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The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) is a long-term program to improve the economics of geothermal energy by producing supercritical hydrous fluids from drillable depths. Producing supercritical fluids will require the drilling of wells and the sampling of fluids and rocks to depths of 3.5–5 km, and at temperatures of 450–600 °C. The IDDP plans to drill and test a series of such deep boreholes in the Krafla, Nesjavellir and Reykjanes geothermal fields in Iceland. Beneath these three developed high-temperature systems frequent seismic activity continues below 5 km, indicating that, even at supercritical temperatures, the rocks are brittle and therefore likely to be permeable, even where the temperature is assumed to exceed 550–650 °C. Temperature gradients are greater and fluid salinities smaller at Nesjavellir and Krafla than at Reykjanes. However, an active drilling program is underway at Reykjanes to expand the existing generating capacity and the field operator has offered to make available one of a number of 2.5 km deep wells to be the first to be deepened to 5 km by the IDDP. In addition to its potential economic significance, drilling deep at this location, on the landward extension of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is of great interest to the international science community. This paper examines the prospect of producing geothermal fluids from deep wells drilled into a reservoir at supercritical temperatures and pressures. Since fluids drawn from a depth of 4000–5000 m may prove to be chemically hostile, the wellbore and casing must be protected while the fluid properties are being evaluated. This will be achieved by extracting the fluids through a narrow retrievable liner called the “pipe”. Modelling indicates that if the wellhead enthalpy is to exceed that of conventionally produced geothermal steam, the reservoir temperature must be higher than 450 °C. A deep well producing 0.67 m3/s steam (2400 m3/h) from a reservoir with a temperature significantly above 450 °C could, under favourable conditions, yield enough high-enthalpy steam to generate 40–50 MW of electric power. This exceeds by an order of magnitude the power typically obtained from a conventional geothermal well in Iceland. The aim of the IDDP is to determine whether utilization of heat from such an unconventional geothermal resource at supercritical conditions will lead to increased productivity of wells at a competitive cost. If the IDDP is an economic success, this same approach could be applied in other high-temperature volcanic geothermal systems elsewhere, an important step in enhancing the geothermal industry worldwide.  相似文献   

Tokaanu–Waihi geothermal field is situated near the southern end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Neutral chloride thermal waters discharge at Tokaanu and Waihi in the north of the field on flat land between the andesite volcanoes Tihia and Kakaramea and the shore of Lake Taupo, while steam-heated thermal features occur at Hipaua on the northern flanks of Kakaramea. Electrical resistivity surveys have been made over the field using several different measurement techniques. In the north of the field where roads and tracks allow vehicle access, resistivity profiling using Schlumberger arrays with electrode spacings (AB/2) of 500 m and 1000 m show that Tokaanu, Waihi and Hipaua all lie within a continuous region of low apparent resistivity (5–20 Ωm) and are thus part of the same geothermal system. Along the eastern edge of the system there is a sharp transition to apparent resistivities greater than 100 Ωm in the cold surrounding region. Surveys on Lake Taupo using an equatorial bipole-bipole electrode array towed behind boats (spacing equivalent to AB/2=500 m) found that the low resistivity zone extends offshore by about 1 km. The steep, bush-clad, southern part of the field was surveyed with magnetotelluric (MT) resistivity measurements using both naturally occurring signals and the 50 Hz radiation from the power wires as sources. These measurements found low resistivities over the north-eastern slopes and around the summits of Tihia and Kakaramea, indicating thermal activity. However, the measurements were too widely spaced to allow the field boundary to be clearly delineated. Interpretation of the resistivity and other data suggests that the Tokaanu–Waihi thermal waters rise nearly vertically from a source deep beneath the elevated southwestern part of the field to the water table. These waters then flow north to discharge at the surface near Lake Taupo. Neighbouring geothermal systems, which occur at Tongariro about 18 km south of Tokaanu–Waihi, and at Motuoapa about 10 km to the northeast, are separated from the Tokaanu–Waihi field by high resistivity ground. This suggests that the thermal fluids discharging at the three fields do not have a common source, as has been suggested previously.  相似文献   

