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消息中间件的性能与系统资源的消耗之间存在着一定的矛盾.一般采用人工配置的方法平衡矛盾,不仅难于配置,而且不能很好地适应系统的动态性.本文提出了一种基于模糊控制理论的自适应框架,可以在消息中间件的性能与其稳定性、可靠性之间作较好的平衡.本框架引入AOP的思想,可以与不同类型的消息中间件集成,具有一定的普适性.  相似文献   

提高产品的可靠性成为企业在今后相当长的时间内生存和发展的必要条件之一.推动可靠性技术的普及与应用必须有相关的专业队伍和机构,本文从五个方面阐述了建设机电产品可靠性与测试技术工程中心的必要性,结合重庆工业自动化仪表研究所的实际情况,从五个方面论述了建立工程中心的可行性.期望通过本文,能推动重庆市建立这样的机构,协助企业有效提高产品的可靠性水平,从而在市场竞争中占据有利的地位.  相似文献   

柯建伟  周嘉农  姚雪峰  汤峰 《测控技术》2004,23(Z1):360-363
描述了TI的C5000系列的DSP的主机接口(HPI)与PC机的并行接口(ECP模式PS/2子模式)进行连接的硬件设计方案,并提出在各种Windows操作系统下对接口进行操作的驱动软件的解决方法.该方案充分利用了DSP的HPI接口的特点,采用了少量的逻辑电路,实现了PC并行接口和DSP的主机接口的双向连接,使PC机能实时读写DSP任意片内存储单元的内容,控制DSP系统的运行.  相似文献   

一曲美妙动听的音乐不仅能陶冶人们的情操,还可以缓解人们压抑的心情,使人们的身心得以放松。音乐不但可以敲开封闭的心灵,缓解忧郁苦闷的心情,甚至还可以做到某些程度的心灵治疗。而一首激情高昂的音乐,不但可以提高人们的凝聚力,还能激发人们奋发向上的精神。  相似文献   

传统的营销方式在网络时代已经不再占有优势,网络时代的营销也不仅仅是做个网站来展示自己的商品,而是通过人性化的服务来进一步推销自己的产品.传统意义上的市场营销,是指个人和群体通过创造并同他人交换产品和价值,以满足需求和欲望的一种社会和管理过程.  相似文献   

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2随着Firefox 3的推出,微软的IE 8的研发工作也在紧锣密鼓的进行着。之前Beta 1版本在标准的支持和兼容性上有了很大的改进,而8月中旬放出的Bela 2除了在Web标准方面做了更多的改进,在功能方面又有了很大的提高。例如在结构上的调整使得IE更加稳定、对WebSlice的支持、自动恢复、Session Cookie等。此外,在性能方面也有很大的提高。  相似文献   

维护国家安全 规制网络舆论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期发生的家乐福、CNN 报道事件,引起了一连串的反应,先是网络上网民的激烈讨论,接着是媒体的报道,之后是蔓延到全国各地的有组织的活动,直至最后政府的表态。这一连串的事件波及国家政治和经济,对社会秩序造成了一定的冲击。在这次事件中,网络舆论再次展示了其强大的力量,通过网络舆论展示了中国人民的巨大凝聚力,有力反击了西方敌对势力的无稽言论。但在看到网络舆论成为维护国家权益的工具的同时,网络舆论中存在的巨大安全隐患也让人担忧。  相似文献   

热敏电阻器的非线性是导致测温准确度下降的主要原因.为解决这一问题,提出了一种实现智能线性化的新方法,它通过少量的样本点的学习,建立与热敏电阻器传输特性相对应的逆函数.通过逆函数,结合查表和插值的算法反演算出测量点的温度.因此,可大幅度地提高测温准确度,一个应用实例验证了本方法的有效性.  相似文献   

巴菲特用信赖建立了一个新的宗教,基本教义就是他从格雷厄姆和费雪身上汲取的价值投资理念。他的想法影响了包括中国在内的全世界的投资者。12年中,巴菲特和中国发生的重要的直接关系,就是他在中国石油上的成功投资。但最终为他带来40亿美元利润的中国石油没能成为他永远不卖出的企业,而这并不妨碍12年间巴菲特在中国赢得无数人的尊重和追随,就如同他在美国和全世界一样。  相似文献   

