. When the RF power increased to 400 W, the discharge jumped from the E-mode to the H-mode where the line intensity of Ar atom demonstrated a sudden increase, while the intensity of Ar^+ ion only changed slightly. If the RF power decreased from a high value, e.g., 1000 W, the discharge would jump from the H-mode back to the E-mode at a power of 300 W. At this time the intensities of Ar and Ar^+ lines would also decrease sharply. It was also noticed in this paper that the intensity of the ion line depended on the detective location in the chamber, namely at the bottom of the chamber the line was more intense than that in the middle of the chamber, but less intense than at the top, which is considered to be related to the capacitance coupling ability of the ICP plasma in different discharge areas.  相似文献   

ICP-MS测量超痕量钚时质谱干扰的消除及水中钚的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了感应耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定超痕量钚时的质谱干扰及干扰元素的去除;建立了环境水样中超痕量钚的测定方法。方法所用的解吸液适于ICP-MS直接进样,并有效地消除铅等元素形成的多原子离子干扰。测量了溶液中的m/z238和2%HNO3空白液中的^239Pu和^242Pu计数率,对测量结果进行校正。方法的本底为20fg,方法对^239Pu的检出限为43fg,测定限为88fg。所分析的水样中,井水中的^239Pu含量低于检出限,地表水中^239Pu的含量高于检出限,湖水和河水中的^239Pu高于测定限,但属于全球沉降引起的本底,不会对公众造成辐射危害。  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulations of thermochemical nonequilibrium in?ductively coupled plasma (ICP) flows inside a 10-kW inductively coupled plasma wind tunnel (ICPWT) were carried out with nitrogen as the working gas. Compressible axisymmetric Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations coupled with magnetic vector potential equations were solved. A four-temperature model including an improved electron-vibration relaxation time was used to model the internal energy exchange between electron and heavy particles. The third-order accuracy elec?tron transport properties (3rd AETP) were applied to the simulations. A hybrid chemical kinetic model was adopted to model the chemical nonequilibrium process. The flow characteristics such as thermal nonequilibrium, inductive discharge, e?ects of Lorentz force were made clear through the present study. It was clarified that the thermal nonequilibrium model played an important role in properly predicting the temperature field. The prediction accuracy can be improved by applying the 3rd AETP to the simulation for this ICPWT.  相似文献   

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