The surface heat flux distribution resulting from emplaced magma bodies can be used to help characterize the magma source. Closed-form analytical solutions for the conduction heat transfer from various idealized magma geometries (dikes, sills, and spheres) are obtained using either the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation theorem (dikes and sills) or the ‘method of images’ with superposition (spheres). Comparison of these analytically determined heat flux distributions with field data from active geothermal areas at Yellowstone, Avachinsky volcano, Kilauea Iki, and the Coso geothermal area indicates that these fields may be conduction dominant, at least over certain depths. The comparison for Yellowstone implies that a sharp thermal boundary exists at a depth of approximately 1 km; this supports the suggestion by Morgan et al., (1977) that a strong hydrothermal zone exists at about that depth. The comparison for Avachinsky indicates that a spherical magma chamber exists at approximately 4·8 km depth; this is in close agreement with estimates by Fedotov et al., (1976) for a spherical magma chamber at 5 km depth. The comparison for Kilauea Iki indicates that the edge of the buried molten lava lense was 210 – 216 m from the center of the lake in 1975; this result is in good agreement with several independent geophysical measurements.  相似文献   

The Yanaizu-Nishiyama geothermal field, also known as Okuaizu, supports a 65 MWe geothermal power station. It is located in the western part of Fukushima Prefecture, northeast Japan. This field is characterised by rhyolitic volcanism of about 0.3–0.2 Ma that formed Sunagohara volcano. Drillcore geology indicates that volcanism began with a caldera-forming eruption in the center of this field, creating a 2-km-diameter funnel-shaped caldera. Subsequently, a fault-bounded block including this caldera subsided to form a 5-km-wide lake that accumulated lake sediments. Post-caldera volcanism formed lava domes and intrusions within the lake, and deposited ash-flow tuffs in and around the lake. The hydrothermal system of this field is strongly controlled by subvertical faults that have no relation to the volcanism. The principal production zone occurs at a depth of 1.0–2.6 km within fractured Neogene formations along two northwest-trending faults to the southeast of the caldera. These faults also formed fracture zones in the lake sediments, but there was no apparent offset of the sediments. Stratigraphic studies suggest that post-caldera activities of Sunagohara volcano have migrated southeastward to the present high-temperature zone. The source magma of Sunagohara volcano may contribute to the thermal potential of this field.  相似文献   

The Kakkonda plutonic-hydrothermal system has as its heat source the Quaternary Kakkonda granite. The Kakkonda granite has a thick (1.3 km) contact-metamorphic zone, known mainly from the geothermal survey well WD-1a (total depth: 3729 m) drilled by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The Kakkonda granite is a stock several tens of square kilometers in area with an upper contact about 1.5–3 km deep. It is a composite pluton varying from tonalite to granite. The early-stage granitic rocks are slightly metamorphosed to biotite grade by late-stage granitic rocks. K-Ar ages of separated minerals from the granitic rocks in both stages show the same cooling ages of 0.24–0.11 Ma for hornblende, 0.21–0.02 Ma for biotite, and 0.14–0.01 Ma for potassium feldspar. These are the youngest ages for granite in the world. The K-Ar ages become almost zero at 580°C for biotite and potassium feldspar, and at 350°C for illite. The Kakkonda granite intruded into a regional stress field in which the minimum principal stress was ENE–WSW and nearly horizontal. The regional stress field coincides with that of a previously recognized F2 fracture system before 0.4–0.3 Ma. Both stages of the Kakkonda granite and the contact aureole are fractured by recent tectonism, resulting in a zone of hydrothermal convection from about 2.5–3.1 km depth up to the surface. The boundary between the zone of hydrothermal convection and the underlying zone of heat conduction occurs 250–550 m below the upper contact of the Kakkonda granite, and has a temperature of 380–400°C.  相似文献   