坤耀  Ella 《电脑》2008,(6)
在中国的汽车音响发展史上,如果说到坤耀恐怕会没有几个人不知道,因为从汽车音响在中国的起步、发展到今天,有太多的人和太多的事和坤耀有着密切的关系。作为中国汽车音响的擎旗手和中国汽车音响行业的黄埔军校,坤耀的每一步发展及动向势必引起行业的关注,而其代理的每一个品牌也自然值得大家期待。作为坤耀公司2008年刚引进的新产品NXS,内置功能强大的DSP远程控制系统,集数字音效处理和功率放大的功能于一声,功能  相似文献   

Abstract Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are now widespread in Australian schools but with variation in how, where, when and how much they are used. Computers may be located in a computer laboratory, distributed throughout the school, or students may use their own laptop computers. IT may be a subject in its own right or ICT may be used across all areas of the curriculum. It is how ICT is used in the school setting that is important in providing students with the skills to be participate in a 'knowledge society'. This paper examines the ways in which information and communication technologies influence teaching and learning in five Australian schools. Data were gathered through observation, interviews and document analysis in schools operating at the elementary and secondary grades in relatively technology rich environments. Each of the schools participated in the Australian component of the Second Information Technology in Education Study – Module 2 (SITES-M2) of innovative pedagogical practices. Several of the studies were of specific projects where ICT was the key enabler of the learning programme. Others focused on an entire school's approach to ICT as an agent for changed approaches to learning.  相似文献   

以全国森林覆盖率最高的福建省为研究对象,利用2000~2017年夏季的MODIS EVI植被指数数据和气象与非气象因子进行协同分析,以揭示近17年福建植被的时空变化及其影响因子。结果表明:研究期内福建的EVI均值整体上升,从2000年的0.454上升至2017年的0.505,17 a间上升了11.2%,表明福建省的植被整体处于变好的状态,且在中部和西南部的变化最明显。相关分析表明,在研究期内,气象因子(气温和降水)对EVI变化的影响不显著,植被的变好主要为非气象因子的作用。EVI的提高主要得益于2003年福建省建设生态省后森林覆盖率的提高,并和2012年开始的水土流失治理有明显关系,这说明人类活动的积极作用对福建植被的变好起到了关键的作用。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the pendulum-like change in the way people read and use text, which was triggered by the introduction of new reading and writing technologies in human history. The paper argues that textual features, which characterized the ancient pre-print writing culture, disappeared with the establishment of the modern-day print culture and has been “revived” in the digital post-modern era. This claim is based on the analysis of four cases which demonstrate this textual-pendulum swing: (1) The swing from concrete iconic-graphic representation of letters and words in the ancient alphabet to abstract phonetic representation of text in modern eras, and from written abstract computer commands “back” to the concrete iconic representation in graphic user interfaces of the digital era; (2) The swing from scroll reading in the pre-print era to page or book reading in the print era and “back” to scroll reading in the digital era; (3) The swing from a low level of authorship in the pre-print era to a strong authorship perception in the print era, and “back” to a low degree of authorship in the digital era; (4) The swing from synchronic representation of text in both visual and audio formats during the pre-print era to a visual representation only in print, and “back” to a synchronic representation in many environments of the digital era. We suggest that the print culture, which is usually considered the natural and preferred textual environment, should be regarded as the exception.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem functioning is a key component of ecological variability requiring special attention in the context of global change. A large history of human use has produced high physiognomic heterogeneity in Mediterranean ecosystems. However, the consequences for ecosystem functioning remain insufficiently understood. We analyzed spectral indicators of matter and energy fluxes in the land surface to classify the functional ecosystem heterogeneity in a Mediterranean region covering different management histories and protection types. We specifically analyzed the spatial variability in seasonal and annual patterns in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), surface temperature (Ts) and albedo from five Landsat ETM images. Then we classified numerically this variability into ecosystem functional types (EFTs) and explored their seasonal dynamics in terms of photosynthetic radiation absorption and evapotranspiration. We identified eight main EFTs with ecologically relevant differences including contrasting dynamics in fPAR seasonality, great variation in incoming radiation reflection and differing evapotranspiration rates, particularly during the water-limitation period. Functional variability in natural vegetation mostly consisted in dissimilar annual rates of NDVI and albedo, whereas differences in seasonality were more evident in transformed areas. Similarly, the spatial distribution of EFTs was partly associated to protection, with two EFTs exclusive of protected areas and comparatively higher functional diversity in humanized areas. Landform effects on water availability in protected areas and human activities under different ecological settings were seemingly responsible for the large functional diversity of the region. We advocate for the explicit incorporation of multifunctional ecosystem heterogeneity in ecosystem management and monitoring designs.  相似文献   