This study deals with thermal mining in several geothermal systems in Iceland. A number of 2500- to 3000-m deep drillholes have been drilled into low temperature geothermal areas in the country. The conductive gradient outside active geothermal areas has also been mapped, and shows a systematic variation from lower than 50°C/km in the outer parts of the Tertiary basalts to over 100°C/km on the borders of the volcanic zones (rift zones). The difference between formation temperatures inside geothermal systems and the surrounding conductive gradient can be computed as a function of depth. This difference is termed ΔT in this paper. The ΔT-curves show that the upper parts of the geothermal systems are heated and the lower parts are cooled compared to the undisturbed conductive gradient. In many cases the cooling of the lower part is greater than the heating in the upper part, so that a net thermal mining has occurred. This thermal mining is calculated for several geothermal systems, and the systems are compared. The net thermal mining in the top 3000 m appears to be much greater in formations of Pleistocene and Pliocene age. It gradually decreases to zero for formations older than 6 million years. However, the net thermal mining is critically dependent on the maximum depth of water convection in these systems, which is unknown.  相似文献   

This study, which focuses on the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, is part of the ongoing investigations of the geothermal systems in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Aluto-Langano is a water-dominated gas-rich geothermal field, with a maximum temperature close to 360°C, in the Lakes District region of the Ethiopian Rift Valley. The upflow zone for the system lies along a deep, young NNE trending fault and is characterized by boiling. As a result, the deep upflow zone loses some water as steam and produces a cooler saline shallow aquifer. The high partial pressure of carbon dioxide (about 30 bar in the reservoir) depresses the water table and restricts boiling to deeper levels. The main aquifer for the system is in the Tertiary ignimbrite, which lies below 1400 m. The capacity of the existing wells is close to 7 MWc; the energy potential of the area is estimated to be between 3000 and 6000 MWt yr km−3, or 10–20 MWc km−3 for over 30 years.  相似文献   

As part of the European Community research programme telluric, magnetotelluric and geomagnetic deep sounding measurements were undertaken at 40 sites within the geothermal area of Travale. In the period range of 6–10,000 s the telluric field inside the Travale graben is strongly polarized and directed, independent of the period, about parallel to the graben strike. The lateral variation of the telluric field amplitude is determined mainly by the distribution of the rocks (e.g. the central part of the geothermal anomaly inside the graben is correlated with a horst structure of resistive rocks) and an influence of the geothermal anomaly on the telluric field distribution cannot be observed. The apparent resistivity, as well as the phase curves, are rather similar at all sites within the graben, exhibiting 4–40 ohm · m for periods of 10 s and 50–500 ohm · m for periods of 10,000 s in E-polarization. In the period range of 10–100 s the E- and B-polarization of magnetotelluric measurements can be interpreted by the 2-D effect of the Travale graben, while with increasing period the induced current system becomes more and more 3-D below all sites. This limits the determination of the sedimentary cover thickness (max. 2500 m) by 1-D and 2-D model calculations to periods of less than 100 s.  相似文献   