In this case study of forms 7–9 in a Swedish school, the subject conceptions of and teaching practices in art subjects of schoolteachers and pupils are studied, in particular with regard to digital media. How the core content of a subject is conceived is compared to the importance of digital media in the teaching practice. For three years a class was followed whose teachers taught the pupils in both the art subject and in a local optional subject called Media. The method of triangulation involving participant observations, focus talks, interviews and questionnaires was employed in order to study the role of digital media in different subjects and their actual use by pupils. The results show that the school subject paradigm in the subject of art is chiefly connected to image production for developing aesthetic-practical skills. Traditional manual production is encouraged, thereby contributing to the limited use of digital media in the subject of art. Frame factors such as time and material also contribute to the limited use of digital media in the subject of art. Unlike the subject of art, the optional subject of media is conceived of more as a communication subject, and digital technology for image production is encouraged. In general, the use of digital media in the school is mainly guaranteed by the school's media plan. The role of the art subject is not prominent in this plan, but its teachers are active in implementing digital media in other contexts than within the framework of the art subject. In this study the representatives of the subject of art hardly used digital image processing at all in their teaching, but did so to a great extent in the optional subject of media. This made it clear that digital media in the subject of art in this school are not regarded as a prioritised media-specific competence. Offering and being able to provide a larger repertoire of digital media in the teaching of art could contribute to a change of the subject paradigm in a more clearly communicative than aesthetic-practical direction.  相似文献   

生物组织光声成像技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光声成像是一种低功率、非电离的成像方式,既具有声学方法对深层组织成像分辨率高的优点,又具有光学方法在功能成像、分子成像方面具有高对比度的优势。本文回顾了近年来,光声成像技术在生物医学领域的研究进展,介绍了光声成像的基本成像原理。以此为基础,本文介绍了光声成像的两种主要成像方案:光声断层成像和光声显微镜,并且讨论了光声成像在获取生物组织化学成分信息和微结构信息方面的优越性;最后,本文对光声成像技术的优点和应用前景进行了总结。  相似文献   

关联规则挖掘技术研究进展*   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为帮助人们深入研究关联规则挖掘技术,总结了关联规则的分类方法、评价方法以及相关技术的最新进展,特别是对关联规则的主要算法进行了详细的介绍,并探讨未来的发展方向。该研究比较系统全面,对将来进一步深入分析关联规则挖掘技术具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Abstract The term 'desktop publishing' has received much media coverage in recent months in both the commercial and educational press. School-based 'desktop publishing' packages are at the moment poor imitations of full-specification systems. This paper discusses the state of desktop publishing in education today and demonstrates the weaknesses of the systems available for use in the classroom. The skills required for desktop publishing are interrelated in a complex way and cannot be presented in a hierarchical fashion. A model of the functional processes involved is suggested in the paper and analysed in terms of the skills required.  相似文献   

余愚  邓志平 《计算机应用》2007,27(6):1521-1523
系统可靠性与维修性仿真属于离散事件仿真的范畴。针对可靠性与维修性仿真过程中可能涉及大量的随机变量的问题,论述了利用动态数据结构提高仿真运行的效率和扩大仿真解题规模的可能性。并以Turbo C为背景,讨论了动态数组的建立、动态内存的管理以及动态数组的使用方法,给出了动态数组在系统可靠性与维修性仿真中的应用。  相似文献   

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