This paper describes the progress made in developing the geothermal resources at Lahendong, North Sulawesi, Indonesia for utilization in power generation. Exploration of the whole region included a geophysical survey undertaken exclusively by the Volcanological Survey of Indonesia (VSI). A temperature survey at various depths was conducted through gradient boreholes. The results show that the area of anomalous temperature corresponds to the area of low resistivity revealed by the seismic survey. Two shallow exploratory boreholes (300–400 m) drilled by VSI confirmed the existence of the resources. The deep reservoir in Lahendong field extends over an area of 10 km2; the upper parts of the reservoir are presumed to be water dominated (temperatures in excess of 200°C) and to overlie a zone of hot chloride water at an undetermined depth. The potential of Lahendong field is estimated to about 90 MW.In Pelita IV (1984–1989), the fourth 5-year plan, the State Electricity Public Corporation plans to construct a 30 MW geothermal power-plant in the Lahendong field.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration in the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, Ethiopia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hydrothermal mineral assemblages found in eight wells (with a depth range of 1320–2500 m) of the active geothermal field of Aluto-Langano (Ethiopia) indicate a complex evolution of water-rock interaction processes. The zone of upflow is characterized by high temperatures (up to 335°C) and the presence of a propylitic alteration (epidote, calcite, quartz and chlorite, as major phases) coexisting with calcite and clay minerals. The zone of lateral outflow is characterized by mixing of deep and shallow waters and the occurrence of a calcite-clay alteration that overprints a previous propylitic assemblage. Clay minerals have a mushroom-shaped zonal distribution consistent with the present thermal structure of the field. Microprobe analyses have been carried out on chlorite and illite in order to apply several geothermometers. Most of the chlorite is iron-rich chlorite. It is found that the temperatures calculated from the chlorite geothermometer (159–292°C) after Cathelineau and Nieva [Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 91, 235–244 (1985)] are in good agreement with in-hole measured temperatures (155–300°C). In the upflow zone, temperatures calculated from this geothermometer (217–292°C), together with fluid inclusion data of Valori et al. [Eur. J. Mineral. 4, 907–919 (1992)], and computed saturation indices of alteration minerals, indicate thermal stability or slight heating. On the other hand, evidence of a significant cooling process (up to 171°C) in the outflow zone is provided by the comparison between fluid inclusion homogenization temperature (240–326°C) and in-hole temperature (155–250°C). The apparent salinities (0.8–2.3 wt% NaCl eq.) of the fluid inclusions are generally higher than the salinity of the present reservoir fluid (0.29–0.36 wt% NaCl eq.). Clay minerals (illite, smectite, Ill/S mixed layers, vermiculite and chloritic intergrades) generally occur at temperatures consistent with their stability fields.  相似文献   

The Cap Bon region of northeastern Tunisia is part of a young continental margin that presents a thick column of sediments deposited mainly during Cretaceous and Miocene extended tectonic episodes. This sedimentary package is characterised by broad synclines alternating with NE–SW trending anticlines, and is affected by numerous NE–SW, NW–SE and E–W striking faults. Oligo-Miocene sandstones constitute the most important potential reservoir rocks in the region.The distribution of subsurface temperatures in the Cap Bon basin reflects local groundwater circulation patterns and correlates with the location of known oil and gas fields. The results of geothermal studies could therefore prove useful in the search for new hydrocarbon resources in the region. Subsurface temperatures were measured in deep oil exploration and shallow water wells. Local geothermal gradients range from 25 to 35 °C/km, showing higher values in the Korbous and Zennia areas, which correspond to zones of groundwater discharge and convergence in the Oligo-Miocene aquifer system, respectively.Analysis of thermo-hydraulic and geochemical data relative to the thermal springs in the Korbous region along the Mediterranean coast has made a useful contribution to geothermal prospecting for potential deep reservoirs. Positive geothermal gradient anomalies correspond to areas of ascending thermal waters (i.e. discharge areas), whereas negative anomalies indicate areas of infiltrating colder meteoric waters (i.e. recharge areas). The zones of convergence of upward-moving water and groundwater may be associated with petroleum occurrences.  相似文献   

As part of a joint geothermal project between Albania and the Czech Republic, a field expedition was organized to Albania in summer 1993 to measure temperature profiles in selected boreholes and to collect rock samples to determine their thermal conductivity. Fourteen localities were visited and nine detailed temperature-versus-depth profiles were obtained. These results were completed with numerous industrial temperature records from other deep holes. The regional patterns of temperatures at 100 m depth and of characteristic near-surface temperature gradients were constructed, and the effect of the topography on the subsurface temperature field was assessed to calculate a total of 49 heat flow density data. A generally low geothermal gradient exists in all of the country, ranging from 7–11 mK/m in the synclinal belt, 11–13 mK/m in southernmost Albania, to a maximum of 18–20 mK/m in the central part of the Pre-Adriatic Depression. These values correspond to a low heat flow zone of 30 to 45–50 mW/m2 extending from the north and bordering the Adriatic coast. Heat flow generafly increases from west to east, but its distribution in the Inner Albanides is not clear.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic analyses of thermal and nonthermal waters and of gases from springs and fumaroles are used to evaluate the geothermal potential of the Tecuamburro Volcano region, Guatemala. Chemically distinct geothermal surface manifestations generally occur in separate hydrogeologic areas within this 400 km2 region: low-pressure fumaroles with temperatures near local boiling occur at 1470 m elevation in a sulfur mine near the summit of Tecuamburro Volcano; non-boiling acid-sulfate hot springs and mud pots are restricted to the Laguna Ixpaco area, about 5 km NNW of the sulfur mine and 350–400 m lower in elevation; steam-heated and thermal-meteoric waters are found on the flanks of Tecuamburro Volcano and several kilometers to the north in the andesitic highland, where the Infernitos fumarole (97°C at 1180 m) is the primary feature; neutral-chloride hot springs discharge along Rio Los Esclavos, principally near Colmenares at 490 m elevation, about 8–10 km SE of Infernitos. Maximum geothermometer temperatures calculated from Colmenares neutral-chloride spring compositions are 180°C, whereas maximum subsurface temperatures based on Laguna Ixpaco gas compositions are 310°C. An exploration core hole drilled to a depth of 808 m about 0.3 km south of Laguna Ixpaco had a bottom-hole temperature of 238°C but did not produce sufficient fluids to confirm or chemically characterize a geothermal reservoir. Hydrogeochemical data combined with regional geologic interpretations indicate that there are probably two hydrothermal-convection systems, which are separated by a major NW-trending structural boundary, the Ixpaco fault. One system with reservoir temperatures near 300°C lies beneath Tecuamburro Volcano and consists of a large vapor zone that feeds steam to the Laguna Ixpaco area, with underlying hot water that flows laterally to feed a small group of warm, chloriderich springs SE of Tecuamburro Volcano. The other system is located beneath the Infernitos area in the andesitic highland and consists of a lower-temperature (150–190°C) reservoir with a large natural discharge that feeds the Colmenares hot springs.  相似文献   

A detailed aeromagnetic survey of Ascension Island, which was completed in February and March of 1983 as part of an evaluation of the geothermal potential of the island, is described. The aeromagnetic map represents a basic data set useful for the interpretation of subsurface geology. An in situ magnetic susceptibility survey was also carried out to assist in understanding the magnetic properties of Ascension rocks and to aid in the interpretation of the aeromagnetic data. The aeromagnetic survey was interpreted using a three-dimensional numerical modeling program that computes the net magnetic field of a large number of vertically sided prisms. Multiple source bodies of complex geometry were modeled and modified until a general agreement was achieved between the observed data and the computed results. The interpretation indicates northeast- and east-trending elongate bodies of much higher apparent susceptibility than adjacent rocks. The relationship to mapped geologic features such as volcanic vents, dikes and faults suggests that these magnetic sources are zones of increased dike density and of other mafic intrusives emplaced along structures that fed the many volcanic centers. A large magnetic source on the northeastern portion of the island may be the intrusive equivalent of trachyte lavas present at the surface. A low-magnetization area, mainly north and west of Green Mountain, appears to be the most likely area for the presence of a geothermal system at moderate (1–3 km) depth.  相似文献   

Poorly permeable basement rocks commonly occur in geothermal regions around the world, and the Quaternary Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) of New Zealand is no exception. Production from basement terrane requires detailed knowledge of its geological and geophysical parameters, as shown by the history of Kawerau and Ohaaki, the only geothermal fields in the TVZ where Mesozoic Torlesse terrane greywacke (litharenite) basement is commonly penetrated at drilled depths of 1–2.5 km. In both fields the basement is step-faulted down into the TVZ. Although hot and hydrothermally altered, the greywackes have little permeability. Some production wells feed from elusive basement faults at Kawerau, but rarely at Ohaaki. Greywackes at Ohaaki are of “granite-rhyolite” provenance, and have more interbedded argillite than the “andesite-dacite” derived Kawerau greywackes. In consequence, the Kawerau basement may sustain brittle fracture at higher temperatures and depths than the more ductile Ohaaki basement, allowing convective circulation of higher enthalpy fluids into permeable Quaternary aquifers.  相似文献   

Basic qualitative relationships for extensional geothermal systems that include structure, heat input, and permeability distribution have been established using numerical models. Extensional geothermal systems, as described in this paper, rely on deep circulation of groundwater rather than on cooling igneous bodies for heat, and rely on extensional fracture systems to provide permeable upflow paths. A series of steady-state, two-dimensional simulation models is used to evaluate the effect of permeability and structural variations on an idealized, generic Basin and Range geothermal system of the western U.S.Extensional geothermal systems can only exist in a relatively narrow range of basement (bulk) permeability (10−15 m2 to 10−16 m2). Outside of this window, shallow subsurface fault zone temperatures decrease rapidly. Mineral self-sealing does not significantly affect the flow system until the flow path is almost completely sealed off. While topography gives an extra “kick” to convective circulation, it is not a requirement for geothermal system development. Flow from the ranges to the fault dominates the circulation, while secondary flow systems exist on the range front slopes. A permeable fault in one valley can also induce cross-range flow if there are no equally good upflow paths in the adjacent valleys. When bulk permeability is high enough, additional deep circulation cells develop in adjacent valleys, diverting heat and fluid from the fault and consequently reducing temperatures in the fault itself. Qualitative comparison between temperature–depth logs from actual geothermal systems and from the generic models is a significant aid to understanding real-world geothermal fluid flow, and suggests new or better interpretations of existing systems.  相似文献   

The NW - SE trending Cerro Prieto fault zone is part of a major regional lineament that extends into Sonora, Mexico, and has characteristics of both a wrench fault and an oceanic transform fault. The zone includes a number of separate identified faults and apparently penetrates deep into the basement and crustal rocks in the area. The zone serves as a conduit for both large and rapid heat flow. Near well M-103, where the Michoacán fault obliquely intersects a shorter NE - SW trending fault (i.e., the Pátzcuaro fault), large circulation losses during drilling indicate greater permeability and hence increased natural convective fluid flow. Temperature contour maps for the southern portion of the field suggest that a shear fault zone also exists in the vicinity of wells M-48, M-91 and M-101. This shear zone aids in rapidly distributing geothermal fluid away from the Cerro Prieto fault zone, thus enhancing recharge to the western part of the reservoir.We have studied the distribution of lithologies and temperature within the field by comparing data from well cuttings, cores, well logs and geochemical analyses. Across the earliest developed portion of the field, in particular along a 1.25 km NE - SW section from well M-9 to M-10, interesting correlations emerge that indicate a relationship among lithology, microfracturing and temperature distribution. In the upper portion of the reservoir of this section, between 1200 and 1400 m, the percentage of sandstones ranges from 20 to 55. Well logs, calcite isotope maxima, and the Na - K - Ca geothermometer indicate temperatures of 225–275°C. The isothermal high in this vicinity corresponds to the lowest total percentage of sandstones. Scanning electron microphotographs of well cores and cuttings from sandstone and shale units reveal open microfractures, mineral dissolution and mineral precipitation along microfractures and in pores between sand grains. Our working hypothesis is that these sandy shale and siltstone facies are most amenable to increased microfracturing and, in turn, such microfracturing allows for higher temperature fluid to rise to shallower depths in this part of the reservoir.Our ongoing research is aimed at achieving a coherent geological model that provides a basis for estimating reservoir capacity, and that illustrates our understanding of fluid flow along major faults, laterally through fault shear zones, and within predominantly silty and shaley deltaic clastics that have been microfractured.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth soundings have been carried out in the area of the Travale high enthalpy geothermal field (central Tuscany, Italy) in 1980 and 1981 to study the distribution of electrical conductivity in the geothermal anomaly and the crust beneath. Within this project the possible contributions of electromagnetic investigations to geothermal research were to be tested and a geothermal model of the Travale area was to be developed. The time-varying electric and magnetic fields have been recorded in a broad period range from 6–10,000 s, mainly on two profiles, the one parallel, the other perpendicular to the Travale graben. Strong lateral variations of apparent resistivities have been observed. Up to periods of 50–100 s the Travale graben is the dominating 2-D structure, but for longer periods of investigation the three-dimensionality of electrical conductivity structures has to be considered. The apparent resistivities inside the geothermal anomaly are extremely low, reaching not more than 50 ohm · m, even in the lower crust, but they increase to 100–300 ohm · m north of the geothermal field. Total conductance also indicates the geothermal field as a local conductivity anomaly, whereas further to the north the poorly conducting “barrier” has been confirmed. The cause of the high conductivity structures inside the geothermal area is to be seen in a highly fractured basement within this zone, allowing upward movement of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

The Takigami geothermal reservoir is bounded by a system of faults and fractures oriented along two main directions, north to south and east to west. The Noine fault has a large vertical displacement and trends north to south, dividing the subsurface characteristics of resistivity, permeability, temperature and reservoir depth. The Takigami geothermal fluid has a near neutral pH and is of the Na–Cl type, with a chloride content ranging from 400 to 600 ppm. The southwestern part of the area has the highest subsurface temperature, up to 250°C. The deep fluid originates from the southwest, and flow is mainly to the north and partly to the east along faults and fractures, decreasing in temperature with increasing lateral flow.  相似文献   

The basement of the Pannonian (Carpathian) basin is represented by Paleozoic metamorphic and Mesozoic dolomite and limestone formations. The Tertiary basin gradually subsided during the Alpine orogeny down to 6000 m and was filled by elastic sediments with several water horizons.A heat flow of 2.0 to 3.4 μcal/cm2s gives temperature gradients between 45 and 70 °C/km in the basin. At 2000 m depth the virgin rock temperature is between 110 and 150°C. 80 geothermal wells about 2000 m deep have shown the great geothermal potential of the basin.The main hot water reservoir is the Upper Pliocene (Pannonian) sandstone formation. Hot water is produced by wells from the blanket or sheet sand and sandstone, intercalated frequently by siltstone. Between a 100–300 m interval, 3 to 8 permeable layers are exploited resulting in 1–3 m3/min hot water at 80–99°C temperature.Wells at present are overflowing with shut-in pressures of 3–5 atm.The Pannonian basin is a conduction-dominated reservoir. Convection systems are negligible, hot igneous systems do not exist. The assessment of geothermal resources revealed that the content of the water-bearing rocks down to 3000 m amounts to 12,600 × 1018cal. In the Tertiary sediments 10,560 × 1018cal and in the Upper Pannonian, 1938 × 1018cal are stored. In the Upper Pannonian geothermal reservoir, below 1000 m, where the virgin rock temperature is between 70 and 140°C, the stored heat is 768 × 108cal. A 1018 cal is equivalent to the combustion heat of 100 million tons of oil. The amount of recoverable geothermal energy from 768 × 108cal is 7.42 × 1018cal, i.e. about 10,000 MW century, not considering reinjection.At present the Pannonian geothermal reservoir stores the greatest amount of identified heat which can be mobilized and used. Hungary has 496 geothermal wells with a nominal capacity of 428 m3/min, producing 1342 MW heat. 147 wells have an outflow temperature of more than 60°C producing 190 m3/min, that is, 845 MW. In 1974 290 MWyear of geothermal energy was utilized in agriculture, district heating and industry.  相似文献   

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